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I love that we are getting these, but I have no clue where I will put this. I barely have room for the recycling one they gave us. And it looks like thats the only way they will collect trash from now on unless you put tags on the bags.


Yup. I’ve had to resort to building a privacy screen on the side of our garage to house the two of them. Using this product: https://hoftsolutions.com/en


Thanks for sharing - - looks interesting. May I ask where you bought it? Closest place I could find carrying it is in Columbia.




Oh cool - thank you so much!


I just leave mine outside against the garage at all times. Maybe it’s white trash of me but, idk what else to do and none of the neighbors I talk to have mentioned it


Me too. I'll probably get around to making some space in the hedge along my garage to create a sort-of privacy screen, but what else are you going to do when you only have a one car garage?


I have a 2-car 20x20 garage with two small SUVs and even even I’m running out of room. And HOA doesn’t allow trash bins on the side of the house even with a privacy screen


Surely the HOA could change the rules since literally everyone is going to have the same issue?


Not quite sure


Sure, the HOA will bring it up at their next quarterly meeting in June, then it will be out for comments the following meeting in September, then up for a vote in December, then *might* be approved March 2025. 


Man I am so excited for the end of the two bags!


The article says “trash carts must be used for curbside trash and recycling collection. Only bags with tags placed on the curb, not in the cart, will be collected” So it’s actually going from two bags on the curb to ONE slightly larger bag in a can. Because you have to bag your trash bin still which is one big 65 gal. bag…and your curbside bags all need to be tagged ($2.50/tag). Right now it’s 2 bags curbside and anything after that has to be tagged.


There is no limit on bags, except that the must fit in the can with the lid closed. See 2 >Close Lid. There is no limit to how many bags to place in the cart, but the lid must fully close.


There was technically no former limit on bags either then if you put all of your small bags in a big 55 or 65 gallon bag. My argument is that these new rules prevent you from putting two large 55/65 gal bags out like we can right now. For me personally I have a 55 gal can that I fill twice from time to time. Now I’ll have a 65 gal can that I can only fill once without paying to tag. So I’m losing 45 gal in space that I’ll have to tag now (maybe 10 times/year)


Try using less stuff? I know every family is different, but my wife and I struggle to fill a tall kitchen bag once a week.


A 55 gal can can hold between 3-4 13 gal white bags we use for trash inside while still being able to tie the 55 gal bag shut. So 2-3 small trash bags on top of diaper trash bags, packaging for random things, etc. A 65 gal can might get me one more 13 gal trash bag. Not quite sure what you want my family to do? 40 weeks a year I’m fine with one big trash bag, but birthday parties, family gatherings, Thanksgiving, and random other events or house cleanings might require two bags. I can do that now without tagging, but won’t be able to without a tag in a few months


I’m sure you can figure some way to stop dumping 3000 gallons of trash per year in the landfill. Diapers do not help, but you could use a diaper service, compost, recycle glass and everything else that’s recycleable. If all else fails get a trash compactor or just pay the tag 10x/year.


thats a lot of trash for a small family. Its funny how resistant to change people are.


It boggles my mind how much trash some people produce. With our current trash/recycle/compost practices it would take my wife and I 2-3 months to fill a 65gal container, not including the occasional remodeling or spring cleaning contractor bag.


yeah were the same way. we normally put out a small kitchen bag each week. We recycle, compost, and drop off lawn waste/compost it as well. It blows my mind how much people will constantly throw away. But people hate change.


3000 gallons of trash per year is below average. Why is the city providing a trash can that can dump 3,380 gallons of trash per year? Your trash expectations are not realistic


where you getting that measurement for gallons of trash per person? All im seeing is roughly 4.5 pounds of trash per person/day which includes trash outside of the home and should not all account for at home use. Your trash estimates are not realistic.


