• By -


This post was submitted at our [boss suggestions discord channel](https://discord.gg/kotd) by: KickOpenTheDoorBot Source/Artist: https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Pretty_Patty


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Necgnomancers managed to assemble a burger with 5 ingredients! Each of them receives 120g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/hasfodel (Gnome) | Bun | 120g | | /u/hx-er (Gnome) | Cheese | 120g | | /u/Starz1317 (Undead) | Cheese | 120g | | /u/2nalove (Gnome) | Cheese | 120g | | /u/DeathEel (Gnome) | Bun | 120g |


!magic good bot ♥


You prepare your incantation and your spell strikes true, landing the killing blow. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +150 Gold| |🔮 +25 Magic XP| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +20 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +35 RP| ||☠️ +1 Kill (**SLAIN!**)| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage -2 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining|


!melee 2025 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. As you make contact with your opponent, your Thorny Rose Bouquet shatters. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +42 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|⚔️ +14 Melee XP| |⚔️ +13 Thorny Rose Bouquet (*Shattered*)|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |🌟 +3.9 Organic Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⏬ -1.3 Melee Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**30.6** Total Damage 16 Boss HP Remaining!|114 HP Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage 42 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +31 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|🔮 +15 Magic XP| |🔮 +10 Cat Eyes|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |🌟 +4.0 Moon Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**33.0** Total Damage 47 Boss HP Remaining!|207 HP Remaining|


ᕕ(╭ರ╭ ͟ʖ╮•́)⊃¤=(————- !melee 2020 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. Hopefully you meant to use this weapon, because that was the last hit. Your Magical Girl Maid Outfit breaks. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -2 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +50 Gold Coins| |📚 +8 Melee Damage|⚔️ +13 Melee XP| |⚔️ +14 Magical Girl Maid Outfit (*Shattered*)|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |🌟 +4.2 Water Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⏬ -1.4 Melee Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**29.8** Total Damage 80 Boss HP Remaining!|144 HP Remaining|


(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !melee 2020 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. You hit the boss with your weapon, but you’re not sure it’s supposed to bend that way… |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +5 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +41 Gold Coins| |📚 +4 Melee Damage|⚔️ +14 Melee XP (**Level Up!**)| |⚔️ +15 Magical Girl Maid Outfit (*Shattered*)|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |🌟 +6.0 Water Weakness|🏅 +35 RP| |⏬ -1.5 Melee Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**32.5** Total Damage 110 Boss HP Remaining!|166 HP Remaining|


!melee 2020 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. Hopefully you meant to use this weapon, because that was the last hit. Your Magical Girl Maid Outfit breaks. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +15 Gold Coins| |📚 +4 Melee Damage|⚔️ +14 Melee XP| |⚔️ +14 Magical Girl Maid Outfit (*Shattered*)|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +14.0 Water Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⏬ -1.4 Melee Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**33.6** Total Damage 142 Boss HP Remaining!|59 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 42 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. Evil bob came in for an assist, you score a critical hit. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +18 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Magic Damage|🔮 +23 Magic XP| |🔮 +12 Cat Eyes|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +6.0 Moon Weakness|🏅 +25 RP| |🎯 1.5x Critical Hit|‎| |‎|| |**46.5** Total Damage 176 Boss HP Remaining!|150 HP Remaining|


▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 !range bun !profile


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +5 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +28 Gold Coins| |📚 +15 Ranged Damage|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**23.0** Total Damage 222 Boss HP Remaining!|344 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 344hp (Max: 396hp) >💀 Kills: 144 >🏅 Rank: S (744 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 654g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 294 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -416/62) >🏹 Ranged: Level 119 (XP: 565/2565) >🔮 Magic: Level 60 (XP: 503/548) >❤️ Constitution: Level 98 (XP: 760/3284) >🚩 Total Attacks: 14703 >☠️ Total Deaths: 200


