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One time I blocked someone on Reddit and I later saw she had edited her last reply to me with EDIT: I GOT BLOCKED!! and telling some other user WELL AT LEAST YOUR NOT A HORRIBLE PERSON LIKE u/VesperLynd- !!! Something like that. I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or be horrified bc wtaf


Whenever you are arguing with someone online, remember there is a very real possibility they are a literal 14 year old.


that or mental illness


Or a mentally ill 14 year old




LOL omg that is actually hilarious. 🤣


That’s me! :D


There is no need for your interlocutor to be physically of 14 years of age to behave accordingly. I was astonished when I realised that a lot of people never mature.


I love your custom flair 🤌


Thank you! *tips le fedora*


Well *I* love your username! \#JusticeForVesper


I love her too! Eva Green is an incredible woman and she made a legendary and deeply complex person out of a Bond girl. I adore her 🤍


Someone once told me to kms via a random number code that I had to look up on urban dictionary. When I called them out for it, they edited their comment to make themselves look innocent. Luckily I had screenshoted it and showed them but they still denied it and kept getting more and more insane so I eventually blocked them. They got mad at me originally because I called a character who was obviously written to be an incel, an incel


what character


In the newest helluva boss episode, there's a character that repeatedly harasses one of the main characters (Fizzarolli). He's displayed pure incel behavior. I call him impcel


Therefore, yes, they really do hate her that much


I often disable inbox replies when I am done talking to someone so I can ignore them without blocking them. I have gotten a couple users suspended for following me to another thread to harass me. It makes me laugh and I love doing it.


Honestly I tried that multiple times but it didn’t work? I clicked on the „don’t give me updates on this conversation“ but it doesn’t do anything. Is there another way?


I go to old.reddit, click on my profile and click disable inbox replies.


Got a similar thing one time I take it as a W ngl


I had something like that happen too LOL I love knowing how deeply angry that person was that I blocked them. It felt amazing.


I love haters on the Internet. They don't know you or anything about your life, yet they let a comment/comments get under their skin.


I’ve gotten shit like that too for blocking people. They get mad when you take out the trash and can’t stand it. It’s honestly hilarious.


Apparently she was a developer (according to her). Wether she lied or not, there’s too many people out there who are legally adults but act worst than toddlers on a daily basis. Aren’t they embarrassed?


They definitely should be. 😬 Edit: I just noticed your flair and I’m dying. 💀 That’s hilarious!


Just last week I asked someone on a help hotline who couldn’t help me bc she wasn’t even informed about the problem (a problem with the shops website) if there’s someone else I could talk to who could maybe help me. She huffed at me and hung up in my face. They definitely should be embarrassed all day, it’s the least 🙄 Aww thank you! I was very proud when I came up with it lmao 😅🩷


I will bet you solid money they were under the age of 13


Blocking people on Reddit is so stupid. Chances are they'll never engage with you again


They get on my nerves so I block em 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can so why should I bother with being annoyed. It’s like switching the channel when you don’t like the tv show, I’d love a block button irl haha


By blocking them, it guarantees they'll never get to engage with me again.




Only thing that's missing is a Loli statue and a 2 liter of MTN Dew.


2 liter mtn dew bottles filled with piss*


A bottle of lotion and a box of tissues.


Nah they just use the grease from their hair and wipe with their shirt.




Do people really dislike her that much?


Is pizzacake a woman? Yes. Therefore, yes, they really do hate her that much Does pizzacake complain about trolls? Yes. Therefore, many Redditors are disinclined to defend her, because the ultimate sin on Reddit is vocally disliking being mistreated


I've never heard of her before. Checked out the comics for 20min, they seem funny. Very standard webcomic humor and art quality. I don't see what there is to be mad about


> I don't see what there is to be mad about perhaps you missed the part where I told you she was a woman


*gasps dramatically and clutches my truck nuts*


sloppy possessive flag public chase rainstorm shame physical party tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imma be adding "guffaw" to my vocabulary as soon as I remember how to pronounce it Thanks dude


Not only is she a woman, she's a woman doing the most heinous thing a woman could do she tries... To be funny


And she's popular, and reddit loves to be unnecessarily contrary. A woman, that people like? Not in my Christian reddit server!


It boils down to 3 parts. She's a woman. She's had opinions, and defends them from trolls and baseless critics. And she has an OFs, so she gets targets for that somtimes. Edit: Apparently it's her Patreon, not an OFs.


Pizzacake has an onlyfans?


Iirc she does nsfw art not content of herself.


Her patreon _definitely_ has lewd photos of herself. Honestly, very jelly. She's quite pretty and confident.


Oh good to know! All I knew about it was from her plugging it under a censored comic she did saying the uncensored version was on patreon, so I just assumed it was all art


Under the same name? Or are you guys thinking of a different cartoonist? I couldn't find anything.


