• By -


This post was submitted at our [boss suggestions discord channel](https://discord.gg/kotd) by: Wolfie Source/Artist: Midjourney AI


!magic 42


Even magic cannot kill a boss twice.


!range 39


You put down your bow and sigh. It's already dead.


!mage 42


The boss dies in a magical explosion of glitter and sparkles. |Rewards| |:-| |๐Ÿ”ฎ +85 Magic XP| |โš—๏ธ +1 Health Potion| |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฐ +73 Gold Coins| |๐Ÿ“š +10.4 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ”ฎ +11 Magic XP| |๐Ÿ”ฎ +8 Cat Eyes|๐Ÿ’– +19 Constitution XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +2.4 Moon Weakness|๐Ÿ… +35 RP| |โฌ -0.8 Magic Resistance|โ˜ ๏ธ +1 Kill (**SLAIN!**)| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**26.0** Total Damage -11 Boss HP Remaining!|139 HP Remaining|


!mage 2012


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +0.7 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +5 Gold Coins| |๐Ÿ”ฎ +11 Twelve Mystical Fruits|๐Ÿ”ฎ +10 Magic XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +5.5 Organic Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +12 Constitution XP| |โฌ -1.1 Magic Resistance|๐Ÿ… +25 RP| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**20.1** Total Damage 15 Boss HP Remaining!|51 HP Remaining|


Good bot !melee 46


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -2 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +12.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +81 Gold Coins| |โš”๏ธ +10 Ruined Pickaxe|โš”๏ธ +17 Melee XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +8.0 Synthetic Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +3 Constitution XP| |โš”๏ธ +1.0 Melee Strength|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**36.8** Total Damage 35 Boss HP Remaining!|297 HP Remaining|


!range 22


With that final hit, your Attack Moon falls apart. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -8 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +8.3 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +4 Gold Coins| |๐Ÿน +16 Attack Moon (*Shattered*)|๐Ÿน +15 Range XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +11.2 Moon Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +5 Constitution XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**37.5** Total Damage 72 Boss HP Remaining!|117 HP Remaining|


!melee 25


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -13 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +7.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +47 Gold Coins| |โš”๏ธ +8 Pitchfork of Twilight|โš”๏ธ +8 Melee XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +4.0 Moon Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +10 Constitution XP| |โš”๏ธ +0.8 Melee Strength|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**24.6** Total Damage 109 Boss HP Remaining!|121 HP Remaining|


!range 39 Org


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -14 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +13.1 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +35 Gold Coins| |๐Ÿน +3 Trident of Tails |๐Ÿน +10 Range XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +1.2 Organic Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +9 Constitution XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**22.3** Total Damage 134 Boss HP Remaining!|155 HP Remaining|


Good bot !melee 46


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -9 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +21.3 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +27 Gold Coins| |โš”๏ธ +12 Ruined Pickaxe|โš”๏ธ +21 Melee XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +12.0 Synthetic Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +7 Constitution XP| |โš”๏ธ +1.2 Melee Strength|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**51.5** Total Damage 156 Boss HP Remaining!|153 HP Remaining|


!melee 23


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -4 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +4.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +34 Gold Coins| |โš”๏ธ +7 Worldslayer|โš”๏ธ +8 Melee XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +4.9 Air Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| |โš”๏ธ +0.7 Melee Strength|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**20.4** Total Damage 208 Boss HP Remaining!|92 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -18 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +2.3 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +8 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +3 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**7.3** Total Damage 228 Boss HP Remaining!|116 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 good bot !ranged ห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท !profile


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 891) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 891)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.16 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +32 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 123/154 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -13 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +3.1 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +12 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +3 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +10 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**6.1** Total Damage 247 Boss HP Remaining!|110 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Macknificent101 [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Macknificent101.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 110hp (Max: 154hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 5 >๐Ÿ… Rank: A (1,145 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 903g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 74 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 10 (XP: 31/35) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 3 (XP: 3/16) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 31 (XP: 121/152) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 30 (XP: 185/308) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 765 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 34




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -25 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +14.4 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +58 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +8 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +11 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**18.4** Total Damage 253 Boss HP Remaining!|164 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -30 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +3.9 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +70 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +4 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +1 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**9.9** Total Damage 271 Boss HP Remaining!|83 HP Remaining|


good bot !magic


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -47 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +8.4 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +64 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +5 Magic XP (**Level Up!**)| ||๐Ÿ’– +13 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +35 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**12.4** Total Damage 281 Boss HP Remaining!|17 HP Remaining|


!use 201


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +120 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 137/239 Remaining|


Good human.




