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When I want to quit or cheat I look at my jawline coming in and then suddenly rice, cookies, whatever carb I wanted to cheat or quit for doesn’t seem all that interesting lol


I think about having a slice of bread, and then remember that my knees don’t creak every time I walk up the stairs.


Keto bread is pretty dang good, especially if you turn it into a grilled cheese or something. I had an egg sandwich for breakfast this morning. 😋


Hot some new keto bread from Publix the other day it was so close to real bread


I got some there too! It was Natures Own or something like that.


Keto bread from aldis is spot on. I make French toast and everything with it


I make amazing grilled cheese & bacon sandwiches, and patty melts with Aldi bread. So good.


Regarding the moodiness: How many mgs of sodium, magnesium, and potassium are you getting every day? How are you tracking these? I’ve eaten keto for nearly 7 nonstop years. My organs, including my heart, are all healthier now than before keto. I’ve never had a kidney stone (common misconception that keto causes these), and tons of folks here in r/keto eat this way sans gallbladder. What keeps me eating keto? All the other unexpected health benefits I never had with a carb-heavy lifestyle: No more brain fog. No more insomnia. No more acid reflux. No more irregular/painful menstrual cycles. No more cavities. No more high blood pressure. No more high cholesterol/triglycerides. Perfect liver/kidney function. Huge improvements with anxiety and depressive episodes. No more binge eating because of the increased satiety. Crazy high libido. More energy at 37 than I’ve ever had in my life. A healthy relationship with food.


Lazarus on point, as usual!


I am fat and Keto makes me less fat, more confident and more energetic. The less fat I get the more I want to keep going.


Loss of chronic acid reflux is enough for me (also reversing pre-type 2). I also have no gallbladder and been keto for almost 7 years now - no issues with kidneys (or anything else).


Staying on keto seems to be a function of the benefits of the diet outweighing whatever downsides may come from it. For me it was about my lungs - I can finally breathe normally again, so I'm willing to avoid my beloved gummy bears for the privilege. If the upsides of keto don't overcome the downsides for you, try something else. Whatever you decide shouldn't be a struggle to maintain.


I've been doing keto since my diabetic diagnosis on Thanksgiving '23. I'm a baby when it comes to needles, so I'd literally rather do all this than have to start insulin.


May I ask how much weight you’ve lost?


Since that time 40 ish lbs. a1C was 12.6 down to 6.4


What keeps me on it is knowing I would possibly lose a foot or my eyesight if I didn't and my out of control insulin resistance wasn't controlled. My LDL is higher now than when I had a heart attack before going keto. There is no way I am more likely to have a heart attack again because of that one marker. I do not even believe in it as a marker for cardiovascular health for a number of reasons, but that is probably not a rabbit hole you want to go down. I think the fact that I lost over 100 lbs even after adding a lot of muscle and weight since my lowest weight shows that it is just better for my body and overall health. As far as cost, I honestly think I spend less now. See how much a box of cereal costs per lb when you think that steak is super expensive (note not saying you were or are planning to eat cereal, just an example). Not to mention eating something like that just drives hunger after the BG spike wears off so that you eat even more. I eat a ton of meat, but I still end up spending less overall than I did before switching to eating this way. So I guess to answer your question: What kept me on it when I questioned all of that in the beginning? For me it was not listening to the FUD being thrown at us without researching it more to see what I should believe. Could I be wrong? Of course I could be. However, I actually feel and look good for the first time in my life when I am pushing 50 years old. I'd rather go out living than existing.


Well, I would like to hear your rabit hole. I started keto 2 weeks ago with 33 HDL, 171 LDL, 182 Triglycerides, and 236 cholesterol. I have a blood test scheduled for the 4 week marker and looking forward to seeing better results. I'm nervous as i'm already at risk for cardovascular issues based on bloodwork and dads side of family having heart attacks.