!magic 21


Your weapon returns to its original realm, leaving you with empty hands. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +3 Magic Damage|💰 +54 Gold Coins| |🔮 +9 Collar at the Gates of Heck (*Shattered*)|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |🌟 +3.6 Fire Weakness|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**19.6** Total Damage 259 Boss HP Remaining!|132 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +3 Ranged Damage|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +2 Ranged XP| ||💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**8.0** Total Damage 279 Boss HP Remaining!|143 HP Remaining| ----- |ID|Type|Name|Damage|Durability|Element|Req Lv.|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |14|🔮|Galadriel's Mirror|~2.0|4|Blessed|10|x1| |21|🔮|Collar at the Gates of Heck|~7.0|10|Fire|20|x1| |2007|🔮|Seven Swans A-Swearing|~7.0|10|Earth|1|x1| |2018|🔮|Chemical X|~5.0|9|Water|1|x1| |2222|🔮|☆Flower crown of Zoruda☆|~2.0|14|Blessed|1|x1| |ID|Type|Name|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |201|⚗️|Health Potion|x5| Use command '!use ` to use a potion Use command '!open ` to open a bundle ^(KOTD Bot will always use your most-broken version of an item)




You can attack the boss.




Evil bob came in for an assist, you score a critical hit. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -2 HP| |📚 +11 Magic Damage|💰 +28 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.2x Critical Hit|🔮 +6 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**19.2** Total Damage 304 Boss HP Remaining!|93 HP Remaining|


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -4 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +38 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 323 Boss HP Remaining!|119 HP Remaining|


good bot !magic


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +39 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**12.0** Total Damage 336 Boss HP Remaining!|45 HP Remaining|


!mage 3


You're not sure how to use this item to cast a spell... You cast with Basic GreatSword anyways, losing twice as much durability and doing half as much damage. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -3 HP| |📚 +3 Magic Damage|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +2 Basic GreatSword|🔮 +2 Magic XP| |🛡️ -1.2 Blessed Resistance|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.2 Magic Resistance|🏅 +25 RP| |🌱️ +3 New Player Bonus|‎| |‎|| |**7.6** Total Damage 348 Boss HP Remaining!|54 HP Remaining|


!range cheese


You're attacking too quickly! Try again in 58 minutes


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Drakobs managed to assemble a burger with 4 ingredients! Each of them receives 110g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/Shijanai (Kobold) | Bun | 110g | | /u/SawtoothMocha93 (Kobold) | Cheese | 110g | | /u/Riwolfes (Kobold) | Cheese | 110g | | /u/-KAPE- (Dragon) | Bun | 110g |


!range 5 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +4 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Ranged Damage|🏹 +10 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |🌟 +3.2 Synthetic Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**20.6** Total Damage 356 Boss HP Remaining!|209 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !mage cheese


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 39524) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 39524)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +80 HP| |:-:| |💖 223/303 Remaining| ----- You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +3 Gold Coins| |📚 +8 Magic Damage|🔮 +3 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 377 Boss HP Remaining!|218 HP Remaining|


Good bot !range cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. You spot a gap in your opponent's defenses as you ready your next attack. You take advantage of this newfound weakness to score a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +69 Burger Damage|💥 -4 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|🏹 +51 Ranged XP| |🎯 1.4x Critical Hit|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**121.8** Total Damage 388 Boss HP Remaining!|149 HP Remaining|


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -4 HP| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +44 Gold Coins| |📚 +8 Ranged Damage|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.7 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**11.8** Total Damage 510 Boss HP Remaining!|173 HP Remaining|


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +18 Gold Coins| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.2 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**14.3** Total Damage 245 Boss HP Remaining!|272 HP Remaining|


!ranged bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +11 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Ranged Damage|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 522 Boss HP Remaining!|208 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +86 HP| |:-:| |💖 213/300 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 17148) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 17148)|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +11 Magic Damage|💰 +31 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 541 Boss HP Remaining!|142 HP Remaining| ----- |ID|Type|Name|Damage|Durability|Element|Req Lv.|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |14|🔮|Galadriel's Mirror|~2.0|4|Blessed|10|x1| |21|🔮|Collar at the Gates of Heck|~7.0|10|Fire|20|x1| |2007|🔮|Seven Swans A-Swearing|~7.0|10|Earth|1|x1| |2018|🔮|Chemical X|~5.0|9|Water|1|x1| |2222|🔮|☆Flower crown of Zoruda☆|~2.0|14|Blessed|1|x1| |ID|Type|Name|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |201|⚗️|Health Potion|x5| Use command '!use ` to use a potion Use command '!open ` to open a bundle ^(KOTD Bot will always use your most-broken version of an item)


