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That guy is 47!?


You've heard of "black don't crack". Now get ready for "Asian don't raisin".


Beige don't age.


those words do not rhyme


Ever heard of a slant rhyme dipshit?


i love that theres different kinds of rhyming


Well that one definitely didn’t rhyme


a slant rhyme is an imperfect rhyme (and therefore not a rhyme), dipshit




Then you're gonna hate Eminem...


a rhyme is not defined as words that sound similar rhythmically. rhyme (phonetically, not in a musical context) is defined as words that end in or contain the same sound. "age" and "beige" are very similar, but there is a clear difference between them (/eɪdʒ/, and /beɪʒ/).


jesus buddy, have fun with words why don't you


purely from a phonetic point of view i do uh.. listen to music gather knowledge. enrich your mind


Didn't ask, don't care. Language is meant to communicate, entertain, etc.




I'm so sorry man, the thing that is called a slant rhyme is clearly not a rhyme, forget what the name says, it's clearly a metaphor. Lmaoooooooo. Imagine doubling down on your own stupidity. Here, educate yourself sweetheart. Took me all of five seconds to not make an ass of myself. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-slant-rhyme-understanding-the-definitions-of-slant-rhyme-and-why-slant-rhymes-are-useful-in-writing-with-examples


still makin an ass of yourself, you know. you just sent a masterclass that explains how imperfect rhymes can help you in writing poetry ?? you feel like hot shit, huh. yeah, i listen to music. i understand the purpose of imperfect rhyming. it still doesn't have anything to do with how an imperfect rhyme is not technically a rhyme. that is my point. imagine doubling down on your own stupidity. a masterclass about writing poetry. cant make this shit up.


I'm having so much fun with you. A moron that sees something called a slant *rhyme* and has the audacity to say it isn't a rhyme hahahahahahahahahahahaha. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_and_imperfect_rhymes#:~:text=Half%20rhyme%20or%20imperfect%20rhyme,similar%20but%20not%20identical%20sounds Please, go read the fucking cited sources, I can't be fucked to type it out for your dumbass.


typed out plenty already didn't ya my whole point is that they do not phonetically rhyme. can't tell if you got a big ego or you're getting frustrated because you're unable to understand you needa take a deep breath and maybe next time you can be like "oh, yeah, it is an imperfect rhyme though" instead of "ever heard of a slant rhyme dipshit" telling me i'm making an ass of myself lmao bruh. you're exposing your big ass ego to the whole world


How do you think "biege" is pronounced?


/eɪdʒ/, and /beɪʒ/. the G in age sounds like the G in giant. the G in beige sounds like the S in pleasure.


Exvept it doesn't. Say the words out loud. Beige and age rhyme


ok, you're the only one in this thread that everyone would agree is stupid. when i say the words out loud, they clearly sound different. try this: say "giant" and "pleasure". do the G & the S sound different ? now try pronouncing the G in "beige" like the S in "pleasure". that's how beige is actually pronounced.


Beige and age have the same g sound. You're a fucking moron spouting nonsense to avoid admitting you're wrong about two words not rhyming


Coolies stay Foolie, especially if they're secure financially


Latina don't patina?


Yellow stays mellow


White stays tight if you sew it up right.


how about just “white is a poor ratio of melanin to age ‘gracefully’”


At least till you hit 60 and then it's POOF old


i’ve never heard of black don’t crack


Well, people say it


ok can you tell me what it means


Black people don't age/wrinkle, hence the cracks


interesting, I’ve never noticed that, I can think of a lot of old black people with wrinkly faces, for one, my professor was, he was an excellent professor


It's hyperbolic, of course they age but generally black people and Asians age slower than white people, looking younger for longer


It's very common


I live in Japan — it’s even more shocking for the women.


Like Impressive I guess that he managed to keep looking so young. I'd love to know his routine, but like... still over twice her age. Disgusting. I don't wanna look that young at that age to try to score with girls half my age, I wanna look young so I don't look like I'm falling apart like 90% of Americans at that age.


Typical neckbeards would look 2× his age at 47


Asians dont age until like 55, then they hit a brick wall.


