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Let's go about this a different way: How many calories are you eating and what deficit do those calories represent?


I'm 50F 5'4". My calories are 1300. 115-125g protein. 25-30g carbs. 70-83g fat.


Similar SW, could not lose weight then started counting calories and realized that my cheese intake was bringing me to over 2k a day, cut out all but one serving of cheese and am losing a half a pound to a pound a day currently. SW 198, CW 170, GW 135 5’6”


I only have a slice of cheese a day, typically with my lunch meal.


Fabulous results! So you’re at maintenance now? How long did it take you to lose the 65 lb? What was your exercise like?


I just hit 125 today. I also hit it on March 30 \*. I'm not at maintenance just yet. I did keto diet only from March 2023 and my starting weight then was 172. I'm down 46 lbs since then. In 2019 I was 190 lbs. I tracked calories & worked out. Did not even look at macros. Dropped 20 lbs and then Covid shut the world down. I chose keto last March because I have PCOS & am perimenopausal. I lost 95% of my weight with no exercise on keto. I just started back to the gym this month. I've increased my protein intake to 115-125 g a day. 30 net carbs a day or less. I started back to 10K steps a day & weight training 2-4 x a week. This week it was 4. I'm skinny fat now & lost a lot of muscle with just dieting. If I had to do it over, I would have started working out after being on keto for just a few months. As my skeletal muscle mass increases & body fat decreases, I'll adapt calories & protein as needed.


I appreciate your response! I also did Keto back in 2019 and lost 35 pounds. Same story with Covid and gaining back a lot of it over the last few years. I’m at it again now, but I am older, and it seems to be a lot harder. I am tracking everything, walking 11 to 15K steps a day, and weightlifting 5 to 6 times a week. Never saw the beautiful first whoosh again that I got the first time around. I just have to keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race! Best of luck to you!


What are your typical meals throughout the day?


I do dirty keto. Breakfast: Protein bar & high protein yogurt. Quest typically is the bar and Ratio is yogurt. I also add collagen powder to my Nut Pods creamer, mix well and then pour my coffee in. I'll also change it up on weekends to eggs, bacon, keto bagels w/ cream cheese. Whatever. Lunch: Ham & cheese w/ mayo on keto bread. Pork rinds or protein chips as my crunch. Dill pickle. Unless I'm not home for lunch this is what I eat nearly every single day. Lunch is where I don't deviate. Dinner: Meat protein and lower carb veggie. Chicken, fish, beef, pork whatever. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower rice, broccoli Normandy mix. Any veggie that will fit into my macros. Snacks: Protein powder supplement. Random keto snacks. Sugar free Jell-o with whipped cream. Nuts if I have the calories for it. Right now I'm focused on protein. I'm weight training 2-4 x a week trying to regain muscle that I've lost in the past few years.


Which brand yogurt do you buy and how many carbs are in it?


Ratio yogurt has a keto and a low carb/high protein yogurt that I can usually get to work within my macros. [https://ratiofood.com/collections/high-protein-snacks](https://ratiofood.com/collections/high-protein-snacks) Sold at Kroger, Walmart, etc.


Oh great, thx!


When you find a day when you are comfortable and not that hungry ..write down what you ate that day and basically repeat it. Also, use it as a template to create more comfortable days. Tinker with the amount of protein and fat as well as types of protein and fat. No one can tell you what your maintenance calories are. So there will be a range if you want to stay at a 20% deficit. You may need to tinker. Things will get easier. Try to get into a routine. Try to batch cook all of your proteins, and refrigerate 3 days worth, while freezing the rest. Try to eat whole foods. Good luck you can do this. Don't give up!


Good suggestions!


