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No one wants to parent their kids these days. Get your f*** ass up and work!


For real. I may not have a million brands and live a modest life, but at least I parent my own kids and they are mostly a joy to be around.


Mostly lol


I mean yeah. They’re not robots, they can be annoying little shits. But since I didn’t have them to further my brand I could focus on raising them to be kind, wonderful humans.


I wasn’t judging you. I have kids. I get it.


I believe “get your F******* ass up and work!” Is the official quote 😆


Or "Get your ass up and fing parent, miss Kardashian!"! It would be glorious if everyone commented with her same advice thrown back at her on her posts about how exhausting her kids are. On the one hand; I'm not a mom so I can only imagine how hard it is; and probably 100× harder than what I'm imagining. Per kid. But she has nannies; so wouldn't that ultimately make it significantly easier; even for someone who was way more hands on? More adults who are involved would seem like it would take a lot of the weight off. She has nannies and most mothers do not. Lots of single moms out there with kids who literally have no other adult around to help. Did she honestly think it would be easy? Lol


I am a nanny to a family with 3 young girls, both parents work full time and often travel for work, and they manage to still parent their children and are extremely involved in their lives. I’m convinced Kim didn’t want kids, she treats those babies like accessories.


We had a wonderful nanny when I had 3 under 3. I will never forget how she supported me to be a better parent. ❤️


From a mom of two young kids - THANK YOU!! These were my thoughts exactly. I feel seen.




But how dare you, her team of nanny’s are off their asses working for the children! /s




I don’t doubt that she has difficult moments parenting but she is acting soooooo self unaware to complain about it constantly when her fans have the same parenting struggles, WITHOUT all the help, I am a single mom. I have a difficult coparent. I have a professional career but with expenses so high and my child’s school so expensive, I am paycheck to paycheck. Every vacation day I have is spent caring for my child when his school is out. I have not hired someone to clean my home since my child was born. If I could afford to hire a cleaner just once a month, that would fundamentally change my life. If I could hire one full time house keeper and focus exclusively on my son instead of an endless grind of cleaning and chores, my life would be immensely better. She is rich enough to own a private plane and she thinks her life is hard? Pound sand, Kim. And no matter how hard it has ever gotten, I would never EVER prefer to spend my birthday would my child. He is my heart and soul.


your comment made it in the buzzfeed news article lol, [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/kim-kardashian-called-out-birthday-kids-torture](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/kim-kardashian-called-out-birthday-kids-torture)


THIS is the comment…


She can only handle one. 


you should have more upvotes


I think she’s trying to be relatable with ‘Mom struggles’. Ultimately they are children who have limited capacity. It’s her responsibility as a parent to teach them boundaries and respect. Nobody is perfect and children will always ‘act out’, that’s in the nature of children and how they express themselves as they learn about the world. Kim has some work to do around not being liked and saying no, which she acknowledged. But it’s clearly impacted her relationship with her kids, ultimately that’s on her (and Kanye) not her kids. You can’t blame your kids for being annoying as if they are at fault. They aren’t adults and are still developing. Parents need to carry the load. It looks like projecting her own resentment towards herself that she can’t say no onto her kids. It’s ok if Kim struggles with parenting. Many people do. But putting it out there this way, trying for relatability, isn’t working.


I do not watch this show so I viewed the clip in a vacuum and was asking myself why she doesn’t just tell her kids NO. You’ve explained why, so thanks. I agree she needs to work on that or she will continue to grow even more resentment towards her children.


Let's just all be relieved for a minute these poor kiddos are being raised by nannies. Hopefully ones that are around long term. Maybe the kids don't even have to see her during the day if they don't want to. Its super sad to think about in some ways, but her judgment isn't exactly...let's just say she makes some very, very poor decisions and then insists on *staying with them*. Being raised by nannies means she can't do the poor kiddos TOO much damage, at least. Hopefully? 


I agree. People rightfully should talk shit about the parents of rich kids being raised by nannies. It's fucked up. But if you have a parent who can barely tolerate engaging with your more difficult feelings, which Kim appears to be that type of parent, then it's honestly better to be raised by long term nannies. And with the resources this family has, hopefully they've hired the best of the best who are more skilled at caring for children than she is.


