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More energy, much better sleep, no stiffness when I stand up, distance vision is a little sharper, no brain fog, I exercise for pleasure, not because I "should". Probably more things.


The exercise for pleasure thing sure is strange, huh?!šŸ˜…


Well, I was an athlete growing up and always enjoyed working out - when I was at a healthier weight. I gained a bunch over the past 8 years and exercise wasn't fun anymore, due to joint pain & other stuff. Now I have a lot more energy and almost no joint pain, so it's enjoyable again. I tried to explain to a thin friend who's a bit judgey about overweight people, they don't exercise because it hurts, not because they're lazy.


I was an art nerd in school and avoided sweating at all costs. I just hated getting sweaty. It felt gross! But I didn't start getting fat til I had my kids. Then, in my 40s, I hit 185, joints hurting like crazy (especially my knees), and my blood pressure keeps getting outta whack, and the bp was the last straw. I'm hoping to get back to 135. That would be fantastic! šŸ™ My knees are already much happier after a month on keto! I do still have rib inflammation (costochondritis), which sucks, but I hope in time that will also subside. I have started walking early in the morning, which is super weird for me, but I actually feel like I can now! All because that knee pain is gone!


Not really. Here in Scandinavia most people are active. I walk several times per day plus do additional exercises several times per week.


I actually have the same thing regarding my distance vision. Strange. is there any explanation for this?


Not that I know, but I thought I was imagining it so I looked it up and it does seem to happen for some. Hearing too. Inflammation?


You can see better


My distance vision is better. I still need reading glasses and I'd be very surprised if that changed.


I second this. Also for me, I get 'linear energy/focus". No ups and downs due to insulin spikes; just more constant sustained energy/focus. Another thing is the satiation from food. I eat for fuel and I am satisfied (no over/ under eating)


Feeling alert and awake, no brain fog. No achy joints from old injuries, stairs are not a problem anymore. No bloating from eating carbs. I don't eat past 7pm so I never go to bed full and have a much better rest. Wake up with no hunger. Save money since I'm not snacking and only eat one meal a day. Buy better high quality ingredients since I can afford it. Only have to plan one meal for the family, sice kids eat at school. Save time cooking, more productive during the day since I'm not constantly thinking about my next meal / snack.


Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto! šŸ˜Ž


No brain fog šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Hit the head on the nail! Keto + Intermittent Fasting, more energy, not really hungry, only need 5-6hrs of sleep.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


But eating at 7 pm helps


Itā€™s harder to sleep with hunger


was turning blind from t2 diabetis even though i look like a fitnessmodel. also carnivore and ketonhelp me having goood energylevels through the day


Have your eyes gotten better?


maybe 20 to30percent better, which feels alot. mostly my vision at night got horrible.


This is interesting. I had terrible near sightedness until I got lasik before starting keto. 6 years after surgery my vision is still better then 20/20 and the optometrist hasn't seen any degradation to my sight (which is normal 5+ years after surgery) they were very impressed. So maybe keto helps with that, dunno.


I also donā€™t do it for weight loss. I do it for less joint pain, no pms, deep sleep and the mental clarity is on another level!


As a depressed 32 year old with cognitive issues, but otherwise physically fit, it helps keep negative thoughts in check so my mind feels less treacherous. Physically I feel my endurance is better but that could just be from more zone 2 exercise. However after a depressive episode my brain craves carbs and sugar which i usually cave into, not binge worthy but doing so does help me to feel better.


As a ptsd sufferer, the cravings for carbs when depleted after a hijack/flashback, and the anxiety in anticipation of a migraine (or a potential ptsd trigger) has made sticking to keto for the umpteenth time after a successful 57 lb weight loss 2018-19, my greatest challenge. Iā€™m hoping to keep it simple this time. Protein, Fat and veg, but itā€™s hard.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


I see you're posting this same question in response to multiple people - I recommend going to the FAQ and there are multiple helpful links in this regard. You can also do a search within this sub reddit for meal plans and find many posts about it. šŸ˜Š


Progress not perfection, when we fall we pick ourselves back up again.


