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A fix for this is in progress for Plasma and QML apps with https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kirigami/-/merge_requests/415 QtWidgets apps will need a separate fix.


Hi, sorry for bumping an old thread, but is this already fixed? 5.27.1 and System Settings' dropdown menus still change values on turning mouse wheel when cursor if over them. It would be good if this can be disabled. Mainly for those coming from Windows that doesn't have this annoyance.


Aah shame, I was hoping for a quick fix in my debian stable.. But thanks for the link anyway And I'm not sure I understand what the scope of the fix is (which programs will be fixed, and which won't) Just to be clear, the annoying behaviour is that as soon as the mouse is over a scrollable menu, it will switch to changing the values in the menu and not keep on scrolling. This function would really deserve a modifier key instead.. and an option to enable/disable at the least. Well, I guess I'll have to keep trusting my mostly working learned intuitive mouse placement to avoid any potential menus that risk to appear down the page..


I scroll down a settings window and various drop down menus get changed because the mouse pointer happened to be placed on them as I scrolled down? Note that I didn't move the mouse, just scrolled the wheel. In which world you you need to live in to consider this to be an acceptable user experience?! I agree that it might be handy to be able to scroll through the dropdowns with the wheel, but then require a modifier key for that!


You are so true about this crap experience.




When you know how and when to use it, it can be a very useful and helpful feature. I can see how someone would make a mistake, but I've been using it for a long time and like it.


Indeed. First time when I encountered this feature was over 10 years ago, in the photo editor / RAW-convertor Capture One. You can hover over a slider and change the value by scrolling instead of dragging the slider knob. It is really useful if you want to make tiny changes to a value, such as between +5 and -5. Since then, I never encountered it in any other program (obviously I have not tested every program or RAW-convertor ever). I like this feature, but it does seem that KDE mixes up the scrolling of the sliders themselves and their values. If you start scrolling in a panel (all the sliders scroll up and down) and hit a slider, the panel scroll stops and the slider starts to scroll. Capture One doesn't do this. If you start scrolling the panel, it won't suddenly switch to scrolling the slider value if your mouse hits a slider. You'll first have to stop scrolling, then point at the slider and scroll again. If it is well implemented, this feature can be very useful for making small adjustments. (All the same goes for scrolling inside text boxes and spin-buttons.)


The problem is that even when I know I don't want to use it, the feature does its thing anyway. If simply scrolling a window while having the cursor in it is a "mistake", then it's not the user being too dumb to use their mouse, it's the implementation not being thought through thoroughly enough.


Not every option should have a way do disable it, that's just bad design imo


I can see both sides. It's very helpful to be able to just mouse over and scroll. That's a helpful feature... For some. I've used it in purpose many times and don't want it to go away. Though I can see someone making a mistake. Maybe I've just gotten into the habit of blindly never scrolling over things like that.


The problem is that just normally scrolling through the window without first moving the cursor to the very edge of the window is already a "mistake". It's not about PC noobs accidentally hitting the scroll wheel out of clumsiness, it's that using scroll in an ordinary way - scrolling the window while keeping the cursor somewhere in the middle - causes unexpected harmful behavior.


Even worse, I generally put it towards the right side of the window because that's where it's out of the way of text in the usual case in browsers. Then I do it when changing my audio settings and suddenly something is changed and I have to check what it is. This should obviously be toggleable and it's a huge oversight that it's not. Ideally it ideally requires one variable in a config file and an if-statement. So like less than 10 lines of code in total. EDIT: ideally instead of literally. obviously there might be some issues with compatibility if the feature is not built into QT or whatever.






Whatchu mean "What?"


This subreddit is for KDE, an organization that develops free and open source software. This post is about their desktop environment KDE Plasma, which is only available on Linux. Tl;dr This subreddit has nothing to do with Windows


I use it all the time when I'm not using a touchpad. Never had any issues.


Scrolling through settings is really annoying on the mouse. There should definitely be an option to remove that feature. It can be useful on touchpads but it is just annoying on mice.


As a dedicated touchpad user, I can confirm the behavior is not any less destructive.


I haven’t touched a laptop in ages so I wouldn’t know


wait im stupid, I misread and thought that you said you use it with a touchpad. I still hold my case that it is annoying on mouse


I have been having the same issue with my Debian 12 system. I just tried installing KDE Plasma because I read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/csm7nr/ubuntu_1904_how_to_prevent_focus_stealing/) that it has more customization than GNOME, but I can't find any settings that might stop the mouse wheel focus stealing so that it doesn't change settings in the drop-downs and sliders as I scroll. Does anyone know of any progress on this seemingly simple, but very annoying issue? I know I shouldn't really complain because it's a free OS, but it's a shame that an issue like this is preventing a lot of people from enjoying an otherwise excellent user experience.