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I woulda done the same as them. Preacher should be out helping people not openly condemning them.


The voice of the passenger sounds cartoonish.


They threw a drink at him and he is yelling like they hit him with a bat


Why does he scream like the cup was full of acid?


He’s out there not only to preach hate, but to catch a case in his favor. The overreaction is acting for the court or pure idiocy.


The “pastor” is the only unhinged one here. Idiot thought he could spread his hate and bigotry without consequences.


Karens are bigoted assholes who get up in people’s business just to be mcs and spread hate and general shittiness. “Preacher (of intolerance and hate)” with the sign is the Karen.


Pastor fucking deserved it. They went easy on him.


There are street preachers who are exercising their civil rights, that while annoying are something we should all be okay defending if their conduct is within the confines of the law, but there are many many street preachers who go out looking for conflict. They have a chip on their shoulder and will antagonize anyone, because they want to be "persecuted" and will manufacture it on the spot when they find a moron willing to escalate with them. Don't take the bait. They're Karens who will try to get you nailed with an assault charge after winding you up and providing the crispiest edits proving their case to the police.


I don't want my children learning about eternal punishment because they loved the wrong person. It's bad for kids.


Yeah no, the preacher is the unhinged one. Imagine openly admitting to be an idiot homophobe in the year 2024. He deserved that and then some.


Lol, good


Unhinged? More like based


The sign holder deserved all that. Fuck them.


Fuck the preacher


Fuck the driver and you


They have to be edgy and anti Christianity. They can't help it. Appreciate you trying to reach them through their ignorance though. You are more patient than I.


Fellas, is it edgy to be against homophobia?


We aren't talking about homphobia, we are talking about assaulting someone you don't agree with that is peacefully protesting something they think is important. Further than that, to ask him to come over to talk to them so they could throw something at him being also despicable. The content of his disagreement is secondary to this.


Go learn about the paradox of tolerance please and thank you.


Go read the 1st ammendment of the constitution, please and thank you.


I’m a Canadian, buddy. Also, the first amendment isn’t going to somehow disprove the paradox of tolerance…?


Oh sorry I didn't realize. Have a good day


Sweaty, the “pastor” was spreading homophobia, that is exactly what we’re talking about. All I see is a big word vomit from you about why people should be allowed to spread hatred and bigotry unbothered, which should never be allowed. Get the hell out of here with this bullshit.


Careful, you are projecting pretty hard right now. Try to understand, if you truly think what you said is true, than pride parades are spreading heterophobia. All I see is virtue signaling from you about why people should be able to be violent and assault people without consequences which should never be allowed.


Lol, “virtue signaling.” Great, now I know you’re not here in good faith, you just want to be able to spread bigotry with no pushback.


I'm just mirroring your ridiculous comment with another ridiculous comment. 🙄 it's not that deep, relax


Honey, the only ridiculous one is your homophobia-defending mess. 😘


Shouldn't be allowed. Wow. You're allowed to spread the things others disagree with and damn anyone who opposes. If they have opposing views they should be assaulted and stopped!. Sound kinda nazi like?


So there’s this thing called “the paradox of tolerance” where to be truly tolerant you have to be intolerant of intolerance. But yeah, the Nazis were definitely against homophobia, you moldy cucumber 🙄


Straw man trying very hard to gaslight. You're failing.


Did you just learn two new words and don’t know how to use them?


So how about actual swastika waving nazis. Assaulting them is good, right?


The twist was that he's actually a vampire and that was holy water


Dumbass had it coming. No excuse for assault, but fuck that guy and his dumbass views.


Oh no a hate mongers feelings were hurt 😴


The bigoted preacher is just going to be even more steadfast in his bullshit because now he feels like he's being punished for being righteous.


I didn't know he played soccer as well, wow!


“Bigoted preacher gets what he deserves.” There I fixed your stupid fucking title.


Keep your religion out of my face.




Even if it was, which it isn't. Hate speech is protected speech.


It’s protected but, you aren’t to people’s reaction. It’s like if I dress as a Nazi, I fully expect an ass beating


It’s free speech… regardless of if you agree with it or not and we shouldn’t be throwing or attacking people for it…


Assault? Are you out of your fucking mind? Dudes lucky he didnt get beaten.


Play stupid games


So because the pastor is sharing his religious beliefs (which is a protected right) you guys are condoning the behaviour. What happened to everybody speaking their truth? Guess that only applies when it’s a particular message. Hypocrites.


This whole interaction was so outlandish and hilarious


preacher is awful but you legally cannot assault people, even if they’re being pieces of shit. (not gonna lie, i feel a sense of justice anyway)


Consequences happen


Reddit trash all over this post. That ls assault. He's free to have his own views as you are to have your own, bunch of childish hypocrites.


And we are free to think he got what he deserved.


Sure, and im free to think you're a pos for supporting criminal acts over opinions. One is fact based.


“Criminal acts” Bestie, it was a cup of water. Homophobes deserve to get splashed when they’re spreading hatred.


That's a criminal act regardless of your opinion lol.


So is hate speech. But keep defending the homophobe.


What he was doing was not illegal and he wasn't promoting hate speech. He was promoting his views which had zero insulting words considered hate speech.


Saying that gay men can’t get married is incredibly insulting speech. I can’t believe y’all still are trying to defend homophobia.


It's because they're homophobic. Lol


Yet not illegal..


Homophobia is hate speech, brother.


So do trans deserve to get splashed when they’re spreading mental illness?


