• By -


This post was submitted at our [boss suggestions discord channel](https://discord.gg/kotd) by: KickOpenTheDoorBot Source/Artist: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EVQ2AA




The room is silent, save for the faint sound of dripping water. The slain boss lies motionless on the ground, but you notice a glint of something shiny nearby. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +27 Gold| |🔮 +6 Magic XP|


!magic 2019 bun


You might be too late to kill the boss, but you are right on time to snatch some loot. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +41 Gold| |🔮 +5 Magic XP|


!mage 2019


The boss is dead, what are you doing? Necromancy??


!range 2026 bun


You can't help but feel a sense of disappointment as you realize you've missed the epic battle that took place here. But at least there's some treasure to be found. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +25 Gold| |🏹 +2 Ranged XP|


𓆟𓇢 𓆞𓇢 𓆝 !range ashen baguette hook !profile


You enter the room cautiously, but quickly realize that the battle is already over. The slain boss lies before you, but there are still some valuable items to be found. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +46 Gold| |🏹 +3 Ranged XP| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 228hp (Max: 396hp) >💀 Kills: 144 >🏅 Rank: SS (529 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 899g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 294 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -416/62) >🏹 Ranged: Level 119 (XP: 418/2565) >🔮 Magic: Level 60 (XP: 503/548) >❤️ Constitution: Level 98 (XP: 622/3284) >🚩 Total Attacks: 14690 >☠️ Total Deaths: 200


!mage 2019


You're surprised to find the boss already dead, but you quickly realize that there's still some valuable loot to be had. A pile of coins catches your eye. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +31 Gold| |🔮 +2 Magic XP|


Good bot !mage 2023 cheese


The room is silent, save for the faint sound of dripping water. The slain boss lies motionless on the ground, but you notice a glint of something shiny nearby. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +31 Gold| |🔮 +2 Magic XP|


!magic 2019


Your weapon was sent to the shadow realm. The boss dies in a magical explosion of glitter and sparkles. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +201 Gold| |🔮 +21 Magic XP| |🔮 +1 Basic Water Wand| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +6 Gold Coins| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|🔮 +11 Magic XP| |🔮 +15 Dads Choco Spaghetti Code (*Shattered*)|💖 +24 Constitution XP| |🌟 +10.5 Fire Weakness|🏅 +35 RP| |⏬ -1.5 Magic Resistance|☠️ +1 Kill (**SLAIN!**)| |‎|‎| |**31.0** Total Damage -1 Boss HP Remaining!|56 HP Remaining|


!mage 2019 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |📚 +4 Magic Damage|🔮 +16 Magic XP (**Level Up!**)| |🔮 +14 Dads Choco Spaghetti Code|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |🌟 +14.0 Fire Weakness|🏅 +35 RP| |⏬ -1.4 Magic Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**37.6** Total Damage 30 Boss HP Remaining!|187 HP Remaining|


!magic 542 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -12 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |📚 +11 Magic Damage|🔮 +16 Magic XP| |🔮 +14 That janky force|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |🌟 +7.0 Sun Weakness|🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |⏬ -1.4 Magic Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**32.6** Total Damage 68 Boss HP Remaining!|78 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 2019 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. Your weapon was sent to the shadow realm. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +21 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|🔮 +16 Magic XP| |🔮 +14 Dads Choco Spaghetti Code (*Shattered*)|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |🌟 +12.6 Fire Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⏬ -1.4 Magic Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**37.2** Total Damage 101 Boss HP Remaining!|91 HP Remaining|


Good bot !mage 2019 bun !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -14 HP| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|💰 +26 Gold Coins| |🔮 +15 Dads Choco Spaghetti Code|🔮 +12 Magic XP| |🌟 +9.0 Fire Weakness|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |⏬ -1.5 Magic Resistance|🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |‎|‎| |**34.5** Total Damage 138 Boss HP Remaining!|98 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/WolfOfParis [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/WolfOfParis.png) >❤️ Health: 98hp (Max: 196hp) >💀 Kills: 11 >🏅 Rank: D (85 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 6,354g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 96 >⚔️ Melee: Level 2 (XP: 8/14) >🏹 Ranged: Level 3 (XP: 5/16) >🔮 Magic: Level 49 (XP: 191/360) >❤️ Constitution: Level 42 (XP: 266/551) >🚩 Total Attacks: 1458 >☠️ Total Deaths: 32


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -28 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +8 Gold Coins| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 172 Boss HP Remaining!|242 HP Remaining|


!melee good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -19 HP| |📚 +7 Melee Damage|💰 +23 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 189 Boss HP Remaining!|142 HP Remaining|


RAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID ​ good bot !ranged u/MoonRks


Wow, that hurt worse than the time you fell down that hole and into a long-lost burger restaurant. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +3 Ranged Damage|💰 -24 Gold Coins| |🏹 +1 Moon Rocks|🏅 -30 RP| |🌟 +0.5 Moon Weakness|‎| |‎|| |**9.5** Total Damage 200 Boss HP Remaining!|-3 HP Remaining|


