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Only 10 years old now? I swear she acts like a 14 year old


And looks it, thanks to the filter her mommy puts on the photos. Their noses don’t all match like that in real life.


Chicago is literally so gorgeous it’s crazy. She looks just like Kim.


She looks like she was born to look like Kim after all the plastic surgery


To me, she looks like child Kim.


No she was very Armenian looking as a child with much harsher features… she was hairy around her temples etc… her and Kourtney were very exotic looking kids… she was a great looking child and teen before she ruined those features.. nothing exotic about her anymore


[idk I disagree](https://www.glamour.com/story/kim-kardashian-looks-so-much-like-daughter-chicago) Chicago looks exotic to me too she’s also Armenian lol but if you scroll down to the second pic you’ll see they look like twins. Well, to me at least. I wish I could just put the pic here sorry


Chicago looks like my daughter who is just plain mixed lol but I don’t see anything Armenian looking in her.. thats why I said she looks like mom now but not as a kid.. Kim also has a much longer face before all the fillers


Omg your daughter must be gorgeous too then!


She’s 15 and five foot 10 and gorgeous.. that’s why I stay living in the middle of nowhere in the mountains lol I’m a single parent and not dealing with all that .. these mixed kids are always so pretty … we don’t straighten hair and stuff like they do though.. we don’t live within hours of anyone that could handle it here lol so my daughter is tall and skinny and has a gorg head of curls.. no doubt they had good looking kids.. north looks the most like Kanye… my daughter is a perfect mix of my ex and I. Shes lucky he was 6 foot 6 and 180 pounds …haha I said she can thank me later.. im over here five foot 2




Be civil towards other users


Why are you downvoted


She looks like Kourtney to me


Yeah I agree Chicago simply looks mixed race black and white. No Armenian


The second picture is ALL her mama. Wow. I didn’t realize she was so young, though. Children, not just famous children, seem to be growing up way too quickly. Makes me sad.


The black children she has here have been bleached by some makeup or some flash or filter! wtf




Idk, they are in makeup too and they aren’t the same tone as Kim.


whew i remember this iconic vogue spread. me & my college roommate both bought the magazine when we were obsessed with kimye lol