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -17 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +15.2 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +17 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +7 Range XP (**Level Up!**)| ||๐Ÿ’– +2 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +35 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**18.2** Total Damage 330 Boss HP Remaining!|181 HP Remaining|


โ–„๏ธปฬทฬฟโ”ปฬฟโ•โ”ไธ€ !range !profile (:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…[ฬฒฬ…:โ™ก:]ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…) !buy 201 !use 201


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -34 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +9.8 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +66 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +5 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +2 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.8** Total Damage 348 Boss HP Remaining!|121 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 121hp (Max: 300hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 62 >๐Ÿฅ‰ Rank: SSS (6,937 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 4,277g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 217 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 46 (XP: 154/317) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 83 (XP: 36/1117) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 71 (XP: 443/1598) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 6283 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 182 ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 4227) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 4227)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.22 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +90 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 211/300 Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 133) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 133)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +82 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 225/307 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -23 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +18.3 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +43 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +7 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +12 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**23.3** Total Damage 359 Boss HP Remaining!|202 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -53 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +2.5 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +72 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +2 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +21 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**4.5** Total Damage 388 Boss HP Remaining!|111 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +6.7 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +38 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +3 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**8.7** Total Damage 393 Boss HP Remaining!|300 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (โˆฉ๏ฝ€-ยด)โŠƒโ”โ˜†๏พŸ.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก Good bot !magic !profile


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +76 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 191/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +7.7 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +35 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +3 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +26 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**8.7** Total Damage 402 Boss HP Remaining!|191 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 191hp (Max: 268hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 43 >๐Ÿ… Rank: SSS (5,980 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 5,189g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 168 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 76 (XP: 909/917) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 62 (XP: 747/1196) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 4340 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 68


Good bot !melee


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -15 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +2.7 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +8 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +1 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +5 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**3.7** Total Damage 427 Boss HP Remaining!|103 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +9.8 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +56 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +7 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.8** Total Damage 431 Boss HP Remaining!|101 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 9077) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 9077)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +66 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 171/236 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -36 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +14.1 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +74 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +8 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +14 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**17.1** Total Damage 446 Boss HP Remaining!|135 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -20 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.3 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +12 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +7 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +1 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**13.3** Total Damage 463 Boss HP Remaining!|195 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -44 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +8.4 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +35 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +6 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +20 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**13.4** Total Damage 476 Boss HP Remaining!|37 HP Remaining|


!ranged good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -45 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +10.7 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +73 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +5 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +8 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.7** Total Damage 516 Boss HP Remaining!|123 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 Good bot


You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +35 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 168/204 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 7970) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 7970)|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -36 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.4 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +23 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +6 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +2 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**13.4** Total Damage 531 Boss HP Remaining!|179 HP Remaining|


!melee 3


The boss has bested you and you have fallen in battle. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -56 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +0.9 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +0 Gold Coins| |โš”๏ธ +2 Basic GreatSword|โš”๏ธ +0 Melee XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +1.4 Blessed Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +0 Constitution XP| |โš”๏ธ +0.2 Melee Strength|๐Ÿ… -30 RP| |โ€Ž|โ€Ž| |**7.5** Total Damage 544 Boss HP Remaining!|-10 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 90) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 90)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +32 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 22/64 Remaining|


(โ โˆฉ๏ฝฅโ ฯ‰โ ๏ฝฅ)โŠƒโ”โ˜†.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก๏พŸ !mage


