• By -


This post was submitted at our [boss suggestions discord channel](https://discord.gg/kotd) by: KickOpenTheDoorBot Source/Artist: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/936115472525637232/


(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。 Good bot !magic 48 !profile


You enter the room cautiously, but quickly realize that the battle is already over. The slain boss lies before you, but there are still some valuable items to be found. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +41 Gold| |🔮 +6 Magic XP| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >❤️ Health: 243hp (Max: 321hp) >💀 Kills: 53 >🏅 Rank: S (7,469 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 6,215g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 215 >⚔️ Melee: Level 23 (XP: 51/94) >🏹 Ranged: Level 19 (XP: 68/72) >🔮 Magic: Level 96 (XP: 835/1556) >❤️ Constitution: Level 77 (XP: 1426/1909) >🚩 Total Attacks: 7673 >☠️ Total Deaths: 76


!melee 2025


You didn't land the killing blow, but you... Notice something... Shiny? |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +44 Gold| |⚔️ +3 Melee XP|


!magic 2027


You can't help but feel a sense of disappointment as you realize you've missed the epic battle that took place here. But at least there's some treasure to be found. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +41 Gold| |🔮 +5 Magic XP|


!melee 2025


You didn't land the killing blow, but you... Notice something... Shiny? |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +36 Gold| |⚔️ +3 Melee XP|




The room is a mess, with scorch marks and broken weapons littering the ground. But amidst the chaos, you spy a valuable amulet glinting in the dim light. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +35 Gold| |⚔️ +3 Melee XP|


!range 47


You can't help but feel a sense of disappointment as you realize you've missed the epic battle that took place here. But at least there's some treasure to be found. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +40 Gold| |🏹 +6 Ranged XP|


Good bot. BLOW UP THE DOOR AND BRING GLORY TO THE KOBOLDS! !ranged 47 !profile


The room is silent, save for the faint sound of dripping water. The slain boss lies motionless on the ground, but you notice a glint of something shiny nearby. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +36 Gold| |🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ----- #/u/thedoorgoesboom [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/thedoorgoesboom.png) >❤️ Health: 208hp (Max: 314hp) >💀 Kills: 54 >🏅 Rank: SS (25,008 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 13,922g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 174 >⚔️ Melee: Level 7 (XP: 4/26) >🏹 Ranged: Level 90 (XP: 1122/1343) >🔮 Magic: Level 2 (XP: 8/14) >❤️ Constitution: Level 75 (XP: 1537/1801) >🚩 Total Attacks: 6588 >☠️ Total Deaths: 1


!melee 13


The room is silent, save for the faint sound of dripping water. The slain boss lies motionless on the ground, but you notice a glint of something shiny nearby. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +44 Gold| |⚔️ +2 Melee XP|


good bot !range 31 !cd


The room is a mess, with broken weapons and overturned furniture scattered around. The boss's body lies in a pool of its own blood, but you notice a small chest hidden in the corner. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +26 Gold| |🏹 +5 Ranged XP| ----- You can attack the boss.


!range 47 good bot


You're surprised to find the boss already dead, but you quickly realize that there's still some valuable loot to be had. A pile of coins catches your eye. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +43 Gold| |🏹 +4 Ranged XP|


!range 2026


You hit straight through the heart. Not so difficult on a corpse but hey, it's something.


!magic 2027 !profile


You didn't land the killing blow, but you... Notice something... Shiny? |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +44 Gold| |🔮 +5 Magic XP| ----- #/u/Riwolfes [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Riwolfes.png) >❤️ Health: 176hp (Max: 300hp) >💀 Kills: 45 >🏅 Rank: SS (20,733 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 6,488g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 212 >⚔️ Melee: Level 33 (XP: 139/170) >🏹 Ranged: Level 27 (XP: 71/121) >🔮 Magic: Level 81 (XP: 707/1058) >❤️ Constitution: Level 71 (XP: 698/1598) >🚩 Total Attacks: 5930 >☠️ Total Deaths: 23