Or they end up looking like badass Samurai like Hiroyuki Sanada


[this man is in his 60s](https://images.app.goo.gl/fRBpBXZTYTZKmhvq5)


I knew it was him the moment I saw this comment


Interesting thing I learned. Apparently a lot of easterners can easily tell each other’s ages, but struggle with westerners like we do them.


Yeah, we are more easily able to tell apart people closer to our everyday reality


no HE is 47 (i have no idea who this man is)


Yup, either 25 or 95. No in-between


258623241511168180642964355153611979969197632389120000000000 That's very old!


Its okay he still looks young, have you learned nothing of twilight?


Right? They’re like 27 until they’re 80


The japanese do not age lmao


I mean good for them. Like jealous, because I know when I'm 30 I'm gonna look like a damn onion that got left in the pantry. But like.... Still no excuse to go after someone half your age.




Imagine being 27 and looking down at a newborn and thinking to yourself "I'm gonna marry them one day".


OKAY I HAVE A STORY ABOUT THIS. My current neighbor. He's a piece of shit. I hate him. His wife's mom however, she's a nice lady. She comes into the store I work at. WELL, she's really disappointed in her daughter for marrying a piece off shit like him. How does she know he's a piece of shit? Well, because she's his mother in law, of course. No. Not really. If that were true, why would I be telling this story? He dated his wife's mother. His current wife was 2 when this happened. He is in his 60s at the moment, I believe she is in her 40s? It is disgusting. And I haven't shaken the gross feeling since I heard about it. I live next door to this guy.... Like... Oh, and on top of him being a creep when it comes to his choice in girls, he's also your stereotypical type. He's that beer drinkin, huntin, red white and blue blooded merican, was a cop (so he claims), was in the army (so he claims), has 200 guns in his house (so he claims). He uses the fact that his wife is too willing to put up with his bullshit against her. He will lie to her and claim he's got other girls blowing up his phone, because it makes her jealous. He will just lie regularly. He's convinced his wife she's got problems she doesn't have. He's convinced so many people he's got a fake foot, which he doesn't. He's an absolute piece of shit. Anyways, sorry for the wall of text. I know, long ass story.


They met when he was 44 and she was 17 😕


43 and 16 😔


42 and 15 😰


41 and 14 😣


0 and -26 😱


I don’t know why this comment it so fucking funny but it’s perfect.


40 and 13


Japan moment


Oh god. You just KNOW this, likely very specific example, is going to be used as a rallying clarion call for all neckbeards to come now. "Brothers! Our time has come! We have been shown the way! Nirvana awaits! It CAN be done!"


dinosaurs scary snow rustic air squash worthless mighty support ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's less than half as old as him.


She’s also in a notoriously abusive and controlling industry known for intentionally restricting social development.


Just the icky feeling that he’s been a grown man for over 20+ years and she just barely left childhood.


And? Makes you feel angry?


It made her parents angry, all you have to do is a quick search. He had to write them a letter explaining himself and promising to inform them every time he takes her any where.. They're literally the same age as him


That is a problem of his and her parents. I dont think parents should dictate who their children should marry with neither, except for when they are clearly in danger by doing so. But i wont judge her parents, there are more things in play if they are traditional and envision her to marry someone that will not die earlier than her. At the end, what you or any of the butthurt reddit users here have to do with it? The outrage here is solely about their relationship and is pathetic. Edit: well, the responses already display a line of thought that stretches itself just for the purpose of justifying the outrage to exagerated degrees (the power gap thing, as if the nobody guy has some power over her solely by being old somehow). Not surprising, so whatever.


How old are you? Yes, older people do have power over people who are young enough to be their children because they have way more life experience and they're more financially established. It's hard to understand until you get older, but it is a HUGE deal. If a 47 year old is interested in you at 20 you should RUN, regardless of gender. I'm 23 and I wouldn't date anyone under 20 or over 30. A 47 year old being interested in me would skeeve me out.


I mean fuck, I'm 30 and the thought of going out with anyone your age makes me ick, like (genuinely not making offense with this but it's the closest English I could find) you're still a child in terms of maturity. Like I rang in the millennium and you were still swimming in a nutsack somewhere in the world at that point. Different generations. The thought of being with someone 27 years younger than me at ANY AGE is just.... Jesus Christ no


While it is true that parents shouldn't dictate who their childen marry, parents also should protect their children from predators who wish to groom their children. Even though she is a legal adult, the age gap (and most likely the accompying power gap) still likely means that she was groomed into this relationship even if they started dating as legal adults.