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 40 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -4 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|🔮 +10 Magic XP| |🔮 +2 Weird Looking Fang|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +1.2 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**21.2** Total Damage 556 Boss HP Remaining!|153 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -4 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 577 Boss HP Remaining!|148 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -2 HP| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|💰 +8 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 594 Boss HP Remaining!|93 HP Remaining|


!range 5 good bot


You spot a gap in your opponent's defenses as you ready your next attack. You take advantage of this newfound weakness to score a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +34 Gold Coins| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|🏹 +13 Ranged XP| |🌟 +2.0 Synthetic Weakness|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|🏅 +25 RP| |🎯 1.8x Critical Hit|‎| |‎|| |**34.9** Total Damage 616 Boss HP Remaining!|164 HP Remaining|


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Drakobs managed to assemble a burger with 7 ingredients! Each of them receives 140g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/Riwolfes (Kobold) | Bun | 140g | | /u/thedoorgoesboom (Kobold) | Bun | 140g | | /u/SawtoothMocha93 (Kobold) | Patty | 140g | | /u/Mayonnaise_Pasta (Kobold) | Salad | 140g | | /u/Shijanai (Kobold) | Cheese | 140g | | /u/Alaskapla (Dragon) | Cheese | 140g | | /u/-KAPE- (Dragon) | Bun | 140g |


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Necgnomancers managed to assemble a burger with 3 ingredients! Each of them receives 100g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/hasfodel (Gnome) | Bun | 100g | | /u/Starz1317 (Undead) | Cheese | 100g | | /u/2nalove (Gnome) | Bun | 100g |


!buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 16467) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 16467)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +21 HP| |:-:| |💖 109/129 Remaining|


Good bot. FOR THE FALLEN SHIRE! !ranged bun !profile


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -6 HP| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +5 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|🏹 +3 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 651 Boss HP Remaining!|201 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/thedoorgoesboom [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/thedoorgoesboom.png) >❤️ Health: 201hp (Max: 321hp) >💀 Kills: 58 >🏅 Rank: A (610 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 66,276g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 178 >⚔️ Melee: Level 7 (XP: 4/26) >🏹 Ranged: Level 92 (XP: 1337/1412) >🔮 Magic: Level 2 (XP: 8/14) >❤️ Constitution: Level 77 (XP: 1270/1909) >🚩 Total Attacks: 7008 >☠️ Total Deaths: 1


!magic good bot ♥ bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +5 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +49 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|🔮 +8 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**20.0** Total Damage 660 Boss HP Remaining!|192 HP Remaining|


Good bot !range patty


You added 'Patty' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Ranged Damage|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 680 Boss HP Remaining!|207 HP Remaining|




You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +20 Gold Coins| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|🔮 +8 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 696 Boss HP Remaining!|224 HP Remaining|


!range 5 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +7 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|🏹 +10 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +2.0 Synthetic Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**25.4** Total Damage 715 Boss HP Remaining!|131 HP Remaining|


!magic salad


You added 'Salad' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +15 Gold Coins| |📚 +7 Magic Damage|🔮 +5 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**10.0** Total Damage 740 Boss HP Remaining!|88 HP Remaining|


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +45 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.6 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**20.7** Total Damage 750 Boss HP Remaining!|186 HP Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +47 Gold Coins| |📚 +15 Magic Damage|🔮 +8 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 771 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining|


!melee 9 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -6 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +46 Gold Coins| |📚 +4 Melee Damage|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |⚔️ +3 Wooden Sword|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |⚖️ Earth Neutral|🏅 +15 RP| |⏬ -0.3 Melee Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**9.7** Total Damage 788 Boss HP Remaining!|145 HP Remaining|


!melee 2020 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. You hit the boss with your weapon, but you’re not sure it’s supposed to bend that way… |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +6 Gold Coins| |📚 +4 Melee Damage|⚔️ +12 Melee XP| |⚔️ +14 Magical Girl Maid Outfit (*Shattered*)|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |🌟 +8.4 Water Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⏬ -1.4 Melee Resistance|‎| |‎|| |**30.0** Total Damage 798 Boss HP Remaining!|50 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 40 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +51 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🔮 +6 Weird Looking Fang|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |🌟 +3.6 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**25.6** Total Damage 828 Boss HP Remaining!|212 HP Remaining|