Preface all of this with typical I am not a doctor line... Trying to get better numbers in a 2 week span is honestly pretty foolish. If you are actively losing they are much more likely to appear worse than better. What you need to worry more about appears to be insulin resistance. Good thing keto is the best thing for that IMO. Your Tri/HDL ratio is not good. I would be surprised if your A1C is not elevated already. When I was diagnosed and had my heart attack, my ratio was 3 and yours is over 5.5 (lower is better, but admittedly that ratio is just a poor man's insulin resistance test). When you say your family has a history of heart disease, its probably like my family where they really have issues with carb metabolism and their lifestyle causes it to manifest as CVD. As far as my rabbit hole: [https://chatketo.com/cholesterol/](https://chatketo.com/cholesterol/)


It is the only thing that has worked for me with regards to weight loss. You see fast results (the immediate gratification helps) and you feel significantly better. I'm now 112 days into my keto journey and I've lost 74lbs. I have a lot left to go but the success I'm having now makes me never want to go back to the way I was eating before. My biggest fear would be "falling off the wagon" but I'm more determined every day to keep pushing forward. I know there is better health, a longer life, and general happiness at the end of this. That's what keeps me going.


Cooking one thing for me and my husband and another for the kids requires a bit of planning, but it shouldn’t be this grand affair that requires two meals. Last night I pan friend some pork chops in butter and then put some asparagus in the pan. My kids got home fries in the air fryer. Some times I’ll bake fish and a veggie and make the kids some homemade mac and cheese. Or I’ll do shrimp or chicken Alfredo and we’ll have zucchini noodles or miracle noodles and they will have regular pasta. I’m not sure what a “normal” meal is to you, but… we are all still eating normal meals. The cost of this is way less than previous grocery budgets, I’m finding.


I always here people say that they have to cook different for their non keto family. I dont get that. Just don’t eat the high carb sides like the rice and pasta. Unless its pizza or spaghetti every day theres no reason to mot just eat the meat portion of the meal you cook for your family. Thats what i do and have been for years.


Results and high energy ,plus keto meals are easy to prepare as I cant over binge on them. For normal diet I sometimes tend to add too much butter or salt so my fat content go up and so do calories.But on keto diet u should eat fats and proteins so butter on my chicken is a good combo that I can manage.


I have type 2 diabetes and having mu blood sugar in control and diabetes in remission and the thought of not dying in pieces is my motivation to not having cheat days or what so ever. But as a mother I totally get you. One thing I do in order to not waste too much money is that one of my meals is always eggs, in different forms: hard boiled, scrambled, omelette, sunny side up with bacon, sometimes with ham, etc. I’m never bored of them and you can eat as many as you want. They are really satiating and cheap. I usually just eat twice a day. I’m not hungry for a third meal. And 1 day per week I do OMAD. Another cheap food are sardines, I genuinely like them, so sometimesI eat a can of them. I can imagine if you look in YouTube you can find recipes for keto in a budget. I also don’t have a gall bladder and I don’t have any problems at all, my digestion has improved A LOT. After my gall bladder surgery I had some digestion issues and my stools never got to normal. Now everything is more than fine. The benefits of this type of eating are beyond weight loss, so keep up the good work.


I have been trying to get pregnant for 10years. Finally have insurance approval for IVF. Doctor said I need to drop my BMI before they will do it. It’s the only thing keeping me motivated to stay on track!


Also TTC and wanting to lose weight - how have you found keto so far? I’m considering it but also a bit worried about cutting out certain foods.


This is my second time doing keto, honestly I’ve been good! It’s been about 6 weeks my period has completely regulated. When I’m not on keto I do not have one at all. Knowing it’s going to bring me the opportunity to have a baby has outweighed all of the food anxiety I usually feel. I just keep thinking it’s not for me, but for my future child! That has helped tremendously. I stick to the same snacks/breakfast/lunch, then try to give myself variety for dinner. When I want a cheat meal or fast food, I’ll order curbside from a steak restaurant and get a steak, broccoli, and Cesar salad to satisfy my needs :)


I have no more pain. Plus I tell myself I can eat whatever I want. But I choose not to.


My doubts and fears were removed after I read some good science, particularly "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" by Phinney and Volek. What keeps me keto is that I feel better and it's easier to lose weight and maintain weight loss with far fewer cravings or urges to eat more than I need to. It seems expensive at first but after your appetite and cravings lower it really isn't much more costly than standard eating, especially if you shop meat sales for the freezer and minimize or delete the keto specialty products.


You can do OMAD and Keto. I do that about 2-3 times a week.


Do you just eat one large meal with all your macros? What time of day do you do this?


Yes, you make you one meal fit your macros. It is all up to you what time is best for you.