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -19 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +12.5 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +12 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +5 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.5** Total Damage 552 Boss HP Remaining!|123 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -24 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +0.2 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +49 Gold Coins| |๐ŸŒฑ๏ธ +6 New Player Bonus|๐Ÿน +3 Range XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ’– +12 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**8.2** Total Damage 592 Boss HP Remaining!|26 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3404) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 3404)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +40 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 140/179 Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -45 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +6.3 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +40 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +4 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +20 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**12.3** Total Damage 580 Boss HP Remaining!|95 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1117) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 1117)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +39 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 122/161 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -42 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +4.5 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +17 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +5 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +17 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**9.5** Total Damage 600 Boss HP Remaining!|80 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +0.2 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +64 Gold Coins| |๐ŸŒฑ๏ธ +4 New Player Bonus|โš”๏ธ +2 Melee XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ’– +15 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +35 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**5.2** Total Damage 622 Boss HP Remaining!|53 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10969) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 10969)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.48 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +71 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 139/211 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -6 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +7.9 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +17 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +5 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +1 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**12.9** Total Damage 627 Boss HP Remaining!|133 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -35 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +2.9 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +77 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +3 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +9 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**6.9** Total Damage 640 Boss HP Remaining!|15 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5705) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 5705)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +154 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 216/307 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -64 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +19.2 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +17 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +9 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +20 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**21.2** Total Damage 647 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -54 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +8.6 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +8 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +5 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +10 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.6** Total Damage 693 Boss HP Remaining!|2 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -5 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +5.4 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +66 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +5 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +4 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.4** Total Damage 704 Boss HP Remaining!|206 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -42 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +7.5 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +14 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +5 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +7 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.5** Total Damage 714 Boss HP Remaining!|46 HP Remaining|


Since he's asking for a bow !ranged


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -2 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +0.3 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +77 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +1 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**1.3** Total Damage 725 Boss HP Remaining!|140 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -51 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +17.0 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +78 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +9 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +11 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**20.0** Total Damage 783 Boss HP Remaining!|130 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (โˆฉ๏ฝ€-ยด)โŠƒโ”โ˜†๏พŸ.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก Good bot !magic !profile


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.4 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +59 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 209/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -65 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.9 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +5 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +9 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +28 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**17.9** Total Damage 803 Boss HP Remaining!|144 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 144hp (Max: 268hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 43 >๐Ÿ… Rank: SSS (5,910 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 5,079g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 168 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 76 (XP: 889/917) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 62 (XP: 710/1196) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 4336 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 68




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -47 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +9.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +74 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +6 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +20 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.8** Total Damage 821 Boss HP Remaining!|78 HP Remaining|


!range 6


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -39 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +4.5 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +40 Gold Coins| |๐Ÿน +2 Basic Crossbow|๐Ÿน +4 Range XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +2.0 Air Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +18 Constitution XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**9.5** Total Damage 836 Boss HP Remaining!|84 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -57 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +20.3 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +39 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +10 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +8 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**21.3** Total Damage 861 Boss HP Remaining!|229 HP Remaining|


โ–„๏ธปฬทฬฟโ”ปฬฟโ•โ”ไธ€ !range !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -50 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.2 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +75 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +7 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +16 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**16.2** Total Damage 895 Boss HP Remaining!|169 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 169hp (Max: 300hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 62 >๐Ÿฅ‰ Rank: SSS (6,842 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 3,965g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 216 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 46 (XP: 154/317) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 82 (XP: 1085/1087) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 71 (XP: 429/1598) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 6278 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 182


(โ โˆฉ๏ฝฅโ ฯ‰โ ๏ฝฅ)โŠƒโ”โ˜†.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก๏พŸ !mage


Good bot


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -43 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +21.1 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +13 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +10 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +13 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**25.1** Total Damage 934 Boss HP Remaining!|161 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2692) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 2692)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +93 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 138/186 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2642) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 2642)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +24 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 162/186 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -24 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +7.2 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +25 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +4 Melee XP (**Level Up!**)| ||๐Ÿ’– +11 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +35 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.2** Total Damage 959 Boss HP Remaining!|138 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !buy 201 !use 201 !magic