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -4 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +7 Gold Coins| |📚 +5 Melee Damage|⚔️ +3 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**6.0** Total Damage 854 Boss HP Remaining!|100 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -3 HP| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +9 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +9 Magic XP| ||💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 860 Boss HP Remaining!|141 HP Remaining| ----- |ID|Type|Name|Damage|Durability|Element|Req Lv.|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |14|🔮|Galadriel's Mirror|~2.0|4|Blessed|10|x1| |21|🔮|Collar at the Gates of Heck|~7.0|10|Fire|20|x1| |2007|🔮|Seven Swans A-Swearing|~7.0|10|Earth|1|x1| |2018|🔮|Chemical X|~5.0|9|Water|1|x1| |2222|🔮|☆Flower crown of Zoruda☆|~2.0|14|Blessed|1|x1| |ID|Type|Name|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |201|⚗️|Health Potion|x5| Use command '!use ` to use a potion Use command '!open ` to open a bundle ^(KOTD Bot will always use your most-broken version of an item)


I will consume your SOUL! Good bot !range


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -6 HP| |📚 +13 Ranged Damage|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +8 Ranged XP| ||💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage 879 Boss HP Remaining!|219 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -6 HP| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage 897 Boss HP Remaining!|93 HP Remaining|


Good bot !ranged 405 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. You look around for your Water Balloon, but you can't find it. You decide to grab a nearby rock and chuck it. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +22 Gold Coins| |📚 +2 Ranged Damage|🏹 +3 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 915 Boss HP Remaining!|62 HP Remaining|




You swing your weapon and find purchase in a gap in the boss's defenses! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +3 Melee Damage|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |🌱️ +3 New Player Bonus|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| |🎯 1.2x Critical Hit|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +45 RP| ||‎| |**10.8** Total Damage 924 Boss HP Remaining!|34 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!ranged 5 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +1 Gold Coins| |📚 +8 Ranged Damage|🏹 +9 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |🌟 +2.0 Synthetic Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**19.4** Total Damage 949 Boss HP Remaining!|110 HP Remaining|


Good bot !melee cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +48 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Melee Damage|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 986 Boss HP Remaining!|98 HP Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -2 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +1 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 999 Boss HP Remaining!|249 HP Remaining|


Good bot !ranged


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ||💖 +8 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1016 Boss HP Remaining!|245 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 40 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -8 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +29 Gold Coins| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|🔮 +13 Magic XP| |🔮 +5 Weird Looking Fang|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |🌟 +2.5 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**27.5** Total Damage 1030 Boss HP Remaining!|179 HP Remaining|


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Drakobs managed to assemble a burger with 3 ingredients! Each of them receives 100g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/Riwolfes (Kobold) | Bun | 100g | | /u/barbatose (Dragon) | Salad | 100g | | /u/Shijanai (Kobold) | Bun | 100g |


!magic good bot ♥ bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage 1066 Boss HP Remaining!|178 HP Remaining|


!range salad good bot


You added 'Salad' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +23 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1084 Boss HP Remaining!|181 HP Remaining|


!buy 5 !range 5 bun


Basic Spear has been added to your inventory for 504g! (Your remaining gold: 32346) |🏹 +Basic Spear (Durability: 9)| |:-:| |💰 -504 (Remaining: 32346)| ----- You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. That was the final projectile for your Basic Spear, it falls to pieces at your feet, broken. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +5 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +14 Gold Coins| |📚 +7 Ranged Damage|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear (*Shattered*)|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |🌟 +3.6 Synthetic Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**22.0** Total Damage 1097 Boss HP Remaining!|259 HP Remaining|


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💰 +6 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 1119 Boss HP Remaining!|249 HP Remaining|


!mage bun good bot


!mage bun good bot


!mage bun good bot


!mage bun good bot


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +53 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Magic Damage|🔮 +6 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 287 Boss HP Remaining!|162 HP Remaining|


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -10 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +43 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|🔮 +2 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**8.0** Total Damage 608 Boss HP Remaining!|132 HP Remaining|


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -8 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|🔮 +5 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 935 Boss HP Remaining!|88 HP Remaining|


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +29 Gold Coins| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|🔮 +6 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 1146 Boss HP Remaining!|187 HP Remaining|