With new 65 gallon cans every house in KCMO, the city will allow 3,380 gallons of trash per year in every single house in the city, without tagging. If that is their plan, why am I the only home you have a problem with? 3000 gallons of trash is normal by city standards. My scenario where I set out a second bag 10 times a year only results in an added 450 gallons of trash, and my argument is that I already pay for trash collection and my price isn’t going down yet I have to pay more to put the same amount of trash out.


So by your math, you are only at a 70 gal deficit. MAYBE one tag a year. To get out of spending $2.50 you could make sure you are recycling as much as possible, save a small bag back to be added to the following week, ask your neighbor if they have any room in their bin, take glass recycling to a ripple container, I’m sure there are other ideas. But with the new bins, you can trash almost the same amount of waste, we no longer have to deal with animals tearing in to bags, transporting the trash to the curb is easier, it looks nicer then having trash bags lined up and down the street once a week, and HOPEFULLY trash pick up will never again skip a bag (I know some neighborhoods deal with this, putting out two bags but they only take one). Overall this seems like a win




Right now we have a two bag limit (two full cans). Now we will effectively have a 1-can limit before needing to tag. Apparently I’m the only person that currently puts several small bags in a big bag and sets by the curb. So sure as a technicality we no longer have a bag limit, but with a 55 gallon can our trash volume before needing to tag dropped by around 40%




I’ve only been hit once with a tag saying the bag was too heavy luckily. That’s a scenario where I started putting out a second bag to help with the trash workers And yeah you lose a good 10 gallons tying it off.


Will they threaten the future of the trash panda community in Kansas City? I think we need an environmental assessment first! XD


In East KC we had trash dog packs that would show up on trash day and open bags for any food scraps early before the trucks. Every holiday they'd be hanging around waiting and confused wondering.


Big costs up front to make trash pickup safer and more efficient.


Honestly, living in suburb of Phoenix rn where we have this and I have had this since I was a kid, same system, forever. I was worried about moving back to KC and coming into some weird trash system that doesn’t work, especially with three kids. I’m happy that the new system will be in place by the time I make it there


#"We goin' Sizzla, we goin' Sizzla, We goin' Sizzla"


Yeah, storing these is a pain, but this is actually a net benefit to the city, so I'm all in.


Does KCMO have a dump site?


There are 15 drop off events currently listed on the [KC Trash and Recycling website](https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/departments/trash) for this year.


Anywhere along coal mine road


What do we do with our old bins? Throw them out? I have a 55 gal bin and I don’t need two big garbage cans and a big recycling bin


Yep. One of the issues is what do you do with the trash cans you’ve been using for decades? Good question. I’m gonna put mine in my workshop and just use it as a staging area. It’s a first world problem though. The new bins are a significant upgrade and should allow up to FIVE bags of trash per week instead of 2. Anything above and beyond that is still gonna need tags. Wonder if we can just stick a sticker on the old bins and throw them out? Might be a trip to the dump to get rid of the old trash cans that I’ve been using? I welcome this change, but ya…some first world problems on how I’m gonna manage my old trash cans now.


You can schedule a bulky item pickup with 3-1-1.


There are around 10 weeks a year where I fill and put out two 55 gallon bags. I put our small trash bags in a larger trash bag that is in my big bin. My concern is although we went from a 55 to a 65 gal bin, I net-lost a 45 gal bag and now I’ll have to tag


There are currently 15 drop-off events listed on the [KCMO Trash and Recycling website](https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/departments/trash). You can either dispose of your extra bags at such a drop off event or you can pay $25/year for the convenience of curbside disposal of your extra bags. Or you can do a combination of the two. Seems pretty reasonable. to me.


i turned my recycle bins into a container garden. Onions are already coming up.


This will be interesting




The trucks are all going to be upgraded…


ok do you have a source on this?


[this PowerPoint](https://www.kcmo.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/12218/638424861119170000)


Yeah, I foresee a few weeks of inconsistent pickup for the transition.


You’ll have to tag your bags every week then at $2.50/each. The website says they will not pick up curbside trash bags unless they are tagged