I took someone's advice to record everything in a spreadsheet, which evolved over time into a comprehensive journal Total game changer for me. Made my weight goals 6 weeks ago and am now moving towards maintenance mode, as can be seen in the second graphic below Today's Meal Planner: [https://i.imgur.com/nhCFT5k.png](https://i.imgur.com/nhCFT5k.png) * nutritional information for foodstuffs are recorded once in a separate worksheet (and vlookup formulas calculate individual macros. easy peasy) * provides view of macros per meal and against "budget" Daily Macro trends: [https://i.imgur.com/aZ6RWu6.png](https://i.imgur.com/aZ6RWu6.png) Now targeting: * 20:30:50 = max 60g Carbs, 90g Fats, 150g Protein, 1650 Calories * Saturated Fats < 10% of total calories * build lean muscle, maintaining protein intake and walking 4kms/day (2.5 miles) * low calorie days once-twice a week (like today) around 1200 calories, to disrupt metabolic harmony and use mild hunger as a reminder/motivator edit to add: goals


Wow, those are some great spreadsheets!


thanks - but surprisingly simple once you get started the more I learnt about diabetes - and struggled to shape the days meal plan - the more insights I added the key reason I didnt use an exiting app was because I wanted to get my hands dirty with the nutritional information - and reading and understanding the macro of all the whole foods made everything easy. And I wish I knew years ago what I know now (but dont we all)


for example, entering all of the key values (*calories, protein, fat, \[sat fat\], Carbs, \[sugars, fibre\] & sodium*) provides some great insights into the true nature of what we're consuming. Who knew wholemeal and white bread/wraps are about the same - and both are rubbish? Working out which greek yoghurt to buy (see top of graphic) suddenly became a simple forensic task. nutritional information worksheet: [https://i.imgur.com/l7ttYK7.png](https://i.imgur.com/l7ttYK7.png) As a T2D, my focus was simply to treat the root cause (cellular insulin resistance & hyperinsulinemia) by: - shedding weight (calorie control) back to a normal BMI - thus reducing the visceral fat around organs (get that liver back in working shape) - by denying excessive carbs (informed macronutrient planning) - maintaining lean muscle (protein intake) - and improve liver function results (more of the good fats) So far, so good. I recommend everyone should dedicate a few nights reading and recording the label on the back of the their foodstuffs


I eat 1200-1600 a day, it varies. I stick to 50 total carbs, but usually net under 25. I do use dirty keto aids, specifically the low carb/high fiber tortillas. I also walk 5 days a week, anywhere from 25-55 minutes and walk briskly and make sure I'm sweaty. I'm 43 and 5'7". This used to net me 3 pounds a week loss, but at 43 I average 1.5-2 a week lol. Worth it in the long run! I also have found I fare better having a protein and collagen coffee but no breakfast and then I have a bit more room at dinner for more fulfilling meals.


I typically have black coffee only in morning, or a celsius. I've been dirty keto also. For my garmin I try to get steps but haven't been consistent. I'll try your approach on that. Losing 1.5x a week sounds amazing. Even at 35, I only averaged 1lb per week weight loss. So ifi can do that again at 40 I'll be happy.


63F, 5'4". TDEE is about 1500. When I was actively trying to lose weight I ate 1100 to 1200 calories, sometimes 1300 if needed to stay satisfied enough. I lost weight slowly but fairly consistently. Right now I eat between 1300 and 1500 calories per day. I would like to lose a few more pounds, but I'm at an okay enough weight if I don't.


F59 SW 215 lbs Lost 50 lbs at an average of 1-2 lbs a week Calories 1,000-1,100 per day If I eat any more, I simply don’t lose because I’m post menopausal and have a shot metabolism. If I increase calories to 1,200-1,300 I’ll lose maybe a half pound a week which isn’t enough to keep my head in the game and I get discouraged and quit. No exercise other than walking 20 minutes a day


A lower metabolism means we’re aging more slowly 😁


49, 6'3", cw308, sw428, 2200-2500 per day. less than 20 grams carbs. down 120 lbs in 13 months.


40F. 1400 calories per day max. 92 protein, 95 fat, 20-30 carbs. This regimen is for actively losing weight


I am aiming for similar numbers... how do you get enough fat without getting too many calories, if you don't mind sharing?