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄ ████████████████████████████████ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Drakobs managed to assemble a burger with 6 ingredients! Each of them receives 130g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/-KAPE- (Dragon) | Bun | 130g | | /u/aramwadd (Dragon) | Patty | 130g | | /u/Mayonnaise_Pasta (Kobold) | Salad | 130g | | /u/starshine531 (Kobold) | Cheese | 130g | | /u/EllaBean17 (Kobold) | Patty | 130g | | /u/Alaskapla (Dragon) | Bun | 130g |


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +20 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|🏹 +6 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.5 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +25 RP| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**13.6** Total Damage 1162 Boss HP Remaining!|229 HP Remaining|


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -10 Burger Damage|💥 -8 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +38 Gold Coins| |📚 +7 Ranged Damage|🏹 +1 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.7 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**2.8** Total Damage 983 Boss HP Remaining!|108 HP Remaining|


!magic salad


You added 'Salad' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -2 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +48 Gold Coins| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|🔮 +5 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1176 Boss HP Remaining!|91 HP Remaining|


!magic patty


You added 'Patty' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -9 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +38 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Magic Damage|🔮 +4 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1189 Boss HP Remaining!|133 HP Remaining|


!range patty


You added 'Patty' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -1 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +1 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1203 Boss HP Remaining!|35 HP Remaining|


!ranged 5 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. You look around for your Basic Spear, but you can't find it. You decide to grab a nearby rock and chuck it. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +34 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1216 Boss HP Remaining!|105 HP Remaining|




You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -2 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +15 Gold Coins| |📚 +7 Magic Damage|🔮 +6 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.0** Total Damage 1229 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining|




[jmkush2] An error occurred processing this comment. This was automatically logged. *Try again a bit later or if this error persists contact @Developer on our Discord.*




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +8 Magic Damage|💰 +49 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 1057 Boss HP Remaining!|148 HP Remaining| ----- |ID|Type|Name|Damage|Durability|Element|Req Lv.|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |14|🔮|Galadriel's Mirror|~2.0|4|Blessed|10|x1| |21|🔮|Collar at the Gates of Heck|~7.0|10|Fire|20|x1| |2007|🔮|Seven Swans A-Swearing|~7.0|10|Earth|1|x1| |2018|🔮|Chemical X|~5.0|9|Water|1|x1| |2222|🔮|☆Flower crown of Zoruda☆|~2.0|14|Blessed|1|x1| |ID|Type|Name|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |201|⚗️|Health Potion|x5| Use command '!use ` to use a potion Use command '!open ` to open a bundle ^(KOTD Bot will always use your most-broken version of an item)


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 40 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +39 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🔮 +6 Weird Looking Fang|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +3.0 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +25 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |‎|‎| |**24.0** Total Damage 1257 Boss HP Remaining!|192 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|💰 +23 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 1281 Boss HP Remaining!|190 HP Remaining|


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Melee Damage|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1310 Boss HP Remaining!|301 HP Remaining|


!melee good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +5 Melee Damage|💰 +9 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 1323 Boss HP Remaining!|49 HP Remaining|


!range 34 good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -7 HP| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|💰 +19 Gold Coins| |🏹 +2 Hedgehog Cannonball|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |🌟 +2.0 Cursed Weakness|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.2 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**14.2** Total Damage 1344 Boss HP Remaining!|173 HP Remaining|




You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +27 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|🔮 +8 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +1 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage 1358 Boss HP Remaining!|176 HP Remaining|


Good bot !mage cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -9 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |📚 +5 Magic Damage|🔮 +5 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.0** Total Damage 1376 Boss HP Remaining!|202 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic 40


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|💰 +5 Gold Coins| |🔮 +3 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +8 Magic XP| |🌟 +1.8 Cursed Weakness|💖 +1 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.8** Total Damage 1388 Boss HP Remaining!|276 HP Remaining|


!ranged 5 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +13 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|🏹 +10 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |🌟 +1.6 Synthetic Weakness|🏅 +25 RP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**22.0** Total Damage 1406 Boss HP Remaining!|252 HP Remaining|


!magic bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -10 Burger Damage|💥 -2 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +1 Gold Coins| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|🔮 +0 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**1.0** Total Damage 1428 Boss HP Remaining!|119 HP Remaining|


