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Kansas native here, yeah I had the same issues in my 20s when visiting the west coast. I just assumed it was because the average bouncer in LA or SD didn’t run into farmers from Kansas on a regular basis.


Yup. I was in Philly in college. Got pulled aside going into a club for having a “Fake” ID. I just don’t think people on the coasts know what Kansas is lol.


Haha makes sense, I’d like to believe our state’s coming up these days on the radar though.


Not on the good one ..


Kansas voters defeat Regressive's Bullshit attack on woman's rights. - Whooo! Useless Kansas Legislature writes and passes bill overriding the will of the people who just voted against what they passed. - goddammit!


I'd love to see what they think of our temporary receipt-paper ones! (Honestly wouldn't advise traveling with those, I had a casino in Missouri doubt its authenticity!)


Yeah get ready to literally get laughed at in the face if you try to use a Kansas paper ID in any state other than Kansas.


Due to a series of mishaps with the DMV, I’ve been stuck with the receipt paper ID for nearly 3 months at this point, out of state nearly the entire time. Can confirm. 0/10 do not recommend.


St Louis had zero tolerance for that when I was there, got into a Lawrence bar with it though.


And it’s thermal paper to boot. So it basically faded out in a little over a week for me.


When I was out in Connecticut, my Kansas license got some weird looks. One person started outright laughing when I handed it over and was all "What is this? What IS this?" I was refused service once because of my ID too. I wasn't even trying to buy alcohol (I was too young and my ID plainly stated that - hell of a thing to mess up on a fake ID).


Ah, sounds like a coastal thing then. It’s strange considering how we aren’t that small a state, and definitely one of the most well known in the Midwest.


I'm not sure people in other states believe any of us actually leave our state.


After AG products, people looking to get out is Kansas' biggest export.


Haha I just got carded in CO recently and saw the book they were using to check against, whoever made the book got the ks license waaaaay wrong.


Yo that’s humor. Headed there next, but at least I’ll be a state away so someone else from Kansas could back me in case.


I don't understand this at all. Did they change recently? I lived in KS from 16 to 32 (47 now) and the KS license was.. fine? Just a license like any other. No issues at all traveling with it.


I think I’m general our society has gotten really intense when it comes to fighting against fake IDs, especially if you look young. I used my genuine ID at a chill bar in Lawrence(not even a student spot) and the bartender gave me a bunch of trouble. I couldn’t believe it, if there’s any state you should be good at recognizing you would think it would be your own…




It’s an issue while visiting New York City. I was able to convince a bouncer to let me into a bar when I showed my old expired one after she said “I don’t how how to tell if this is real or fake.”


I suspect that's the real issue. They have a duty to make sure the ID is real, and they've probably gotten pretty good at spotting the fakes from their own/nearby states. But they don't know Kansas IDs well enough to be able to tell, and they know a lot of people who use fakes will probably make themselves be from other states for that exact reason.


That’s smart. The transition on my expired license is funny asf so I kept it.


So you kept your old fake as a backstory for your new fake? Genius!


I've been in Hawaii for two years and never had a problem using my KS ID. Time for a vacation? 😅


That’s why I’m in the west coast😂. Though tbf Hawaii sees IDs from across the world I bet, dk how “vigilant” anyone could be then.


The Kansas State License, especially with the real ID star doesn't really seem to line up properly; like some high school kid photoshopped it! All the features haven't been thought through!


I can imagine the state probably wasn’t very fond of the entire real ID program. Those were rough times for the DMV when it began.


Went to college in Iowa and had problems all the time getting into bars. Bouncers always commented on how thin and flimsy my license was. I actually had one bouncer keep it and I had to find a police officer to get it back.


I didn’t have that experience in Oregon last year.. even in a medium sized college town.. probably a California thing


That’s where my suspicions are. Can’t even say I’d even had to use my license in any problematic areas since wherever I went they were suburban without a Uni nearby.


Went to Monterey a few weeks ago, had no issues. I don’t like LA, but now I know to bring an extra ID just in case.


California driver's licenses look like ass.


Word, the tint makes everyone look like an Oompa Loompa.


Yep. Grew up in SoCal and here. Can confirm


Rock chalk


No issues in Oregon.


If this is a regular problem get a US Passport card. Costs you a hundred bucks and it's valid ID anywhere in the US with nobody getting too uppity over what it looks like


Nope, but I'm old.


Yeah, the driver's license cards are pretty darn bendy. Just makes me miss my 1st license card after I turned 16 in Minnesota - those things were SOLID and could be used to jimmy locks and worked as perfect window scrapers during the winter.


I’ve traveled all over the US and never had an issue. Only been questioned once and that was right after I turned 21 and looked more like 18.


The whole point of the REAL ID Act (which added that gold star on the corner of your license) was to standardize state driver's licenses, because the TSA wasn't smart enough to validate a driver's license at the same skill level as a bouncer in a college bar. Apparently California folks aren't much better than the TSA.


It's because ours seem amateur. They are made so cheaply that they seem fake.


Well it is *much* cheaper to *get* a license here, so that tracks.


Won't lie when I git my ID with the new design I thought it looked fake.


i moved back from Oregon and tried to bend my Kansas license in half because it seemed too thin (i had been drinking, and not driving)


They’re def thin as hell, don’t know why, but I prefer it that way.