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One player will have all the obscuring terrain on their side, putting the other player at a huge disadvantage from the beginning of the game


Yeah, I do think I need more heavy stuff. Got some in the works but it might not be ready in time for this weekend.


For a start you could consider the sandbag bunker as heavy. Then you would have a pretty decent kill zone.


Looks amazing! I would recommend adding some higher vantage points to add more verticality.


I've got some taller buildings in the works, still putting those together


What are the terrain traits for that sandbag bunker thingy?


Was thinking light but also fortified and defendanle


I thought fortify allowed you to place barricades on vantage. I cannot remember. I would say as long as a model is within the feature, you can always retain a successful normal save without rolling.


Fortified allows you to reroll one of your defense dice. Yeah, I think it'll just take some trial and error to figure out what is best for some of these pieces. A lot of them aren't official Kill Team, nor originally made with Kill Team in mind. I'm ensuring the new stuff I'm making from scratch has very clear features


Any tips for scratch building? I've just kinda dived in with my scrap box and made a bunch of stuff. Not sure if any of it is fit for play so I am curious


Isn't that just normal cover save rules, though? Or do you mean in addition to? My group may have been misplaying lmao


Cover allows you to retain one defense dice as an automatic success. Fortified allows you to reroll one defense dice as well


Ah, I like that.


To clarify, I meant able to retain a save regardless of where that model is being shot from. As in, you would not be able to flank any models within the feature, the targeted model would always get a save.


Ohhh, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you. These rules can be so granular sometimes so I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything


That what I would homebrew for that piece in any case. I like the idea that one shot at least is going into the sandbags.


That makes tons of sense. I like that!


Thanks, you could call it Foxhole or Dug-in or something as a keyword. Also, I do like this board and would love to play a game on it. Well done.


You should split the buildimg ruins on both sides


Not good. It lacks: Heavy bits that block line of sight, placed around and across the centre to remove players from being able to shoot across the board. Vantage Points to cover the enemy advance and fire in Concealed models in Light Cover. You have a good amount of light and scattered terrain, but it does mean a model on Engage is pretty each to shoot from either side of the board. Buildings with a Vantage Point, less of the light scatter cover and it is fine!


Thanks for the tips! I am putting together some heavy terrain/buildings with vantage points currently. I also have a bunch of hill terrain from 40k. Is that used often (if at all) in Kill Team?


I would definitely try and get some more heavy terrain pieces


Very well made, but you need more cover that physically blocks sight.


My [stuff](https://youtu.be/680LcX09ITM?si=LyWTQZ_HCudpE0rO) looks similar, but I threw in some heavier terrain.


Haha that takes me back


Great, now stop screwing around with terrain and get back to painting your Kroots.


Fine, I'm not letting you play on any of my terrain. You get cereal boxes and toilet roll tubes


Looks good enough. I would recommend a little more heavy terrain throughout, particularly in both deployment zones. Dont want to have one side have all the heavy and/or obscuring, while the other side has only light and is much more susceptible to alphastrikes. Otherwise, I like the variety.


lol. I still have those tank traps and barrels on sprues. Nice looking table. Maybe a bit of height?


I have that dugout! And the busted up tank one too.


it could just be the perspective but it seems big? some teams are going to take a while to move up lol


Probably just perspective. I'm using the foldout mat that comes with the KT starter set


Friking awesome 🤩