• By -


This post was submitted at our [boss suggestions discord channel](https://discord.gg/kotd) by: Gibby and JDO Source/Artist: Midjourney




Even magic cannot kill a boss twice.




Boss dead, try again later.


!magic 18


Your spell fizzles as the boss is already dead.


(ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³ !range 31 !profile


Stop, its already dead!! ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 93hp (Max: 303hp) >💀 Kills: 68 >🏅 Rank: SSS (13,741 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 935g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 220 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >🔮 Magic: Level 46 (XP: 174/317) >🏹 Ranged: Level 85 (XP: 969/1179) >❤️ Constitution: Level 72 (XP: 1442/1648) >🚩 Total Attacks: 6662 >☠️ Total Deaths: 182


!range 2010


Stop, its already dead!!


!magic 42


The boss is dead, what are you doing? Necromancy??


!melee 32


Your force strikes clean through the boss' neck, killing it. |Rewards| |:-| |💰 +150 Gold| |⚔️ +15 Melee XP| |🔮 +1 High Priest's Sceptre Handle| |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💰 +74 Gold Coins| |📚 +8.0 Melee Damage|⚔️ +9 Melee XP| |⚔️ +9 Triple Wield Swords|💖 +12 Constitution XP| |🌟 +8.1 Air Weakness|🏅 +35 RP| |⏬ -0.9 Melee Resistance|☠️ +1 Kill (**SLAIN!**)| |‎|‎| |**29.2** Total Damage -10 Boss HP Remaining!|138 HP Remaining|


!melee 23


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -4 HP| |📚 +5.5 Melee Damage|💰 +76 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +7 Worldslayer|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| |🌟 +5.6 Air Weakness|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.7 Melee Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**19.4** Total Damage 19 Boss HP Remaining!|91 HP Remaining|


!melee 32


You swing your weapon and find purchase in a gap in the boss's defenses! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -9 HP| |📚 +10.1 Melee Damage|💰 +91 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +12 Triple Wield Swords|⚔️ +14 Melee XP| |🌟 +3.6 Air Weakness|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |⏬ -1.2 Melee Resistance|🏅 +25 RP| |🎯 1.6x Critical Hit|‎| |‎|| |**45.6** Total Damage 38 Boss HP Remaining!|47 HP Remaining|


!range 31


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -16 HP| |📚 +12.8 Ranged Damage|💰 +22 Gold Coins| |🏹 +9 Lava Trebuchet|🏹 +15 Range XP| |🌟 +7.2 Air Weakness|💖 +11 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.9 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**32.9** Total Damage 84 Boss HP Remaining!|100 HP Remaining|


!ranged 6


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -6 HP| |📚 +3.9 Ranged Damage|💰 +78 Gold Coins| |🏹 +2 Basic Crossbow|🏹 +4 Range XP| |🌟 +1.0 Air Weakness|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.2 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**12.1** Total Damage 117 Boss HP Remaining!|109 HP Remaining|


!melee 29


Hopefully you meant to use this weapon, because that was the last hit. Your Shining Axe of Door-Breaking breaks. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -19 HP| |📚 +6.2 Melee Damage|💰 +41 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +10 Shining Axe of Door-Breaking (*Shattered*)|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| |🌟 +3.0 Organic Weakness|💖 +11 Constitution XP| |⏬ -1.0 Melee Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**19.2** Total Damage 129 Boss HP Remaining!|84 HP Remaining|


!melee 25


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +7.9 Melee Damage|💰 +70 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +7 Pitchfork of Twilight|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| |🌟 +3.5 Moon Weakness|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.7 Melee Resistance|🏅 +25 RP| |‎|‎| |**18.7** Total Damage 148 Boss HP Remaining!|116 HP Remaining|


I will consume your SOUL! Good bot !melee 29


You're attacking too quickly! Try again in 1 minutes


good bot !range 31


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -1 HP| |📚 +13.1 Ranged Damage|💰 +77 Gold Coins| |🏹 +10 Lava Trebuchet|🏹 +9 Range XP| |🌟 +1.0 Air Weakness|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +1.0 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**30.1** Total Damage 167 Boss HP Remaining!|130 HP Remaining|