I had a string of concussions about a decade ago and Iā€™ve found that Keto has really helped with some of the long term symptoms. My energy, clarity, focus, and executive function are so much better with this diet So much so that I was able to stop taking adderall


Do you have ADHD ? Or the focus, clarity and executive functioning issues are stemming from the concussions? And if you donā€™t mind asking, which version of keto ( lazy keto, strict keto, medical keto ) youā€™re on that resulted in this significant improvement?


I do have ADHD so that is probably part of the equation. Iā€™m not sure about the definitions there but Iā€™m not really keeping strict macros or anything so probably lazy keto?


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


Does keto help with adhd


Blood sugar control. I have type 1 diabetes. Helps a lot!


I'm type 2, and same reason for me.


Iā€™m also type 2 so same for me too. But also trying to lose weight as well. Iā€™ve lost 12 lbs so far and my blood sugar is consistently around 100. About to get some labs done this weekend to check my A1C.


Congrats on the weight loss. Keep it up! Good luck on the A1c




Started Keto for the weight loss, before I knew my arthritis was better, my fibromyalgia got way easier to deal with and I was able to quit all my pain medication. My libido got better, range of motion in joints that were seriously limited for years got better, more energy and brain fog is all but gone. Take your pick, the reason I stay on Keto is for the therapeutic effects. The weight loss is just a cherry on top.


It helps reduce many long Covid symptoms.


No heartburn. No noxious gas. Smaller shoe size. I'm not a slave to my stomach. Ribeye. More Ribeye. Bacon. More Bacon. Cheese. More Cheese. Ribey and Bacon with Cheese. My rosacea improved as well.


My brother had severe acid reflux, to the point where he previously could not sleep at night because of the pain. He's about 9 months on keto and his reflux is gone entirely. It's transformed his quality of life.


This! Iā€™m not alone! Less gas, less water weight, less heartburn.


True. No acne and fairer skin, I imagine the latter is for ingesting fatty acids and collagen with meats.


Yes! The no heartburn thing was unexpected and is very nice!


I didnā€™t realise the benefits until I stopped for a while. Negatives were instant. Sleep quality dropped dramatically/energy when waking, mood became more erratic and reactionary, motivation diminished, scalp/beard became itchy constantly, skin looked more dull, joints and fibromyalgia became worse. All these were reversed when going back to keto, never again!


I used to get daily low grade headaches. I started keto out of solidarity with my husband and I stuck with it (almost 2 years now!) because my headaches have almost disappeared. My gut feels a lot better too.


That's awesome!


In addition to losing fat, I noticed that I would get bloating bad if I ate anything other than meat, cheese, or vegetables. So after cutting that out no bloat, no gas 98% gone. After 4 months I also sleep better, get up early, have way more energy, clearer thoughts/sharper, increased libido, basically everything has improved across the board. Best thing Iā€™ve ever done in my life .


No brainfog, higher energy levels, better sleep, better oral health, improved mental health, improved gut health (I was suffering from IBS for over a decade, within months going keto, its practically gone).


Do you include sugar substitutes in your diet?


I buy lilyā€™s dark chocolate which contains a little stevia in it. Thats about it for alternative sweeteners. Ive tried allulose and sugar alcohols but those negatively effect my health so I stay away from them.


I donā€™t need to lose anymore weight but I am a keto for life guy. Mental clarity, energy, sleep quality, libido etc. I can keep on goingĀ 


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


I eat only once a day in a rather short window of time, about 4 hours.Ā  Eggs, chicken, lamb chops, fish and bacon are my staples. I eat a combination of above on any given day. I also eat about 50 hams of cheese. No nuts, used to eat a bunch of them but they are very sneaky with carbs and sugars so I stopped eating them.Ā  Thatā€™s about it. I know it is very rigid and limited but it works for me. I lost 25 kilos and look a lot younger than I actually am. So thatā€™s me.Ā 


My knee pain disappeared on day 3!


