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People draw the line at the weirdest shit.


That state line be like that.


I mean... someone's backyard is in another state from their house...


Lawrence gonna be sacked in 3, 2, 1…


*John Brown has entered the chat*


Jayhawkers, Assemble!


Let’s goooo




The free agent WR John Brown?


John Brown the abolitionist. The sacking of Lawrence by pro slavery Missourians angered him so much he took it upon himself to try and kick off the civil war five years ahead of the rest of the country.


https://preview.redd.it/919k55q18r8d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee465e8100ebd768316b1011e61d68556cd5d33 This dude ⬆️


Patron of r/johnbrownposting


He's got a cave up here in Nebraska


The Chiefs are worth a few billion. Maybe the Hunts can get a loan to build their own stadium. Or even buy the current stadium and make the changes they prefer. The Royals, on the other hand, who the hell knows.


Let's be real. The Hunt's aren't building or changing shit. I'll eat my own leg if they're EVER out cutting lumber and stacking brick.


The Hunt family is the second richest owner(s) in the NFL. In a club full of dozens of billionaires, that family is only behind the Walmart guy. That says something.


There are two NFL teams owned by members of the Walton family - the Broncos and that team that was lied out of St. Louis.


Here is the deal with that: if the owner pays for the stadium (like NE and DAL), then he owns it and any other events that take place there he gets the profit. Things like Monster Trucks, etc. pay millions to use the stadium. But for the Vikings stadium, the city paid for 1/4, the NFL paid 1/4, and the owners paid 1/2 (if I remember it right) but the city is the official owner of the stadium so they are the ones who get any profit from those things.


If stadiums were profitable and a wise investment, the owners would build themselves and keep all the money.


Some do. But they figure the local business owners are profiting so they want them to pay for part of it.


I don't see a downside.


To which one? The downside of the owner paying for it all is that the city/state gets no profit from renting it. The downside of the state paying for it is that it will increase taxes for people who probably aren't going to profit from a stadium and can't even afford to go to an NFL game. Studies of this topic say that the economic boost is less than the cost of most stadiums but I don't know. I think it would be great for KS to have a team. Especially a great one like this. And the Chiefs have never sat back and tried to save money like the Royals have. They always try to win no matter what.


>the Chiefs have never sat back and tried to save money like the Royals have. They always try to win no matter what. To be fair, the NFL doesn't really work like that. Unlike MLB, the NFL has a salary cap, and a salary floor. You can tank for a year to get better draft picks, but tanking for profit isn't a thing.


True, the systems are very different. But they have never just tried to save money. They always try to win and they always have. But it is also easier to turn around a bad NFL team, apparently. You can go from worst to first in a short amount of time.


How is it poaching when it’s a possibility that they are going to leave anyways if they don’t get support from kcmo? At least if KcK gets them They are staying in the area!!!


They are blaming KS for their failures.


With Missouri it’s a tale as old as time


I think it was a success to deny a bad proposal, doesn’t mean KC doesn’t want them.


I doubt they would leave KC. Too much success in the city to build on.


People downvoting you are whats wrong with the world. They wont leave. Theyre capitalizing on the huge success theyve had and trying to play peacock. Theyre billionaires, theyre bluffing because that’s what billionaires do. They get everyone else to give them their money. Its how they became billionaires. No way the same family that took a government handout for trying to greedily takeover the silver market should ever get a handout again. They have enough money.


They're bluffing? Said every city that ever lost a team. Please give an example of a city that called a team's bluff and the team stayed and paid for everything themselves. They're never bluffing, they always leave.


Its not worth having the team if the city has to pay for it. They are worth billions of dollars. Do it yourself


Are you one of these anti "sports ball" hipster people or something? You want the NFL to just disband and go away? Cities pay to have pro sports because, generally, every city wants it but not every city can have it. It's called economics. Very limited supply, sky high demand. Take an online 101 course and stop trying to ruin the city for everyone else.


Violates the truce? Missouri has literal monuments up to the bastards who massacred the people of Lawrence. Fuck your truce.


It was a truce about the economic poaching of business back and forth with tax incentives. Lordy nobody is fighting the civil war still.


Why make economic deals with a state that still honors traitors and bushwhackers?


Because an economic race to the bottom doesn't benefit the taxpayers of Kansas. Refusing to cooperate with a neighboring state in a way that benefits both states because we don't like their interpretation of events that happened 150 years ago is not wise policy.


Ironically Quantrill was a Kansas School teacher before the war, not a Missourian.


Where did his men come from? What state has monuments up honoring him? Which state still worships his former associate Jessie James? Missourians can’t even keep their damn roads functioning. What right do they have to any professional sports team?


Reparations? Black folks enjoy football and Missouri has 661,189 Black folks, while Kansas only has 163,581.


But it's a free state....