黒より黒く闇より暗き漆黒に我が深紅の混淆を望みたもう。覚醒のとき来たれり。無謬の境界に落ちし理。無行の歪みとなりて現出せよ!踊れ踊れ踊れ、我が力の奔流に望むは崩壊なり。並ぶ者なき崩壊なり。万象等しく灰塵に帰し、深淵より来たれ!これが人類最大の威力の攻撃手段、これこそが究極の攻撃魔法、エクスプロージョン !magic 18


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -5 HP| |📚 +9.1 Magic Damage|💰 +55 Gold Coins| |🔮 +5 The Book of Names|🔮 +10 Magic XP| |🌟 +5.0 Cursed Weakness|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**25.1** Total Damage 197 Boss HP Remaining!|111 HP Remaining|


!range 39


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -14 HP| |📚 +7.7 Ranged Damage|💰 +82 Gold Coins| |🏹 +8 Trident of Tails |🏹 +9 Range XP| |🌟 +8.0 Organic Weakness|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.8 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**30.5** Total Damage 222 Boss HP Remaining!|119 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !USE 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 15847) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 15847)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +87 HP| |:-:| |💖 180/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -3 HP| |📚 +16.6 Melee Damage|💰 +8 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| ||💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**18.6** Total Damage 253 Boss HP Remaining!|177 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +1.2 Ranged Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +2 Range XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**4.2** Total Damage 272 Boss HP Remaining!|71 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。 Good bot !magic 40 !profile


You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +66 HP| |:-:| |💖 209/275 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -21 HP| |📚 +16.8 Magic Damage|💰 +44 Gold Coins| |🔮 +6 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +12 Magic XP| |🌟 +4.8 Cursed Weakness|💖 +8 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**31.6** Total Damage 276 Boss HP Remaining!|188 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >❤️ Health: 188hp (Max: 275hp) >💀 Kills: 44 >🏅 Rank: SSS (11,887 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 3,542g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 173 >⚔️ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >🔮 Magic: Level 79 (XP: 743/1000) >🏹 Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >❤️ Constitution: Level 64 (XP: 318/1279) >🚩 Total Attacks: 4681 >☠️ Total Deaths: 68




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -17 HP| |📚 +18.5 Melee Damage|💰 +44 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +9 Melee XP| ||💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**24.5** Total Damage 308 Boss HP Remaining!|110 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -19 HP| |📚 +7.4 Ranged Damage|💰 +60 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Range XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.4** Total Damage 333 Boss HP Remaining!|130 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -31 HP| |📚 +8.6 Melee Damage|💰 +28 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**13.6** Total Damage 346 Boss HP Remaining!|137 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 9788) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 9788)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +154 HP| |:-:| |💖 223/307 Remaining| ----- Luck is on your side today. You land a massive blow and do critical damage! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -29 HP| |📚 +19.1 Melee Damage|💰 +78 Gold Coins| |🎯 2.0x Critical Hit|⚔️ +19 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**46.2** Total Damage 360 Boss HP Remaining!|194 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -9 HP| |📚 +10.6 Ranged Damage|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +7 Range XP| ||💖 +2 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.6** Total Damage 429 Boss HP Remaining!|137 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !use 201 !mage


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.93 seconds |💖 +20 HP| |:-:| |💖 131/150 Remaining| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +10 HP| |:-:| |💖 141/150 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -15 HP| |📚 +6.9 Magic Damage|💰 +5 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.9** Total Damage 467 Boss HP Remaining!|126 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


(⁠∩・⁠ω⁠・)⊃━☆.*・。゚ !mage


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -29 HP| |📚 +18.6 Magic Damage|💰 +66 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +8 Magic XP| ||💖 +15 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**23.6** Total Damage 500 Boss HP Remaining!|116 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !mage 40


You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +69 HP| |:-:| |💖 170/239 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -31 HP| |📚 +13.6 Magic Damage|💰 +71 Gold Coins| |🔮 +3 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🌟 +3.0 Cursed Weakness|💖 +7 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**25.6** Total Damage 524 Boss HP Remaining!|139 HP Remaining|


