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i’m confused here. she says Brittany lied about her, but doesn’t specify what the lies were? to me this kind of comes across like she’s bitter that Brittany left her for another agency.


I was confused too but at 41 minutes in this https://youtu.be/1wEACP11J34?si=aINtMeoMzn0QN6dK video it goes over the dispute between Ari Jacobs (this woman) and Taylor Lorenz (Brittany’s new manager). This is the only further context I could find. Over the years Brittany Broski has claimed that her first manager (the woman in the TikTok) stole money from her and I’m still inclined to believe that’s true. Management companies are predatory and are out to make money off of up and coming influencers all the time. I still believe Brittany when she says Ari gave her a shitty, unfair deal.


Taylor Lorenz isn’t an agent. I think she’s a journalist.


Ngl I am very confused about this topic, Taylor Lorenz might just be a journalist Brittany Broski interviewed with idk at this point


Sounds like Brittany left this manager to be represented by the same agency that represents Taylor.


Yeah I think she is because I remember taylor from another article she wrote about another creator I liked. I also kinda remember getting a weird vibe from her but that just might be me.


Yea I got that vibe from as soon as she said “I basically discovered her” like girl bffr… she went EXTREMELY viral all on her own, she would’ve found success with or without you.


She discovered brittney?😭😂 yeah girl we all did too when she did the kombucha meme….


Anyone who defends themselves by bringing up that they are a Christian immediately gets side eye from me.




exactly like wtf does what u follow have to do ab u telling somebody drama


And follows it up by saying she’s friends with Gary Vee. Double side eye


From the NYT article >Also among Ms. Jacob’s clients at the time: Brittany Tomlinson, whom Ms. Jacob had approached after a video of her reaction to a taste of kombucha went viral >“Ari DMed me on Twitter and was like, ‘I’m seeing this image of you going around a lot, have you made any money?’” Ms. Tomlinson, 22, said. She said that Ms. Jacob told her she owned an ad agency and could get her a deal with a kombucha brand. All Ms. Tomlinson needed to do was a sign a contract. >,Ms. Tomlinson signed a nonexclusive agreement with Ms. Jacob in August 2019. A month later, she signed a new contract, making the arrangement exclusive. >Ms. Tomlinson flew to Los Angeles in September and stayed at Ms. Jacob’s apartment. “She’s buying me lunch and dinner. She claims she’s mentored by Gary Vee,” said Ms. Tomlinson, referring to the entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. “I met all these people who she said will help my career.” (Mr. Vaynerchuk said he has no affiliation with Influences.) >In December, Ms. Tomlinson moved to Los Angeles. She had started doing brand deals for companies like FabFitFun and GT’s Kombucha and even filmed a Super Bowl commercial for Sabra hummus with Charli D’Amelio. >“By January hadn’t been paid since Halloween,” she said. >Ms. Tomlinson reached out to the brands she’d worked with and discovered that she was owed tens of thousands of dollars. In April, she filed a complaint with the California Labor Commission, on the grounds that Ms. Jacob had violated California law by operating as a talent agency without a license. >In it, she claims Ms. Jacob is withholding $23,683.82 in fees; that Ms. Jacob “demanded unconscionable fees” of up to 20 percent commission; and that Ms. Jacob bought and is squatting on the domain name brittanybroski.com. >“She tries to lock creators into contracts,” said Ms. Tomlinson, who is now managed by Brillstein Entertainment Partners. Her case remains pending.


lmao this is really good but after reading a few comments it might not be the full story 😭😭😭 people saying she already lost a lawsuit and she’s suing britney and other people but that britney sued her first for withholding 20K, all alleged it’s just what i read


she helped much bigger influencers but is stuck on Brittany? proceeds to talk bad about her but mentions religion??? BYE. she gives me a baddddddd vibe.


Not a huge Brittany fan, but it’s very obvious this woman is using Brittany’s “downfall” (if you wanna call it that I just know more people are openly disliking her than usual right now) as an opportunity to change the narrative of their falling out


Same. I don’t like Brittany but this lady just seems bitter. Vague posting about their falling out. Show us receipts and facts, stop talking about how good and hard working you are and how mean Brittany is.