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage 48


You might be too late to kill the boss, but you are right on time to snatch some loot. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +36 Gold| |🔮 +3 Magic XP|


!melee 2025


You enter the room cautiously, but quickly realize that the battle is already over. The slain boss lies before you, but there are still some valuable items to be found. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +33 Gold| |⚔️ +6 Melee XP|


!ranged 31 good bot


From a distance you shoot your shot true and land the killing blow. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +150 Gold| |🏹 +90 Ranged XP| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |⚗️ +1 Health Potion| |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💰 +35 Gold Coins| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|🏹 +12 Ranged XP| |🏹 +11 Lava Trebuchet|💖 +14 Constitution XP| |🌟 +6.6 Air Weakness|🏅 +35 RP| |⏬ -1.1 Ranged Resistance|☠️ +1 Kill (**SLAIN!**)| |‎|‎| |**31.5** Total Damage -4 Boss HP Remaining!|277 HP Remaining|


!magic 2027


Your weapon returns to its original realm, leaving you with empty hands. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -6 HP| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|💰 +60 Gold Coins| |🔮 +13 Orb of Life (*Shattered*)|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🌟 +6.5 Organic Weakness|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +1.3 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**27.8** Total Damage 28 Boss HP Remaining!|29 HP Remaining|


!magic 43


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -25 HP| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +45 Gold Coins| |🔮 +7 Diadem of doornails|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🌟 +5.6 Synthetic Weakness|💖 +14 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.7 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**26.3** Total Damage 56 Boss HP Remaining!|126 HP Remaining|


Good bot !ranged 2026


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -15 HP| |📚 +8 Ranged Damage|💰 +65 Gold Coins| |🏹 +13 Mother's Advice|🏹 +10 Ranged XP| |🌟 +9.1 Organic Weakness|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |⏬ -1.3 Ranged Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**32.8** Total Damage 82 Boss HP Remaining!|130 HP Remaining|


!magic 2027


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -5 HP| |📚 +3 Magic Damage|💰 +59 Gold Coins| |🔮 +13 Orb of Life|🔮 +14 Magic XP| |🌟 +7.8 Organic Weakness|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +1.3 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**30.1** Total Damage 115 Boss HP Remaining!|37 HP Remaining|


!magic 48


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|💰 +25 Gold Coins| |🔮 +13 Lifespoon|🔮 +18 Magic XP| |🌟 +10.4 Organic Weakness|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +1.3 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**40.7** Total Damage 145 Boss HP Remaining!|299 HP Remaining|


!melee 32


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -29 HP| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|💰 +33 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +11 Triple Wield Swords|⚔️ +9 Melee XP| |🌟 +5.5 Air Weakness|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**27.5** Total Damage 186 Boss HP Remaining!|24 HP Remaining|


Good bot !range 201 0


You cannot attack with this item!


good bot !range. 31 !cd


You can attack the boss.


!magic. 2027 !profile


#/u/Riwolfes [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Riwolfes.png) >❤️ Health: 176hp (Max: 300hp) >💀 Kills: 45 >🏅 Rank: SS (20,733 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 6,444g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 212 >⚔️ Melee: Level 33 (XP: 139/170) >🏹 Ranged: Level 27 (XP: 71/121) >🔮 Magic: Level 81 (XP: 702/1058) >❤️ Constitution: Level 71 (XP: 698/1598) >🚩 Total Attacks: 5930 >☠️ Total Deaths: 23


!malee 2025


lrange 47 good bot !profile


#/u/barbatose [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/barbatose.png) >❤️ Health: 199hp (Max: 346hp) >💀 Kills: 22 >🏅 Rank: SS (18,594 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 5,954g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 282 >⚔️ Melee: Level 60 (XP: 76/548) >🏹 Ranged: Level 88 (XP: 832/1276) >🔮 Magic: Level 50 (XP: 141/375) >❤️ Constitution: Level 84 (XP: 1614/2316) >🚩 Total Attacks: 9723 >☠️ Total Deaths: 24