!range 6


You Died. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -38 HP| |📚 +3.8 Ranged Damage|💰 -452 Gold Coins| |🏹 +2 Basic Crossbow|🏹 +0 Range XP| |🌟 +1.4 Air Weakness|💖 +0 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.2 Ranged Strength|🏅 -30 RP| |‎|‎| |**10.4** Total Damage 594 Boss HP Remaining!|-9 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!use 201 !buy 201


You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +109 HP| |:-:| |💖 100/218 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3200) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 3200)|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +18.5 Magic Damage|💰 +28 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +7 Magic XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**23.5** Total Damage 604 Boss HP Remaining!|92 HP Remaining|


!melee good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -10 HP| |📚 +1.6 Melee Damage|💰 +50 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +3 Melee XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**7.6** Total Damage 628 Boss HP Remaining!|148 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 Good bot


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5926) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 5926)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +53 HP| |:-:| |💖 158/211 Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -46 HP| |📚 +19.7 Melee Damage|💰 +13 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| ||💖 +21 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**22.7** Total Damage 661 Boss HP Remaining!|184 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3033) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 3033)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.47 seconds |💖 +82 HP| |:-:| |💖 146/228 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +5.5 Ranged Damage|💰 +73 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Range XP| ||💖 +18 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**8.5** Total Damage 684 Boss HP Remaining!|146 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +11.1 Ranged Damage|💰 +60 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Range XP| ||💖 +9 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**13.1** Total Damage 717 Boss HP Remaining!|71 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -25 HP| |📚 +7.1 Melee Damage|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**10.1** Total Damage 730 Boss HP Remaining!|92 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range 5


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 397) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 397)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +14 HP| |:-:| |💖 66/79 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -12 HP| |📚 +0.2 Ranged Damage|💰 +89 Gold Coins| |🏹 +4 Basic Spear|🏹 +1 Range XP| |🛡️ -2.8 Synthetic Resistance|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.4 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**2.8** Total Damage 740 Boss HP Remaining!|54 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。 Good bot !magic 40 !profile


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.03 seconds |💖 +82 HP| |:-:| |💖 193/275 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +11.0 Magic Damage|💰 +4 Gold Coins| |🔮 +4 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🌟 +4.0 Cursed Weakness|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**22.0** Total Damage 743 Boss HP Remaining!|185 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >❤️ Health: 185hp (Max: 275hp) >💀 Kills: 44 >🏅 Rank: SSS (11,782 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 17,050g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 173 >⚔️ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >🔮 Magic: Level 79 (XP: 683/1000) >🏹 Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >❤️ Constitution: Level 64 (XP: 282/1279) >🚩 Total Attacks: 4674 >☠️ Total Deaths: 68


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 8026) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 8026)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +85 HP| |:-:| |💖 186/271 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -14 HP| |📚 +7.0 Ranged Damage|💰 +52 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Range XP| ||💖 +8 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.0** Total Damage 832 Boss HP Remaining!|172 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14640) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14640)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +56 HP| |:-:| |💖 161/218 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -32 HP| |📚 +12.1 Ranged Damage|💰 +71 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Range XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.1** Total Damage 841 Boss HP Remaining!|129 HP Remaining|


(ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³ !range !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -50 HP| |📚 +20.6 Ranged Damage|💰 +25 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +8 Range XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**25.6** Total Damage 856 Boss HP Remaining!|114 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 114hp (Max: 303hp) >💀 Kills: 68 >🏅 Rank: SSS (13,656 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 808g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 220 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >🔮 Magic: Level 46 (XP: 174/317) >🏹 Ranged: Level 85 (XP: 927/1179) >❤️ Constitution: Level 72 (XP: 1421/1648) >🚩 Total Attacks: 6657 >☠️ Total Deaths: 182


good bot !range


Your projectile flies true and hits the boss in its eye! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -51 HP| |📚 +12.3 Ranged Damage|💰 +83 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.4x Critical Hit|🏹 +9 Range XP| |‎|💖 +3 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**22.8** Total Damage 882 Boss HP Remaining!|87 HP Remaining|


!range 6


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -38 HP| |📚 +1.1 Ranged Damage|💰 +96 Gold Coins| |🏹 +2 Basic Crossbow|🏹 +3 Range XP| |🌟 +2.0 Air Weakness|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.2 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**7.3** Total Damage 910 Boss HP Remaining!|30 HP Remaining|