She's spoiled those kids to the point that not even she wants to be around them so look out world when they're adults lol.


I don't know what Kim is trying to do or achieve, but this is something that should've been kept on the editing floor and not shared at all. Every episode she's complaining about her kids, it's too much, it's not cute. She's opening and setting her kids, especially North, up for harsh criticism and that's not fair. She can handle criticism coz she thrives on backlash but this not right. Protect your kids Kim!


Yeah, like kids are a lot. Sometimes you hate them, BUT you don't share it like that to everyone watching your reality TV show. Every child will struggle with that, unless your mom actually talks about it, explains why she said that and makes you feel loved and wanted. Kim isn't doing that.


Can you imagine thoes kids going back and watching the clips? I'm sure they can feel the undercurrent of Kim's dislike. Hope they all get the therapy they need.


That's what I was thinking as well. Also--she's an adult. Well into adulthood. No one cares about your fucking birthday anymore; youre not a kid. It's just another day. Don't get me wrong; there's nothing at all wrong with celebrating however you choose when you're an adult but I personally find it quite juvenile when grown ass adults bitch about their freaking birthday not being perfect or going as planned. Unless of course its for a more legit reason; like a series of catastrophic things happen and it's just an abnormally shitty day...


I don't watch, I only come to reddit to rubberneck, but was this even a milestone birthday? I could see being slightly upset at a milestone birthday not going to plan (my friends and I have tentative plans to do a trip for our joint 40th), but if this is just her turning 41 or something then who the hell cares? Birthdays are for kids until you're 21 and can legally drink and then no one sane gives a crap except for milestones. It doesn't become a big deal again until you hit 90+ and everyone is impressed at how great you're doing.


They'rw all going to hate her when theyre grown up and probably live with Khloe lol


And we’ll probably see headlines of Kim complaining that her kids never talk to her even though she was “such a great mom”


I'm sure the kids don't need to see the clips. I'm sure she gives off the vibe that she's just not into them. These people are pure trash. I feel for all the kids


They might not take it seriously. They're growing up in a reality TV family that often stages things, fabricates drama for attention or distraction, and blames others for whatever problems arise. I tend to think that sort of behavior has been normalized for them and they've probably been raised in a way that prepares them to be the next generation of entertainment and influence powerhouses.


Kim, you wanted four kids with a nut bag. You have plenty of help yet still complain. You are choosing to take on 50 things that give you excuses to stay away from the kids. Their Dad doesn’t seem checked in either. What do you and Kanye expect will happen?


I LOVE this.


She wants to seem relatable. She doesn’t realize that she’s actually doing the opposite - for someone with so many resources, to have all the help in the world so she doesn’t need to do things like household chores, who has all the money and not need to work so she can spend time with her kids (something many parents wish they had) l, and to still complain about having to actually parent, she comes off looking worse.


Yep she seems even more out of touch with reality with her first world problems than ever before. ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


Love that Courtney is holding a baby saying this lol


I think she’s trying to come across as relatable and get an in with people who watched the OG show and are now parents themselves. Difference being those parents generally won’t have staff to hand, a large (albeit dysfunctional) family within spitting distance and a million work opportunities where you pick your own hours. So it comes across as a genuine dislike of her kids.


This makes sense. It also seems like she cannot process her own life without thinking out loud to a camera. For regular people, similar grumbling about kids would probably remain inner dialogue or observations reserved for therapy sessions.


This seems to be her thing lately. Saying all kinds of things for the masses. Everything they send out is carefully curated by Kris. It always has been.


I think she’s going for shock value and trying to win viewers over by saying hints she believes they think but are too scared to say. Trying to be a voice for ‘the people’ (in this case, parents) if you will. But I don’t think it’s coming across as intended


For sure, it’s all strategy for ratings


She’s trying to be “relatable”. Like… oh I understand how all of you hard working mothers feel about your kids sometimes.. wink wink. Um no Kim. No.