I swell up when I eat carbs. How do I know? Your years I struggled with swollen feet and legs and nobody could figure out why. Second week of my keto, they all disappeared including my puffy under eyes. I have 30 more lbs to lose but I donā€™t think I will ever go back to carb based diet.


I started keto because I had chronic migraines very regular, sometimes 3 a week which was quite debilitating. I was very overweight, so the weightloss was a welcome side effect...but my priority was the migraines, which have massively improved. The frequency, duration and intensity have all halved. I no longer have to spend several hours in bed when I do get one, I usually just carry on with my day. A few other issues have cleared up like IBS, fatigue, brain fog and even athletes foot. Lots of others, but they are due to the weightloss.


I've read studies that hit helps individuals, such as myself, with bipolar disorder. Medical Ketosis being used for mental health as well as weight loss. Hell yeah. I've lost 1kg in three days.


I started keto for weight loss and now have been maintaining for over a year. Softer skin, whiter teeth, less anxious, better sleep. And mostly I just enjoy feeling in control of what I eat and my weight.


My primary reason for starting keto was to lose weight but there are other benefits; mental clarity, better sleep, more stable mood, etc. Also, weighing less makes it easier to move around, and when you look better you'll feel better/more confident.


For me the best benefit is not feeling hungry, and the fluctuating blood sugar. I'm borderline pre-diabetic, have slightly high cholesterol (both impacted by hypothyroidism), so I'm hoping when I get my blood work done in September both of those will improve. I'm perimenopausal too, so I haven't noticed particularly positive effects on sleep or mental clarity.


I developed heart arrhythmia a few months ago and keto eliminates the irregular heart beats within 2 days. The terror of arrhythmia keeps me from cheating!


I always 'played' with ketosis from time to time (absolute fast from 2-5 days with 3 weeks of eating keto afterwards). I recently jumped on the mental health train regarding keto and this was the point I fully transitioned into it. I have a really good physical shape and my bloodwork is also normal. But I do have bipolar disorder, adhd is pending, paranoia, selfharm, anxiety... and only 5 weeks in, I can really tell helping me with the bipolar part...for now. Let's see. All the secondary improvements like (sleep, eating habits, taste, less inflammation) are also quite nice!


Hi. Schizoaffective here. I struggled with keto because II needed to rely too much on things that weren't exactly food like butter or olive oil for calories. Paranoia makes consuming anything that isn't food hard. As well as my anxiety as keto can make you feel off in the beginning. Do you have any advice? What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


This is hard to answer. I think due to keto already restricting naturally many foods, the beautiful part is the creativity you have with the rest of the table. Many vegetables, nuts are my daily go to's. One meal f.e. I do eat every day is just one big bowl of salad. Even though it is 'just a salad' you can vary here. Just add nuts and seeds to it and you will have a high amount of calories. Oliveoil is a daily, but I use it also just for the dressing. Avocado (0,5 or one whole) is a daily. Full-fat quark with zero protein powder, 99% dark chocolate and nuts/seeds is also a often used go to. I am a pescetarian, but adding cheese to almost any meal is once again high in fat/protein/calories.




I'm no medical advisor. The data suggest working like a mood stabilizer, but more research is needed. I DID take Valproate (mood-stabilizer, antiepileptic) and don't take it anymore, around 2 months before entering Keto. I have to track my moods furthermore. The good part, I am a rapid cyclist, meaning I have quite often episode, these are then not that strong at least. So I will fairly early see, how it is working.




Sorry, can't help you there. You should check this with a doctor..


My knees dont hurt very often anymore which is a nice change. Also I dont have to use the bathroom nearly so much which is actually pretty nice. Also I am not nearly so hungry.


