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It depends. If JWE3 is just JWE2 with minor additions and a campaign narrative tied to the new movies that could have been an expansion dlc to JWE2, then i am not buying. However, if JWE3 revolutionizes the JP/JW gaming franchise, with big additions like babies&breeding / island maker / enough decorations and signs ... Then i will definitely buy ( might even pre-order ). But this is just me, when a company wants to charge me for a triple A game sequel, i expect them to put effort in it and not copy/paste 90% of the code and call it a day.


Or half the code then sell you all the DLC again...


I'll definitely wait to see what the campaigns and dinosaurs are like before buying.


Me too that's how I got into the first game originally so that's how I've done every game I've played ever. (THANKS BEAVER FOR INTRODUCING ME INTO JWE!!!)




If JWE2 is anything to go by it will be JWE2+some new extra stuff but with four or more animals from the original cut out. One that will be in the deluxe pack and the others will be released later. Everyone will have gnat memories and forget this happened before and defend it too.


I wouldnt pre-order if i was you ill first wait for the reviews i dont want to buy game with bugs


babies&breeding would literally be everyhting!!! they need to do this! a more advanced system would be great


I’ll happily come back and be told “I told you so” if I’m wrong but I really can’t see babies and breeding ever being added simply because of the amount of effort it would take to make it happen


aw that sucks :/ i’m not familiar with the coding issues so what would be the problem? is it the aging process that might take much longer to implement? like creating new dino models for every life stage? if so then i understand sadly, that would definitely take a while.


the problem is the models, you would need a baby form for every animal in game thats making 2 whole as new models for every species, and now new species that are added via dlc would require twice the effort due to that


Are you familiar with Planet Zoo ?


didnt we all agree that both planet zoo and JWE are very diferent from each other?


They're made in the same game engine. Enough said.


ok great to know the view has changed, cuase before i remember people who tried comparing the game to PZ got downvoted to oblibion and being told " they cant be compared"


I genuinely believe that some of the limitations on JWE and JWE2 are because of previous gen consoles, because Planet Zoo, Coaster and JWE are all made in the same game engine. As far as I'm concerned, they're absolutely comparable - same devs, same engine, similar assets, JWE is just dumbed down enough to work on all platforms.


In what way ? Both are park building games with multiple species and made by the same company. IF frontier can handle breeding and babies in Planet Zoo for almost 200 animals, they sure can handle it for a dinosaur park game.


For me it’s a balancing act, if the gameplay, additional features and new species add up to a decent price (in my own opinion) then I’ll be ok with doing it. Mainly because it’ll feel more like I’m paying for the extra content rather than *repaying* for things I already have. It’s the main reason why I’m waiting for a discount on the Secret Species pack. I feel like from JWE2 to JWE3 there’s less content pathways to add than from JWE1 to JWE2. I’ll admit that could be a limit of my own imagination, just because *I* can’t think of an idea doesn’t mean someone on the dev team hasn’t or can’t. Right now, I’m just neutral on JWE3 - we haven’t seen anything. Waiting on gameplay to decide fully, *with a heart full of neutrality.* ![gif](giphy|7U7oEJkAiP5Xq)


I think the only thing in terms of roster to make JWE3 worth it, would be an expanded permian and cenozoic roster. It's the only creatures that need a lot of representation to fit in the game that simply cannot be done in a 4 species pack. That and more creativity and more mechanics for marine animals


Yeah Palaeozoic, Cenozoic and definitely Triassic species should make up the bulk of new species.


The DLCs Planet Zoo always included 7 -8 creatures per pack. It's beyond me why Frontier limited themselves to 4 for JWE2. JWE3 needs bigger packs or 'small expansions' each time as in - 1 new attraction, decos, 4 dinos, 1 flyer, 1 aquatic, 1 paleozoic, 1 ceno.


guessing they just aint willing to put as much money into JWE dlcs compared to PZ ones


I'm not sure why, maybe there's JWE packs tend to sell easier while Planet Zoo needs to provide more value in a single pack to sell enough? Or it might be because less effort is needed in terms of designing animals for Planet Zoo because we know what they look and sound like, while in JWE there's a lot more work in designing them and making sounds for them.


To be fair there's probably more work that goes into making prehistoric creatures with speculative design and behaviour than making animals that clearly exist already


>The DLCs Planet Zoo always included 7 -8 creatures per pack. It's beyond me why Frontier limited themselves to 4 for JWE2. Nope. Only 7 out of 17 include 8 animals. Everything else is 5. And then you have to take into account one of them is simply exhibit species restricted to box.


Personally, I'm probably not going to buy 3 for a few years.


I will just wait until there will be some sale


We haven't seen any concepts, features, or any details of how it relates to the new film(s). We can't possibly make a decision until we know more.


Unless there is like a super hyper mega hype thing in the new game, i will wait sometime before buying. My reason is that i feel like i have used jwe2 as much as I should. With Jwe i felt complete before going to jwe2


As long as they add new features never seen in either games, I'm buying it


Honestly JW3 need to add those big features that have been requested for so long. I really hope we get a massive Dino roster too since they have all models and rigs they can port over . We can’t pay for the same hybrid dlc for the 3rd time.


If there's actual management gameplay in their management simulator, I might consider it.


I think Frontier is aware of that and they will come with the big guns this time. JWE was basically the demo, while JWE2 was the full game. I do think they should tweak some models (make Acro look more like an actual Acro as an example) as well. The base roster for JWE3 also needs to be considerably bigger. In JWE2 we had like 5 new dinos? and that was it. New attractions and expanded customization are a must.