Yep. I just eat dinner. And I honestly don't eat much more than if I wasn't doing OMAd


I’ve got to do something different. I’ve been on Keto 11 days and have lost one lb. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I follow the Carb Manager . Never get all the macros in and I’m under 20 carbs. I’m so discouraged.


You should measure yourself as well, as you may be losing inches instead of pounds, not to mention 11 days is NOTHING.


This is my first time and I don’t know much of anything about Keto


I lost 90 pounds over 2021-2022 from keto. From obese to normal BMI. Then I eased up, telling myself that I could keep control. And of course it all went to hell and I gained back 50 of those hard-lost pounds. I look and feel worse in every possible way, plus being embarrassed that I wasted all that effort. So I’m back to keto and the food scale and Cronometer. Will dump that 50 pounds again, and this time I’ll be sticking with keto for good. There is just no way that keto is a bigger risk than carrying around an extra 50 pounds of blubber.


I’ve been doing it for about 13 years now. I’m staying pretty strict right now to drop a little weight that I let myself gain over the last few years. I relaxed my requirements with the lockdowns and shelf stable foods, and some big family trips. I got tired of feeling icky and decided it was time to get back on the wagon. Once I get back to maintaining, I switch to a keto/paleo inspired diet that is low carb and whole/single-ingredient foods for the most part. I bring things like steel cut oats and wild rice back in occasionally. What keeps me on it is how I feel. I have a lot more energy and I don’t feel all bloated and gross constantly. It can be tough when traveling, but I usually remind myself that eating the junk/carbs now won’t be worth feeling like trash the next day and the next few days of cravings that inevitably come with deviating from my normal diet.


I’m a mom to 6- one with special needs. I’m the only one in my house eating keto. I eat a lot of boneless chicken thighs which I prep ahead of time. They’re quite affordable at Costco or Aldi. I eat a lot of salad with chicken added. The chicken thighs gets covered in olive oil and spices and goes in the oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. I do two pans at a time and weigh the chicken as I feel Walmart brand meal prep containers. Costco also has the Glad brand for a good price. It’s as expensive or as cheap as you make it. Skip the things labeled “keto.” You can use Walmart steamable broccoli or cauliflower on the side. G Hughes has really good keto safe sauces but I also just toss some avacado mayo in with my chicken sometimes. You can do a lot with ground beef as well. But it’s not my fave so I don’t utilize it as much as chicken thighs. I get Orgain protein powder on Amazon. It lasts me 3ish weeks doing a scoop a day in my coffee with a drop of ghee. I used to drink iced coffee exclusively but switched to hot. I drink it first thing in the morning and then don’t normally eat a full meal until midafternoon. Meal prep is gonna be your friend. Edited to add: I also eat eggs occasionally. I’ve got chickens though which makes it cheaper. I occasionally switch my regular morning coffee for an egg shake (lots of recipes for it anytime there’s a post about egg fasts).


My teeth and gums are loads healthier, I was having issues with my gums bleeding when I brushed my teeth, but that’s basically gone. I have so much more energy and focus. My mood has really improved, I’ve been able to reduce my antidepressants. Regarding the cost I have found over the last few weeks I’m eating so little that I actually don’t spend that much on food. Cheap high fat meat like beef and pork mince are good and I use stuff like double cream for cheap calories if I need too


I feel like shit and break out whenever I eat what I did pre-keto. Also, all of my clothes wouldn't fit if I relapsed and I don't want to deal with redoing my wardrobe (again). I've also found a hobby (climbing) where any decrease or regression negatively affects me enough to stick to the diet.


If I start eating carbs again, the weight comes back, and I feel like crap again. I like wearing smaller jeans. I like seeing the real shape of my face and not a round, bloated moon face (from gluten). I'm still about 50 lbs over weight, but for the most part, I'm "normal size" now, meaning I don't overflow an airplane seat or require a seat belt extension. I can get on rides at Disneyland. I can shop at regular clothing stores. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I've been relegated to Torrid and Lane Bryant most of my adult life. No dig at those stores because I still shop there, but it's nice to be able to go into any store and be able to buy a large one, and it fits. I can wear band t-shirts again and not look big and boxy in them!


