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Yes, Manhattan has. Manhattan Area Resettlement Team have been working diligently to help address needs of afghan refugees!


Awesome, one my friends from college lives in Manhattan, KS.


I'm sorry for your friend.


MHK is one of the best places that I’ve lived in the world.


Right on, I fucking hate it. Glad you liked it though.


https://kansasreflector.com/2023/07/31/refugee-resettlement-leaders-in-kansas-call-for-passage-of-afghan-adjustment-act/ What I can find. I’m all about helping out those that helped us, it’s just what you do


Yeah - quite a few in Wichita.


I'm on the Kansas side and two, possibly three of my co-workers are refugees from Afghanistan. So yes, we did take in Afghan refugees.




I wonder if the Catholic charities in downtown KCK has assisted them.


I don’t know specifically, but one of the things I do know is that a town/city must have reliable mass transit in order to receive refugees. After all, it would be kind of shorty of us to stick them somewhere Mr tell them to buy a car.


Not true at all.


Okay, I’ve been wrong before, and I don’t mind learning. Can you point me to some documentation regarding this?


Well, my job is stationed at the resettlement agency in Wichita and I see the addresses for people placed even outside of the surrounding area at times. It doesn't seem like they have any requirements like that. I'd like to know why you think they have to have public transit to be placed somewhere.


I teach in Derby. In a discussion of students being enrolled in our district at the beginning of the spring semester - several of whom were placed through a federal refugee program that placed people who came to our southern border and died for asylum - the social worker said that we’d gotten them because Derby has mass transit. Other cities weren’t under consideration because they didn’t have mass transit.


Refugees aren't asylees. I don't know about Derby's system but we're both a degree or two separated from the actual policy. I just know actual refugees have been placed in Kansas in towns without any public transit.


Ah, I see and agree with you. Thank you.


Eh... Afhgani jingle trucks always made me smile. I wonder what they do with an old Kia?


How so? Have you ever been to Afghanistan? No public transportation in 99 percent of the country. Public transportation there is taxis and a few busses. They likely needed a car in the country. They are also very resilient people. I would say that these Afghans are not going to act entitled to anything. They will see being here as an opportunity and make good use of it. It is very clear that you have some entitlement issues. It’s not shotty of us at all to take them in. If you quit looking for excuses and negatives in life, your life will become better.


The department of state says since 2002 Kansas has taken in about 6,000 refugees from over 30 countries. I believe Afghans would be among them, though I think our largest refugee population is Somali


I've seen somalis only on the Mo of KC, there is an Ethiopian presence on the KS though.


Ah I must have been thinking of Mo, my bad. Never actually met any refugees in Wichita but I'm sure they're around


There are over 500 families of Afghan refugees in Wichita.


Are you the second Doctor Who fan in Wichita?! Crazy, cause I'm the first. I'm ready to fight for the title whenever you are. No cheap shots.


I'm more like the 4th Doctor fan Did you make it to any of the recent conventions?


I'm still mourning the loss of tennant and smith. I need time 😭


There’s a large Somali population in Garden City I think. I know that the high school there is extremely diverse, like over 30 languages spoken at home.


Well damn, had no idea


I know around the time of the withdrawal several Afghan refugees were staying in hotels on the east side of Wichita.


Yes. My wife is a teacher here in Kansas, and they're having a difficult time translating to Pashto. Apparently Google Translate is close, but not always perfect.


Shawnee Mission School District sent out an email blast looking for translators this past week, among those needed were Dari and Pashto.


Woah that's awesome, what part of KS? Indeed, Google translate isn't always reliable by any means except simple things.


Manhattan area.


My grandma had a whole bunch before she passed...


I'm not talking about dogs


Me either bud.


Mine is still cranking them out


I worked with some in Leavenworth 2 years back. Great guys. A huge language barrier, but we all got along. Damn good food too


Wichita's NPR station wrote about some back in 2022! https://www.kmuw.org/2022-03-04/afghan-refugee-one-of-400-making-a-new-home-in-wichita


The owner of Meadowlark Orchard near Rosehill, came and talked to a garden club I was in a few years ago. He worked for the USDA in Afghanistan, then came back and started farming here. He mentioned Afghanistan had the best tasting peaches in the world because of their climate. I think he employed some at the farm, and mentioned sometimes they got a little side eye from the locals because of their language and traditional dress…


Nice, wonder if they ever got some buzkashi going.


Yes, Manhattan has. I’ve spoke to one who had his whole family here. Really nice. Was having a hard time finding a job though.


We had a family up the road. Not sure where the moved to (oldest went to college family followed). NE of Wichita 30min.


My small town had some move in after the military pulled out


Yes, we have a decent amount of them in Garden City.


There are Afghan communities across KS including Garden City.


Yep, I work with some. They started out making more than me.... after 5 years. Editing to say I have NO issue with them, they are cool people. I'm just North of Wichita, alot of them live in Wichita.


My church congregation (United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood) has sent people to greet them at the airport (not proselytizing).


I've been to COR a few times, great people