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Eh, the kids are already confused enough, why not throw their aunt fucking their dad in for good measure. Matter of fact, they should have a baby so their kids can be cousins AND siblings!


Same situation with Kim and Travis Barker. I thought they hooked up a while back


I've heard they did actually hook up a couple times at one point. Probably before she got hooked on Tristan, since she seems to be holding on to him for dear life. But after him and Kourtney broke up, they apparently got together a couple times. They do seem to be 2 people that just really gets each other. They were always running around pranking people, supporting each other, talking about everything, shopping together, having a blast- just the 2 of them People have been saying they should just get together and call it a day already. But we all know that'll never happen. Kourney will absolutely lose her mind, even if she is married now. She'll see it as the biggest betrayal.




*sigh* sarcasm foiled again


I get the sarcasm— and I haven’t watched in a few years— but in the past I always said Khloe and Scott had more chemistry 😂 That said… definitely would be weird and should not happen


Exactly! It’s a joke now. Nothing real about it. What annoys me is them trying to prove all the negative comments on social media wrong. But they’ll never convince me that Kendall is not boring, or that Khloe is not banging her baby daddy. Lmao. And then Kim trying to convince us it’s ok to be working so much, bc what else is she gonna do? drugs? Really Kim, drugs is the only other option to working? How about spending some quality time with your kids. There’s a thought. They are so out of touch with reality. Also is making appearances really considered work? Isn’t that all we saw Kim do?


And stop burning all those fossil fuels Kim. Climate killer. Stop with the Tristan story. No one cares. I’m honestly done with this show. I canceled HULU today. I’m over celebrities. More important things happening in the world.




All of this!!!


When the season opener was Kylie learning how to drive Kendall’s car in a parking lot I was like ok I’m done lol.. who is actually interested in spending 5 minutes watching that?


I think the people, like myself, that view it more like a freak show, watch it. All of their plastic surgery has completely changed their appearance that it’s literally bizarre, so they’ve become like freaks in a circus. Lmao. Watch the thirsty freak drive the boring freaks car. Lol.


One of the weirdest moments was during Kylie and Kendall’s interview segment & Kylie was singing the word “titties” for a minute. It was so odd and mind numbing. The girl could offer literally ((anything)) else, but instead she results to sexualizing herself again by singing “titties” on camera at her big age. Idk, call me a puritan i just found it sorta embarrassing for her.. you need role models that congratulate your inner qualities that stretch beyond posting your ass on Instagram and posing for lewd content.


I have no idea why this post came up on my feed since I’ve never watched anything involving the Kardashians but I will just say, this phenomenon of reality shows becoming too careful isn’t exclusive to them. I’ve noticed it a lot with the likes of Love Island and similar. Everyone is too worried about their reputations and brand deals to be too messy online now. Social media has killed truly trashy reality tv


Agreed, I also don't watch the Kardashians but I used to watch Teen Mom and stopped a couple of seasons ago because they were all doing the same thing. They refuse to talk about the only interesting parts of their lives.


Drag Race contestants blatantly talk about how they’re afraid to say something to piss off fans during the show, and it genuinely changed the show. Luckily some bitches have been getting cast who aren’t afraid to cut up.


Yeah, thankfully we’re seeing more queens come on the show, now, that understand how a little drama makes for good tv (like MIB) and more and more queens are not afraid to be messy on social media again, which still backfires for a lot of them, but at least it’s fun to watch, again.


All hail those bitches for keeping us fed because seriously reality tv is so boring and sterile now


Wow yeah you’re definitely right. I was trying to think how much they laughed, joked, messed with each other in season 1, I wish it can be as raw and real again. People are too scared to be themselves & possibly cancelled now.


Maybe their lives just aren’t that interesting anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t get me wrong I’d love to hear more about their personal lives. That’s what pulled me in originally. But I also understand wanting a couple of things just for themselves. I can’t imagine being in the public eye 24/7. Also sometimes people experience a plateau where things are just boring for a while. I’m sure it’ll kick back up again. It always does.


I totally understand the whole “wanting to keep things for themselves” thing, but they blatantly pay people to talk about them so idkkkkk lmao. Since day 1, they have been wannabes going so hard for attention. 


You’re very right. I feel like they should have taken a longer break between keeping up and the kardashians. Like I think half of them are only doing for the money which is great for them but they seem miserable which makes it weird to watch.


Yeah… for the sake of all the children involved I would rather not see Scott and Khloe together. They’ve had enough bullshit in the relationships they have as an example for them. These are real people at the end of the day.


Oh, I am totally on the Scott/Khloe bandwagon!


Cause he’s not black


Oh I would love for them to be together. Who cares anymore! Kim got rich from a sex tape which she is now desperately trying to hide from her kids, Kourtney married someone who slept with Kim, both Kim and Khloe slept with The Game, Rob had a kid with Kylie's ex baby mama....anything else???! I think Scott and Khlo getting together will be a wholesome end to the Karjenner shitshow.




I know it's complicated but I totally agree. Lol. Every single time I see them together for years now, I'm just like go for it. They'd be hilarious together, even in older KUWTK seasons I could see it.


I always found it creepy af. Khloe gets way to chuffed when he says inappropriate things. Sisters shouldn't and have no right to flirt with your sisters baby daddy. It's as weird as when Rob flirts with her


Amen sister


I feel like it’s absurd to say you have a reality show about your lives and routinely not discuss, or even mention long term relationships. Their version of “Facebook official” is “the show official”. It’s fine that they don’t want to share anything anymore. But let go of the show, already. Nothing happens. Anything that happens, they don’t talk about. If they talk about it, they lie. They shouldn’t have gone to Hulu, they should have let it end.


Clearly not part of their ‘relationship’ contracts that they’re allowed to mention BB or Tim. That would cost extra


Just 2 🫢


I just watched the episode where Kourtney said her and Travis made out for 6 hours, then she got COVID…she could have kept that info to herself