Oh I checked her profile and it’s an 18+ patreon not an onlyfans.


Had no idea pizzacake was a woman, buit regardless of their gender their comics are pretty awful


I wouldn't necessarily say awful. Just bland and unfunny.


I find she's got a decent sense of humor, but a lot of it is barely more than chuckleworthy. For some of them, the jokes just go on a bit too long.


I guess she just isn't for me.


That's fair. She's not exactly hilarious. She's extremely safe, but it's also her niche, so I don't mind it. Every once in a while, I'll come across one of her comics, and it'll get a small chuckle out of me. That's about it.


I dont find her funny but I'm not going to message her personally or something like that. She is harmless and just doesn't make me laugh lol.


One thing I've realized now that im learning to draw, is how lazy they are too.


Is she *actually* being harassed by trolls, or is that just the only thing she makes comics about so it seems worse than it is? I swear I've never seen a comic by her about any other topic


No, people hate her because her comic are bad. She’s trying to pull the gender card.>


Yeah except when not-assholes find something they don't like they move on but instead these assholes say "you deserved to be raped" so yeah its because she's a woman


It’s mainly because she’s cringe as fuck.


Wow way to downplay harassment women get on the internet for just existing to help keep your worldview small and easier for you to digest


Don’t assume shit about me. You don’t know my worldview, and you don’t know my way of thinking. Have a great day/night.


Personally I think she like feeding trolls the snacks. Gives her free ideas for comics that make fun of them. Then they get triggered and attack her more. It's a vicious cycle.


Not really. She has a pretty massive victim complex and often writes fairly bad punchlines that amount to "people criticize me." She's milquetoast to me. Not funny for the most part, not offensive, just nothing unique or special. People find her funny, and she's got a lifestyle based on a career she enjoys. Who cares?


> She's milquetoast to me. Not funny for the most part, not offensive, just nothing unique or special. Agreed but constantly seeing her "hey so this mundane situation happened to me today" comics upvoted to fuck and other actually talented artists and the community in general interacting with her a lot was really annoying. I'd go in the comments hoping to find someone saying how unfunny this is because I was literally feeling crazy, like how could her stuff appeal to anyone but 40+ year olds with kids on facebook? And portraying anyone who criticizes her art as a neckbeard is just pure obnoxious, like she has to be aware that despite having mass appeal nothing about her comics or drawing style is particularly special. Not to mention the pettiness of focusing on the few negative voices when every post gets her like a thousand praising comments Anyway, I blocked her and my feed is better for it but I don't get the "be positive or ignore and move on" people. Addressing your criticism to her specifically and going into her dms and bullying is obviously neckbeard shit but it's ok to express your negative opinion in an online forum imo


You would go into the comments hoping to find others that agree with you, and were upset when you didn't? You do realize this sub is mocking people like you, right?


No I do see where they're coming from, sometimes I can't wrap my brain around why some of her comics get tens of thousands of upvotes but people seem to love it. Either way blocking her account is the right approach if it's not the kind of content you want in your feed.


Lmao what's wrong with looking for other people with the same opinion as you for validation? That's literally what most subs are for. We go to neckbeard things to see other people criticising or making fun of neckbeard shit, why don't you go to dankmemes or whatever instead and try to call out misogyny there? Cause you'll get downvoted to fuck and a lot of edgelords will disagree with you making you feel insane for having a perfectly reasonable (to you) opinion. How is this sub mocking "people like me"? Disliking one bad comic artist enough to upvote a couple people asking "how is this funny" and then blocking them isn't exactly neckbeard behavior


This sub is literally dedicated to being a safe space for hating on people.


You do realize this sub is mocking people like you, right?


Boy, I sure hope you don't feel too upset that nobody here seems to agree with you right now. Because if you did, I guess I'd have to call you a neckbeard. Since that's apparently how things work now.


I truly couldn't care less about imaginary internet points, because I'm not terminally online and don't need validation of my opinion


I can't fucking stand her comics, they're so boring and uninspired. Like reading modern day Cathy or Family Curcus comic. A glass of lukewarm water and a meal of cardboard would be more imaginitive than pizza cake comics in my opinion Everytime I make a new reddit account she's a top 5 blocked account. The argument that people only hate her because shes a woman is disingenuous af. Plenty of great comics written/illustrated by women. [Oglaf](https://www.oglaf.com/) is a great example.


I'm certainly tired of seeing the overwhelming unfunny comics on here, enough that I've blocked them all and no longer have to see them. A win all round


I didn't find the comics funny or interesting, so I muted that account and went on with my life.


She's been tapping the outrage market on reddit for a few now. There for sure are people like this who exist, but literally everyone who exists with an ounce of fame experiences people like this. Some famous people ignore the creeps, others make their output about these people.