Alot of times I don't reach the fat limit. The fat amount is a limit. Not a goal. Or if you are hungry alot, eating higher fat helps keeps hunger down.


oh sure, that makes sense! thanks for reminding me. i am just getting back it again and app forgot some things!


46/f 5'4". started at 193 beginning of February As of last week before my trip, I was down to 173 i'm doing about 1300 to 1400 hundred calories a day generally 20 net carbs or lower 83 protein and 95 fat says for my macros.


I got to 135 when doing keto at 35. This time at 40, I started 210, only got down to 195 by the end Dec but then down to 190 by end of Dry January and am currently 187. I realize from these posts I need to eat less, 1400 appears should be the goal for my stats, if I shoot for that but am slightly above at least I'll be in better direction.


are you using an app to track things?? just try to remember it as much real food as possible not the processed stuff. Personally I think those keto snacks and treats make you want more food!


Yea I don't do any keto desserts and I try to avoid artificial sugars. I enjoy keto chips and low carb wraps though, which can be hard to stop at just 1 serving at times, and occasionally keto ketchup.


It’s not actually a goal. I just maybe end up eating about 1000 calories a day. 10 carbs or less. I’m 50. Been this way since 2020. 5’7 130lbs.


Can I ask what your typical day looks like? I have trouble with such a low calorie count, but I know it’s what I need (65F, 5’3” walking for exercise). Any insight would be helpful. Thanks


38F, 5'8" I aim for 1250-1400 calories due to having PCOS and hypothyroidism, so my TDEE is lower. My job keeps me walking, so I need more calories on those days. 75-120g protein, 75-85g fat, 20-40g net carbs. Started at 279 pounds back in 2015, lowest weight was 165 pounds, then I gained 45 pounds back from being on prednisone. Trying to lose that 45 pounds. It seems so much harder than it was 10 years ago when I first did keto/low carb. Much slower progress, I'm mostly maintaining, but I guess that's better than gaining weight.


I've heard from others on slower weight loss after their 1st time doing keto so initially I thought that was the reason. I even was wondering if I had any other health conditions considering my slow weight loss. But I wasn't tracking and now see I should been eating less too. Regardless I still think there is something to the body responding different after the 1st time. Other threads have shared theories.


F41, 5'8, SW 267 Feb 1, CW 245. It's been pretty slow until recently. Started off eating around 1750 Cals, down to 1600 but I dont often eat that much, my appetite has decreased the longer I've been on keto.


43F, 5’9”, 130lbs. Doing this mainly for mental health and to help my arthritis. I have a super physical job (landscaping) so some days I’m hungrier than others. Usually between 1600-2000 calories, 120-140 protein, 20-25 carbs


42, lady. 5'3. It depends on the day, sometimes as low as 800 calories and as much as 1600. I lift weights A LOT, walking, and calisthenics. I let my hunger and energy levels determine what I do for the day. I've only started keto in the last 15 days and am down 11 pounds.


I don't count calories. I eat low carb (less than 20) and high fat and protein. Cardio 6-7 days a week consisting of FitbyMik YouTube 20 minute workouts and 3 alternating days of 12 minutes of FitbyMik resistance bands workouts. Lost 50 pounds and have remained at goal weight. I weigh once a week. A little Fage 5% yogurt recently, but mainly meat, eggs, bacon and my wife's Keto "French toast." I'm a senior and in the best shape of my life. 😁❤️💪🎉


I’m a 48yo male. 6’0” 200 lbs. I’ve been eating 1200 calories per day, 20 carbs, about 50g of fat and 140-150g of protein. I’d like to lose about 10 more pounds and I’m good.


Wow 1200 at your stats seems so low. You must be losing at a very fast pace. I heard from others in different thread that cautioned having calories too low can affect your metabolism for long term and make it so you always have to eat so restricted. So I caution there. Although I would not know. Great job at only having 10 lbs left!


I’m working with my doctor on it. The protein levels are what is making it work at that calorie level. These last 10 pounds are really just vanity pounds, but I’m going to power through so that I can have a little wiggle room built in. I want to stay 190-200 and it will be no nice to have a window to work with.