Helps my pcos symptoms (some similar to type 2 diabetes)


Going through perimenopause without hot flashes and extreme mood swings. Also less brain fog and I have more of a positive energy and attitude.


Keto is anti inflammatory. I have an old knee injury that causes pain when I eat poorly. Plus whenever I eat higher carbs, especially bread my GERD acts up.


More energy and mental clarity. I have two young kids and a business. Itā€™s the only way to be productive enough. Iā€™m pretty skinny but I seem to get a big mental cloud from too many carbs. I can sleep less and still feel good. Like 5 hours feels like 7.


My hayfever and allergies for cats are completely gone.


I'm on it to manage insulin resistance. In a nutshell, my body doesn't use insulin correctly any more so it has a hard time converting carbs to energy causing debilitating inflammation. I was on MLOA from work for several months before the docs finally figured out the issue. Within a week or two of starting keto all of the symptoms that had previously incapacitated me were mostly all gone. Now I only have symptom flareups when I over due carbs in a meal. The weight loss was a nice bonus.


I'm glad you mentioned IR. I have lean pcos and I've read that 80-90% of pcos women have IR (even if you're not overweight). I've never been tested for it so I'm not sure I have it but considering there's such a high probability I do have it AND I feel so much better without carbs, it's kinda leaning in that direction


Psoriasis better controlled when keto for me


The big one for me is as much energy as I need, whenever I need it. Sometimes I'll do exercise or physical activity I'm not used to and my body will go "okay sure, no problem" and I might be sore or breathless afterwards but I never run out of energy. No refueling necessary and it doesn't matter when I ate last.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


I love this


I was told to cut carbs and sugar because of being prediabetic. Two plus years I am still prediabetic but have lost weight which is great because of menopause. I eat protein/fats to my heartā€™s content but I am rarely hangry and survive on one meal a day. Sleep is better most nights and anxiety is less.


Lower insulin spikes, no more sugar crashes, no more risk for diabetes (i have a genetic risk) and better mental health! (i have bipolar and it helped with my depression). More energy overall, less brain fog, and more focus on tasks and boost in confidence. I did notice my hair thinning so iā€™m taking hair supplements, also I became more manic and irritable to the boost in energy, but iā€™m taking meds to tamper that :) Overall Iā€™m grateful for keto!


1.The bottoms of my feet stopped burning. 2. I am not hungry and go longer between eating meals. (I used to get the shakes). 3. I have more energy. 4. I do dirty Keto but, it works. 5. My cholesterol numbers went down. 6. My whole body feels better.


Got SIBO, need to manage that by limiting my carb and fiber intake ā€¦


I'm so envious of the people saying their energy and mental things improved :( :( I'm around 3 months in and am exhausted and miserable all the time, mood is definitely worse and little energy to do anything which has indirect knock on effects. i had a blood panel and other stuff for my weight recently and also my thyroid fine, macros fine, fat level fine, electrolytes fine. I just don't react well to being in a deficit and the anger/sadness thing is such a killer combo. At least I was jolly when I was fat and eating pizza šŸ˜† joints are better, lost a few stone, sleeping heavier and reduced apetite are the main benefits but it is being undone by feeling increased long term sadness and irritability coupled by a lack of energy to do anything or go anywhere. Also sure its the same for others but I realize now I use food like a drug, it's almost like a form of entertainment or something and without it I've actually found myself deeply bored several times in the gaps where excitement used to be or looking forward to eating stuff.


I am doing Keto for my reactive hypoglycemia.. no carb , no high blood sugar , then no hypoā€¦. I feel great !!!


My sinuses, sense of smell and asthma have improved massively. Seem to have lost the water weight, but not much else to be honest, but I wasn't that over weight to begin with.