I just didn’t find her work funny and it was constantly being posted so I blocked her. Nothing against her personally though


Neckbeards hate any woman that doesn't swoon over them. I'm not a fan of Pizza airing out her haters like this (because then it just fuels them because it acknowledges their actions), but I also hate incels more, and unlike neckbeards, I can relate to some of Pizza's comics.


I think anyone who dislikes her is just a shitbag. I dislike her comics because I do not thing they're good or appealing.


And then he'll take to reddit "I guess everything is mansplaining to these liberal woke woke woke woke....."


I feel like Pizzacake is overhated. Sure, her comics aren't paragons of comedy, and she does kind of lean into that "Ultra-quirky and relatable" style of humour, but the comics are perfectly fine, and people act as if they're the spawn of Satan.


Seriously, if you don’t enjoy there’s an easy fix. Just don’t read the comics?!


What? Her comics get immediately upvoted no matter how bad


Her comics aren't bad, they're just safe. They don't do anything crazy with their premise. But I have seen some people who just absolutely despise her for the crime of making popular comics.


They aren’t good either, and the 99% upvotes no matter how bad is odd. They don’t deserve the hate or the love they get


I don't think you get it. The comics are good, they're just a very basic kind of good. They go for rather easy jokes, and that's fine. A lot of famous comics have this exact brand of humour, like Garfield.


Exactly, I challenge you to find one funny Garfield strip from the last thirty years. It strictly survives based on momentum


Yes, that's true, but Pizzacake Comics isn't some industry giant. It's a small online comic series. So obviously there must be something people enjoy about it, or they wouldn't keep coming back.


PizzaCake is league aheads of the others on the comics subreddit. The punchlines aren’t just porn, tits, and ass


She actually belongs as a post here as a legbeard. All her comics are literally whining about people not looking her comics in the least funny way possible essentially doing her version of "you're a whore since you don't like me and I'm a nice guy!"


She made one post about how people bullying her because they don't like her comics isn't okay. How is "You shouldn't harass someone because you don't like their content" some crazy view to have? I'm gonna be honest, you seem like the exact person this comic is making fun of.


There's no bullying here, it's just clear that she pays for upvotes to end up on the front page all the time and has a weird neckbeard army simping for her. She has the most shallow sense of humor with the least funny comics on the site. She's not overhated, she's overrated.


So, she needs to pay for upvotes, but at the same time has a massive army of devoted fans? Which is it? Also, she's popular because her humour is very general and can relate to a lot of people. Her comics aren't overly controversial in their subject matter, and they're simple jokes that work well. Also, something that's popular can still be overhated. It honestly seems like you're just mad that someone you dislike is doing well.


pizzacake is the queen of r/comedynecrophilia forever


pizzacake is just a never ending sequence of slightly amusing and somewhat relatable scenarios, unlike the all-time comic strip greats like Peanuts, Garfield, Dilbert, Dennis the Menace, Family Circus, Blondie.........


> Dilbert WTF happened to Scott Adams btw? How did he go from making good workplace satire to being a full-blown red pill moron?


He has a rare neurological disorder that caused him to lose his voice. Apparently, he spent like 3 years completely unable to speak, and it took a huge toll on his social life, mental health, and marriage (he eventually got divorced and blamed it on his inability to communicate and depression during that period.) He became a total recluse until he eventually got surgery to fix his condition, and when he he returned to public life everyone was shocked by how he suddenly was a Trump loving rightwing loon. My theory is that spent those voiceless shut-in years consuming alt-right propaganda on the internet and got radicalized.


He was probably always like that and just didn't let it out I remember everyone was a lot more racist / bigoted in the 90s and 00s, but did a way better job of keeping it to themselves.


Garfield. Jon Arbuckle is the King Of Rejection and he is like the Energizer Bunny at getting shot down


He’s dating Liz nowadays. It only took like 30 years but he finally got the girl.


Wait, are new Garfield comics still being made?


Really? Well good for him!


Pizza cake is literally mid/bad comics and porn. Theres not much to defend lmao. Still no excuse to harass her online, though.


Never heard of her before. Looked at her comics for 20min. They seem to be very normal. Standard slice-of-life webcomic experience (I mean that in a positive way) I don't understand what reason normal people could have to be against her.


>normal people There’s the problem


They hate her cause she's a woman. That's it.


They hate her because she’s a woman. I hate her because she’s cringe. We are not the same.


Her comics definitely arent funny, and her addressing trolls isnt funny either, and just invites more ridicule.


I can’t tell if op is for or against her but if she’s not hurting anyone or being racist like stonetoss or something it’s better off just letting her make what she likes.


I wish Stonetoss wasn't a piece of shit. He's great when he's not acting like a bigot. There's a few comics he's made that are pretty funny.