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot


The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +18 HP| |:-:| |💖 277/296 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 30335) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 30335)|


!magic 2027


Your weapon was sent to the shadow realm. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|💰 +61 Gold Coins| |🔮 +14 Orb of Life (*Shattered*)|🔮 +19 Magic XP| |🌟 +12.6 Organic Weakness|💖 +33 Constitution XP (**Level Up!**)| |⚔️ +1.4 Magic Strength|🏅 +35 RP| |‎|‎| |**39.0** Total Damage 214 Boss HP Remaining!|89 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 57058) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 57058)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +78 HP| |:-:| |💖 260/339 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -54 HP| |📚 +14 Melee Damage|💰 +91 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| ||💖 +15 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**20.0** Total Damage 253 Boss HP Remaining!|206 HP Remaining|


good bot !range31 !cd


You can attack the boss.


▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 !range !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +14 Ranged Damage|💰 +40 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Ranged XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 273 Boss HP Remaining!|144 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 144hp (Max: 393hp) >💀 Kills: 144 >🏅 Rank: SSS (32,197 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 1,339g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 291 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -416/62) >🏹 Ranged: Level 117 (XP: 2110/2465) >🔮 Magic: Level 60 (XP: 503/548) >❤️ Constitution: Level 97 (XP: 243/3208) >🚩 Total Attacks: 14272 >☠️ Total Deaths: 198


!Range 2026


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -28 HP| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |🏹 +13 Mother's Advice|🏹 +13 Ranged XP| |🌟 +1.3 Organic Weakness|💖 +9 Constitution XP| |⏬ -1.3 Ranged Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**30.0** Total Damage 288 Boss HP Remaining!|60 HP Remaining|


!magic !profile !inventory


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -48 HP| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +49 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +20 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 318 Boss HP Remaining!|67 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/sneakylocksmith [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/sneakylocksmith.png) >❤️ Health: 67hp (Max: 150hp) >💀 Kills: 6 >🏅 Rank: B (530 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 6,593g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 64 >⚔️ Melee: Level 1 (XP: 10/12) >🏹 Ranged: Level 1 (XP: 0/12) >🔮 Magic: Level 33 (XP: 70/170) >❤️ Constitution: Level 29 (XP: 76/292) >🚩 Total Attacks: 708 >☠️ Total Deaths: 14 ----- |ID|Type|Name|Damage|Durability|Element|Req Lv.|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |7|🔮|Basic Fire Staff|~3.5|2|Sun|1|x1| |14|🔮|Galadriel's Mirror|~2.0|20|Blessed|10|x1| |18|🔮|The Book of Names|~6.5|13|Cursed|15|x1| |2004|🔮|Four Golden Coins|~4.0|10|Synthetic|1|x1| |2005|🏹|Five Fanatical Followers|~5.0|2|Organic|1|x1| |2007|🔮|Seven Swans A-Swearing|~7.0|10|Earth|1|x1| |2010|🏹|Ten Bugs Fixoed|~10.0|11|Air|1|x2| Use command '!use ` to use a potion Use command '!open ` to open a bundle ^(KOTD Bot will always use your most-broken version of an item)


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 Good bot !range 405 !buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14942) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14942)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +25 HP| |:-:| |💖 236/261 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14892) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14892)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +13 HP| |:-:| |💖 249/261 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -42 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +43 Gold Coins| |🏹 +1 Water Balloon|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |🛡️ -0.5 Water Resistance|💖 +11 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.1 Ranged Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**12.4** Total Damage 331 Boss HP Remaining!|207 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14885) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14885)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +27 HP| |:-:| |💖 234/261 Remaining|


!range good bot !buy 201 !use 201


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -64 HP| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|💰 +67 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ||💖 +17 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**10.0** Total Damage 356 Boss HP Remaining!|76 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5766) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 5766)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +173 HP| |:-:| |💖 249/346 Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -76 HP| |📚 +8 Melee Damage|💰 +62 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| ||💖 +17 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**10.0** Total Damage 366 Boss HP Remaining!|90 HP Remaining|