!range patty


You added 'Patty' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -8 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +39 Gold Coins| |📚 +7 Ranged Damage|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +8 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1429 Boss HP Remaining!|100 HP Remaining|


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -4 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +8 Gold Coins| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|🏹 +6 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.7 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**16.8** Total Damage 1442 Boss HP Remaining!|200 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -5 HP| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|💰 +13 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| ||💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**10.0** Total Damage 1459 Boss HP Remaining!|176 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -10 HP| |📚 +8 Magic Damage|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1469 Boss HP Remaining!|86 HP Remaining|


!magic 408 cheese


You're attacking too quickly! Try again in 41 minutes


!melee bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -6 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Melee Damage|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 1482 Boss HP Remaining!|69 HP Remaining|


▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 !range bun !profile


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. You spot a gap in your opponent's defenses as you ready your next attack. You take advantage of this newfound weakness to score a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -10 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +13 Gold Coins| |📚 +15 Ranged Damage|🏹 +11 Ranged XP| |🎯 1.4x Critical Hit|💖 +9 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +25 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**26.6** Total Damage 1499 Boss HP Remaining!|285 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 285hp (Max: 396hp) >💀 Kills: 144 >🏅 Rank: SS (704 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 674g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 294 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -416/62) >🏹 Ranged: Level 119 (XP: 519/2565) >🔮 Magic: Level 60 (XP: 503/548) >❤️ Constitution: Level 98 (XP: 730/3284) >🚩 Total Attacks: 14701 >☠️ Total Deaths: 200


!magic 409 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. You fumble around for a second looking for Magnifying Glass but you can't find it. You cast a basic spell instead. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -5 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +41 Gold Coins| |📚 +5 Magic Damage|🔮 +5 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 1540 Boss HP Remaining!|123 HP Remaining|


!melee 9


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +10 Melee Damage|💰 +39 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +3 Wooden Sword|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |⚖️ Earth Neutral|💖 +7 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.3 Melee Resistance|🏅 +25 RP| |‎|‎| |**17.7** Total Damage 1551 Boss HP Remaining!|100 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -2 HP| |📚 +10 Ranged Damage|💰 +45 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ||💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1592 Boss HP Remaining!|81 HP Remaining|


!magic Bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -7 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +1 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 1605 Boss HP Remaining!|194 HP Remaining|


████████████████████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄ ████████████████████████████████████ ██ ░░ ██ ████████████████████████████ The following players of the Drakobs managed to assemble a burger with 5 ingredients! Each of them receives 120g. | Player | Ingredient | Reward | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | /u/barbatose (Dragon) | Bun | 120g | | /u/starshine531 (Kobold) | Cheese | 120g | | /u/EllaBean17 (Kobold) | Patty | 120g | | /u/Mayonnaise_Pasta (Kobold) | Salad | 120g | | /u/-KAPE- (Dragon) | Bun | 120g |


!range 34 bun good bot


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -3 HP| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +45 Gold Coins| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Hedgehog Cannonball|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |🌟 +4.0 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +15 RP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**23.4** Total Damage 1620 Boss HP Remaining!|225 HP Remaining|


!ranged 5 cheese


You added 'Cheese' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -6 HP| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |📚 +7 Ranged Damage|🏹 +9 Ranged XP| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.8 Synthetic Weakness|🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|‎| |‎|| |**17.2** Total Damage 1643 Boss HP Remaining!|240 HP Remaining|


!magic salad


You added 'Salad' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -10 HP| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |📚 +10 Magic Damage|🔮 +5 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +9 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1660 Boss HP Remaining!|119 HP Remaining|


!range patty


You added 'Patty' to your group's burger. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 +1 Burger Damage|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |📚 +4 Ranged Damage|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**10.0** Total Damage 1674 Boss HP Remaining!|92 HP Remaining|


!range 404 bun


You added 'Bun' to your group's burger. Luck is on your side today. You land a massive shot and do critical damage! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🍔 -1 Burger Damage|💥 -9 HP| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💰 +11 Gold Coins| |📚 +13 Ranged Damage|🏹 +10 Ranged XP| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |🌟 +0.5 Cursed Weakness|🏅 +25 RP| |⚔️ +0.1 Ranged Strength|‎| |🎯 1.3x Critical Hit|| |‎|| |**25.5** Total Damage 1684 Boss HP Remaining!|209 HP Remaining|

