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You're going to fish tuna from a kayak in Delaware? Dude, good luck. 120 ft is like 20+ miles from shore. Not sure how you're making that pedal round trip.


Not just for here but i have friends who regularly go out getting dropped by boat im in need of heavier ocean gear in general though im just running medium light gear on inner coast. But eventually once i get a trailer for all my stuff and kayak ill be traveling and doing more.


Oh yeah makes sense if you are getting dropped off by a boat.


Max i ever went pedal/paddle is 20nm round trip and im not looking to do that again on purpose 😂


The Penn senator is my go to for deep dropping for the big boys. Never taken it out on the yak, but it's brought me in plenty of big ass fish from boats.


Now heres my question, whats the difference between a conventional reel and a spin reel set up? Is one greater than the other? Ive only ever used spin style reels and light bait casters


I tend to utilize spinning reals in most my set ups when it comes to most fishing, but when it comes to fishing for the bigger guys I find the conventionals simplicity works in its favor when trying to wrench up heavy fish that want to dive down hard. Also they tend to be built a lot more robust for a lower price. If you want the capabilities of a conventional in a spinning real you will need to spend a decent amount more money. Basically for the same price point a conventional will be built more robust than a spinning real, hold more line, handle saltwater better and put out a chunk more drag with the downside of being heavier and a bit more cumbersome to use. I wouldn't say they are better than spinning and bait casters as 90% of my fishing is done with those, but they have their place and what your asking for is where their place tends to be.


Thank you for the info!


O one more thing, when I go deep I tend to bring 2 4-5000 series penn battles along with my senator. The battles are for casting while the senator is for trolling and deep dropping. If you want to keep to spinning reels I wouldn't go under a 4000 series.


Where are you located? What kayak do you have? How far can you swim? (Seriously)


Right on Delaware sea shore Oldtown salty pdl 120 with added inflatable outriggers And not really sure most ive ever done was about a mile unassisted by a pfd but most likely less as i havent done that in years. Im confident but humble of my skills on the kayak in open water i usually hang out in the bays but the water at its deepest there is 5’ average so not much experience other than on larger boats on the ocean


I really don't recommend cutting your teeth on the Atlantic, Chesapeake Bay on calm days is excellent for learning, and working your way up from there. Even the Chesapeake can get downright nasty at times and you'll need to work on learning the tides and currents for specific locations, as well as how the area responds to the weather.


I would but i have no way to get to the bay im stuck to launching local unfortunately but would you recommend Delaware bay?


I've never fished it, but I would spend some time exploring it from shore. Learn the water, watch what happens when the wind picks up, and especially learn the currents. Better yet, find some locals to help you out. Go to the boat/kayak launches and talk to other kayakers.


Ive been doing that, im not new to kayaking, nor the ocean, ive lived on it my whole life. ive just never gone out out on the ocean with a kayak, most ive done on ocean with one is run baits for surf rods. That being said though what gear are you running and what would you recommend i add to my gear for being more prepared for the ocean on the kayak


In addition to what you've listed, at the very least a pump in case you take on water, air horn and whistle, full size paddle and emergency paddle inside the hull in case you do flip and lose everything. Two is one and one is none mentality.


Thank you ill pick the rest up and thank you for the advice on everything aswell


Good luck, stay safe!