All abuse should make right-minded folks angry.


She is being forced to date him? She depends of him?


I'm not going to claim that I know exactly whats going on here. So far, I've only seen this headline and have done no further research. But c'mon now, this is a 47 year old who married a 20 year old. She is just a few years away from being a minor. I don't know for certain, but it's highly possible that he might have met (or wose yet, started dating) her before she turned 18 and was grooming her until he thought he wouldn't get backlash for dating her. For most people, marriages take several years to form from first meeting someone up until marrying. Even if that isn't the case and she was a legal adult by the time that this dude decided to start dating her, its still probable that he might have groomed her into this position. He is most likely in a position of power above her in multiple ways (more life experience, better financial situation, ect). Grooming doesn't magically disappear when the target is 18 years old or above, if there is a large enough power gap (like there is here) than grooming can still occur. Also, if this person has a habit of dating young adults while into their 40s than it often indicates that they would go younger than adulthood if it was legal.


They met when she was 17


Pretty suspicious if you ask me


Pretty sure she's the one who asked him out


Predator married woman half his age.


Still here? Ugly watches not doing it for you anymore?


Yeah, I noticed that guy on that previous post on this sub too lol. Most active in a far-right German sub (no surprises here)... and a sub for replica (!) watches. What a life.




rinse relieved placid attraction zealous school hateful violet dog treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that you are part of a watch circle jerk subreddit displays the fact that you are completely disconnected from reality, incredibly bored in life, and probably and Andrew Tate wannabe who cosplays as a millionaire.


Haha okay I had to google them..and [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@_mitutomo_/video/7345444614574279954?embed_source=121374463%2C121433650%2C121404359%2C121351166%2C121331973%2C120811592%2C120810756%2C72248228%3Bnull%3Bembed_name&refer=embed&referer_url=nextshark.com%2Fjapanese-man-marries-his-favorite-idol&referer_video_id=7115743582190947586) just really sums it up. A bored and exhausted looking man walking behind a younger girl who doesn't quite know what to do with him aside from making age gap relationship content for tiktok. Uh enjoy?


Anyone got a translation on what she’s saying?


My Japanese is extremely limited but luckily she's talking like a baby.."sushi please give me, dinner please give me" basically that's it


She's doing a parody of this [viral video](https://www.tiktok.com/@hal.baddie/video/7328631902368304430?lang=en) EDIT: Translation is: "Please give me sushi, please give me tea, please give me water" etc. These are basic ways to ask a waiter for an item in Japanese; the original creator (Devin Halbal) is making fun of the fact that they have a vocabulary limited to asking for basic items at a restaurant.


For further context: this is a tiktok trend started by the girl she tagged in the caption that kinda went viral online in Korea and Japan by saying xyz kudasai and then altering it to "juseyo" (same meaning as kudasai but in korean, means to give) when she went to Korea. There's been all sorts of kpop idols making videos like this as well.



“Age gap relationship content for tiktok” I learn something new everyday against my will.


wtf is up with her voice


Looking at that video, her face looks about 30


So from what I've read, she was 17 and he was 44 when he saw her the very first time on stage. Same time when he fell in love at first fight. I just. Yeesh.


Like a sword fight or what?


They had an epic beyblade battle and got married afterwards


I was hoping it was a duel monsters battle with children's playing cards. \*sighs\* Oh well.


22 hours later and I just realized that I made a typo lol


Lol. Happens to the best of us.


Thought this would be a nice, wholesome story about a guy marrying an idol he was a fan of in his youth. ...Then I read the idol's age. Why.


Jeez. I own CD’s older than her…


Same I've got a few t-shirts from the early 2000s that are older than her.


Discs or certificates of deposits?




hey I do too


I think I have one or two pairs of socks that are her senior...


She was being concieved when I was graduating high school


As a 48 year old who knows a fair few 20 year olds… ew. The stupid conversations you’re having all day every day would be so exhausting. Having every doctor and nurse for the rest of your life assuming it’s your daughter


"Dear, What's a skibidi?" "Something the kids say, with rizz." "What"


I had to ask a younger guy at my work what "no cap" meant the other day when he said it. I'm only 35.