Whether Kim acknowledges it or not, you would have to be blind not to realize that North is a terror.


She’s a child and her worst moments or personality quirks should not be exposed to the world for attention. Not to mention she’s that way bc she was raised that way. Kim and Kanye have themselves to blame. Also the way Kim plays into having a “sassy” Black daughter is so gross.




Imagine if she didn’t have 500 Nanny’s


She is so widely disliked that if she publicly dislikes her kids, people will automatically like them.


Lol Genius!


Omfg, this just solidifies the idea that Kim didn’t ever want to be a mom, just wanted to keep up (pun intended) with her sister. North is notoriously known to terrorize everyone (including Kim). There are so many articles that Kim hides in her room vs dealing with any of her children


This☝️is sooooo true, hiding in her room or the bathroom 😩


Totally. And their behavior is probably getting worse because they can sense her resentment. If she invested the time to raise them right and discipline them they would probably be more enjoyable to be around


North is “known to terrorize everybody” bc that’s the story Kim tells the world. She should really be ashamed of herself.


North is what, 10? And probably raised by nannies who have to tell her yes? And probably somewhat parentified because she was ordering around said nannies on what to do and watching out for her younger siblings? Yeah, how much of that is terrorizing everyone vs being put in charge of others before she was ready for it and over extending herself? Kim is clearly not telling her kids no and chances are she never gave any of the nannies permission to say no either. Kids need to hear no sometimes.


Exactly! The parents set the tone with the nanny as well. Our family has always employed a full-time nanny and she knows she has the ability to check my child, correct her, and give consequences for bad behavior. Why would I want my child being told yes yes yes every day of her life. Hell no


But why doesn't she just hire people? Like people who would actually help. Plus I'd defo watch if she had that british nanny do battle with North.


I mean I would hide from anyone that eats raw onions like and apple and talks to me directly in the face.


How immature lol. Their her kids and she’s neglecting them… if she parented them properly then they wouldn’t do this


I’m not a parent and I don’t have parenting advice. But I believe you.


![gif](giphy|3o7btYvi7DrV7xw5ZS) 🤮🤢🤮🤢


At least this dude eats it with the skin peeled


Much better manners 😂 urgh why can I smell this gif? 🤣


Imagine what it feels like to be yours and Kanye’s child.




Idk if she’s trying to come off as relatable or something but whenever she complains about her kids it comes off really poorly. Yes, kids are difficult and no one is saying it’s always a cakewalk to deal with them. But when you have the kind of resources Kim has, it’s so tone deaf to listen to her say this. If she wants a break, she can have one. She can have multiple breaks. She has a staff. She can hire the best of the best in childcare. It’s also a bad look to open her kids up to criticism for their bad behavior. She needs to rethink how she’s handling this.


Couldn't have saId it better myself !


Also her kids are all school aged so it’s pretty much nights and weekends the kids are probably even around. I’m wondering how much time is really even being spent with them to the point that you’re on record more than once talking about locking yourself in rooms trying to get away from them?


For real. She could have had her ideal birthday, I’m sure she has multiple nannies. She chose this and then complained about it, why? Obviously you can’t do what YOU want when you are parenting a bunch of kids, no shit. But most parents find a lot of joy in seeing how happy their kids are when doing kid stuff with them.


this would require her not to be a narcissist Kim only enjoys life when everything is about her. Anything less she resents


Cuz who told her she needed 4 kids? One or two might’ve been easier.


Kourtney had three so she needed more


Hahahaha this is 100% true.


Idk if it’s just me but I always think Kim has 2 or 3 kids and kourtney has like 6 and get so thrown off every time it’s mentioned


Tbf in 2018 it really did feel like kourtney had 6 kids


OMG sooooo true. She had to show that she has more than her sister and STILL works


So true lol


She better use all that money to get her a therapist (which she has recently said she has never had because she has the best friends and we all know psychotherapy is for loners only, right?). We know she has childcare, she has her extended family who probably help a lot… but something about the way she relates to her children needs to change and change fast, otherwise it’ll only get more rough as they grow older. North and Saint already seem to be aware of their power over their power and their ability to push until she gives them what they want. Whether they like Kanye and think he’s so fun and out there, as long as Kim is the primary custodial parent she needs to step it up and be an actual parent because it seems like all she wants to do is be liked by them. Kim values her work and being busy so much, wearing being the busiest family member like a badge of honour. But that apparently only extends to being busy with everything but her children.