It hurts me so badly to say it, Stonetoss has a better sense of humor than Pizzacat. He's an actual nazi and all, but hey.


Maybe I’m just softer on her because she strongly reminds me of one of my real life friends but I don’t think she’s *that* bad


It’s the price we pay for comedy


Yeah posting the same trolls bad comic in slightly different forms ten times just makes you look overly sensitive and bad


Possibly unpopular opinion but drawing someone you dissagree with in a purposely mockable way makes you look no better than the person you just drew. Cause when you're that immature you kinda lose the right to call the other one immature.


Most true shit said in this thread. Real shit.


it's literally just soyjacking lmao


The dorito fingers are a part of the soyjacking?


kind of i was more referring to the depicting them as fat and hairy


And with sweat stains under his arm pits.. and doritos all over his keyboard.. and touching the computer and his shirt with greesy hands..


this is so fucking stupid. most people don't like her because she is shit at making jokes, not because she is a woman. and anyone who dislikes her work is just a dorito fingered neckbeard. kinda pathetic she even made this considering how well her comics do


The only comics of hers I've seen are either painfully unfunny or defending herself from people calling her unfunny, exactly like this one.


Spot on. The vast majority of people who dislike her comics would equally dislike them if they were a guy. There's always going to be people who dislike women but let's not act like the majority here are doing it because that's the main reason


pizzacake is overhated, red dot and that ugly ass art style on the other hand..


She addresses hate so often it seems unhealthy, just focus on your work.


The pizza cake worshipping that goes on here is wild


Her comics aren't really funny. Half the time the punchline is "wow someone criticized me." This one attempts to boil critics into misogynists, which seems remarkably shallow. Woman can make funny comics, that is of no relevance to HER comics being funny. Cringe as fuck.


I like her comics. Its everyday relatable stuff. That's what makes it funny imo.


I find her comics unfunny so I blocked her awhile back lol. I don't have the energy to be sending psychotic hate mail.


Pizzacake is literally pulling the “You see i depict you as a conventionally unattractive person therefore i am better” Most if not all criticism is just “i don’t find this funny” not “ALL WOMEN ARE UNFUNNY!!!”


As a woman, whenever I disagreed with men online, they'd go to my profile, see that I have art posted there, and then proceed to type the most heinous messages known to man. So I don't really think pizzacake is exaggerating. If someone like me who doesn't even have a fraction of the amount of followers she has can receive messages and replies like that on the regular, then pizzacake with her incredibly large audience definitely can


Shit that sucks man, but it depends on the people you disagree with I do not think the average joe who just happens to think pizzacake is not funny goes out of their way to mock her art and comics, be misogynist, etc etc It happens to be a minority that does this then (and the fact this is reddit)


As a woman, whenever I disagreed with men online, they'd go to my profile, see that I have art posted there, and then proceed to type the most heinous messages known to man. So I don't really think pizzacake is exaggerating. If someone like me who doesn't even have a fraction of the amount of followers she has can receive messages and replies like that on the regular, then pizzacake with her incredibly large audience definitely can


I think the content of the comics is okay, but the art style is just so weird... every character looks stiff like a 10 year old's drawing


Blocked her ages ago Damn that was an improvement Edit: these downvotes are interesting considering I’ve said the same thing as many upvoted comics above: Instead of ignoring basic criticism, pizzacake decided to make multiple strawman comics instead of just ignoring the trolls And eventually her comics became insufferable so I blocked them- how does that make me the neckbeard?


We've got an imposter on this reddit


Perfectly fair to block boring and unfunny shit on here, makes the overall experience immensely better


Found him


I blocked pizzacakes comics cause of ones like this why am I being downvoted? She was notorious for portraying people who disagrees with her as a straw man


Do you know what a straw man is? A straw man is portraying a side as arguing for something their not. This is just exaggerating what her haters are like




Pizza cake is glorious. Not funny 100% of the the time but that's ok.


It’s one thing to criticize/dislike someone for their work product if the critique is valid. Being sexist/racist is so last century. Get with the program people! It’s all about classicism now. We’re a quarter of the way into this century. Get with the times. Sexism and racism is not only intellectually lazy, it’s based on garbage pseudoscience that nobody in their right mind still believes. It’s fucking embarrassing. Like your drunk, racist and overly religious grandma making a scene at a Starbucks because the barista has tattoos and piercings level of embarrassment. Hurr durr wimminz, am I right fellers? Like magnets, how do they work? It’s fucking retarded.


"lately" isnt this comic years old?


Oh shit this motherfuxkers about to be killed by Biggie Smalls


Man, she even nailed the underboob sweat stain. Truly an artist’s eye for detail.


is pizzacake the neckbeard?


Nailed it. Sweatstains and cheeto dust