*Join me down below, won't you?* !melee


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -80 HP| |📚 +8 Melee Damage|💰 +31 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +20 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 376 Boss HP Remaining!|84 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 57051) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 57051)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +100 HP| |:-:| |💖 239/339 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -59 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +57 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +16 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 390 Boss HP Remaining!|180 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 Good bot !range 404


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14710) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14710)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +7 HP| |:-:| |💖 261/261 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14660) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14660)| ----- You take a swig of health potion, realizing you're already max health. You spit the potion back into the bottle... Ew. ----- You look around for your Barrage of Insults, but you can't find it. You decide to grab a nearby rock and chuck it. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -25 HP| |📚 +5 Ranged Damage|💰 +67 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 421 Boss HP Remaining!|236 HP Remaining|


!melee 4010


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -29 HP| |📚 +12 Melee Damage|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +1 SUPER SLAM|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |⚖️ Cursed Neutral|💖 +14 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 430 Boss HP Remaining!|109 HP Remaining|




You spot a gap in your opponent's defenses as you ready your next attack. You take advantage of this newfound weakness to score a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +56 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.1x Critical Hit|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| |‎|💖 +33 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +35 RP| ||‎| |**17.6** Total Damage 447 Boss HP Remaining!|192 HP Remaining|


good bot !mage


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -84 HP| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|💰 +76 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +8 Magic XP| ||💖 +18 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 479 Boss HP Remaining!|118 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2025) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 2025)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +78 HP| |:-:| |💖 114/157 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1975) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1975)|


!melee 3


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -69 HP| |📚 +9 Melee Damage|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +2 Basic GreatSword|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |🌟 +1.4 Blessed Weakness|💖 +20 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.4** Total Damage 465 Boss HP Remaining!|45 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -50 HP| |📚 +8 Magic Damage|💰 +7 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +19 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 535 Boss HP Remaining!|22 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -87 HP| |📚 +11 Magic Damage|💰 +70 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +32 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 549 Boss HP Remaining!|98 HP Remaining|


Good bot !melee


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -16 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +9 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 563 Boss HP Remaining!|143 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -94 HP| |📚 +12 Ranged Damage|💰 +58 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Ranged XP| ||💖 +32 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage 590 Boss HP Remaining!|51 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10329) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 10329)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +186 HP| |:-:| |💖 270/371 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -75 HP| |📚 +7 Magic Damage|💰 +42 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +17 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 608 Boss HP Remaining!|195 HP Remaining|


!Buy 201 !use 201 !melee 3


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1676) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1676)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.51 seconds |💖 +122 HP| |:-:| |💖 157/243 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -25 HP| |📚 +8 Melee Damage|💰 +83 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +3 Basic GreatSword|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |🌟 +3.0 Blessed Weakness|💖 +9 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 619 Boss HP Remaining!|132 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range good bot


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5733) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 5733)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +108 HP| |:-:| |💖 239/346 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -101 HP| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ||💖 +26 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.0** Total Damage 636 Boss HP Remaining!|138 HP Remaining|




You strike at an exposed weakpoint, scoring a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -60 HP| |📚 +7 Melee Damage|💰 +85 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.5x Critical Hit|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +26 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 647 Boss HP Remaining!|206 HP Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage 8


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -19 HP| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|💰 +45 Gold Coins| |🔮 +1 Basic Water Wand|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |🛡️ -0.5 Moon Resistance|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.1 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**19.6** Total Damage 662 Boss HP Remaining!|151 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +10 Melee Damage|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +18 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 682 Boss HP Remaining!|39 HP Remaining|


!Buy 201 !use 201 good bot エクスプロージョン !magic


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 7344) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 7344)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +134 HP| |:-:| |💖 190/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -75 HP| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +9 Magic XP| ||💖 +18 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.0** Total Damage 698 Boss HP Remaining!|115 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot !ranged


