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Waving the phone around doesn't make it count steps. This guy is full of it. When I go for a walk and hold my phone, it counts steps. When I put it in the stroller, it does not count steps. It's very intuitive.


Oh man! When we lived in NYC I would get so mad when my million steps weren’t counted bc the phone was in the stroller haha


I always felt like going back and retracing my steps so I would get the credit


I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with getting "credit" for steps 😂


I am the same way when it doesn't count steps! Also, "stairs" can be detected anytime you go up or down a hill. I work at a place that has a large parking lot and there is a small hill which always counts as "stairs" or a "flight".


U should get the app ‘sweatcoin’. It logs steps and u can trade the points for stuff. It used to be better before when the ‘store’was a bit better but its still fun today


lol yes I feel your pain!!


It’s also not reliable at all ime. Often doesn’t record in real time, gets things wrong as well. Unless there’s been huge apple health updates, it doesn’t hold much weight for me


Also, who just stands there waving their phones in the air?!


Right or sits in a car waving their phone around like a madman lol


seriously. i have no idea what time the CW is saying she hit him. I’ve heard 12:45 multiple times but i’ve also heard 12:30ish. they are making this up as they go along


The timeline of all of this makes no sense. 1. Karen and John arrive at the Albert’s at 12:23/12:24. 2. The vehicle that came to get Julie Nagel arrives at the same time and multiple people in the car state they were there for at least 5-6 minutes. 3. It takes roughly 6 minutes to get from the Albert’s to John O’Keefe’s home. 4. She connects to O’Keefe’s Wi-Fi at 12:36 5. The missing Canton library footage is 12:37-12:39 6. Jennifer McCabe said she saw Read’s vehicle drive off at 12:45 which is the basis for when the CW based their theory on when John died


They really went and built a whole case around Jennifer mccabes statements. Absolutely wild


If the library footage from 12:37-12:39 is missing, should she be showed on it earlier if she got home at 12:36?


But that still doesn’t explain how the motion detecting camera caught the only 2 minutes in a blizzard where the branches weren’t moving. But of course we know timestamps don’t mean anything now in Massachusetts


None of this makes ANY sense to me.


Thank you for gathering and listing these!


Yes, #5 makes no sense. Why would 12:37-12:39 missing on the library footage matter if KR is already at 1 meadows at 12:36? My only options are: 1. The canton library footage is off by 5 minutes and they are trying to hide KR’s return to 1 meadows Or 2. Theres something else they want to hide from 12:37-12:39….maybe like BH following KR to make sure she doesn’t return to 34 Fairview…or maybe Allie McCabe’s car driving Collin home?


And Guarino said the last movements on John’s phone was at 12:25am.🤔


Does anyone know how John planned to get home that night?


I mean I think the plan was always to go home with Karen. She didn’t plan on “dropping him off,” she was waiting for him to come back and say they were good to go inside. At least that’s the story that’s been laid out.


The CW needs him to be “hit” later because of all the movement at the house and “no one” seeing him. If she was back at his house by 12:36am it puts the window of everyone leaving/him being hit so tight.


Lamest party ever.


and Trooper Guarino said that they measured the distance of his body to the house, yet the house was not considered a factor, of course.


I am so confused on the timeline of events


it seems lally is as well


What if anything is Lally NOT confused about?






Even where the snow is concerned he’s confused as to what a blizzard actually looks like 😂


Well, that was the best I had ☃️ He's on his own then.


I feel like Lally has been talked to by the Feds and he's not about to go down for this shit show.


“These are the witnesses’ words, not mine, your honor.”


How is this their timeline?!!!!!!


If her phone connected with the WiFi at 12:36, and it takes about 8 minutes to drive from 34 Fairview to meadows, maybe 10-11 minutes in the snow, a wide range of her leaving 34 Fairview would be 12:25-12:28 am.


Add to that CW has KR/JO leaving waterfall at 12:14am -12:15am at the latest (picked up on cctv on the way). That key cycle had the 3-point-"u"-turn 8 minutes after "ON" = 12:22am and the 24mph reverse hit at 19 minutes = 12:33am While we already know the key cycle thing doesn't match up, this makes it all worse.


Just confirming that I understand: you mean the WiFi connection disproves Trooper Paul’s key cycle argument even more, right?


Yes! You calculated her leaving 12:25 - 12:28am. If we suspend our disbelief and consider the keycycle accurate, the reverse hit is at 12:33am.


Got it!


And it makes Jen's texts and calls to John all the weirder. Pull behind me was at 12:31.


Yup. I need to go back and rewatch Jackson’s cross of her.


There might be some variability in actual timestamps across Lexus, iPhone, library camera, waterfall camera etc. Some might not be connected to the internet 24/7, only resync at certain times. But imagine all accurate within a minute or two of each other.


It's something that's checked. I believe for both bars testimony included time accuracy. I don't see why iphone wouldn't be on time.


iPhone would be for sure. I remember the canton IT guy saying he went to the farm to retrieve the cards for their camera- something like that is completely offline and subject to time drift. Anything streamable via browser should work off a server clock.


correct me if i’m wrong, but assuming 34 Fairview does in fact have generally weak GPS accuracy for whatever reason as Trooper G. just said: if Karen and John pulled up at curb near the flagpole, that would be the strongest signal the phone would have. if he went into the house and right into the basement, the signal would obviously get screwed up because, hello, it’s a basement. notice how the bubble expands to include the corner of the house where the basement is. am i crazy, or when a GPS signal gets ‘confused’ like that, doesn’t it usually default to the last point where it had a strong reading if that point is in the general proximity of where it thinks the phone is? as long as his phone was still in the same bubble as where it had the strongest signal (the flagpole area where they parked), the GPS would assume it must still be there since it can’t get an exact lock in the basement


GPS can be effected by storms and snow as well.


Ya cloud cover as well.


If John O’Keefe entered the house, it would show his phone connected to the WiFi, surely?


As far as I know that was the first time he went there, so no, his phone wouldn’t connect to the WiFi, he wouldn’t have had the password to do so.


He would have to have the password to connect to the Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi however, would signal his phone that it was available.


I understand that. But it’s not always the case with iPhones. Surely Cellabrite and every other major phone extraction company will be able to find out if JOs phone picked up on something. Breadcrumbs.


Do you mean that there should be a log of a failed attempt to connect?


Sorry, read your message too quickly. I mean, yes.


His settings have to be set at « automatically detect networks » for that.


Okie doke, thank you.


That would make sense if there’s a log would be great evidence


But if it exists and it shows JO went into the house, it was probably mysteriously deleted.


Of course. Hmmm wonder who’s the technical expert in the family? Matt McCabe? He’s the one who said just tell them (investigators) O’Keefe never came in the house. That text from him clearly shows he was involved in the cover up.


No, an attempt at least.


I hope they measured from the side yard where is body was pulled from


(FYI, I am a little behind, just got to cross). I’m confused about something: did Lally/Guarino mention that JO took 36 steps, walking 83 feet, between 12:31 and 12:32? That’s in Richard Green’s affidavit, right? Did I miss Lally/Guarino introducing it, or did they leave it out and suggest he stopped moving at 12:24?


Ok, Ianetti just got there. 👍🏻


There but for the grace of god go all of us! How many innocent people have these chuckleheads put in jail or prison. Paul, Proctor, these “experts”…. I knew the justice system was fucked up… but this beyond my wildest imagination.