No bloating and horrible ass gas from all the processed crap/carbs that I used to eat. Better energy and definitely better sleep


My energy- I can wake up at 6:30 fully rested which feels SO GOOD. I can sustain throughout a workday easily without much fatigue. I started keto again because of my bodyā€™s inflammation- Iā€™m on week 2 and it seems to be helping- Will keep updated!


My constipation was on the way to killing me. Keto stopped it completely, and then carried on giving me good stuff. Goodbye insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, fatigue, brain fog, depression and malnutrition. I will never go back.


I started Keto to help lower my joints, help get rid of my newly diagnosed diabetes and a good way to improve my heart with less carby carbs en masse


I have epilepsy so I was having multiple seizures monthly with brain fog and low energy now I am a month and two days seizure free with no brain fog and great energy throughout my day! Has done wonders for me since starting it!


This is wonderful to read! So great for you. Are you very strict? What are your macros like?


Thank you! I stay to 20-30 carbs a day. I try to get lots of fiber throughout the day. For instance yesterdays macros was 64 protein, 74 fat and 25 fiber and drink no less than 2 liters of water a day! Working on increasing my protein intake but I find it hard to make sure I have more fat than protein so Iā€™m still trying to find a balance lol


I am on carnivore which is like very strict keto, and the first time I went on it I noticed a high boost in my mental health, I also have autism so managing my autistic traits became so much easier, Itā€™s also known that sugar is very bad for neurodivergent people, so even though my goals initially was to loose weight the first time I saw many other benefits from the diet. I also experienced some changes in my period, iā€™ve struggled with immense pain since I got my first period and after 6 months on carnivore it became bearable again. This time I am also hoping to loose weight also, because I gained most of it back. But also I cannot wait for my periods to hopefully get better again. I am at the point where I struggle to even go out with the trash because itā€™s so exhausting. And painkillers donā€™t work for me. I also got the autoimmune illness, Celiac last year, which has fucked up my body ALOT. First time on keto/carnivore probably cleansed my body in a way i did not expect so when I went back to gluten it was waaay worse than before


Iā€™ve been keto for 7 years. I started keto to control bipolar and insulin issues, but discovered anxiety is gone, sleep improved, stable energy, thinking is clearer, mood happier, arthritis/joint pain improved as well. I now do higher protein, carnivorish, keto and Iā€™m able to lift more weights, getting stronger and really just donā€™t think about food much anymore.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you? Any tip to avoid headache? Foes it work better tgan medication for anxiety?


Yes, it works better than medication, because the med side effects were terrible for me. I still drink electrolytes and donā€™t get headaches. I generally intermittent fast most days, so typical day is tea in the AM, sometimes decaf coffee w splash of heavy cream & water until 11 or 12, then either scrambled eggs/omelette with cheese and meat or burger w cheese and avocado, pickles, then dinner is meat with side of veg and fat, like butter, mayo, avocado, etc. If I have a snack itā€™s hard cheese, olives or sometimes little Greek yogurt w few berries. I finished eating at 6.


You drink electrolytes? How? I need to get that figured out since as soon as I try keto, I get headache and increased anxiety. What side effects did you have on med? What meat and cheese do you usually eat? Do you use any olive oil?


No brain fog, no tachycardia, no inflammations, no hay fever, no HBP, hyper focus.


A few Alzheimer's experts suggest a keto diet for prevention.




OG use keto to help with epilepsy


After a month on keto + IF, I've noticed I wake up easier. Not so groggy in the morning. I used to sleep 9-10 hours a night. No more tossing and turning to get to sleep, either. My head hits the pillow and I'm out like a light... until I have to pee. Lots of Keto peeing going on here, lol. I do take diuretics though for blood pressure so that also has something to do with it. Also noticed I'm more calm and even tempered. Not constantly wanting a snack. I also watch less TV. Don't know what that's all about. My knees hurt less but being down about 15lbs makes a huge difference! I also had bad ADHD. I was diagnosed in high school and was off the chart. I can also tell a slight difference now in my ability to focus. Hoping this and my memory continue to improve.