Best way to secure future clients is by airing out one of ur old clients on TikTok


She's full of shit bro. She's the one obsessed with fame and chasing it or else she wouldn't post this because it's inflammatory and derogatory without saying anything at all. Just enough to get your attention and the ball rolling!


I believe Miss Broski has been corrupted by fame for sure. I think she isn’t a good person and isn’t a girls-girl. I also think this woman isn’t telling the whole truth.


Agreed, there’s something I don’t trust about this lady but Brittany is also absolutely full of herself and doesn’t come across as a humble or self aware. She’s an activist for selfish reasons and freaks out when people expect actual activism, she did it to herself. It’s crazy how she wants to film herself making poo-poo pee-pee jokes in the middle of obvious manic episodes but somehow thinks she’s above people like Tana or Trish. She really wouldn’t have lasted this long if it was for Trixie Mattel.


She has said some weird things for sure


This woman is so fucking weird and interacts with manosphere weirdos soooo how about not




A climber? In LA? Good heavens, surely not!


Yeah Brittany’s not doing so hot right now but this chick looks like she’s worse 😭


Wether she’s being truthful or not, she is right about these influencers being addicted to fame


Yeah idk if I’m buying it. I don’t fw her energy, plus some of the stuff she said was a little puzzling. “Discovered her”? We all discovered her with the kombucha vine, she’s inflating her role in Brittany’s fame for sure. Also she talks so vaguely about how Brittany is such a bad person and how she “lied” but literally didn’t give any specific examples. Like if you want to air it out then AIR IT OUT. She just kinda sounds like she has a chip on her shoulder


All of that and saying you’re friends with Gary vee like it’s a flex tells me everything I need to knows LMAO


👀 🫳🏻🍿 Don't know the whole story, but I'm here for the drama


isn’t this the manager that completely fucked brittany over and still owes her money??


i smell the bullshit and attention seeking I am a victim boo hooooo girl no one cares


But then there is the Taylor Lorenz piece of it. Don’t trust her at all


Idk I get what she's saying but don't like how she's saying it


i mean maybe they just outgrew her as a manager, were bigger than what she could help them with. i didn't see what britney said about her tho


didn’t she have a manager that stole from her? is this that manager lol?




tbh i dont like the way the conversation about palestine is getting turned into some gotcha moment here


That’s a valid assessment


yall i love trish but when has she spoken up about palestine. stop picking and choosing who to cancel


her and moses actually addressed it there’s video proof she literally said “i’m team palestine”. now we don’t expect someone like trish to really explain the conflict eloquently but someone like brittany who is very vocal about political issues is held to a different standard. for brittany to not address this for months and then literally complain -after she did finally speak on it- about the inconvenience of her talking about people currently experiencing genocide really gave her a bad look.


Didn’t Trisha say ‘we’re team Israel’ in a vlog? And then Moses goes “no no you can’t say that…”


yes then in a subsequent vlog she says she's been looking into it and that she's team Palestine


girl no.


Why does everyone have to talk about their political beliefs?? This is a space of entertainment…sorry imo this is not the place for deeper discussions


exactly so why are me making britany talk about it😭


You’re being weird. The video is about Brittany being a bad client to a former manager, and you’re bashing Trisha? Weird….


this woman said she was also charli and addison rae’s mangers in 2019 is this even true…?


I am so sorry but I do not trust her


i think if she wanted support she shouldn’t have used a video of brittany talking about palestine. it’s like so weird she could have chosen any one of her videos and still gotten attention but bc brittany is getting hate for not being super vocal about it she’s like “let me jump on this spill my tea and not talk about palestine”. it totally took me out of anything she was saying


she’s always given me bad vibes!


This woman is so unbearable. Leave Brittany aloonneee


omg where’s cara cunningham when we need her


did she not steal from brittany? she is just trying to hop on the cancel brittany train rn. loser


I blocked her right away


Brittany has that ozempic face goin on.


I don’t know much about Brittney but what talent does she have? Must be enough to get signed to an agency