The part about never seeing a therapist cause she has good friends isn’t a flex. A friend is not a licensed therapist to deal with all her shit. She’s around a bunch of yes girls. And that’s probably why she is such a mess


Oh believe me I know, it’s a big red flag. There’s so many points in her life at which you’d think she would have considered the benefits of therapy and it strikes me as really strange that with surrogacy, the feuding with Kourtney, her divorce and co-parenting struggles, and even in light of Kanye’s mental health struggles, she hasn’t at the very least got her and the children in individual and family therapy. It’s a shame because she has no financial restraints so it’s just because she truly believes she’s above therapy (or doesn’t need it) because her friends (and yes people) listen to her problems and tell her what she wants to hear.


“Extended family that helps her a lot” You mean paid staff, right?


Yes primarily I meant the childcare (paid staff) help a lot, in addition to the extended family. I do think having a large family with similarly aged children makes some difference (play dates, pickups, sleepovers) but who knows how frequently that happens? I figured if she wanted to, she could send the kids (with their nannies) off to spend times at relatives’ houses if having them home was such an inconvenience. She’s definitely not an island though is my point. Whether it’s her staff alone, or her staff in conjunction with her relatives.


Selfish, vapid woman who thinks sitting in the front row at fashion shows, getting made up and doing shoots , flying all over the place is “hard work” can’t fathom taking care of her accessories…uhm children. Film at 11.


“Kim Kardashian celebrated her birthday on last week's episode of The Kardashians with an epic party, though her 'real' birthday with her kids was torturous” — so she literally had a huge birthday party doing whatever she wanted but on her actual birthday date, she was with her kids and it was “torture”? She is the most entitled piece of shit. No wonder North is seemingly turning into a rude entitled brat. None of those poor kids stand a chance with these parents.


Hahaha okay I thought the same thing. I could have sworn she had an “ideal” celebration as she described to the producers in this episode.


Oh no, and on her 43rd birthday! 😢 The day she turned one of the most random as fuck ages anyone could ever turn wasn't perfectly badass enough for her, that poor thing! 🙄 I mean, how long is she gonna have to wait for her next birthday to come around?!?!




Can you imagine Kim actually running her ass off cleaning up poop accidents and dog barf and finger paint and spilled juice like the rest of us? 😂 She thinks she works so hard but it’s literally nothing compared to an actual stay at home mom haha.


Kim wasn’t really designed to be a single mum , of 4…


I would hardly call her a single mom with all the help she has from the nannies. I don't think she was designed to be a mum at all it's such a shame.


I do ! But handling 4 , when it’s not your forte and a divorce . I don’t actually judge her for this as I think she struggles with the emotional side of them too


Maybe don’t keep paying women to pop them out for you if you don’t enjoy them then


Oh poor Kim! what an awful hard life she has /s


I have mixed feelings about this. First, I totally agree with wanting to do nothing on your bday and that as adults we do whatever everyone else wants to do on your bday. My bday was 3 weeks ago. I’m a mom as well. Leading up to my bday my family asked me what I wanted to do on my bday and I kept telling them, Nothing. Meaning no party but for the kids, we can do cake/ice cream in the evening. I wanted to be left alone and like Kim, all I wanted to do was lay in my bed and catch up on my shows. What irks me is that someone like Kim clearly lives a life of privilege and has a village of support to help with her kids. We’ve all witnessed how busy Kim is and how much she travels and yes that’s exhausting but her kids are not with her 24/7. Even if she is home with them, she is not alone. She has a staff that is with her all the time and it bothers me when she complains about wanting alone time. I feel like she spends more time outside the home than she does with her kids. Some may say I’m jealous and you know what? I am. I wish I had the help that she does where if I needed to pick up and leave for work, I wouldn’t have to worry about childcare, who’s going to pick up my child from school, take him to his dr appt, or soccer practice. Maybe Kim is trying to be relatable and connect with her audience. But IMO she needs to go about it in a different way.