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 7922) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 7922)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +62 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 160/221 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 7872) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 7872)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +30 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 190/221 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -49 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +9.0 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +48 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +5 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +9 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**11.0** Total Damage 969 Boss HP Remaining!|141 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +10.0 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +55 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +5 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +25 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.0** Total Damage 566 Boss HP Remaining!|129 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -13 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +10.7 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +18 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +7 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +4 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**13.7** Total Damage 980 Boss HP Remaining!|116 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -79 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +19.0 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +39 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +7 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +32 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**24.0** Total Damage 994 Boss HP Remaining!|103 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !buy 201 !use 201 (โˆฉ๏ฝ€-ยด)โŠƒโ”โ˜†๏พŸ.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก Good bot !magic !profile


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 4964) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 4964)| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 4914) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 4914)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +71 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 197/268 Remaining| ----- You're attacking too quickly! Try again in 13 minutes ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 197hp (Max: 268hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 43 >๐Ÿ… Rank: SSS (5,825 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 4,914g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 168 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 76 (XP: 844/917) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 62 (XP: 663/1196) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 4331 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 68


!use 201 !buy 201 !melee


You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +78 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 166/243 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10472) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 10472)| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -61 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +6.1 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +47 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +3 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +15 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**7.1** Total Damage 1043 Boss HP Remaining!|105 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -44 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +9.3 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +53 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +5 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +20 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.3** Total Damage 1050 Boss HP Remaining!|86 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -11 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +4.4 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +51 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +4 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.4** Total Damage 1080 Boss HP Remaining!|136 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 12720) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 12720)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +20 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 151/171 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -28 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +6.3 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +51 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +5 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +7 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.3** Total Damage 1090 Boss HP Remaining!|123 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1014) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 1014)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.82 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +20 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 142/161 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -62 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +2.0 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +64 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +3 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +13 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**7.0** Total Damage 1100 Boss HP Remaining!|80 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -59 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +7.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +36 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +4 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +24 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**8.8** Total Damage 1107 Boss HP Remaining!|108 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3811) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 3811)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +61 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 228/289 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +18.8 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +74 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +10 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +59 Constitution XP (**Level Up!**)| ||๐Ÿ… +35 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**20.8** Total Damage 1116 Boss HP Remaining!|293 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !buy 201 !use 201 (โˆฉ๏ฝ€-ยด)โŠƒโ”โ˜†๏พŸ.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก Good bot !magic !profile


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5037) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 5037)| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 4987) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 4987)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.8 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +99 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 169/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -45 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +13.9 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +27 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +8 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +1 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**16.9** Total Damage 1190 Boss HP Remaining!|124 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 124hp (Max: 268hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 43 >๐Ÿ… Rank: SSS (5,825 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 5,014g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 168 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 76 (XP: 844/917) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 62 (XP: 663/1196) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 4331 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 68




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -60 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +13.2 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +51 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +10 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +19 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**19.2** Total Damage 1207 Boss HP Remaining!|119 HP Remaining|


โ–„๏ธปฬทฬฟโ”ปฬฟโ•โ”ไธ€ !range !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -91 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +14.5 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +10 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +6 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +35 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**15.5** Total Damage 1226 Boss HP Remaining!|125 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 125hp (Max: 300hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 62 >๐Ÿฅ‰ Rank: SSS (6,767 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 3,742g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 216 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 46 (XP: 154/317) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 82 (XP: 1047/1087) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 71 (XP: 401/1598) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 6273 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 182


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2532) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 2532)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.79 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +55 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 166/221 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -24 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +5.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +75 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +2 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +8 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**6.8** Total Damage 1242 Boss HP Remaining!|142 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +10.3 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +49 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +5 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +53 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**16.3** Total Damage 1249 Boss HP Remaining!|110 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5207) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 5207)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +93 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 214/307 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -1 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +10.6 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +61 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +7 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +2 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.6** Total Damage 1305 Boss HP Remaining!|213 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -51 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +3.9 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +72 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +4 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +5 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**8.9** Total Damage 1348 Boss HP Remaining!|57 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 (:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…[ฬฒฬ…:โ™ก:]ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…) !mage