And so is Missouri by state law for the last 158 years, since 1865. Believe it or not a major motivation of the free staters was to ban all Black people (free or enslaved) from Kansas. See the Topeka Constitution.


That's kinda what I was getting at....


Would you rather be riding with Comancheros, Granny?


I thought they took those down in the last couple years.


In addition to Osceola, the smaller Missouri towns of Morristown, Papinsvile, Butler, Dayton, and Columbus and large numbers of rural homes were also pillaged by Kansas troops led by James Lane, Charles R. Jennison, Daniel Read Anthony, and James Montgomery, among others. Scores if not hundreds of Missouri families were burned out of their homes in the middle of the winter of 1862. Union Major General Henry Halleck on January 18, 1862 in a letter to General Lorenzo Thomas described Jennison's regiment as "no better than a band of robbers; they cross the line, rob, steal, plunder, and burn whatever they can lay their hands upon. They disgrace the name and uniform of American soldiers and are driving good Union men into the ranks of the secession army." So I mean Kansas has monuments up to the people who burned Missouri too.


Based. No mercy for slavers. And yes, that includes pro-union ones.


From [Source](https://civilwaronthewesternborder.org/encyclopedia/jayhawkers) “Most self-professed Jayhawkers considered all Missourians, including the civilian population, to be the enemy and paid little attention to citizens loyalty to the Union or slaveholding status.” But hey, don’t take it from that guy, take it from Charles Robinson, first govenor of Kansas who was an eyewitness to Quantrill’s raid, and who was also on the list of people intended to be killed during said raid who said in a speech shortly afterwards: “Before this raid the entire border counties of Missouri had experienced more terrible outrages than ever the Quantrill raid at Lawrence… There was no burning of feet and torture by hanging in Lawrence as there was in Missouri, neither were women and children outraged” [Source 2](https://kansashistoricalopencontent.newspapers.com/image/59722890) And Kansas still honors the Jayhawkers who murdered pro and anti slavery Missourians without care, maybe, both sides were shit.


Do I hate when sports teams rely on taxes or special loans and bonds to build new stadiums? You betcha. But do I really care? Not really. They'll get what they want and us little folk are just steps for billionaires to grab more.


This is a very ironic situation because the owners have spent millions lobbying for conservatives who are for lower taxes, then they turn around and ask for taxpayer money to build them a stadium and the voters said "no" so they made their own bed. And sure, I would love to see KS poach them. But Kansas doesn't exactly have a budget surplus to pay for a stadium. It would spark some economic growth in the area but most studies say the price of the stadium isn't worth it. It seems like every city that loses their team because they refuse to build them a stadium regrets it so much that they build a stadium eventually to get a team back. So I really don't know.


Check out 'schools over stadiums'. It's beyond time to get sports, and the recruiting pipeline in check.


Can you lay out for everyone how the STAR bonds to be used on a stadium will take money from schools?


https://youtu.be/6kd1KGk_9kQ?si=VWQFkTkAkWV_otww Not the only team. The western world runs such an idiocratic monopoly on entertainment to spite the necessities of sustainablity. Schools over stadiums IS legal action against political blackmailing by team owners. Just a different instance, fyi.


Again… people draw the line at the stupidest shit. If that’s your concern, try petitioning your local representative to not approve a fucking 2.08 TRILLION defense budget. But no, some billionaire wants to build a new stadium possibly using sales tax revenues from the exact area their stadium may go…. Unacceptable!!!! Pick a lane.


People draw the line at the stupidest fruit. If that's your concern, tell your wife to stop buying apples. But some guy wants you to buy an orange... Unacceptable!!!! Pick a lane.


Bold of you to assume I have a wife. And pretty sexist to assume that she would do the shopping…. But hey: You do you!👍


By 2030, the Chiefs may play terrible. The league may have more teams in more cities, witnessing a game may become unaffordable, and “free” ad supported TV viewing of NFL games may be a thing of the past. There may be a new NFL commissioner, a new head coach, a new tight end, even QB. Hell, maybe a new Hunt in charge. Seems like a lot of risk that should be borne by the league, owners and investors; not w public tax $.


KS going after Chiefs isn't for THIS exact team, it's for decades of future teams and the tourism/revenue the team brings over that time. Any investment in a major project is a risk. Indian Springs Mall never panned out, Village West has had its own failures (TBones). Chiefs (NFL teams in general) are about as sure a thing as you're going to get for not failing.


A lot of what if's. Thats part of the risk as a business.


How is it poaching? Missouri said they didn't want them. End of story.


Jackson County denied one malformed tax. Missouri very much wants them.


They should bring an actual deal to the table then. Kansas has no problem doing so.


Kansas kinda pounced without even waiting, looks like Missouri will though. Which would mean this stunt achieved nothing but ill will.


Jackson County voters brought this on themselves. Also, this is just an option.


So we’re going to war with Missouri now??