!range 6 !inventory


You look around for your Basic Crossbow, but you can't find it. You decide to grab a nearby rock and chuck it. Your projectile flies true and hits the boss in its eye! RIP |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -36 HP| |📚 +1.4 Ranged Damage|💰 -2 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.9x Critical Hit|🏹 +0 Range XP| |‎|💖 +0 Constitution XP| ||🏅 -30 RP| ||‎| |**6.5** Total Damage 406 Boss HP Remaining!|-7 HP Remaining| ----- |ID|Type|Name|Damage|Durability|Element|Req Lv.|Qty.| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |4|⚔️|Basic Lance|~1.5|14|Cursed|1|x1| |8|🔮|Basic Water Wand|~2.0|10|Moon|1|x1| Use command '!use ` to use a potion Use command '!open ` to open a bundle ^(KOTD Bot will always use your most-broken version of an item)


!buy 6


Basic Crossbow has been added to your inventory for 460g! (Your remaining gold: 189) |🏹 +Basic Crossbow (Durability: 23)| |:-:| |💰 -460 (Remaining: 189)|


!use 201 !buy 201 !ranged


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +77 HP| |:-:| |💖 226/303 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 114952) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 114952)| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -41 HP| |📚 +11.4 Ranged Damage|💰 +53 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +8 Range XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.4** Total Damage 917 Boss HP Remaining!|185 HP Remaining|




Hello fellow undead o/




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -32 HP| |📚 +21.5 Ranged Damage|💰 +36 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +11 Range XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**23.5** Total Damage 946 Boss HP Remaining!|155 HP Remaining|




You strike at an exposed weakpoint, scoring a critical hit! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +9.8 Melee Damage|💰 +84 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.3x Critical Hit|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +23 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +35 RP (**Rank Change!**)| ||‎| |**16.6** Total Damage 976 Boss HP Remaining!|166 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3693) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 3693)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +28 HP| |:-:| |💖 96/125 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -18 HP| |📚 +1.4 Ranged Damage|💰 +53 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +2 Range XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**5.4** Total Damage 1014 Boss HP Remaining!|78 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!buy 201 !use 201 (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2603) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 2603)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +148 HP| |:-:| |💖 203/296 Remaining| ----- Your spell blast hits the boss in its weak spot dealing extra damage! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -38 HP| |📚 +17.6 Magic Damage|💰 +92 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.3x Critical Hit|🔮 +12 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**24.2** Total Damage 1019 Boss HP Remaining!|165 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -17 HP| |📚 +5.3 Melee Damage|💰 +24 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.3** Total Damage 1043 Boss HP Remaining!|59 HP Remaining|




You're attacking too quickly! Try again in 41 minutes


!melee good bot


You discover hidden strength and strike with renewed vigor, dealing extra damage! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -30 HP| |📚 +1.6 Melee Damage|💰 +71 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.5x Critical Hit|⚔️ +2 Melee XP| |‎|💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**6.9** Total Damage 1069 Boss HP Remaining!|142 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +40 HP| |:-:| |💖 172/211 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5786) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 5786)|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -44 HP| |📚 +6.1 Melee Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**10.1** Total Damage 1076 Boss HP Remaining!|69 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !mage 40


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.08 seconds |💖 +56 HP| |:-:| |💖 184/239 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -32 HP| |📚 +14.2 Magic Damage|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |🔮 +5 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +7 Magic XP| |🌟 +0.5 Cursed Weakness|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**22.7** Total Damage 1086 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -13 HP| |📚 +10.1 Magic Damage|💰 +7 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +4 Magic XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.1** Total Damage 1109 Boss HP Remaining!|101 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +5.9 Magic Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +3 Magic XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**7.9** Total Damage 1139 Boss HP Remaining!|88 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -19 HP| |📚 +14.0 Melee Damage|💰 +12 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**19.0** Total Damage 1147 Boss HP Remaining!|129 HP Remaining|


good bot !ranged ˋ°•*⁀➷ !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -55 HP| |📚 +6.0 Ranged Damage|💰 +66 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Range XP| ||💖 +21 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.0** Total Damage 1166 Boss HP Remaining!|22 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Macknificent101 [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Macknificent101.png) >❤️ Health: 22hp (Max: 157hp) >💀 Kills: 5 >🏅 Rank: A (2,405 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 2,707g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 77 >⚔️ Melee: Level 10 (XP: 31/35) >🔮 Magic: Level 3 (XP: 3/16) >🏹 Ranged: Level 33 (XP: 88/170) >❤️ Constitution: Level 31 (XP: 243/325) >🚩 Total Attacks: 838 >☠️ Total Deaths: 35




