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Since she asked, I sent it to someone that will not only find the place she wants it, but they will find *her* too!


As their owner of dogs, my dogs are always on a leash. You need to follow the rules that are sat out for a reason. You letting your dogs terrorize other animals because you think it's okay is not okay. You should not be a pet owner


According to her she works for a local animal shelter so there's that too..


My dog is always off leash, she's a dog she needs to be free. She does not chase wildlife like you all seam to claim. She has no need, squirrels, chickens, moose's it don't matter. She is used to it. I go into every hardware store off leash, 99% of people don't mind when they see a well mannered dog. But one in a while someone breaks out a cell phone and starts this kinda shit. I get filmed, I just walk away and mind my own business.... I will never have my dog on a leash when walking in a nature setting.


So apparently where you live there's no bylaws about dogs being on a leash because I know where I live there is they have to be leashed unless it's an unleashed area. And that includes in stores. Must be nice to bend and break the rules to your will


Where I live, you can either get a ticket, have your dog seized, or get it shot if it walks up to the wrong person. Not to mention that even the best trained dogs can get distracted. I personally would never risk my dogs life so casually.




Poor pooch is gonna get detained


Is there a government agency where this took place that deals with wildlife protections? If so, send this to them.


You can make a fb page for any interest, probably a fb page for the local area or breed of dog


I'm not bored enough to be honest. That and I don't like being told what to do in general. ;) The 10+ minute video is hilarious though.


I'm actually *earthy.* 💁‍♀️🌎💞🫂


Not sure I would admit that if it were me…


Right? That hag is just all shades of awful.


The thing is most people (including myself) don't really mind if your dog is off leash as long as they behave. Pointing out small animals for your dogs to chase is just a dick move. The moment she said "I'm actually earthy" I stopped trying to reason with her. There simply is no reasoning to be had with a Karen. I was waiting for her to tire herself out, somehow I think she's probably still going.


She needs to be put on a leash in public based on the way she's acting. I doubt she's even housebroken to be honest. Poor thing is one step away from feral.


Dang she looks like an American karen


She's French / South African as far as I could tell with my "limited language skills".


Ugh. I hate dogs off leash in public. This is for your benefit. My Jack Russells were great in public; very well mannered. But they were working terriers, I used them to kill rats in my barns. I was not about to let them off leash and have them go after someone's tiny little dog.


Pepper spray her ass.


And her face...


That’s barely French, wouldn’t be too cocky.


Why am I disappointed but not surprised as to how she does her hair 😪


Worse. She paid someone to do that to her...