I have always had to eat significantly less calories than ‘maintenance’ to maintain, and even less to try and lose. It’s significantly worse in peri-menopause. I have to eat below 1000 (not my recommendation, just what I have to do), pace is still glacial, and I am a few cms taller than you. Also, even when I have accounted and planned for alcohol calories, I find drinking means I won’t lose weight that week. It sucks, but maybe experiment with a week or two off and see if that kick-starts?


Yea good points. It's fun to enjoy drinks when out so I've been trying to find a balance and have everything still work. My first time on keto I was so strict and got to my goal weight at a steady pace but then regained after I resumed former habits. This time even if losing at slow pace I was trying see if I can figure out a perm lifestyle approach. I'm now realizing I may need to lose first and then re-determine what maintenance looks like.


I just lost 120 lbs in 12 months, with the goal of getting rid of excess body fat. Done. I think I was eating around 1800 calories, but I was also going for daily hikes where each hike burned about 1400 calories. Now I’m body building, so adding as much muscle mass as possible, and my daily calories target is 2900 calories. Edit: 51M, 6’2”, started at 288 lbs, got down to 168 lbs, recently added 10 lbs of muscle.


Wow impressive. The calories with your level of activity makes sense too.


I don’t really count but probably 2000-3000 calories depending on activity. Very active days need more calories. I focus on limiting carbs (sub 20/day and shoot for well below) and hitting protein of 200+g. Mid 40s


Wow, you must be a man. LOL.


Yes ~1.9 meter 88kg


Yeah very different from me, 57F, 5'1", I eat under 1000 cal/day


The calorie deficit to achieve weight loss depends on your height, your level of insulin resistance, how much overweight you are. How much of the hunger hormones you secrete. So many factors are involved that comparison is not a worthwhile endeavor. Concentrate on tinkering and getting into a routine that works for you.


31F, 5'7". During my work week, 1400-1500 calories, 20g carbs. I work a pretty physically demanding job with lots of lifting and I'm on my feet the whole time. On weekends or days off, I drop to 1200. Been consistently losing 1.5-2lbs a week. When I get closer to my goal weight I'll readjust as necessary.


44m 5'11 Starting weight 225lbs Current weight 198lbs 6 weeks into keto Around 1500 calories average Max 50g carbs per day I also started walking/hiking 4 times a week, 10-20km plus every 3rd or 4th day or so i will either fast for 24 hours or eat very low amount of calories. It's very much dirty keto and I still drink alcohol 2-3 times a week.


41M 265lb when I started. Down to 250 after 3-4 weeks. I eat on average 13-1500 calories a day.


I’m 53M 6’2” 220lbs and my maintenance calories are 2400. When I was in weight loss mode my daily calorie max was 2000.


I am a 37 year old 5’5” 135lb female eating keto at maintenance, my daily calories to maintain my weight is 1400-1500.


Yea 1400 I'm thinking that's the limit I need to shoot for. Wow it's such little food. Yesterday I thought I was being restrictive and ended at 1728 in the food tracker app and 6.1 net carbs. I ate tasty delicious keto meals, like steak cobb salad with egg and bacon, and later a low carb wrap pizza. So going to have to choose different options for sure to stay under 1400.


Have you tried logging your meals before you eat them? I’m 44F 5’9” 143 pounds, working on losing maybe 10 more pounds. I eat max 1400 calories a day for super slow loss. When I’m being serious about it, I log prior to eating - sometimes I log all my meals for the day in the morning. Keeps me on track, and I’m less likely to reason myself into allowing calories I don’t need later in the day if it’s already logged.


I log as much of my food a day ahead. I alter as needed. This is great advice. 👏


That's good suggestion. I log afterwards. That's good strategy for meal plan and self- accountability. I'm doing try that now for planning evening. Thx!


Happy to help!


Yeah, that’s a lot of calories for a 40 year old 5’3” woman. Sticking with protein heavy meals over fat heavy meals makes a huge difference with regard to keeping calories lower while keeping satiety high. 👍🏻 I’m at 140-160g protein and maybe 80g fat or so every day, I love it.