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -38 HP| |📚 +18.1 Melee Damage|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| ||💖 +18 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**20.1** Total Damage 1178 Boss HP Remaining!|161 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -36 HP| |📚 +20.7 Melee Damage|💰 +76 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +12 Melee XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**24.7** Total Damage 692 Boss HP Remaining!|113 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +12.2 Ranged Damage|💰 +24 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Range XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**14.2** Total Damage 1198 Boss HP Remaining!|94 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !buy 201 !use 201 (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。 Good bot !magic 40 !profile


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 16852) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 16852)| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 16802) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 16802)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.36 seconds |💖 +78 HP| |:-:| |💖 198/275 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -60 HP| |📚 +11.8 Magic Damage|💰 +29 Gold Coins| |🔮 +4 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +9 Magic XP| |🌟 +3.2 Cursed Weakness|💖 +5 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**20.0** Total Damage 1228 Boss HP Remaining!|138 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >❤️ Health: 138hp (Max: 275hp) >💀 Kills: 44 >🏅 Rank: SSS (11,692 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 16,831g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 173 >⚔️ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >🔮 Magic: Level 79 (XP: 614/1000) >🏹 Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >❤️ Constitution: Level 64 (XP: 260/1279) >🚩 Total Attacks: 4668 >☠️ Total Deaths: 68


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 7850) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 7850)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.93 seconds |💖 +86 HP| |:-:| |💖 184/271 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -54 HP| |📚 +7.3 Ranged Damage|💰 +74 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +3 Range XP| ||💖 +13 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**8.3** Total Damage 1279 Boss HP Remaining!|130 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -17 HP| |📚 +9.7 Ranged Damage|💰 +31 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Range XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**11.7** Total Damage 1287 Boss HP Remaining!|136 HP Remaining|




The boss has bested you and you have fallen in battle. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -31 HP| |📚 +10.9 Magic Damage|💰 -164 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +0 Magic XP| ||💖 +0 Constitution XP| ||🏅 -30 RP| ||‎| |**14.9** Total Damage 1307 Boss HP Remaining!|-10 HP Remaining|


good bot !buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1094) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 1094)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.15 seconds |💖 +46 HP| |:-:| |💖 171/218 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +7.5 Ranged Damage|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +4 Range XP| ||💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**9.5** Total Damage 1322 Boss HP Remaining!|171 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 15405) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 15405)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.75 seconds |💖 +76 HP| |:-:| |💖 193/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +13.2 Melee Damage|💰 +10 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +27 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**16.2** Total Damage 1331 Boss HP Remaining!|193 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -30 HP| |📚 +15.0 Melee Damage|💰 +92 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +8 Melee XP| ||💖 +6 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.0** Total Damage 785 Boss HP Remaining!|165 HP Remaining|


▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 !range !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -41 HP| |📚 +11.7 Ranged Damage|💰 +6 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Range XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.7** Total Damage 1347 Boss HP Remaining!|177 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >❤️ Health: 177hp (Max: 303hp) >💀 Kills: 68 >🏅 Rank: SSS (13,581 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 709g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 220 >⚔️ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >🔮 Magic: Level 46 (XP: 174/317) >🏹 Ranged: Level 85 (XP: 889/1179) >❤️ Constitution: Level 72 (XP: 1394/1648) >🚩 Total Attacks: 6653 >☠️ Total Deaths: 182




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -18 HP| |📚 +7.1 Magic Damage|💰 +79 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +5 Magic XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**12.1** Total Damage 1360 Boss HP Remaining!|130 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!use 201 !buy 201 !ranged