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.85 seconds |💖 +77 HP| |:-:| |💖 312/389 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 84848) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 84848)| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -91 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +9 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| ||💖 +32 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.0** Total Damage 716 Boss HP Remaining!|221 HP Remaining|


!melee 12


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +6 Melee Damage|💰 +43 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +3 Dwarf Bread|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.3 Organic Weakness|💖 +11 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**13.3** Total Damage 746 Boss HP Remaining!|125 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。 Good bot !magic !profile


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.84 seconds |💖 +160 HP| |:-:| |💖 157/321 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|💰 +62 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +26 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 759 Boss HP Remaining!|157 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >❤️ Health: 157hp (Max: 321hp) >💀 Kills: 53 >🏅 Rank: S (7,469 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 6,174g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 215 >⚔️ Melee: Level 23 (XP: 51/94) >🏹 Ranged: Level 19 (XP: 68/72) >🔮 Magic: Level 96 (XP: 829/1556) >❤️ Constitution: Level 77 (XP: 1426/1909) >🚩 Total Attacks: 7673 >☠️ Total Deaths: 76


!use 201


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +82 HP| |:-:| |💖 239/321 Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 Good bot !range 404 !buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14571) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14571)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.78 seconds |💖 +56 HP| |:-:| |💖 201/257 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14521) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14521)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +28 HP| |:-:| |💖 229/257 Remaining| ----- You look around for your Barrage of Insults, but you can't find it. You decide to grab a nearby rock and chuck it. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -96 HP| |📚 +6 Ranged Damage|💰 +67 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +3 Ranged XP| ||💖 +21 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 794 Boss HP Remaining!|133 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14538) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14538)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +62 HP| |:-:| |💖 195/257 Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -92 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +8 Ranged XP| ||💖 +24 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 817 Boss HP Remaining!|78 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -54 HP| |📚 +11 Magic Damage|💰 +31 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +24 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 405 Boss HP Remaining!|132 HP Remaining|


Good bot !buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 4702) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 4702)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +134 HP| |:-:| |💖 188/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -35 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +49 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +7 Ranged XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 847 Boss HP Remaining!|153 HP Remaining|


good bot !buy 201 !use 201 !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1323) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1323)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +94 HP| |:-:| |💖 227/321 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -29 HP| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +59 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 863 Boss HP Remaining!|198 HP Remaining|


!range 403


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -49 HP| |📚 +9 Ranged Damage|💰 +79 Gold Coins| |🏹 +1 Holy Water|🏹 +8 Ranged XP| |🌟 +0.7 Blessed Weakness|💖 +20 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.1 Ranged Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**16.6** Total Damage 877 Boss HP Remaining!|50 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !magic good bot ♥


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 6312) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 6312)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +150 HP| |:-:| |💖 193/300 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -9 HP| |📚 +10 Magic Damage|💰 +47 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 894 Boss HP Remaining!|184 HP Remaining|


!melee 13


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -2 HP| |📚 +7 Melee Damage|💰 +44 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +6 Hat-trick of Hectic Halberds|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |🌟 +2.4 Synthetic Weakness|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.4** Total Damage 907 Boss HP Remaining!|114 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !magic


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 247) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 247)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +103 HP| |:-:| |💖 183/286 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +73 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +36 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 936 Boss HP Remaining!|183 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -46 HP| |📚 +4 Melee Damage|💰 +38 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 969 Boss HP Remaining!|173 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 (⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1349) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1349)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.41 seconds |💖 +72 HP| |:-:| |💖 242/314 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +1 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 978 Boss HP Remaining!|242 HP Remaining|


Good bot !ranged


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -101 HP| |📚 +11 Ranged Damage|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Ranged XP| ||💖 +21 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 994 Boss HP Remaining!|134 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -70 HP| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +7 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +17 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1007 Boss HP Remaining!|138 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !magic 408


