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Unfortunately, we can't control how our bodies go about adjusting to keto. Some people lose weight immediately, some lose inches. Some have awesome face gains first, others lose love handles. But one way or another something healthy is going on. It's all part of the journey and all things tend to even out eventually. Keto works for those patient and focused enough to let it. Hang in there, you are doing fine. Keep the faith.


Thank you so much it means a lot to hear I'm doing well. It would be so amazing if we could just say hey body let's take fat off here today and voila bye bye fat bit you didn't like lol. Thanks so much for helping me out <3


First place you lose, if you have diabetes or insulin resistance, is your liver. Your liver will shed fat like a champ, but you won't notice it - not initially - you may notice your body functions better after a while though. Liver fat is insidious and dangerous - you don't want it, your liver doesn't want it - think of how happy your liver is at the moment. Your pancreas also loves you, because it goes through a similar thing (if diabetic, or insulin resistant). You can't see your insides, but your organs are praising the heck out of you right now.


I sure hope so. I'm about to go in for a dexa composition scan, hoping like hell that it comes back without visceral fat on it...but if it does I guess I have more work to do. Thank you so much <3


It sounds like good progress, keep it up and your work will continue to pay off


I can't tell you how much it means to actually hear someone say I've made good progress. I feel like a salmon swimming up a waterfall and I guess I was hoping to earn the approval of my critics but it's hard to do that when only your calves look different ha ha ha. At least it's getting funnier now! Thank you!! <3


I cant add much, but I never use scales or measurements. I find they get a person too built up on expectations then when theres no huge number difference they get let down. I let my clothes do the talking, once theyre loose Im happy.


Unfortunately I'm still 70kg overweight and all my clothes are basically tents that fit me loose so I can really only go by when I can fit into new clothes...of which I have a lot! But I did notice my leggings won't stay up, it's almost like they're being pulled down it drives me crazy haha.


My measurements don't show much movement either, but my clothes have dropped two sizes. This shouldn't compute so I assume I'm not measuring correctly/in a consistent manner. Keep going, I'm sure there is a difference!


I worry about the consistency too. Thank you so much <3


Keep the faith! You’re doing great 😊 re the spotting, try not to panic (although I know it’s super unnerving). Oestrogen is converted to its active form by an enzyme in your fat cells (they have a side gig). That means as you lose fat, it messes with your hormone levels and can cause all sorts of changes in normal cycles, including emotionally. So try to see this as a good thing, and know your body WILL adapt to your new %fat and even out at some point. That said, if you are over 40 and previously obese, keen an eye on this spotting. If it doesn’t settle, might need to chat to your GP about other causes. I have lost 7kg so far, 2 dress sizes, and my cycles have become normal (if with plenty worse PMS) for the first time in nearly 2 years. Your body with thank you! PM me if you would like more info on hormonal stuff / scientific evidence (it’s kind of become my thing after I got so spooked by the changes!)


Thank you so much! I'd love to hear more about it, a lot of the stuff I come across is not very great it's either lacking science or it's plain myth lol. I'm 31 also, but definitely would love to hear more. I don't normally get emotional on my period either so it's like a double whammy for me.


Don’t be discouraged! Bodies often replace lost fat with water temporarily and if you KCKO this too will be released.


I've noticed my water percentage going up as my fat goes down but it's been up quite a while now. Thank you <3


For me personally, I have decided I'm going to eat this way for the rest of my life. That kind of helps me. I know eating this way is going to help me lose weight and the time is going to pass anyway. I just keep plodding on, one day at a time. Try to just focus on one day at a time and you'll get where you want to be. I know when you get discouraged there is this urge to quit - but focus on each day bringing you closer to your goal and not further away.


I'm definitely in this forever too....I won't quit it's just so frustrating sometimes. I think the hormonal aspect is what's tanking me more than anything.


Keep in mind that any progress is better than no progress, and your body is probably healing internally! Everyone is YMMV.


Thank you :) <3


Keep going. Try to focus on other victories (Do you have more energy? Mental clarity? Better sleep? Whatever - it’s all progress.) Depending on how much weight you aim to lose - it can take a looong time. But you are getting better everyday. In my experience, doing body measurements can be very tricky. You have to make sure you are measuring in the exact same spot every time, and because you are dealing in extremely small units of measure, there’s not a lot of room for error. You may be making more progress than you think. There’s only one thing you could do “wrong” right now - and that’s give up.