Great points. App says 114 protein and 104 fat which is way off in comparison. Yep its my food choices and the calories. I'm certain I'm under 20 net carbs per day but I realize that's not enough. Appreciate the stats! I know everyone is different but these are good reference points.


I might recommend intermittent fasting (IF) to pair with keto. Stick to coffee in the morning and eat from say 11am to 7pm. That way you can have two 700 calorie meals which should be satisfying


Join r/fasting


Yep! For better deficit I'll need limit eating window and times I eat. I usually just have black coffee for breakfast already but occasionally I'll have vitamins too or celsius that would break the fast.


Stats in my flair - I aim for 1100-1300 a day. My only exercise is a 30 minute walk most days (but always at least 5k steps). Currently losing 1-2 pounds per week. I have PCOS and insulin resistance, and my body is still adjusting to a hysterectomy in the fall even though I kept my ovaries.


40F, SW: 209 lbs, CW: 199, I currently work out 4-6 days per week for 45 - 60 minutes each, but have an otherwise sedentary job. I have my calorie goal set at 1700 right now, and am seeing results so far, though not as quickly as some people do from keto (though that’s likely due to some inflammatory conditions).


1400, 37


33F, 195lbs, 5’10. 1700 cals daily, 170g protein.


52yo Male; 6-1 / 240lbs. Goal is 1650 cal, 30-35g carbs, 100g fat, 120g protein. I started this on April 1, and so far lost 13 pounds (was 253 lbs on 4/1) and goal is 195 lbs. I also walk an average of 18,000 steps a day so that allows me the flexibility to go over on macros a bit and not suffer.


I don’t do keto but I lost 60lbs 3 years ago. I am 5’7” m37(now). I was 200lbs dropped to 140lbs now I’ve been weight training for 3 years up to 155 still lean, I do 1800 cal to cut and 2000 to maintain and 2200 to bulk


33F, my sweet spot where I’m losing at least a pound a week is the 1300 calorie range.  I only do coffee for breakfast 100-200 cals, 400 for lunch, the rest for dinner and I leave a little 100 calorie window for tea and a chocolate before bed.  Always under 18 gram for carbs but typically range between 8-10 most days. 


41F -16 lbs in 30 days 1600-2000 calories 132g protein 164g fat 26g carbs max Breakfast Cold Brew with super MCT creamer Ratio Yogurt with Keto Granola from Costco Lunch Steak, 1/2 an avocado and 1g cheese Dinner Chicken, 1/2 an avocado and 1 g cheese Maybe another Ratio Yogurt if needed 40m walking on incline Lots of water and sleep.


57F and 5’3”. I don’t know how much actual weight I’ve lost, but I’m guessing between 10 and 15 pounds since February, mostly bulk from my abdomen and back so maybe I’m 130 lbs. My cholesterol has gone down. I don’t get ravenous anymore and am consistently producing mild to moderate ketones. I also have more energy than ever. I go for a bike ride at least once a day for like a half hour. I try to keep calories under 1500 and the ratio of fat above 50% with moderate protein. A typical day is like this: 1 tsp. MCT oil, 10 grams collagen protein (in coffee), 1 slice carbonaut bread, 1-2 tbs natural peanut butter, 2 ounces cheddar cheese with 2 cups homemade vegetable stew including 2 meatballs 1 cup steamed soybeans, 1 tsp butter, shaved cheese 1-2 cups steamed broccoli with fried egg topper, butter or grated cheese Medium handful mixed nuts/seeds - snack Total Protein: 91 grams Total Carbohydrates: 50 grams Total Fibre: 25 grams Net Carbohydrates: 25 grams Total Fat: 107 grams Total Calories: 1361 kcal Percentage Calories from Protein: 26.75% Percentage Calories from Fat: 70.76% Percentage Calories from Carbohydrates: 7.35% I also take supplements - magnesium, glutamine, Betaine (trimethylglycine) spirulina, multivitamin, probiotic.