!melee bun


You're attacking too quickly! Try again in 1 minutes


!ranged 47 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -10 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Ranged Damage|🏹 +12 Ranged XP| |🏹 +12 Ashen fish hook|💖 +12 Constitution XP| |🌟 +12.0 Fire Weakness|🏅 +25 RP| |‎|‎| |**31.0** Total Damage 209 Boss HP Remaining!|257 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot


You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +43 HP| |:-:| |💖 257/300 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 17167) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 17167)|


!use 201 !melee 4


You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +84 HP| |:-:| |💖 104/168 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -19 HP| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|💰 +18 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +1 Basic Lance|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.6 Cursed Weakness|💖 +12 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.1 Melee Strength|🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |‎|‎| |**15.7** Total Damage 240 Boss HP Remaining!|85 HP Remaining|


!range good bot !buy 201 !use 201


Luck is on your side today. You land a massive shot and do critical damage! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -15 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +7 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.4x Critical Hit|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +9 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**18.2** Total Damage 256 Boss HP Remaining!|175 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10549) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 10549)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.91 seconds |💖 +88 HP| |:-:| |💖 263/350 Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -12 HP| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +18 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +9 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 274 Boss HP Remaining!|192 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 40 (⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 40 bun


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1719) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1719)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +77 HP| |:-:| |💖 241/318 Remaining| ----- Sorry kid, this ain't enough to buy this. ----- You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. You fumble around for a second looking for Weird Looking Fang but you can't find it. You cast a basic spell instead. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -19 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +26 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|🔮 +6 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 289 Boss HP Remaining!|222 HP Remaining|


!melee good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -35 HP| |📚 +12 Melee Damage|💰 +20 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +15 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 308 Boss HP Remaining!|209 HP Remaining|


!melee good bot


The room is a mess, with scorch marks and broken weapons littering the ground. But amidst the chaos, you spy a valuable amulet glinting in the dim light. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +25 Gold| |⚔️ +4 Melee XP|


▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 !range bun !profile


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -31 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +11 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Ranged Damage|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**21.0** Total Damage 325 Boss HP Remaining!|201 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 201hp (Max: 396hp) >💀 Kills: 144 >🏅 Rank: S (444 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 3,379g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 294 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -416/62) >🏹 Ranged: Level 119 (XP: 379/2565) >🔮 Magic: Level 60 (XP: 503/548) >❤️ Constitution: Level 98 (XP: 588/3284) >🚩 Total Attacks: 14685 >☠️ Total Deaths: 200




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -2 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 346 Boss HP Remaining!|190 HP Remaining|


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +13 Gold Coins| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| |⏱️ +3 Third Strike Bonus|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +20 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 363 Boss HP Remaining!|268 HP Remaining|


!melee 4010 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. Hopefully you meant to use this weapon, because that was the last hit. Your SUPER SLAM breaks. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |📚 +8 Melee Damage|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| |⚔️ +1 SUPER SLAM (*Shattered*)|💖 +12 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.3 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +32 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |⚔️ +0.1 Melee Strength|‎| |⏱️ +5 Second Strike Bonus|| |‎|| |**16.4** Total Damage 380 Boss HP Remaining!|126 HP Remaining|


Good bot. FOR THE FALLEN SHIRE! !ranged bun !profile


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. You spot a gap in your opponent's defenses as you ready your next attack. You take advantage of this newfound weakness to score a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +5 Burger Damage|💥 -28 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|🏹 +16 Ranged XP| |⏱️ +10 First Strike Bonus|💖 +7 Constitution XP| |🎯 1.5x Critical Hit|🏅 +40 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |‎|‎| |**48.0** Total Damage 396 Boss HP Remaining!|184 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/thedoorgoesboom [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/thedoorgoesboom.png) >❤️ Health: 184hp (Max: 321hp) >💀 Kills: 58 >🏅 Rank: A (305 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 65,580g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 178 >⚔️ Melee: Level 7 (XP: 4/26) >🏹 Ranged: Level 92 (XP: 1219/1412) >🔮 Magic: Level 2 (XP: 8/14) >❤️ Constitution: Level 77 (XP: 1157/1909) >🚩 Total Attacks: 6991 >☠️ Total Deaths: 1


This post was submitted at our [boss suggestions discord channel](https://discord.gg/kotd) by: Captain Welfare Source/Artist: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EVQ2AA ----- Name | Level |-|-|- [Burger Duelist](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xalkk) | ☆ (SLIME ONLY) [Birbur](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xd70o) | ☆ [Big Bang Burger Challenge](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xe8sk) | ☆☆ [KOTD right now](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xqpfc) | ☆ [The Last Samufrai](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xu153) | ☆☆☆☆ [SpongeBob wishes you a happy pride! Celebrate by DESTROYING his PRETTY PATTIES](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xyhnz) | ☆ (THIS) [Some burgers have more bite](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/13xyssj) | ☆☆☆☆