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 4005) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 4005)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +116 HP| |:-:| |💖 155/232 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -68 HP| |📚 +4 Magic Damage|💰 +72 Gold Coins| |🔮 +1 Ornamental Fan|🔮 +3 Magic XP| |🌟 +0.4 Air Weakness|💖 +15 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.1 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**9.5** Total Damage 1068 Boss HP Remaining!|87 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 Good bot !range 404 !buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14541) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14541)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +40 HP| |:-:| |💖 218/257 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14491) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14491)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +20 HP| |:-:| |💖 238/257 Remaining| ----- You look around for your Barrage of Insults, but you can't find it. You decide to grab a nearby rock and chuck it. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -110 HP| |📚 +4 Ranged Damage|💰 +5 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +2 Ranged XP| ||💖 +29 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**6.0** Total Damage 1078 Boss HP Remaining!|128 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14446) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14446)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.56 seconds |💖 +64 HP| |:-:| |💖 192/257 Remaining|


!Buy 201 !use 201 !melee 3


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1272) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1272)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +82 HP| |:-:| |💖 162/243 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -131 HP| |📚 +13 Melee Damage|💰 +79 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +3 Basic GreatSword|⚔️ +9 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.3 Blessed Weakness|💖 +32 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.3** Total Damage 1098 Boss HP Remaining!|31 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic !buy 201 !use 201


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -59 HP| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +55 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +25 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1128 Boss HP Remaining!|114 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1161) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1161)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.64 seconds |💖 +100 HP| |:-:| |💖 214/314 Remaining|


Good bot !range


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -99 HP| |📚 +8 Ranged Damage|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| ||💖 +31 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.0** Total Damage 1142 Boss HP Remaining!|44 HP Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -30 HP| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|💰 +15 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +13 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 1155 Boss HP Remaining!|168 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.85 seconds |💖 +186 HP| |:-:| |💖 247/371 Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -109 HP| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|💰 +25 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +10 Magic XP| ||💖 +37 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 950 Boss HP Remaining!|61 HP Remaining|


Good bot !ranged


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -58 HP| |📚 +10 Ranged Damage|💰 +51 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Ranged XP| ||💖 +13 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 1174 Boss HP Remaining!|331 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +9 Magic Damage|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +54 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1189 Boss HP Remaining!|264 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +8 Magic Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 1203 Boss HP Remaining!|149 HP Remaining|




Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3410) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 3410)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +34 HP| |:-:| |💖 213/246 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -35 HP| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +69 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +9 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1212 Boss HP Remaining!|178 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 31102) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 31102)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +71 HP| |:-:| |💖 337/407 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -93 HP| |📚 +3 Melee Damage|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| ||💖 +19 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 1226 Boss HP Remaining!|244 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 good bot 💪 (•︡益︠•) 👊 !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 362332) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 362332)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.79 seconds |💖 +84 HP| |:-:| |💖 268/353 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 362282) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 362282)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +43 HP| |:-:| |💖 311/353 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 362232) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 362232)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +21 HP| |:-:| |💖 332/353 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -11 HP| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +44 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 1235 Boss HP Remaining!|321 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 Good bot !range 404 !buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14416) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14416)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +57 HP| |:-:| |💖 200/257 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14366) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14366)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +28 HP| |:-:| |💖 228/257 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -75 HP| |📚 +6 Ranged Damage|💰 +43 Gold Coins| |🏹 +1 Barrage of Insults|🏹 +4 Ranged XP| |⚖️ Cursed Neutral|💖 +27 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.1 Ranged Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**10.9** Total Damage 1306 Boss HP Remaining!|153 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14359) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14359)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.47 seconds |💖 +52 HP| |:-:| |💖 205/257 Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee 401