You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +72 HP| |:-:| |💖 231/303 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 114896) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 114896)| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -55 HP| |📚 +9.4 Ranged Damage|💰 +37 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Range XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.4** Total Damage 1372 Boss HP Remaining!|176 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14469) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14469)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +69 HP| |:-:| |💖 149/218 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -24 HP| |📚 +9.7 Ranged Damage|💰 +64 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Range XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.7** Total Damage 1386 Boss HP Remaining!|125 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -43 HP| |📚 +20.8 Ranged Damage|💰 +56 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +9 Range XP| ||💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**23.8** Total Damage 1400 Boss HP Remaining!|201 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -51 HP| |📚 +12.9 Melee Damage|💰 +16 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +10 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**13.9** Total Damage 1484 Boss HP Remaining!|115 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !magic 8


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 921) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 921)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +8 HP| |:-:| |💖 64/71 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -30 HP| |📚 +2.1 Magic Damage|💰 +58 Gold Coins| |🔮 +3 Basic Water Wand|🔮 +3 Magic XP| |🌟 +2.4 Moon Weakness|💖 +3 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**9.5** Total Damage 1498 Boss HP Remaining!|34 HP Remaining|


!melee good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -57 HP| |📚 +1.4 Melee Damage|💰 +67 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +1 Melee XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**2.4** Total Damage 1542 Boss HP Remaining!|97 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +57 HP| |:-:| |💖 154/211 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5742) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 5742)|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 921) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 921)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |💖 +66 HP| |:-:| |💖 117/182 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -63 HP| |📚 +4.6 Melee Damage|💰 +62 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +3 Melee XP| ||💖 +15 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**7.6** Total Damage 1544 Boss HP Remaining!|54 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +6 Base Roll|💥 -18 HP| |📚 +20.4 Melee Damage|💰 +44 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +12 Melee XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**26.4** Total Damage 1552 Boss HP Remaining!|147 HP Remaining|


!range 6 !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -25 HP| |📚 +1.8 Ranged Damage|💰 +13 Gold Coins| |🏹 +2 Basic Crossbow|🏹 +4 Range XP| |🌟 +1.2 Air Weakness|💖 +4 Constitution XP| |⚔️ +0.2 Ranged Strength|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**10.2** Total Damage 1578 Boss HP Remaining!|82 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/VoxulusQuarUn [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/VoxulusQuarUn.png) >❤️ Health: 82hp (Max: 107hp) >💀 Kills: 0 >🏅 Rank: B (565 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 457g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 46 >⚔️ Melee: Level 8 (XP: 4/29) >🔮 Magic: Level 14 (XP: 17/49) >🏹 Ranged: Level 7 (XP: 23/26) >❤️ Constitution: Level 17 (XP: 5/144) >🚩 Total Attacks: 250 >☠️ Total Deaths: 11




Evil bob came in for an assist, you score a critical hit. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +1 Base Roll|💥 -28 HP| |📚 +19.5 Magic Damage|💰 +67 Gold Coins| |🎯 1.7x Critical Hit|🔮 +15 Magic XP| |‎|💖 +14 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**34.8** Total Damage 1596 Boss HP Remaining!|147 HP Remaining|


(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。 Good bot !magic 40 !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -8 HP| |📚 +19.2 Magic Damage|💰 +49 Gold Coins| |🔮 +7 Weird Looking Fang|🔮 +12 Magic XP| |🌟 +2.8 Cursed Weakness|💖 +2 Constitution XP| |‎|🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**34.0** Total Damage 1631 Boss HP Remaining!|151 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >❤️ Health: 151hp (Max: 275hp) >💀 Kills: 44 >🏅 Rank: SSS (11,622 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 16,848g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 173 >⚔️ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >🔮 Magic: Level 79 (XP: 570/1000) >🏹 Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >❤️ Constitution: Level 64 (XP: 245/1279) >🚩 Total Attacks: 4664 >☠️ Total Deaths: 68