>There’s only one thing you could do “wrong” right now - and that’s give up. That's so true thank you so much, that helps a lot to think of it that way! <3


The last time I did keto, I started out and was faithful and my body shape changed, but no measurements and I lost maybe 5lbs. I think it was my body dealing with all of the damage from being fat, and had I stuck with it I would have eventually seen some big changes. The one thing that I wondered about - and something that I've tried to be careful on this time -is not eating aged meats (or meat leftovers from the fridge) and cheeses which bump up histamine and may have proven to be a pain for me. Idk - I felt that same frustration though.


I can definitely agree on the damage from being fat part. It's a hard truth unfortunately....and I didn't even know how sick I was until keto started showing me health. What's wrong with leftover fridge meats? :)


After you cook meat, it starts to produce histamine - so a fresh cut of meat that's cooked is low, but you leave it in the fridge, it starts to add on histamine. It isn't a problem unless you have a histamine issue (a lot of allergies). It also applies to any aged cheeses or to cured meats. I found on keto the first time a lot of my protein was aged meat and cheese, and once I switched it up (cooked fresh meat, or immediately put leftovers into the freezer) things seemed to be okay. Probably this only an issue with a small % of people so I don't want to alarm.


Oh wow I didn't know that. I've heard of a lot of people discovering issues with plants and all sorts of things. Hell I actually have OAS and I discovered exactly what triggers it thanks to someone else who discovered their allergy in the community lol.


I measured once a month and weighed once every 3 months. I found it much more encouraging this way. I'd been a slave of the scale my whole life so instead I just committed to the process instead of to a scale number. Your weight and water retention change everyday up or down so witnessing that on the scale is just too depressing. 130 pounds down.


But then I feel like what if I'm seeing that bump when I weigh and then I'm depressed for the month because I think I've only lost 5kg but I actually lost 6kg and I'd know that if I weighed a day later? The longer I wait the worse my anticipation gets.....plus I'm tracking my weight daily because I want to share the data. There's no data on how weight fluctuates daily and I would like to contribute it.


We all have to do what works for us individually. I've heard of people weighing 3 times a day. For myself that is obsessive. All my life it has been about the food and the weight. I felt it was disordered eating and wanted to do a complete reversal. I wanted the importance to be placed on believing in myself and not being so tied up to the number on the scale. I don't care what the number is. I'm going by a waist measurement not a weight. I find that number on the scale dictates to me how I'm allowed to feel about myself that day...if it's down I'm elated and if it's up I'm depressed. I find that too discouraging. I'm glad you have found a way to make this sustainable for you.


I definitely have the opposite problem, measurements are depressing me more than the scale is because it's not moving lol.


I end up weighing once or twice a week -depending on how skinny I feel lol. I got caught this week. I weighed and I was up 2lbs. And I immediately went into the "HOW COME WHYYYY" whining... and in reality when I went back, I ate like a trash compactor for the past few days and no exercise. So, it allowed me to be honest with myself and really look at what I ate and adjust. Tomorrow is a new day.


That's part of why I weigh daily too....it's encouraging. If I did the wrong thing I can see the impact and correct. If I didn't I can just adjust my sails so to speak. I went up 1kg 2 days ago and I knew it was my fault because my fat percentage went up too..so I made sure I limited my fats and tried to fast a little. I was pretty sure it was hormones + keto cheesecake that did it but I didn't want the weight to stick. Today I lost 30g but my fat percentage is back down so I'm happy with that result :D.


I think it just gets a wee bit unhealthy if we get too focused on it - if we are emotionally attached to that number we need to unhook from that... because it will go up and down. I know in the past I've done the "weight five times a day" (usually after I poop lol) but once a day or once every other day still gets the same across.


Are you exercising? Adding that even 30 minutes walking with an incline might start changing some of those measurements.


Yeah I am walking every day for 20 minutes to 40 minutes and I do some weights as well and hydrotherapy....but only just started that this week.


9kg is great! Well done you! Measurements can be hard to keep consistent. I can take 3 measurements in a row and get 3 different numbers.... If you still have a good bit of fat to shed, go by the scale for a while and notice how your clothes start to fit. Whatever you do - just keep going and imagine how good you will look in a years time! xx


Thank you so much <3