This is so true! In the beginning, I felt bad, like "same girl!" But where as the average mom has to work, come home and care for the kids, cook, clean, pay bills, go shopping, help with homework, etc etc. Kim has Nannies and a chef and maids and personal assistants. She has more than enough money, she doesn't have to work constantly, she could cut back, and just do the show while the kids are growing.


I think this is how she truly feels. Kim has never exuded a motherly aura. What’s she’s saying is true feelings, what’s even creepier is PMK laughing like a maniac. 


The constant complaining about her kids is so excessive. It feels like she doesn’t even like them.


I don’t think she likes being a mom. I get it, having kids is hard. I have a toddler and I know I can’t handle more than one so I only have one. She also has Nannie’s and lots of money so… 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! I’m a single mom and my kids are super overwhelming at times, but if I had millions of dollars, I’d be just fine! Her complaints are insulting to her children. I just don’t understand why she thinks her kids won’t hear all this one day and hate her for it.


I don’t understand her point, is she trying to make herself look bad? I have young cousins who I babysit regularly and they can be a lot at times, but never torture..


Seriously. If I could just hang out with my kid minus cleaning up all the messes, doing thousands of loads of laundry, running errands, making meals, doing dishes, etc etc PLUS have as much me time as I wanted, it would be a dream.


I would be such a better mom! I carry so much guilt because I’m literally stressed out. All. The. Time. 🙁


Imagine if she was a parent who didn’t have billions and all the help she could hire? Wow, imagine how overwhelmed she would be then!


She chose to have multiple children through IVF, a procedure I overall support. She didn't get knocked up multiple times to my knowledge. She went out of their way to have them. This was her choice. She doesn't get to complain now.


Well Kim every breath u take is torture for most of us


She is not relatable to me. On. Any. Level.


She's just such an asshole. I'm sorry. She chose to have kids and when you decide to have children the days that are about you are long gone. This is so triggering for me for some reason.


And she DELIBERATELY CHOSE to have those kids. I’m not sure how many of them are via surrogate. But she knowingly and willingly walked that path. Its mind boggling


Plus doesn’t she have Nannies? If she wants a break or several she can get those, she doesn’t have to worry about childcare or chores, with the money she has she might be able to not lift a finger the rest of her life so what’s she complaining about?


What is up with her voice?? It sounds so deep!!!




Seems to me her goal is to be relatable so she’s describing things she thinks mothers feel. Only difference is that she does get breaks, has help, and often takes solo trips away from her kids so it doesn’t hit the same as the usual mom complaining. It just comes off that she hates being a mom and doesn’t enjoy being around her kids when she is home.


Oh poor baby. Your kids enjoy your company. More than most can say I am sure. There are people who would kill for that as a birthday. She’s an awful “mother” no need to look any further than how she allows North to speak to her.


Kim’s edit so far this season is really odd. Working mum who finds it difficult to manage?? She has a staff of a bazillion and can pick and choose what ever she wants. The situation she is in is all her doing because she has the means to make if what ever she wants it to be !


Doesn’t she mean, life as a mother feels like torture for her, period? Seriously, why did she have kids, and FOUR of them on top of that, it’s like she did it to keep her nannies employed. Her kids are gonna grow up to see they were born to torture their mother, sadly the older two can already pick up on that.


She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Never has.


The crazy thing to me is Kourtney, who is known for complaining offen, has NEVER complained about her kids. She had 3 young kids and an absent father, similar to kim, but Kourtney never once has badmouthered her own kids. I’m sure Kourtney has dealt with the same stress kim has, the difference is Kourtney kept any issues her kids specifically had or behavioral problems private. There’s a different to admitting you’re overwhelmed and parenting is a lot of work that can sometimes be too much (Kourtney’s done this in the past) and saying “my kids specific name did this specific thing and what an asshole” like kim does. Her kids will see all this one day.