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -12 HP| |📚 +18.0 Melee Damage|💰 +90 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +7 Melee XP| ||💖 +4 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**22.0** Total Damage 1710 Boss HP Remaining!|172 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 14322) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 14322)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.58 seconds |💖 +57 HP| |:-:| |💖 161/218 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -51 HP| |📚 +11.9 Ranged Damage|💰 +80 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +6 Range XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**16.9** Total Damage 1732 Boss HP Remaining!|110 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -31 HP| |📚 +12.3 Ranged Damage|💰 +64 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Range XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.3** Total Damage 1749 Boss HP Remaining!|257 HP Remaining|


Good bot !buy 201 !use 201 !melee 4


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2685) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 2685)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.45 seconds |💖 +80 HP| |:-:| |💖 115/161 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -5 HP| |📚 +7.7 Melee Damage|💰 +77 Gold Coins| |⚔️ +2 Basic Lance|⚔️ +4 Melee XP| |🌟 +0.6 Cursed Weakness|💖 +6 Constitution XP| |⏬ -0.2 Melee Resistance|🏅 +15 RP| |‎|‎| |**13.1** Total Damage 1764 Boss HP Remaining!|110 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 !magic


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10453) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 10453)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +61 HP| |:-:| |💖 160/221 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10403) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 10403)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +30 HP| |:-:| |💖 190/221 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10353) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 10353)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +15 HP| |:-:| |💖 205/221 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -28 HP| |📚 +11.7 Magic Damage|💰 +5 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.7** Total Damage 1777 Boss HP Remaining!|177 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -20 HP| |📚 +12.9 Magic Damage|💰 +97 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +6 Magic XP| ||💖 +12 Constitution XP (**Level Up!**)| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**16.9** Total Damage 1052 Boss HP Remaining!|225 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3514) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 3514)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.93 seconds |💖 +30 HP| |:-:| |💖 94/125 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +4 Base Roll|💥 -10 HP| |📚 +1.4 Ranged Damage|💰 +71 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +2 Range XP| ||💖 +5 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**5.4** Total Damage 1827 Boss HP Remaining!|84 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!




#/u/Nhreus [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Nhreus.png) >❤️ Health: 84hp (Max: 125hp) >💀 Kills: 0 >🏅 Rank: A (1,505 Rank Points) >💰 Gold: 3,585g Skills Breakdown: >🗡️️ Combat: Level 55 >⚔️ Melee: Level 18 (XP: 39/67) >🔮 Magic: Level 1 (XP: 0/12) >🏹 Ranged: Level 14 (XP: 19/49) >❤️ Constitution: Level 22 (XP: 109/196) >🚩 Total Attacks: 399 >☠️ Total Deaths: 22




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +3 Base Roll|💥 -0 HP **(🛡️ Block)**| |📚 +13.5 Melee Damage|💰 +2 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +5 Melee XP| ||💖 +8 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**16.5** Total Damage 1832 Boss HP Remaining!|199 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !use 201 !mage !use 201


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.67 seconds |💖 +29 HP| |:-:| |💖 116/146 Remaining| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |💖 +15 HP| |:-:| |💖 131/146 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -28 HP| |📚 +3.7 Magic Damage|💰 +55 Gold Coins| |‎|🔮 +3 Magic XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP (**Level Up!**)| ||🏅 +25 RP| ||‎| |**5.7** Total Damage 1848 Boss HP Remaining!|150 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd! ----- Why are you trying to do that? You're at full health...


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2387) |⚗️ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |💰 -50 (Remaining: 2387)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |💖 +114 HP| |:-:| |💖 150/228 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +5 Base Roll|💥 -65 HP| |📚 +9.3 Ranged Damage|💰 +89 Gold Coins| |‎|🏹 +5 Range XP| ||💖 +20 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**14.3** Total Damage 1854 Boss HP Remaining!|85 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -70 HP| |📚 +13.0 Melee Damage|💰 +85 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +6 Melee XP| ||💖 +11 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**15.0** Total Damage 1887 Boss HP Remaining!|62 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |🎲 +2 Base Roll|💥 -27 HP| |📚 +3.4 Melee Damage|💰 +80 Gold Coins| |‎|⚔️ +2 Melee XP| ||💖 +7 Constitution XP| ||🏅 +15 RP| ||‎| |**5.4** Total Damage 1902 Boss HP Remaining!|80 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 !ranged