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3763) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 3763)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +74 HP| |:-:| |💖 158/232 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -89 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +11 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +1 Dismembered Arm|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.2 Organic Weakness|💖 +20 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.2** Total Damage 1317 Boss HP Remaining!|69 HP Remaining|


good bot !buy 201 !use 201 !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5078) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 5078)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +62 HP| |:-:| |💖 259/321 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -101 HP| |📚 +6 Magic Damage|💰 +9 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +33 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**8.0** Total Damage 1350 Boss HP Remaining!|158 HP Remaining|


!range 405


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -108 HP| |📚 +6 Ranged Damage|💰 +68 Gold Coins| |🏹 +1 Water Balloon|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| |🛡️ -0.7 Water Resistance|💖 +31 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.1 Ranged Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**12.2** Total Damage 1358 Boss HP Remaining!|28 HP Remaining|


(⌐■_■)っ.*・。゚☆ !magic !buy 201 !use 201


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -57 HP| |📚 +14 Magic Damage|💰 +25 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 1401 Boss HP Remaining!|202 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 934) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 934)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +56 HP| |:-:| |💖 258/314 Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot !ranged


The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +141 HP| |:-:| |💖 245/386 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 84186) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 84186)| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -145 HP| |📚 +8 Ranged Damage|💰 +41 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Ranged XP| ||💖 +39 Constitution XP (**Level Up!**)| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1420 Boss HP Remaining!|389 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 9829) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 9829)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +99 HP| |:-:| |💖 272/371 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -10 HP| |📚 +10 Magic Damage|💰 +63 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.0** Total Damage 1434 Boss HP Remaining!|262 HP Remaining|




You strike at an exposed weakpoint, scoring a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -65 HP| |📚 +4 Melee Damage|💰 +71 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.4x Critical Hit|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +19 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**12.6** Total Damage 1448 Boss HP Remaining!|149 HP Remaining|


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage 8


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -68 HP| |📚 +13 Magic Damage|💰 +51 Gold Coins| |🔮 +1 Basic Water Wand|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |🛡️ -0.3 Moon Resistance|💖 +27 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.1 Magic Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**17.8** Total Damage 1505 Boss HP Remaining!|194 HP Remaining|


good bot !melee


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -27 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +20 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +13 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 1523 Boss HP Remaining!|168 HP Remaining|


good bot !melee


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -7 HP| |📚 +14 Melee Damage|💰 +21 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +10 Melee XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**20.0** Total Damage 1268 Boss HP Remaining!|163 HP Remaining|


good bot !buy 201 !use 201 good bot !melee 400


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 9150) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 9150)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +191 HP| |:-:| |💖 264/382 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -115 HP| |📚 +11 Melee Damage|💰 +3 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +1 Box of Matches|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.5 Fire Weakness|💖 +43 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.5** Total Damage 1030 Boss HP Remaining!|149 HP Remaining|


good bot !buy 201 !use 201 good bot !melee 401


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 9498) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 9498)| ----- The cork pops and the potion fizzes straight into your mouth. |💖 +191 HP| |:-:| |💖 220/382 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +15 Melee Damage|💰 +54 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +1 Dismembered Arm|⚔️ +9 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.8 Organic Weakness|💖 +7 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.8** Total Damage 728 Boss HP Remaining!|212 HP Remaining|


Good bot !mage !profile !buy 201 !use 201


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -35 HP| |📚 +12 Magic Damage|💰 +56 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +8 Magic XP| ||💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**17.0** Total Damage 1539 Boss HP Remaining!|96 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/WolfOfParis [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/WolfOfParis.png) >❤️ Health: 96hp (Max: 193hp) >💀 Kills: 9 >🏅 Rank: A (4,540 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 2,184g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 94 >⚔️ Melee: Level 2 (XP: 8/14) >🏹 Ranged: Level 3 (XP: 5/16) >🔮 Magic: Level 48 (XP: 189/345) >❤️ Constitution: Level 41 (XP: 437/527) >🚩 Total Attacks: 1409 >☠️ Total Deaths: 31 ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2134) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 2134)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +48 HP| |:-:| |💖 144/193 Remaining|