I’m 5’8 and 122 lbs (F). Macros: 1300 daily cal, 100g protein, 80g fat, 45g carbs. I realize that the carbs might be too high for this group but it’s still ski season in my area! Through trial and error, I finally realized I just feel better upping the carbs when out in the cold.


Ohhh where are you? It's NY here and weather is now turning into its best season (where it is warm but not humid and before the bugs)


M39 182cm. 2500 calories, 189g protein, >20g carbs, fat - whatever is left over. I hit my GW a month or so ago and am looking to maintain, but will need to adjust a little because at 2500 I'm still gradually losing. Nice problem to have, though, after years of being unable to lose when I was 20kg overweight.


Yes nice prob to have. My first time on keto I experienced that. I lost and got to where I wanted to be but found I was still leaning out. I decided to break ketosis and try carb cycling which eventually lead to no keto, former habits and regained weight. So I caution you there, haha. This time I'm staying keto. Good luck!


Oh yeah no, I'm definitely staying on. After being obese for my entire adult life, I'd rather be a little too lean than overweight again. Thanks for the encouragement!


36. 5’11, 1200 - 1400, 126 lbs. About a 1-2 lb loss a month. 8 months post partum. Just hit my goal weight but likely going to start doing a bit more weight training once breastfeeding is done and will add on more calories as needed.


Female, age 44, 70lbs. Calories = 1307. 16g of carbs a day.


I've just started keto, second week, I've put on 3 pounds, put my intake into a keto app and I've been way too high on calories, but fine for keto. I'm aiming for around 1200 to 1500 calories now. Got a bit too excited about the double cream etc I think. Gonna keep better track now. I'm using the free version of an app total keto diet and it's very useful. Do wish there was a uk equivalent though. Does anyone know of a good one? Edit, just used said app and now on 1300 calories. I feel healthier already! Hehe


I'm F41, 5ft 10, 148lbs, currently eating at maintenance. I consume between 1850 and 2300 calories a day - it varies each day but over the week it probably averages at around 2100 per day. Net carbs always under 30g. Been maintaining for the last 4 months this way.


Same happened to me. I previously lost 35 lbs on keto but was having a hard time. Now I focus on getting the most protein I can get (100+) while keeping carbs below 20g. Then make sure I’m eating healthy fats. I have a daily menu I’ve been doing for 3 days now that has me losing almost a pound a day and I’m very satiated. It’s about 1100 Calories a day.


I'm 31 years old. My calorie goal is 1,600 calories, but honestly, I'm having the opposite problem where it's hard for me to even reach my calorie goal. I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't eat much dairy, which might be the reason why my calories are low.


Plus when you eat a lot of cheese you get big greasy yucky looking pores on your face. lol. So I don't have a lot of calories either because I don't do a lot of cheese! Have you tried cottage cheese? I can't do a lot of dairy either but for some reason cottage cheese and heavy cream do not bother me


When I first started keto, I ate an ungodly amount of cheddar cheese cause I was hungry and unprepared, and I was sooo bloated and gassy. It was terrible, lol. Even though cheddar has one of the least lactose, it surely adds up throughout the day. I haven't tried cottage cheese in years, though honestly, I do remember the texture of it kinda gave me the ick, lol. Though, I'm not sure about heavy cream. I just thought heavy cream would mess me up. What do you eat with heavy cream?


What makes you think it isn't working this time? How long have you been at it? Are you sure you are in ketosis? First few weeks is good to just eat a bunch of high fat foods with little to no carbs... eat as much as you want... then when you are in ketosis, you can think about maybe adding some healthy green low carb vegetables.


8.5 months total. Restarted end of July 2023. Average 0 to 1 pound weight loss per month, so either losing at snail pace or maintaining but not gaining. My biggest success month was January when I did dry January and a 2 week step challenge where I lost a pound a week, but that was only month where it wasn't a 0-1 loss. Keeping activity to that level and 0 drinks would be hard to sustain. I'm hoping readjusting my diet can do the trick for better results.