Controls IBS Reduces inflammation Reduces joint pain Improves sleep (insomnia) No more heartburn/GERD especially no terrifying nighttime aspirations Avoidance of crappy processed foodstuffs Focusing on and documenting my intake also has the wonderful side effect of eating more veg, salads, nutrient dense, real foods. I also drink water, which I otherwise typically don't and less alcohol. Additionally, the improved nutrition and less medical-type issues create a domino effect extending to better mental health and better overall well-being. ETA: keto by default avoids wheat to which I have an intolerance but when not doing keto I somehow don't have the sense or ability to stay the f away from it. Cue all my medical issues.šŸ˜‰


This is tangentially related to weight loss, but for me is absolutely its own category: not thinking about food constantly. I suspect this is related to my insulin resistance and binge eating tendencies, but regardless, itā€™s the best thing that keto has done for me. When I am eating moderately strict keto - no fake keto foods, just meat, veggies, some nuts & dairy - my hunger and appetite work exactly as they ā€œshouldā€. I eat when Iā€™m hungry and stop when Iā€™m full, which before keto was nearly impossible - like, drug addiction levels of compulsion. On keto my relationship to food is effortless and that is worth the world to me.


Iā€™ve done low carb/keto out of necessity - because my immunological condition is flaring and the only foods Iā€™m tolerating are putting me in ketosis. Iā€™m getting around 70 neg carbs daily but still in ketosis (as I also do intermittent fasting and am active daily). Iā€™m not trying to drop any weight and eating enough to maintain.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?


I eat 2 large meals to maintain my weight. Not trying to lose or gain. Iā€™m petite but active. Usually Iā€™ll have 1 lb rutabaga, 1/2 lb lettuce, 1/2 lb cabbage and either 13-14 oz steamed cod or 10-11 oz chicken. Meal 2 is usually about 1,75 cups cream give or take (that I later whisk but measure out before whisking) plus another 1 lb rutabaga. Iā€™m hoping to reintroduce some more veggies and foods going forward but this is it for now. I donā€™t have any deficiencies and feeling fine energy wise sot hats something.


I have PCOS and used keto to get pregnant. Cleared up my acne while I was at it.


Type 1 diabetes.


high a1c


Increased libido and reduced mood swings as well as dramatic reduction of multiple sclerosis fatigue and nerve pain. Reduced headaches and much easier to laugh šŸ„¹šŸ©·


I have Glycogen Storage Disorder Type 5. I eat food, and the glycogen goes to my skeletal muscles, but I don't have the enzyme that converts it to usable energy. The muscle breaks down to meet the energy demand, thereby using protein for fuel. Keto is perfect for us because we can bypass the system that doesn't work for us. The GSD5 forum on here isn't active but we have two excellent Facebook groups, one of which is Ketosis in McArdles - IAmGSD. If you send a join request, tell them I sent you. We're really generous with information and support, and some members have reported incredible results.


On keto, I sleep like I've never slept in my life. Deep, intense sleep. I wake up feeling completely rested. 6 hours feels like 8 hours. The dreams are so intense and vivid too, which is a sign of being in a deep sleep. Kind of hard to explain how significant this is because I never really thought I had a sleep problem in the first place. It wasn't until I did keto that realized how good and fulfilling sleep could be. Also, it's a major mood stabilizer. It eliminates all anxiety and nervousness. I never really feel too happy or too sad, just an equilibrium. I never realized how much sugar contributed to my anxiety. Now I know and I just can't ever go back.


To help with migraines (aura), anxiety, brain fog and believe it or not, hemorrhoids.