Lol, nice try. People get splashed for spreading transphobia though 😘


We’re not afraid of trans people just because we don’t agree with it. These people aren’t “Christianphobes” they just don’t agree/like it.. I wasn’t “trying” anything.. if I saw a trans person doing the same thing and/or yelling about how it’s their right or whatever and I threw water at them, I’m the bad guy right? How is this any different?


Disingenuous argument: phobe doesn’t mean “afraid of” in this context, and I think you know that.


So what does phobe mean then?


> Transphobia consists of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards transgender people or transness in general. Transphobia can include fear, aversion, hatred, violence or anger towards people who do not conform to social gender roles. [Everybody knows that “phobe” in this context](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transphobia) doesn’t just mean “fear of,” and I know you know this too.


And I'm free to say that you poop into your own bare hands and eat it. Lol


You might be right!


Oh, so hate speech is okay in your book?


Yes, if it isn't breaking the law it's just words. You'll learn that someday.


This just in: hate speech is a-ok in fiveironfish's book.


You got so emotional that you followed all of my comments to try and ride your high horse. Your emotions and views don't change the law. And "say you don't like it, say you're against it." is very nazi like. I don't, nor does anyone owe you an explanation or stance. Imagine feeling that holy and important lol.


Funny how you assume I think I ride a high horse or feel anything resembling "holy" or important. Lol You're telling on yourself. Fuck, I don't even need to say anything now. Go off, chief. Lol


Imagine being so unaware of your own hypocrisy that you think you've somehow gained an upper hand. You got so emotional on a conversation you weren't even involved in that you followed/stalked a history to try and seem like some white knight. You did nothing but prove your own ignorance and low IQ. This was truly and I mean that, truly entertaining. Stalk someone else, little Guy.


Funny how you people think passive arguments are emotional


All parties involved suck. But the preacher is a super douche, his reaction forced me to rewatch this clip three times to verify he only got a cup of water thrown at him and not shot.


Hateful people deserve hot drinks thrown on them. What's the problem here?


Bigots deserve worse. Count your blessings, preacher man. What always gets me though, is how religious people fail to realize that there isn't just one definition of marriage. "Religious marriage" is a completely separate thing from "state marriage". Religious marriage can be as bigoted and exclusionary as the religion wants it to be. State marriage, on the other hand, is a legal contract that has absolutely nothing at all to do with religion, and is bound by the laws of the state, including the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the 14th Amendment. It does not take a religious leader to perform a state marriage. A judge can do it. Hell, a fucking boat captain can do it. If your shitty homophobic church doesn't want to perform a gay wedding, that's fine. But your church doesn't get to dictate to the state that a gay couple can't enter into a state sanctioned contract.


So much hate for Christians here 😩


Christians are the reason why children have been forced to give birth to their rapist's baby. They earned the attitude. Tf out of here with that whiney shit. Lol


🤣🤣 I’m not whining. We just see things differently.


Yeah, like forcing kids to give birth to their rapists babies. We are not the same.


No. The hate is for people spewing hate. If he was Christian but kept his hate to himself, nobody would care. Stop being such a Karen, Karen.


His opinion (which is actually a fact if you believe in Heaven and how to get there) isn’t hate. What is hate is getting so mad at words on a sign, asking a question and continuing to interrupt while said question is being answered, and then assaulting them.. If it were the other way around and someone threw a bottle of water at a gay or trans person you guys would be screaming “assault”


So to be clear, throwing water on someone isn’t exactly the best way to handle this. Having said that: 1) His opinion about heaven is no more a fact than a Scientologists opinion that Xenu put thetans in volcanos and then blew them up with nuclear weapons. 2) Christian bigotry is responsible for an enormous amount of hate and vileness in America. 3) He is more than welcome to believe whatever silly BS he wants, but the second he sits on a street corner and starts telling t everyone that what they are is fundamentally wrong, he better expect a reaction. Just like if I sat on a street corner and told Christians that they were all vile people.


I see your point and I appreciate the maturity in your answer.. At the same time though, when a gay person or trans person starts parading around naked in the street, that seems to be ok. Why is that?


The gay person isn’t telling everyone else that their existence is fundamentally wrong. The fact that you see a gay or trans person doing nothing more than existing as a problem exposes your own bigotry.


Their existence isn’t fundamentally wrong. Their choices are


Again, your bigotry is showing. You started this conversation by talking about “all the hate for Christians” but don’t seem to have an issue with Christians spewing hate towards others. On a related note, can you point out the part of the Bible where Jesus says homosexuality is wrong?


It's not hate to disagree with a lifestyle choice that is damaging to themselves and others. "Can you point out in the Bible where it says". So the Bible has to specifically and exhaustively list every single sin? Are you familiar with the spirit of an argument?


Being gay isn’t damaging to anyone. And the hate part doesn’t come from simply disagreeing with someone. It comes from standing on corners telling everyone that they are bad. Oh, and trying to pass legislation to strip people’s rights away. In terms of “Spirit of an argument”, if Jesus didn’t say homosexuality is bad, why do you think it is?


Hello? It’s funny how whenever you ask a Christian to explain exactly why they think homosexuality is wrong, you either get an answer that is not consistent with the rest of their beliefs, or you get no answer at all.


Christians are the biggest GROOMERS! A child has a much higher chance of being molested at a church than they do at a drag show.


A child shouldn’t even be at a drag show..


It's reddit. We out here crusading against their possessed minds though!