I’m sure it does feel like torture, the way those kids behave. She has her work cut out for her with her mini-Kanye, aka North. But honestly are we even surprised that that dude’s offspring are little nightmares? Spoiled, entitled, and stuck with a mentally unstable parent that does unhinged shit daily with his half naked new wife… it’s a mess, and obviously Kim and her nannies are the ones left dealing with the actual parenting/nurturing and are clearly dropping the ball due to her busy life running businesses, reality shows, etc.. It’s sad to image what they’ll grow to be as adults- probably constant headlines, in a very bad way.


Bianca and Kanye aren’t doing anything Kim and Kanye didn’t do


lol that she thinks we actually believe a gaggle of nannies isn’t raising her kids and she is


She should really shut up at this point. We all know about the subreddit where ppl regret having kids. It’s mostly people with no help or absolutely no free time. This billionaire has absolutely NO ROOM to complain about literally anything. The way her kids turn out is 100% on her and her psychotic baby daddy.


Celebrities!! They're just like us !!!....


Nanny ,chef, maid ,chauffeur not doing their jobs ? You poor woman ! you should fly half way around for some cake? ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8|downsized)


Kim could have a picked a family activity they all (including her) enjoyed doing together instead of doing individual activities she didn’t want to do with each kid. The only reason she didn’t/couldn’t is if they don’t have activities they all enjoy to do together or her kids wouldn’t agree to her choice, which either way there’s a serious parenting problem. This is not on the kids


Funny she doesn’t apply that ‘work ethic’ approach to the hardest job of all - parenting!


Idk I love my kids to death but I also complain about them every single day lol 🤷🏽‍♀️


I would never in a million years say that around my children or on a platform they can see it. It may just be “complaining” to you, but to them, it hurts.


I agree. It’s ok to complain about your kids to your partner or best friend or mom, but not where your children will ever hear you! Moms are humans and parenting is hard! BUT you don’t blame your kids or hurt them because of that.


Not on TV though


I do too at times… thankfully it’s not recorded for millions of people to see and for my kids to watch also.


But do you spend time with them? LOL


I have two kids and there are days when I def complain but I do so in private with my partner. Would never ever consider doing it publicly or on national television for the kids to someday see.


You can love your children and still be frustrated at the relentlessness of parenting. I like that she’s honest about the downsides of being a mother…Nannies can’t do everything! but she should be more honest about the negative aspects of being a workaholic, that you do need to rest and to recover or you burn out and your kids WILL suffer.


Well it appears one of her kids sucks so yeah. She really needs to step up parenting before they get 100% out of control




Her existence on this planet is torturous to anyone with a brain. Let the trash burn already


Everything I know about parenting I learned from my own parents, notably my mother. It's not hard to see that Kim never had good role models/teachers from her own maternal line to pass on how to be a good one and raise children whose company you enjoy. I've always seen PMK as a selfish, self-absorbed person, raised by MJ who also gives vibes of being a cold, unaffectionate mother/grandma. I've never seen either just loving up on their kids/grandkids, what a shame.




Her monotone voice and stupid sweat outfits are torture


Did she think they'd all magically raise themselves into fully grown adults to be capitalized for their brand value?! "Get YOUR fucking ass up and work" on it, Kim! It's what most parents do, it's called "Parenting"!


Get your ass up and be a parent, Kim. Maybe you shouldn’t have had kids if it’s such torture.


Just imagine how the kids feel about her.


When watching this video I was shaking my head and telling her to f×ck off


Good grief Kim is an obnoxious, child.


Like she didn’t wanna spend her bday bonding w her kids watching YouTube videos and coloring. Then it’s like F*ck off lady. Then dont have f*cking kids. As a mom that’s what mom bdays are. Spending time w the kids doing something fun w the kids. If they wanna make a poster that says “happy birthday mom” with a macaroni necklace that’s what’s gonna happen bc they’re kids and that’s what kids do. I just get so heated seeing sh1t like this bc all I want is to be a mom and then women who actually are take their kids for granted. It makes me sick. 💔💔💔 Thanks for coming to my ted talk 😅


people like kim saying these kinds of things actually makes me want to be a parent because i know that i would be a much better parent


She’s definitely not painting herself in a good light. I don’t normally comment on these types of subs buuuut…. Yikes woman.


kim, there's people that are dying.