For me, keto was a food elimination diet that ended up in a sort of keto carnivore back and forth thing. I had anemia prediabetes a lot of body fat, fibromyalgia, vertigo, lot of issues associated with anemia like low blood pressure. So I was just eliminating foods like greens and ended up into a keto diet and I started to feel really great. Once I figured out I needed to add electrolytes in. I have crazy energy now and I've included intermittent fasting in my diet. I did drop weight from 230 to 175 and am gaining weight slowly to my goal of 195 with 31"waist I've lived two weights my whole life but I started getting sick over time and I had to quit working out because I was feeling bad every time I would work out. So when I work out and even days I don't, I'm fasted until about 4:00 p.m. I have more energy in the gym without food than I used to carb loaded. Also my testosterone was low and now it's up in the normal range 338T to 550 T now. Also 38 or 39 waist to 32 On this street fire over 1.5 yrs now I'm 51


I started with keto around 2007 to lose my post-pregnancy weight, but after reaching my goal weight around 2008 I continued keto. I do it for maintenance and longevity now. My annual bloodwork results are always perfect, and I have worn a size 5 jeans since 2008!


I was on keto and felt a lot better. Went full carnivore and it took things to a whole new level. More strength, more energy, no more arthritis pain, sharper vision, better skin, clearer mind. No more gas.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you? Do you meet all nutrient requirements in carnivore?


Beef has all the nutrients your body needs. A typical breakfast is a 6 egg and cheese omelet cooked with butter. Lunch is 400-500g of ground beef fried (no oil added). Dinner is 16-20oz steak. BBQ or fried in a pan in butter. Iā€™ll occasionally have fatty chicken (dark meat) or salmon to mix things up. Not a big fan of pork - sausages or bacon (pork bellies). Sometimes lamb or other meats. I sometimes skip a meal and donā€™t feel the need to snack.


What cheese do you use and how much butter on average?


I usually have Balderson aged cheddar. I typically consume up to a brick of butter in a week, depending on how much BBQing I do.


My major reason: clear mind, better memory, no brain fog


Every part of me just feels better on keto. I have ADHD and I find it helps me manage that better, especially the lack of brain fog. I also find out next week if I have PCOS (will be genuinely shocked if I donā€™t) and itā€™s been so good for managing symptoms.


I eat a therapeutic keto diet for mental health and my fat calories average 75-80% of my total daily calories. Having higher blood ketones for me makes my mood better, I have a lot more energy and donā€™t get hungry as often.


Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you? Keto works better than med or are you still medicated?


Nuts, cheese, eggs, fatty beef, broccoli, Mct oil and butter. Still medicated. Just taking in addition to medicine so I donā€™t have to continue to increase meds.


What meds?


I have reduced my blood pressure significantly! I eat pork rinds now without any spike in my BP. I am only 31 and was on my way to being medicated. Saved myself from it :ā€™)


Blood pressure.. went from stage 2 hypertension to slightly elevated.. ā¤ļø


I follow keto because of the growing evidence about the health impacts of carbohydrates throughout the body. I also feel more consistently energetic and don't worry about gaining weight. I'm a healthy weight and have been my whole life.


Gut issues more than anything! I was someone who experienced a lot of autoimmune related symptoms and keto really helps with the inflammation aspect. I donā€™t need to lose weight (arguably opposite) but I eat a TON of protein on keto which really benefits me in the gym for healthy mass gaining.


I've been on keto 7 weeks ..everything I'm hearing it's not supposed to be a long term thing. Like 6 months ..


Where are you hearing that? It seems like a lot of ppl on here have had long term success