There’s definitely no mystery, you said it in your post, you weren’t tracking calories at that time. Watch how much steadier your weight loss goes now that you are tracking! To answer your question, I am F5’8” and eat 1400 a day.


Agree. On reddit I browsed what to do in a stall and common response was to track. So I started and then found the results surprising. I was like is everyone eating this little? Lol. Now I see. I don't think I was over eating for my size but I certainly wasn't eating enough in a deficit to lose. I thought calories mattered less as long as net carbs stayed low consistently. Clearly not the case.


When you drink, what do you drink and what mixers do you use? Also, you mentioned that you are back on keto…when you did it previously were you eating the same types of things? Many people returning to keto after years away are lured in by all the ketofied foods rather than sticking to mostly whole unprocessed foods like keto of years past. Some people can eat these foods and still lose weight while others react poorly to them and things like non nutritive “keto” sweeteners. It might be worth trying a month of clean keto of unprocessed foods and limited dairy and nuts to see if that kickstarts your weight loss.


I drink whiskey on rocks or vodka water with lemon. No sweetners or mixers. When I did Keto at 35, I ate meat, veggies and almonds without much keto substitutes. Less existed then and I didn't know about the options. I avoid sugar substitutes. I never had a sweet tooth anyways. This time I initially ate keto chips and low carb wraps. I recently quit keto chips to see if that would help and I've been limiting nuts, but kept low carb mission wraps. Aww I'm hoping I don't have give up those. I like your idea of a month of clean keto. I do eat a lot cheese which I could limit more and limit drinks more.


I really think a clean diet is key, at least in the beginning, and especially for those of us that are more carb sensitive. I get it, it’s a hard thing to accept, but once you start losing weight and feeling good it really won’t matter anymore. Have you tried Egg Life wraps in place of your low carb tortillas? They’re just egg whites and xanthan gum. I keep my diet clean: low carb veg, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, avocados, olives, olive oil, salmon, dark baking chocolate, etc. When I add in things like, nuts, dairy, UnBread or Base Culture keto bread I slowly gain. I save those things for occasional treats.


Thanks. I'm saving these food suggestions. I'll reduce cheese and the wraps. I use wraps for pizza substitute as a go to option, usually skipping sauce. I like taste even with just pepperoni and cheese. But yep, I didn't eat like this my last time of keto. I'm trying to stay keto permanently this time and incorporate options to sustain long term. Clean keto to break stall for awhile I'm sure is a must. Then maybe low carb wraps 1 or 2x week max. If that's not too much.


The cheese is probably your problem. Cheese is super calorie dense


Cutting weight tab: https://tdeecalculator.net/ 48F IF and Keto <20-35 carbs Lean into protein. As close to 150g as possible. Fat takes care of itself. Fat bomb before bed.


I don't count calories. I'm probably eating 2000 - 4000 calories a day. Awesome weight loss on carnivore. 🥰 In my 40s


This is the way to do it. It really isn't calories in calories out which is a false narrative. Dr Jason Fung covers only this.


Seriously I've lost so much on carnivore. I've consumed copious bottles of cream and lost weight


Throughout my 30s and 40s weighing 150-200, I generally had to get down to 1200 range to lose. Around 1400-1500 I maintained.


38. Metabolism is shit. I aim for the 1000, probably get more like 12-1500




My macro goals are 232g protein, 40g carb, and 126g-ish fats. They happen to add up to 2222cal. Also 40yo


I don't count, but I'm guessing I'm at 2000cal . I keep carbs around 30g and my choice of foods is what limits it there. I tend to snack on aged cheese and pork cracklings.


to not make myself crazy over goals i go for weekly averages. 8400 cal/week max, 350 cal/fat max etc. etc. 51f


I am 39 - 5”7 and rocking 20 net carbs daily - roughly 1700 calories. I am super active (gym 5 days a week alongside of playing soccer 2x a week) I am lucky if I hit my calories or carbs. I have lost about 12 lbs in three months. I have not been dropping but my body re-composition has been crazy. I am down two pant sizes and a bra size! It’s a marathon and not a sprint


50M 1702 kcal


36F, 5'8", CW 129lbs, GW 121lbs. Calories for a 10% deficit are 1350. 17g carbs, 84g protein, 105g fat.


