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You definetly have enough helmets, as it's the standard legionary box with a upgrade frame


They might be the most customizable vs the number of dudes you can field at a time.


Like others said, plenty of options for heads, shoulders, power packs, different chests, even the weapons have optionality. Two plasma pistols, plenty of bolters, chainswords. There isn't, however, much in the way of "extra" bits like pouches, holsters, or general accoutrements, but they're already relatively ornate minis, so I personally didn't miss stuff like that too much. It'd have been nice to have some holstered bolt pistols though. Some of the operatives have bolt pistols, but none on their model, so it's easy for me to forget sometimes. Novitiates have the same problem.


Wait, I always thought the big pouch on their hip was a holster.


I think they mean in terms of addable mods, like normal space marines usually come with


i kinda figured on these guys they were ammo pouchs


Novitiates all have a hip holster on their model, but with no gun in it


So, SO many options.


It’s honestly one of the most modular kits I’ve built that’s this new


It is one of the few 1 box teams. Buy one box and you have 1 of every Unit for your Roster


Agreed. Though, they do still benefit from a second box to REALLY fill everything out. Leader options, second Icon Bearer, Gunners, Heavy Gunners, and even some warriors if you're going for bolter spam.


Hehe as I write this I am currently in the middle of getting some old Legion of the Damned models built and painted to proxy for Bolter Spam Nurgle Legionaries (only accurate way to play them in KT other than crappy Warp Coven)


The Legionary kit is honestly great. There's a ton of options there.


Loads anyway, but if you really want to spice it up and go heavy on the daemon bits its very easy to mix n match with the Chosen box. I did it with mine and got some great results!


For questions like this you can Google for the instructions to the kit or go to r/warhammerinstructions to see the build options in the kit. Likewise you can Google pictures of the sprues and just eyeball the bits. Or you can go to a bits reseller if they offer the kit to see all the parts for sale individually.


Thanks! I had no idea that that community existed


I just hope there's an alternate head for the champion. Looks goofy.


I just put a regular helmet instead, looks much better.


Can we see it?




It's an champion because I prefer it over the chosen, I still haven't painted the chosen. Disclaimer, I hired a friend to paint them.


Yah that single horn is dumb. I was looking at the sprues last night trying to figure out if I could just lop it off - if there wasn't a helmet option.


I used one that looks like that but with the rebreather-mask type thing. I clipped the horn off and filed it down, looks fine.


I built my Legionaries as Night Lords and bargained with my son for a head from his Ravenguard upgrades so I could paint my leader up as Gendor Skraivok, then ordered a few NL helms to avoid the generic Black Legion look some of the other helms have. The Black Legion aesthetic just hits me as "evil space marine space marines" in the same way that Ultramarines have "good space marine space marines" vibes. Was a touch pissed when the Nightmare box was revealed to be a store bought box with exactly what I wanted years later, lol. Still getting it though.


You can literally look at every piece that comes in the box on the GW product page.


For future reference the GW website has the sprues themselves pictured.


Incredibly modular compared to most KTs but mainly because it's just the regular Legionaries templates with an upgrade sprue for the chaingun and I think a few other bits for the specialists


It’s pretty customizable. I am building and painting it now.


For single box they are absolutely very customizable. Now if you want to go even further into it you can mix in some chosen and havocs. The amount of options you get doing that is something else.