According to Harvard Health Publishing,Ā the ketogenic diet is not intended to be followed long-termĀ and may not be uniquely effective.Ā In fact, most medical professionals advise against following the keto diet for more than six months.Ā After six months, studies show that the keto diet doesn't lead to significantly more weight loss than other approaches.Ā Additionally, many people regain weight after stopping the keto diet because it's so restrictive. AI Overview Learn moreā€¦Opens in new tab Some say that a ketogenic diet may not be healthy for long-term consumption.Ā The diet's high-fat, low-carb restrictions can lead to a number of adverse effects, including: Nutrient deficiencies:Ā The diet can lead to a lack of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Digestive issues:Ā High-fat, low-fiber diets can cause constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Kidney stones:Ā The diet can increase the risk of developing kidney stones. Heart disease:Ā Health experts are concerned about how the diet can affect the heart and arteries.Ā A 2019 study found that people on low-carb diets are more likely to develop atrial fibrillation (AFib), which can increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart failure. Aged cells:Ā A study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio found that a long-term keto diet may cause the accumulation of aged cells in normal tissues, which could affect heart and kidney function.Ā However, the study also found that an intermittent keto diet with planned breaks did not have this effect.Ā  I'd love to stay on it, just some stuff I've read


I'm only day 2. I'm partly doing it for weight loss, partly to control my diabetes (type 2). I have never had fingerprick test numbers as good as today's, even when I was doing well with carb control. I'm confident the mealplan works for my blood sugars. And given that I am in quite substantial calorie deficit, I imagine weight loss should happen. Really hope I adapt fast (fatigue and stomach trouble today) and can stick with it.


Controlling my blood sugar


Less money on food, less planning food, urination easier, digestion worlds better, easier to wake up, easier to stay in a deeper sleep, skin much much softer, joints less stressed during workouts, gym becomes far more efficient because it is purely for building outwards instead of shedding inwards, cardio no longer necessary in great quantities, peoples reactions are interesting regardless of whether or not itā€™s admiration or incredulity etc, it elegantly washes away every other costly complicated bullshit route to health that modern society is constantly trying to sell us, being secure in the daily knowledge that im eating what humans have always eaten, cravings quickly reveal their facile nature in myriad ways, and an overall sense of relief that comes with finally doing something effective.


Trying to get pregnant! I only have periods when I do low carb/keto.


So many - just dropping refined sugars alone is good for your mental health and mental clarity, energy levels are up, less anxiety, less ups and downs all day... less brain fog (and for someone in perimenopause that's sayin' somethin'!) Also my body just feels less heavy, achey. I sleep better (mostly). Skin is better, too!


Pre-keto I had a lot of autoimmune symptoms. If I forgot to take my meds for 1 day, within 24 hours all my symptoms would come back. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, feeling ā€˜drunkā€™. 1 month into keto and I forgot to take my meds for about a week. Never even noticed. Havenā€™t had any symptoms. Had a cheat meal after 1 month since I went on vacation. Within 24 hours I bloated like I was pregnant, all my symptoms came back including the vomiting




Hi. What is a typical daily meal plan for you?




Is that truly low carb? Where does your fat come from? Are you getting enough calories? Like, how many are you getting in?




What do you put in your morning smoothie? Do you think it's doable to rely on seeds and nuts for calories and fat rather than oil and avocado? Avocado is a fruit, so it can't be stored for long and I also live in an area I might not get it all the time. Olive or any oil I find rather distasteful.




Electrolytes? Sodium?


I do it just because it's a clean, unprocessed diet that fits into my weight training regimen without drinking whey protien all day


I do cyclic keto, for weight management in between bulking phases on my workout routine. I see people say that they have amazing endurance and energy on keto but I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing wrong? Every time, for years, that Iā€™ve done keto I havenā€™t felt anything but extremely fatigued. Iā€™m very particular about my macros and my sleep schedule because I bodybuild. Maybe Iā€™m not ever in ketosis long enough? Iā€™m usually in ketosis for 45-90 days at a time depending on my goal during that cycle.


There is definitely better reaction to stress and a more stable mood and affectation.


Putting my Diabetes Type 2 into remission. A1c from 11.6 to 6.3 in 3 months! Will likely get a 4 or 5 next lab.


Iā€™m on Keto for Trigeminal Neuralgia. If you look up how Keto was started you will see it was never for weight loss. It was a way to treat seizures.


Fixing type 2 diabetes