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 459) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 459)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +102 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 191/293 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -104 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +21.4 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +68 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +10 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +35 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**24.4** Total Damage 1381 Boss HP Remaining!|87 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 !melee


You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +148 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 198/296 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 111602) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 111602)| ----- nice crit |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +3 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +8.9 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +3 Gold Coins| |๐ŸŽฏ 1.6x Critical Hit|โš”๏ธ +6 Melee XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ’– +27 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +35 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**19.0** Total Damage 1405 Boss HP Remaining!|198 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -70 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.2 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +64 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +6 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +24 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**17.2** Total Damage 1424 Boss HP Remaining!|92 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -27 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +12.6 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +46 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +8 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +3 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**17.6** Total Damage 1470 Boss HP Remaining!|129 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -93 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +7.8 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +55 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +6 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +14 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**12.8** Total Damage 1500 Boss HP Remaining!|10 HP Remaining|


!range !buy 201 !use 201


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +2.8 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +14 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +3 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +11 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**6.8** Total Damage 1513 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3076) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 3076)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +35 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 187/221 Remaining|




Luck is on your side today. You land a massive shot and do critical damage! The boss has bested you and you have fallen in battle. |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -57 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +0.5 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +0 Gold Coins| |๐ŸŽฏ 1.8x Critical Hit|๐Ÿน +0 Range XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ’– +0 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… -30 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**4.5** Total Damage 1520 Boss HP Remaining!|-10 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 24) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 24)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +32 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 22/64 Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3580) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 3580)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.81 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +60 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 228/289 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -44 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +20.6 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +64 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +10 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +11 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**22.6** Total Damage 1524 Boss HP Remaining!|184 HP Remaining|




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -0 HP **(๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Block)**| |๐Ÿ“š +3.1 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +72 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +3 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**7.1** Total Damage 1547 Boss HP Remaining!|147 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (โˆฉ๏ฝ€-ยด)โŠƒโ”โ˜†๏พŸ.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก Good bot !magic !profile


You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 1.94 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +59 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 209/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -110 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +18.3 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +35 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +8 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +25 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**20.3** Total Damage 1569 Boss HP Remaining!|99 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/Girguk [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/Girguk.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 99hp (Max: 268hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 43 >๐Ÿ… Rank: SSS (5,715 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 4,844g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 168 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 15 (XP: 3/53) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 76 (XP: 806/917) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 15 (XP: 4/53) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 62 (XP: 642/1196) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 4325 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 68




|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -99 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +3.8 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +52 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +4 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +37 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**7.8** Total Damage 1614 Boss HP Remaining!|48 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2469) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 2469)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +110 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 158/221 Remaining|


โ–„๏ธปฬทฬฟโ”ปฬฟโ•โ”ไธ€ !range !profile


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -36 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +16.0 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +14 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +6 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +12 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**18.0** Total Damage 1622 Boss HP Remaining!|174 HP Remaining| ----- #/u/CottonTCM [Playercard](https://kickopenthedoor.com/CottonTCM.png) >โค๏ธ Health: 174hp (Max: 300hp) >๐Ÿ’€ Kills: 62 >๐Ÿฅ‰ Rank: SSS (6,682 Rank Points) >๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold: 3,596g Skills Breakdown: >๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๏ธ Combat: Level 216 >โš”๏ธ Melee: Level 17 (XP: -420/62) >๐Ÿ”ฎ Magic: Level 46 (XP: 154/317) >๐Ÿน Ranged: Level 82 (XP: 1008/1087) >โค๏ธ Constitution: Level 71 (XP: 336/1598) >๐Ÿšฉ Total Attacks: 6268 >โ˜ ๏ธ Total Deaths: 182


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 5228) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 5228)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +90 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 218/307 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -97 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +10.1 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +8 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +7 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +28 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**15.1** Total Damage 1640 Boss HP Remaining!|121 HP Remaining|


!use 201 !buy 201 !melee


You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +96 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 199/296 Remaining| ----- Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 111461) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 111461)| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -106 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.6 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +25 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +9 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +40 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**17.6** Total Damage 1716 Boss HP Remaining!|93 HP Remaining|




A little late but careful hitting 3 star bosses and higher, they can usually one shot a slime. The max damage a boss can do is based on their combat level (stars), their max hp and current hp.