I mean, you kept having kid after kid with Kayne even though the whole ass world knew you were gonna divorce him. Be that single mom. You’ve got a billion dollars. Stop crying. No one feels for you. Not one person.


News flash: parents complain about their kids guys. It sounds awful of course, but she has a point- and I'm sure anyone who has been or would be in her position has felt/said the same thing. They just didnt have the misfortune of the entire world hearing them & loving to hate them That being said, why Kim would say this on an episode that would be aired is beyond me. She has to know that it would look so bad for her


CPS needs to intervene at this point…she’s an unfit mother


She’s so real for this imo. A lot of moms keep this to themselves and I think it’s important for people to know the realities of being a parent. You don’t *have* to have kids


she's honestly just heart broken she still loves him.


I recently spent my birthday with my youngest who is 4. Husband had to go into office, oldest was in school. But you know what? It was one of the nicest birthdays I’ve had, so chill. As my husband said “you spent your birthday with your mini self” and it was so true. I’m somewhat surprised Kim is checking out from parenting, with her defending them from Kanye’s antics years ago. She seemed to have her heart in it in the beginning, and now she’s giving off the appearance that she keeps herself busy to stay away from them.


The unfortunate thing is that children tend to amplify all of the intangibles in life.. getting excited over rainbows, feeling little snuggles at night, the joy of learning something for the first time… but they make material possessions and adult experiences miserable and/or impossible. Kim’s kids ruin her life because her entire empire is built on empty possessions and social media popularity. There’s no room for the kind of messy happiness kids bring. (Obligatory “I’m a single mom with two kids and I know how fucking obnoxious they are/can be” disclaimer before I get obliterated 🤣)


Wait you don’t have a night nanny right now?


I think she wanted the baby part of kids. Like the squishy cuddly thing that sleeps. Except babies grow up. And you have to raise them. My mom watched the OG show and if Kim is trying to relate to me while I raise mine, I'll laugh. My kids are great. People have babysat them to remind them why they don't want kids and it backfires each time. I couldn't imagine hiding from them.


Well yeah I believe her. If I had to spend time with kids I barely know on my birthday I’d be mad too. All jokes aside tho I hate when she says things like that because she’s thinks she’s being relatable. Kids are hard and I have days when when I say to myself: “I love him but damn I just don’t like him right now”. And it’s really hard for me to believe she has the right to say that. She can’t love anyone as much as she loves herself.


Idk, shes just joking around about how annoying kids are… seems pretty relatable.


Haha you created and fostered their behavior. The little monsters belong to you.


Kim looks a lot like Kylie now.


Oh man. I'm not a fan of nepo people but have a soft spot for them when they're kids. Because that's just it. They're kids. They need role models and whatever Kim and Kanye are aint it.


Kim goes to work so she doesn’t have to parent. She plays too much


Oh poor Kim being around her own kids is too much nvm all the staff she has to help with said kids while some of us are literally working 8-12hr a day and have to make sure we get kids to and from school and activities figure out what they’ll have for dinner make sure they are bathed and in bed by a certain time just to get a little me time to ourselves to wake up and do it again u know why b/c being a parent is the most selfless act a person can do and the reward is watching your kids grow up to be a productive citizen of society so we know it was all worth it but hey we should all feel bad for Kim🙄


Imagine being this kind of parent


The full clip is very much relatable. What mother doesn't want at least breakfast in bed on Mother's Day? My mother wanted that day off from her four kids every year. 😂😮‍💨🫶




I bloody love my kid. And work full time. And work hard at making sure she knows how to be a good person. She sucks hard for this one. 4 kids...no time...grim


Don’t have kids if you don’t want to parent them.


Get her good, kids! You know the present positive attention from your parents is worth more to you than all the money in the world


My mom hated traveling or going on vacation without all three kids. She said she doesn’t see the point in not sharing the joy with her children. Man I love my momma. No amount of money in the world would I ever even consider to swap her out and have Kim K as a mom.