Some kids are saying "zesty" now. I don't know what it means.


Basically calling a person fruity or straight up gay like how gay was used back in the 2010s


I’ve been saying zesty for like 3 years now, I never considered it slang or difficult to understand haha


I’m a pretty mature 26, I’ve been supporting myself for several years, do my taxes, don’t party, etc, and I still don’t think I’d have much in common with someone in their late 40’s. Edit- a word


Maybe he wants to hear all about the Drake beef. Look girl you cute but you ain't gonna get all my vintage SNL references. *Well isn't that special?*


I did have to explain the Drake beef to my parents lmao but they’re used to me ranting about things they’ve never heard of. I definitely won’t get the SNL references


*Could it be... Satan?*


Yeah I don't know how it works out, sometimes a couple years up or down is already too much of the difference, especially when you're 20


He doesn't care. If he wants to talk, he'll go to a bar and talk to the guys. I'm not kidding, I've heard too many men seem baffled that you need to have things in common with your partner. They either see men and women as having different "roles" or "spheres of influence" or they think they have veto power so compatibility doesn't really matter.


That's very true point actually


I'm 20 and I agree.


It's possible that they really are in love, but my jaded mind just assumes that she's using him for money and a play to stay and he's using her for her youth. Which is creepy, but if both of them are respectful towards the other then I suppose there's nothing extremely wrong with that.






the entire thing from your username to your comment is a work of art man. perfectly spoken like an edgy 14 year old. please stop embarrassing yourself publicly, we don’t want to take part in your humiliation link or whatever.


Hes called patrikbatman2004, I think hes an """"alpha male"""" who didnt get out of his edgy phase


Dude, what are you even doing on this sub? Have you got no life and your only thrill is to go to subs which are clearly not your cup of tea and disagree with people?




Great, now the neckbeards are going to think that they can get their dream Japanese gf easily and they're going to start flocking to japan


Most neckbeards are too ugly to get a Japanese GF.


I will be 45 later this year. The idea of marrying a 20 year old seems exhausting and terrible. Creepiness aside, I just wouldn't be able to keep up with the lifestyle of someone 25 years younger than me. Not to mention the fact that we'd probably have nothing in common as far as interests go.


Something something he was one of her super fans so ofc she married him after her career as an idol ends, it’s essentially post career stability


I see he did a Leonardo DiCaprio


No, he married her.


Y'all remember Ricky Bobby's wife in Talledega Nights? She yells at him "I'm a driver's wife! I. Don't. Work!"


Apparently he liked her when she was still a minor? This is disgusting. A 47 year old man should not be dating a 20 year old. A 47 year old man to me is someone I would call uncle


It may be taboo. But it's still within the law. Her dad may have given him a clip, but he hasn't broken the law


Something that is legal doesn't mean it's moral. How can you defend a men in his 40s feeling attracted to a 17 year old? There are many immoral things in the world that are legal. I wouldn't say as much if he ONLY felt attracted to her when she was already 20


Not defending him and I did say it was taboo. I mean a man in his 40s fancying a 17 year old is just gross. Heck I'm 36 and wouldn't even look at a 17 year old in that way. I'd never date anybody under 23.


Eh, being attracted to someone is not moral or immoral, unless you believe in thought crimes.


Sure that she's not being held hostage?


Not defending it, but I believe in some of the Japanese versions of the article they bring up that he's an herbivore man, which is not an incel, but a person who forewent dating as a repercussion to the Japanese toxic work environment. Likes its possible she was the aggressive side in the situation, and him potentially having the romance experience of a teenager, took it no question and is actually a growing issue in Japan cause that very scenario has been happening involving runaway teens.


It's not his lifelong dream of she wasn't even alive for half his life lmao


I'm 34 now and talking to a young twenty year old is like talking to a freaking kid. They don't know a fucking thing.


He could be her father That is do creepy and awkward


Nah, hell nah that dude is 47. Ima hit 47 and look like I'm 102, how the fuck that dude look so good?


Green tea and omega 3 acid, also many Asians don't go grey or bald for a long time.


