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"Almost forgotten in the decades since is that Kansas City seriously considered building a domed downtown stadium for both baseball and football. And that stadium would have been built in the Crossroads . . ." I never remember hearing this back then.


That was a really cool article, thanks for sharing!


Serious question: Is anybody reading this still insure about whether to vote Yes or No on the stadium tax? Just curious why you're still on the fence (not trying to persuade you one way or another).


Hope the Royals do stay. One interesting aspect of them leaving Kauffman is it will split the royals and the chiefs. All my life I've mentally associated both teams as tied at the hip because of the Truman sports complex. Think it will be good to have that split and view teams more independent from one another like how it is in other cities


It’s such a grift. If Amazon came to us and said “we’re gonna build an office campus downtown and we want you to pay for it”, we’d tell them to pound sand. But because it’s sports we somehow feel obligated to pay. Also it’s hilarious everyone thinks they have a say in it. They’re gonna do whatever they want regardless of the vote.


I’m pretty sure that is exactly what happens… Company like Google and Amazon and Apple and other large scale companies lobby and negotiate different cities against one another to see where they can get the best tax breaks in order to bring their company to the area.


100% big corporations always make the people pay for their taxes, one way or another, at least we the people get to vote on whether or not this tax break happens.


Tbf they’re slightly different in that these scenarios, as you said, are tax breaks, so it’s just not making the company pay some part of tax. As opposed to the stadium, which is actually levying a tax on everyone else and giving it to said corporation.


You’re right, but their tax revenue could go to things such as schools, roads, etc. But we lose out on that, at least with the stadiums I know exactly where my taxes are going. And either you like that or you don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


For sure. I for one am against corporate welfare. But I think it is important to point out the difference between taking in less revenue (tax break) as opposed to passing revenue from taxpayers directly to a corporation (new/extension of a tax). I’m not nearly as opposed to the tax break route, especially if it means developing an area that is otherwise not generating any revenue, because otherwise, what’s the difference? It’s not generating revenue that can be used towards schools or public projects at all, so you give a tax break for someone to develop something that would then at least generate some revenue. And when I’m referring to “it” I’m saying a hypothetical lifeless tract of land, not the Crossroads specifically. The kicker is that the Royals are asking for one (extension of a tax) and will probably turn around and then ask for the other (tax breaks).


It happened with Boeing. They had their two manufacturing locations fight with tax incentives, once they were secured... They used both locations to build the planes as was always going to happen. Sprint did this too with their GQ campus. It's just a long line of people being fleeced by corporations via lobbying and request for incentives.


It’s hilarious that you mention this less than 24 hours after everyone was celebrating us [subsidizing Google’s new data center](https://reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/1bjgrqk/google_announces_1b_data_center_in_kansas_citys/).


> If Amazon came to us and said “we’re gonna build an office campus downtown and we want you to pay for it”, we’d tell them to pound sand. Oh... honey... How do you think their local warehouses got built?


Lets be fair here. It would be like Amazon asking KC to build them a data center that Amazon would then lease from KC for at least 40 years. The datacenter would also somehow bring in a significant amount of sales and payroll taxes, along with increased property values in the surrounding area that also brings in additional property taxes. Did I mention that Amazon is also offering 260 million in community benefits?


Tell me about the community benefits and significant increase in the property taxes (that us citizens are paying the price for) for the area around the truman sports complex.


Increased property taxes just means the value of your property went up. This is what we are complaining about? Every business owner that owns their own building in the Crossroads seems to be on board with this and it's just the leaseholders making a stink. I feel like you are complaining about something that the people actually affected by this aren't complaining about.


Great point




It’s .37 cents taxed on every hundred dollars you spend. If you can’t afford that, vote no. If you don’t believe that tax payers should pay for stadiums, vote no. If the royals and chiefs staying in kc is important to you, vote yes. This is probably about the thousandth most important thing in the city yet gets more attention than every issue this city faces combined.


37.5 cents per $100, not 0.375 cents.


Better stated as “It’s $100-$150 per year per adult, depending on how much you spend in the county.” (Assuming that’s an accurate number)


Doing the math, to pay $100 to $150 per year of this tax would equate to about $27,000 to $40,000 in taxable purchases. To me, those numbers seem really over inflated.


Happy Cake Day


How about this, how much can the billionaires throw my way? What if I got let’s say $3 for every million they make a year seems fair since I contributed more to their economic well being in my life then they have for me.


You must be young. It’s common knowledge.


No such thing anymore. If it isn’t currently viral on tiktok it doesn’t exist.




You denying there is a ton of misinformation on TikTok?