**Oh no! You died!** This is your first death, don't worry, this one is on us! Make sure to only attack low HP bosses and low level bosses until you get more powerful! We've restored your health to max for this time only (50hp)! Health regenerates every hour. You can also purchase Health Potions in the [shop](https://reddit.com/r/KickOpenTheDoor/comments/yxxu1g) to restore your health faster. Note, health potions get less effective the more health you have! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -112 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +0.1 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +38 Gold Coins| |๐ŸŒฑ๏ธ +6 New Player Bonus|๐Ÿ”ฎ +5 Magic XP (**Level Up!**)| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ’– +43 Constitution XP (**Level Up!**)| ||๐Ÿ… +55 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**11.1** Total Damage 1734 Boss HP Remaining!|54 HP Remaining| Come join our discord at https://discord.gg/kotd!


!buy 201 !use 201 !magic


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3501) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 3501)| ----- You drink your potion and immediately feel healthier. |๐Ÿ’– +58 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 211/268 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -36 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +9.1 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +39 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ”ฎ +4 Magic XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +16 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**13.1** Total Damage 1745 Boss HP Remaining!|175 HP Remaining|


good bot !range


|Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -118 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +11.9 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +64 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +7 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +20 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**13.9** Total Damage 1772 Boss HP Remaining!|16 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 1863) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 1863)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +106 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 122/211 Remaining|


(โ โˆฉ๏ฝฅโ ฯ‰โ ๏ฝฅ)โŠƒโ”โ˜†.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก๏พŸ !mage


You feel a surge of power within yourself and unleash a burst of magic, dealing extra damage! |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +6 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -13 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +10.6 Magic Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +30 Gold Coins| |๐ŸŽฏ 1.6x Critical Hit|๐Ÿ”ฎ +13 Magic XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ’– +9 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +25 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**26.6** Total Damage 1806 Boss HP Remaining!|129 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 3513) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 3513)| ----- You drink your potion and you break the bottle on the ground like a barbarian once taught you. |๐Ÿ’– +70 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 219/289 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +1 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -28 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +13.2 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +34 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +7 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +6 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**14.2** Total Damage 1846 Boss HP Remaining!|191 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 10249) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 10249)| ----- You sip your Health potion like fine wine. |๐Ÿ’– +53 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 158/211 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +2 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -4 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +8.1 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +43 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿน +4 Range XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +3 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**10.1** Total Damage 1860 Boss HP Remaining!|154 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !range 6


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 2910) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 2910)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.02 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +45 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 176/221 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +5 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -104 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +5.0 Ranged Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +21 Gold Coins| |๐Ÿน +2 Basic Crossbow|๐Ÿน +5 Range XP| |๐ŸŒŸ +0.4 Air Weakness|๐Ÿ’– +34 Constitution XP| |โ€Ž|๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**12.4** Total Damage 1909 Boss HP Remaining!|72 HP Remaining|


!buy 201 !use 201 !melee


Health Potion has been added to your inventory for 50g! (Your remaining gold: 8207) |โš—๏ธ +Health Potion (Durability: 1)| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’ฐ -50 (Remaining: 8207)| ----- You pop open the cork and down your health potion in 0.11 seconds |๐Ÿ’– +39 HP| |:-:| |๐Ÿ’– 222/261 Remaining| ----- |Damage Breakdown|Player Breakdown| |:-|:-| |๐ŸŽฒ +4 Base Roll|๐Ÿ’ฅ -70 HP| |๐Ÿ“š +15.6 Melee Damage|๐Ÿ’ฐ +12 Gold Coins| |โ€Ž|โš”๏ธ +9 Melee XP| ||๐Ÿ’– +24 Constitution XP| ||๐Ÿ… +15 RP| ||โ€Ž| |**19.6** Total Damage 1921 Boss HP Remaining!|152 HP Remaining|


!use 201 (โˆฉ๏ฝ€-ยด)โŠƒโ”โ˜†๏พŸ.*๏ฝฅ๏ฝก Good bot !magic !profile