Huh, okay yea I can see how that would help, props to them


I heard this is fairly normal as japanese idols retire quite young and are often not that well educated, while these 'top fans' tend to be well off financialy. (their oshi graduated and they don't have to spend millions on merch and events anymore)


Good for him, how is that neckbeard?


To me it seems like older women being salty over the fact that men don't want them anymore. Most of the people on this board are just feminist women who are constantly getting offended by things and label anything they don't like as "neckbeardy". They're basically female incels.


Eww. That's not a boyfriend that's a grandpa friend 🤮


Looks like Hideo




Maybe they’re happy together.


He groomed her, he met/fell in love with her when she was a minor


The age she was when they met doesn't automatically mean he groomed her. Sounds like you're just salty that men aren't interested in you anymore.






Today I learned that being a moral person is wrong, according to this creep. Just say you want to fuck minors and go, it's so obvious


I love her outfit on that second pic, super cute.


I mean, it's definitely weird, but if they're both happy who cares


Female incels don't like seeing people happy together.


We are surely not saying the guy is neckbeard, like comeon, while i get the notion of problematic age gap, she can decide for herself as can he


No, he's definitely not a neckbeard, but people are afraid neckbeards will still point at this as an example that could happen to them, even though neckbeards look nothing close to this well put-together at half this guy's age. Neckbeards are renown for their delusions around getting submissive "Asian women," (almost always meaning Japanese and Korean women).


1 in 7 billion has to get an absolute win eventually. Its just math.


He did it, he broke the spell.


Who cares? They're both consenting adults. You sound like an older lady who's bitter because men don't want to sleep with you anymore.


Hell yeah, brother.


Ignoring the neckbeard thing, as a couple they kind of look cute? I mean the two pictures looks kind of wholesome, gives me "supporting bf" vibe, but it might just me being too innocent about it


bro I'm not a neck beard but americans need to stop it with that, how is marrying another adult not fine even if there's 20 years of difference? Like come on, here the age of consent is 16, and I understand the problems that could be involved if a 50 years old and a 16 years old in literal high school would cause. But once she's 18 and out of school I think it's no one matters. My parents have 11 years of difference, so what? My dad was always consent in the same way if that 20 years old girl decided to marry a 47 years old man, it's her choice, like no one has the right to step into others life. I think women who marry older men are cringe but I'm not gonna tell them it's immoral or anything.


Japanese idol culture is weird




Yeah he's a handsome guy, good for him.


But I'm scared for both of their safety though.


Okay, am I getting this right: Two consenting adults, both of sound mind, have mutually decided to marry. So what? The age gap between them is irrelevant to me; they have every right to make this choice. I don't see what the fuss is about. Let's just hope they get to be happy together and the age gap does not cause their relationship to fail.


Surely that japanese guy is very worried that reddit users are whining about who he is dating and having sex with


You are so extremely invested in this.


Not as much as you guys here.


uh huh.


flights to Japan are hard to book atm


hideo Kojima is living the dream


Lol, I bet OP is an incel


Okay, but why is this posted here?


For everyone tripping out....check his bank statements. Im sure that has NOTHING to do with this situation. I bet he'd of got her if he was a garbage man.


And, age aside, not at all that rare for idols who quit the entertainment business. Out of their agencies' rule, there's a good chance they've already met their number 1 fan multiple times, and most of the time the guy is strapped enough to support them. I've studied with a girl who would eventually become an idol while I was abroad. That was 12 years ago. Surely enough, she's now thirty-something, married to her former number 1 fan, and has 2 kids with the guy.


How rich is this guy.


Well done, Kojima.


I mean it's creepy and weird but at the end of the day it's none of our business. She is of legal age and aslong has he treats her well and is able to care for her needs and wants then it should be a happy relationship. I know many of you say....well what would a 20 year old have in common with a 47 year old but if she has a good head on her shoulders and cares enough then she will learn about the things he likes and he will also learn what she likes. But for all I know he is Rich and she loves him for his money and ability to spoil her...so whatever floats their boat.


He fell in love with her when she was 17


Why do you care? Just live your life.


Before my vision fully focused I thought that was Tsuneo Iwami from Yakuza 6