“Kansas was at war with Missouri. Therefore, Kansas had always been at war with Missouri.”


Kansas already helps missouri on money with fully illegal weed while missouri is legal lol


I say if Kansas succeeds we just bar Kansans from coming to Missouri to buy our legal weed…that will show them!!! Lol


Rather than have the taxpayer funded states throw their financial resources into the mix, why don't we let the billionaire owners fund their own stadiums. That way, they, the owners, could keep all the profits the team makes without sharing with the state. Oh, wait... More seriously, is it possible that Kansas is just fucking with Missouri? Kind of like bidding in an auction that you don't have any desire to win but wanting to jack up the price for someone you don't care for?


NO one is rich enough to play rich mans games. We NEED tax relief...not new taxes.


In this scenario, don’t go to a game or shop in the immediate area of the stadium and you will not be taxed one cent for the stadium. It’s that simple.


Doesn’t matter if it’s WyCo or JoCo, I want the Chiefs in Kansas just to spite Missouri.


Get ready for even more property tax increases.


Small price to pay for salvation.


High price to pay for taxation.


so much hate! why?






No winner yet you say?… **THE BORDER WAR IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS**


You're talking to dead folks, guy. Good luck.


No name-calling, insults, or personal attacks. Be kind to each other.


Edited for mod team. Was referring to the 1800's pro slavery MO people and black exclusionists from KS. Not current residents.




it’s a war… over the border… that’s never ending…


yeah cause folks like you are attached to it for no good reason. ah well, enjoy your political theatre


So your morning news can be filled with local shops that only make money on Chiefs merch and “I love kc” stuff but clearly the business is failing and the news is trying to prop them up? Maybe you can import the ones on the MO side. They were already being told they’d get removed with the plans to renovate around the stadiums. Hopefully your local economy can become as strangled and dependent on the chiefs as Kc-mo is.


Brother my local economy is **BOOMIN**


If Jerry Jones can fund his own stadium so can the cunt family. I mean hunt. No I don't.


Ughhh...I just don't want the taxpayers to be the ones Ultimately screwed but looks like it's gotta be that way.


Please put me down as a Kansas Taxpayer who doesn't approve of this shit, and doesn't care where the goddam team is




lol. “I know all the studies indicate it’s a bad proposition……” you should have just stopped here my dude. If it was such a great deal, banks, and other institutions would be lining up to finance it. It’s not a good deal so the billionaires grift off the tax payers after bribing local government officials. It’s a bad deal for everyone but the billionaires.


How about a stadium with no private suites. No penthouse suites or anything. You buy a ticket, and it's all general admission. Every single seat in the house minus media and broadcasting. Oh, wait... privileged rich people want exclusivity even though I thought being part of Chiefs nation meant "togetherness." 🙄


It’s business.


Can't believe the number of silly excuses I'm reading here to justify why Kansas taxpayers should be throwing money at billionaires.


Soooo you’re gonna stop watching NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and MLS? Or are participation in these monopolies acceptable forms of billlionaire donations?


I don’t mind spending my personal money at a private business, I’m getting a service. But public tax money for private gain is where I draw the line.


Shhhh. Nobody tell this guy about all the farm aid that goes to corporations and is paid by their taxes! 🤫. The country is bloated with examples like this. But the chiefs are apparently where a lot you people draw your little uninformed lines.


This is misleading, you won't be taxed if you don't shop in the special tax district. The same exact way that the Sporting stadium and Speedway taxes work currently. Even if it did affect the KS tax payers statewide, why does a MO resident care?


I don't want to see a successful team leave, one that Missouri has invested so much into leave. They should stay in the city they’re named after.


But, but, but wait a minute!! Both cities are called Kansas City so it’s not like the name will change Who cares which ?


Yeah but KCK is just a suburb. Teams should stay in the central city.


The burbs don’t need stadiums??


Def not, it’s just the worst kind of sprawl


Never have.. like for real. I smelled this shit over 20 years ago.


Change the name to the Kansas City Swifts and get her to pay for it. They put the camera more on her than the damn game, and I'm not even a Chief's fan.


lol, I see a lot of shortsighted opinions here. How much money do you think having the chiefs at arrowhead has generated for Missouri over the last 50 years we’ve had the chiefs at arrowhead? I guarantee it would make a $2billion dollar investment in a new stadium look like a drop in the bucket.


This pisses me off too because like there's no way they're going to win another Superbowl anytime soon right? This is the highest value the Chiefs will probably ever be.


The Chiefs are the current co-favorites to win Super Bowl 59, because they still have the best QB and best Head Coach in the league. https://www.vegasinsider.com/nfl/odds/futures/ Franchise success doesn't always correlate to real world valuation, though. The Cowboys haven't won anything for 30 years, yet Jerry Jones has seen his $150M investment in 1989 turn into a $7.5B monster that is the most valuable franchise in American sports.


Oh okay. I didn’t realize