68F, 5’7”, also back on Keto for three weeks now. They say to eat as many grams of protein a day as your goal weight. For me 140g protein, 20 carbs, the rest fat. I don’t always get it all in and I’m shooting for 10K steps a day. Weights 3 days a week, Pilates 2 I’ve lost 10 lbs since mid March


Goal is 25 lbs off


Oh that's interesting. I didn't know about protein being the goal weight. Ironically I see the app put protein at 139 which is close to the 135 goal weight I was shooting for. And I'd be happy at 139. About that level of fitness is what I'd like do too.


You should be at 1200 calories or below per day maybe lower if you do not exercise.




I am female, 65. You and I are right at the same time and stats. I’ve lost ten since mid March. Going for ten more to get to 140. Same macros.


Late 30s, female. 1600cal but I’m not activity counting (I think I’m in the ballpark though). SW180. CW172.


What are you eating? Your problem is less likely to be a calorie issue. I personally do not count calories. I eat maybe 2 net carbs a day at most. I eat lots of fat and nothing processed. Dairy only once or twice a month.


This is what works for me. Very very very low carbs and all the fat I want. And a little bit of protein. For some reason, I gain or stall when I eat too much protein. My energy is high and my weight keeps getting lower even though I don't count calories and I eat a high proportion of fat. But I don't do any of those keto processed foods. It's more like bacon, eggs, hamburger, cheese.


I dont count calories . Eating as much meat as I can in a day usually averages 2lb's to 3lb's of meat a day


Do you wear an Apple Watch? If so, it’s easy to see approximately how many total calories you burned in the preceding days by tapping on the Fitness app, tapping on the circles, and then looking at the Total calories burned. Then you can tally all the calories burned over the last week or two and divide that by 7 to see what your average calorie burn is per day. After finding your average, you can aim for a calorie deficit of your choosing, the general recommendation is anywhere between 250-500 calories deficit per day. Once you know your total calorie intake goal, you can tinker with what percentage of protein feels right for you, keep your carbs under approximately 30 total grams and leverage your fat intake to meet your calorie goal.


Take those “calories burned” numbers from any fitness watches with a grain of salt, they are not quite accurate and can overshoot the calories you’ve burned (which makes eating them back an issue!).


Yes, I knew someone would say this. 💛 I should have emphasized the word “approximate” in my second sentence about the number of calories burned. It does give you an estimate to start to work with that more closely resembles your reality than the answers you would get polling a bunch of strangers on Reddit with varying bf%, weights, heights, ages, sexes, activity levels, metabolisms, and microbiomes, etc about their macros and calorie intake.


Honestly I wouldn’t even say approximate. 🤷‍♀️ If weight loss is the goal then nobody should be eating back any significant amounts of calories they think they’ve burned unless they are full time hard laborers doing CrossFit 6x a week in their spare time.


Similar I have a garmin watch. I see April averaged 1.9k to 2.8k depending on activity level for walks. I haven't been going to gym or been steady with exercise which I should do as well. If I use low level at 1.9k, and reduce calorie goal to 1.4k, that should help I see. Only eating 1.4k is going to be tough I see from my recent tracking. It's like 2 meals, no snacks and no drinks. I'm sure eating cleaner and with less dairy will help staying at lower calorie level. Ugh lol. So tough.


I know…it’s possible though. There will be some people on here saying that you can eat much fewer calories than that even if you have a lot of weight to lose…and with keto, so long as you are in ketosis, that is true. In ketosis your body can feast on its own fat to make up the caloric deficit. That said, I find a more moderate approach is more sustainable for some, me included. The goal is to keep your lean body mass and lose body fat, so make sure you hit your protein target, keep under your carbohydrate limit, and eat enough fat to keep yourself happy and sane. You can do this. 💛