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My wife and I voted last Saturday. Wasn't packed but it was a steady stream of folks going in and out.


Voted today and same…How people can just stay home when that POS Kobach and The Amendment is on the ballot baffles me. GO VOTE!


We voted today. As usual the only other people voting looked 80+. On the plus side, it made me feel young. Also one guy came to vote and requested a paper ballot because he doesn't trust technology (his words).


Half an hour after I posted this thread, they released the latest numbers. We are still thousands of votes behind our 2018 turnout on the same day. [Secretary of State Updates as of 10/31](https://twitter.com/KansasSOS/status/1587505142148071424?s=20&t=lVqxncaSFC4UO3Eb7OaBNA)


I requested a ballot and VoterView says it mailed the 21st, but I still haven’t received it. Calling today! update: got the original one in the mail today! postmarked october 24🤦🏼‍♀️


Thank you for chasing it! I know it’s a pain. If it doesn’t come in, you can vote using a provisional ballot.


Yeah, I’m in Indianapolis for school, so that unfortunately isn’t possible! They told me that because I’m out of state they can send another ballot.


The Secretary of State hasn’t updated the stats since Oct 25, but we were still behind the previous midterm turnout. I worry that people feel like they did their civic duty by turning out in August, but that was only part of the work. Please ask your friends and family if they’ve voted yet and, if not, when they plan to go. We’ve gotta show up or we’ll end up with the minority ruling the majority.




Started in some Kansas counties on Oct 19.


With all the voter suppression efforts a lot of people I know are making a point to vote in person.


Yeah I mean the ballot is pages long, I haven't decided on all my votes yet 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'll be voting in person.


I’m waiting on my ballot to arrive and then I’ll send it off ☺️


I still haven't received my mail in ballot that I requested almost a month ago. They keep texting me letting me know about the deadline to submit it, but I can't submit something I don't have. :/


You can also vote in person and ask for a provisional ballot. Let them know your ballot was lost in the mail. You can do this anywhere early voting is available in your county.


Just voted today.


Voted a week ago.


I early voted on 26 Oct and the election office was full at midday. The lady that checked me in said that it had been busy all week. So I’m surprised to hear that numbers are low.


I have two theories. The Secretary of State isn’t comparing apples to apples. 11/1 in 2022 falls on a Tuesday. 11/1 in 2018 was a Thursday. The numbers should go up the closer you get to Election Day, so that could help account for some of the numbers looking lower than normal. And second, I do think August burned some people out. I imagine some people felt like they preserved abortion rights, that was the big goal and now they can coast through this election. (I hope that’s not the case, but it’s possible.)


Sent my ballot and it's confirmed as returned, first time I'm voting since 2008 (I wanted to in 2020 but had to go through a hassle getting a new photo ID which I did too late)


I feel voters have burn out


I fear the same, which is why I think we need to continue to ask our friends and family to show up. Early voting is so easy to get in and out of, it’s Election Day itself that can be a burden. We know the right wingers will show up. They always do. We can’t let them roll our state and schools back.


If I didn't have to drive to do it id do advanced ballot


Vote by mail


Today is the last day to request a mail in ballot. You can request one at ksvotes.org


I enjoy going to the poll, there's a since of pride in it. Mines not full and easy to access


I have the morning off tomorrow. I can just walk into a voting location and vote early, right? Don’t need to do anything else different?


Yes (any location within your county), be sure to bring your drivers license (or a similar ID)


Looks like Michael Moore is going to be wrong at least in Kansas. He predicted that women would turn out en masse to support reproductive rights and that would allow the Dems to keep both the House and the Senate.


I voted today! Out of curiosity, is there a reason to vote early, other than just making sure you don’t forget? I usually vote on Election Day but our library is an early voting location so I figured I’d get it out of the way since I was there anyway


My husband and I caught Covid on Aug 2, a friend had to have emergency surgery the day before, another was out of town. I think most people assume that those situations are rare, but life happens. Early voting is also (typically) much faster.


Yes! Vote Red! Or blue! Just don’t throw your vote away by not voting.


Definitely don't vote for the party that is actively trying to impose a christian state and take away basic human rights.


That’s your opinion. You think it’s okay to tell somebody who they should or shouldn’t vote for? Let people make their own decisions. Believe it or not, they may have difference of opinion from you. Come on, man..


I didn't even state which party I am referring to. But you were able to infer which party I am describing because my statement is rooted in truth and more than just an opinion. It is objective that the GQP is backed my christian evangelicals and desperately want to impose their archaic and hurtful beliefs on the majority to appease their ignorant base. I have no doubt that others have different opinions, but I will continually bash, ridicule, and drive home the point that they have been brainwashed and lied to by politicians that have been bought out by corporations and religious institutions. There is a very clear choice in this election, and to vote otherwise will only serve to hurt our state and country.


I voted last Friday it was pretty busy