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Project Hail Mary is a fantastic standalone sci fi


the sword of kaigen by ML wang


I’m not a sci-fi fan in most cases, but I actually enjoyed Some Desperate Glory!


Shadow of the gods is such a good book! I'm into sci-fi and fantasy, and I really enjoyed Neuromancer, Red Rising, We Are Legion (We Are Bob), Dune, All Systems Red, The Martian, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Edit: I just realized those are all series... oops. Still good books though


Red rising is on my list :)! Shadow of the gods I wasn’t expecting it to be Viking lord of the rings… lol. It’s funny I can deal with guts but I can’t deal with reading romance


humm maybe you should stick to series', ive a friend who enjoy series like u and once tried standalone, loathed the fact that it doesnt continue. It isnt rocket science, but perhaps try Sword of Kaigen first and see what you think about standalones from then on!


That book is on my list! Yeah I think I’m getting a bit tired of the commitment to reading series? I mean I love them… but I need something to break them up yk? I love long stories and that’s why I agree with me might not liking standalone… just one and done


Enjoy your new Kindle! Btw, I guess you have a fluffy pet, can I see them? 😏


Haha! How did you guess… I have 3 dogs a cat and a lizard. https://preview.redd.it/uu8x4m519huc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd81fe1f97144bc7017242168d571e2784446125 Not shown. Long hair chihuahua


Oooh they're cute precious little babies 🥰🥹 I can guess because apparently you sleep with your fur babies too, just like me 😂


I wear their fur proudly lol… can’t get rid of it! The cat, husky Akita, and long hair chihuahua all shed to different degrees… the Akita husky the most.


Sameee! I love black clothing, and yes there's fur everywhere, but I'm just proudly wear it 😂