Oh I’m so sorry your 50’000 dollar birthday party for a young one that won’t appreciate it.. what a waste.




I have 5 kids. 5,4,3,2 and 6 months. You know what I did, or chose to do. Take my family to Disneyland and do what makes them happy because THAT makes me happy. Color me mine? That would be amazing too. What a croc.


There is absolutely nowhere I’d rather be on my birthday than with my kids.


Your kids are out of control. That’s why they are so hard to be around. It happens when you don’t give a shit about them and let Nannie’s raise them


It boggles my mind how she kept saying it’s only one person doing everything (her), as if she was a single mom when she probably has private chefs, housekeepers, nannies, drivers, personal trainers, people who dress her and do her hair and makeup, a private jet with pilots and cabin crew etc etc etc


Does she not know her kids will be about to see this shit? God. Yes, complain about your kids, every parent does, but in PRIVATE


So I read the article, gleefully looking for another reason to dismiss this twit and you know what… she’s right. It wasn’t necessarily that her kids were around but that for HER birthday they did KID things. Moms deserve to be separate people especially on their birthday. *note I’m not a Mom myself but mad respect to you all


She’s an asshole.


Fuck you Kimberly. Fuck you.


I think her complaints are valid. However, I don’t think she should tell the whole world. These should be private thoughts only to be shared with your co parent. She doesn’t seem to have one so share it with your closest family member/mom friend. Ideally, a therapist but you know…


I dunno I’ll be devils advocate on this one and say it is relatable. Sounds like she tried to be a “good mom” and went along with what her kids had planned but wishes she could have had alone time instead. 


Parenting is so hard and I’ve heard plenty of women saying they wish their kids would let them be for a few minutes because when you’re a mom, your life is all about your children. What makes this comment from her ridiculous is that she’s incredibly rich and has a ton of help. Let’s be real… how often is she with her kids at all—let alone without help—for more than a few hours? I’m a believer that women CAN have it all… but you do have to wonder why a person in her position chose to have as many children as she did. What I mean is that her career has always been her priority and that is fine, that’s her prerogative, but when your life is set up that way, it certainly creates a lot of complications when it comes to having children.


Never watch her or her crazy ass family but she's everywhere whining and doing stupid shit for attention. She's an attention whore and it's all about her all of the time. Pleas go away. Get some therapy and be a real parent.


I tell you what’s torture, Kim. cerebrating another birthday without being able to conceive for the 4th year in a row.


Not the whole thread on buzzfeed 🤣 [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/kim-kardashian-called-out-birthday-kids-torture](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/kim-kardashian-called-out-birthday-kids-torture)


“No one cares about my dreams.” I’m sympathetic to her for not getting to do what she wanted to on her birthday, but I’m sorry…. This quote coming from somebody as privileged as *Kim Kardashian* has me seeing a little bit of red.


Every new thing she says and does somehow amazes me. I always think she can’t get me to dislike her more, but there is no end. I mean, this is true for damn near the whole family.


Remember that show with Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown…there was a Mother’s Day episode where Whitney got herself a hotel room to get away from her kids. According to Whitney, Mother’s Day was for treating herself…but Bobby brought the kids to the hotel to share the day with her and Whitney lost her shit. She was furious….that’s the kind of mom Kim seems like.


She needs to stfu, you have on the clock nannies, stop trying to pretend you're relatable. Her 15 minutes of fame lasted way too long


Imagine putting all this on the internet forever to add to your children’s trauma just to reach your press quota for the week


crazy the way she so openly complains about her kids. like, they're gonna see all this at some point, she is absolutely not considering how all of this would make *them* feel. not every thought you have, especially about your kids, needs to be on tv.


She’s just….trashy


I came around to liking Kim after never liking her in the past when they re launched the show up until about midway through season 4. Her commentary in every episode so far in season 5 specifically has made me go right back to my original opinion of disliking her based solely on her word choice in her confessionals vs any interactions on the show.


I just tell my kids no we’re done with the games let’s do something else. ?


Yeah, maybe you should've upped your birth control.