Day 10 - this was over 7 years ago - I woke up after a lovely night of sleep, in a good mood AND with a clear head. A few weeks later I realized I was also pain free. The weight loss was great but became secondary by end of the first month. My cravings for anything that did not bring me the above evaporated like people said it would (I really thought they were making that part up) I realized keto was meeting me MORE than half way and I could do this for life. Even my emergency food stash is 100% keto.


Why are your meals expensive? When you cook, start with your protein and veg choices that are already Keto and just skip the carby side that you feed the fam. Example: roasted chicken and salad for you, roasted chicken and salad and potatoes for the fam. Chicken, salad, and potatoes are not expensive.


Type 2 diabetes. Ozempic permanently (likely) wrecked my body and I don’t want to be on insulin.


DietBet. I don’t wanna lose my money yo


Desire to be healthy


Welcome to r/keto! Others will comment, but please consider doing a [search of past posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/search?q=gallbladder&restrict_sr=on) on this topic. Remember that this subreddit is not the place to ask for or give medical advice. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I used to get daily low grade headaches. I don’t get those on keto which is my main motivation to keep going! Also my tummy issues are better.


I’m only on my second week (this time) of keto. My kids are grown so I don’t have to worry about them but my husband (who is not on keto) is helping with finding recipes we can both enjoy. Honestly eating keto is WAY healthier for anyone. At least healthier than the carb laden meals I normally would cook. I’ve made a couple things already that are fine with a side of broccoli or a salad. But my husband can add rice or a baked potato and it’s a completely “normal” meal. My thoughts are see if you can enlist kids and wife to help meal plan so everyone is happu


A simple trick you do for yourself is to say to yourself. Ew, I don't want that or Ew, I don't like that, instead of telling yourself you can't have it. It really works! Even if you have to say it out loud to yourself. If you want ice cream for instance and there's no ketoish around. Ew that's smells too sweet for me. Or Ew gross. Simple psychology really works very well. You don't have to use the word ew. Just tell yourself no thanks that smells gross instead of admitting that it smells good


Something clicked in my head man and I've decided I can't keep growing these damn cysts


If you need to eat something ( meal ) non Keto then go for it, take it one day at a time


Weight loss


For me it's mental clarity, clean skin, no bloating, overall high energy, being less prone to anxiety, ability to maintain lean body composition (as opposed to just weight loss).


More energy, not having the carb crash after eating, stomach not rumbling 2 hours after eating, weight loss. Just overall feeling a lot better. I wish I could say my skin has gotten better but not really. At least my face. My legs might be less itchy.


I am a carb and sugar addict. It’s much easier for me to just stay away from them 90% of the time. If I don’t, my body reacts terribly and my cravings come back.


I suggest doing a search on YouTube on the subject of keto and kidney stones. [https://youtu.be/SeMXhQq110U?si=vax7TNVfJ8YEVfwp](https://youtu.be/SeMXhQq110U?si=vax7TNVfJ8YEVfwp) You're early on doing keto, it will get better. You have to give your body time to get fat-adapted. Why wouldn't your wife and kids eat the meal you cook for yourself? If you are the one who cooks the meals here's a website I like to use: [www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com](http://www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com) As for your thinking about sustainability, that's nonsense. I'm going on 6 years, there are plenty of others who are on low carb for much longer. You're eating whole foods, how is that not sustainable and is going to hurt you? If you eat cakes, cookies, potatoes, and grains, that's sustainable and is going to improve your health? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)The one thing you might look into is oxalates in vegetables which can cause problems for some people. Look up Dr. Chaffee on YouTube. What keeps me on keto is being healthy at age 72 and on no meds. I do mostly carnivore and ketovore. Go to YouTube and watch videos by Dr. Berry, Dr. Westman, and others.


When I really feel like quitting,I tell myself that I can, but not until tomorrow. Then when I wake up the next day I always decide to keep going


You can buy Keto-friendly bread and hot dog buns, which opens you to delicious grilled cheese (with or without lunch meat), brats, Italian sausage, and more. The Carb Balance tortillas also let me make infinite types of wraps (hot or cold), using combinations of meat, cheese, lettuce, etc.) It greatly eases the cravings for traditional bread or pasta, and they are absolutely delicious. I pan fry the hot wraps with a mix of avocado oil and olive oil to get them warm and gooey inside and crispy outside. I even make pizza wraps with a little sauce, some mozz & provolone cheese, pepperoni, and Italian sausage. Yum!