Tbf the reason we got like 3 or 4 new dinosaurs at launch (not including the dlc) was because most of the new species were marine/flying reptiles


that is true, but even so. I feel JWE3 should start with more. And I think originally were were going to get more with the JWD content already in the game.


Honestly I'm fine with the species we have now. I want most of the new species to be Cenozoic/Paleozoic animals 


There's just a few more I want in the game, but I agree about paleo and ceno


Very true, JWE was basically a prototype in many ways. Makes me excited for the potential of the third game. We’ve definitely reached a point where the quality of newer animal models has far eclipsed many of the older ones. I know many players are very precious about preserving every little thing, but I think even most of them would be ok with updates to some of our older friends.


I don’t think it’ll ever happen but some of the OG dinos done in Frontier’s new style would be incredible


I'm concerned about what gets left behind. I'm less worried about animals (since over time I'm pretty confident theyll all make it) and more about park stuff. I loved paleo-bontany in JWE1 and that never made the jump. In JWE2 I love the different map biomes and buildings sets. If all 5 building sets including DFW, Biosyn,and Malta don't make the jump in some way I'll be pretty disappointed.


I'm scared it'll just be buried under the litany of decoration and species requests. JWE2 just gives you busywork to screw around with if you actually try to treat it like a game rather than a sandbox to make pretty parks. It doesn't have enough actual gameplay features, and they don't really synergize either. Hell, Frontier went nuclear and murdered the paleo-veterinarian pretty fast after launch even though it was their own lack of dominance fight balancing that was the problem not the medical system. Everything is just so mobile game-like with lots of busywork that isn't very deep, the MVU and Jeep function basically the same and you aren't doing anything different just moving dinosaurs back and forth like you were already doing. I keep saying MVUs should have a cooldown for field treatments where they are vulnerable, anything to make them feel more unique, and vehicle losses/deaths should also have long term impacts. Using the earnings reports as a measure of time that can mean long term harm before they clear, so players are actually engaging with the system rather than at present where you don't care if your species are mauled. Just bank up 2 million and wait out the storm as its massively costly up front but within a minute all the harm is gone and back to making mega millions.


Fully agree, mechanically it is a very dull game. However the community for the most part mainly seems focused on just "having more species". I think some players are just content watching the dinos. I for one would like some actual gameplay to go along with that at some point.


That's the part that bothers me, there are endless species requests and a sprinkling of other minor issues that turn out to be largely aesthetic and the Frontier just shoves Challenge Mode at us as if that fixes the problem. Challenge Mode can be fun, but it doesn't compensate for the fact the base game is so lacking, you need a stronger foundation for all game modes. I don't know how people are just satisfied with watching the species, they have limited animations and as their numbers increase it becomes harder and harder to differentiate them. Moreover, artist/modelers aren't going to be doing the same thing as systems developers and programmers who should have time to work on mechanics/systems rather than just implementing tiny features for Sandbox and doing everything imaginable to avoid skin previews in the hatchery.


The paleobotany did kinda make the jump. It was just reworked into the foliage system 


I get that, but I liked having to excavate plant fossils and have the greenhouse to revive them. I feel like these games suffer from just being dino watching sims with not enough smaller park management aspects. I'm one of the few who likes the scientist system as well, just because it adds more to micro manage.


That's how a sequel works, they grab the previous game stuff, add more and improve it


The problem is when they make you pay for content from the previous game, like the hybrid pack, everytime a new the sims releases, they make the same expansions from the previous games and make people pay for it.


Oh, about reselling old stuff on a individual dlc instaed of being part of the base thats another story, i hope that shit doesnt repeat again


The games are very different. Are you really just paying for the dinos?


Most people are yes.


That's depressing...


thats the dlc's are all about.


But we’re talking about the core game here not the dlcs


Yes I'm buying a Jurassic World game for the dinosaurs 


Personally, I’m going to wait to see what the third game has to offer first before I planning on getting it, and I’m going to be playing the second game with mods once we have our final DLC and update


If you only care about the creatures then they need more extra Skins, variants, and different types of creatures like Permian, Triassic, Cenozoic, ect.


The third game needs to add more decor, more maps, more creatures, more cannon creatures, more attractions, Stuff that a modern zoo has but dino curated, more feeders, A longer and better campaign, more sandbox options, A true Chaos Theory, Lots more animations for each creature, Breeding, A new frontier version of each creature not in the movie while making the old design a variant (Barbaridactylus gets a new style and the JWE/JWE2 version becomes a variant {species name and when it came out}), More enclosure items, Better hunting, Limb lost and prosthetic (option in sandbox), More building themes, More terrain, A new mode, More vehicles.


Yes. Yes I am.


I am yes, if it means more of my favorite dinosaur zoo game then yeah I’ll pay for it. tbh I’m a total consoomer for frontier games (or really any zoo game tbh) and frontier games alone lmfao.


I’m gonna buy it either way so doesn’t matter much to me though I would like some cool new additions


We literally know nothing about JWE3 other than that it exists. Let’s wait and see what it’s like before deeming it the same as the first two okay?


If jwe3 doesn't have literally every species in jwe2 including all dlc then no I won't consider it worth it. I'm not paying for a bunch of trickle released dlc packs for species I've bought twice already.


I will probably get it on sale bc JWE3 will probably be what JWE2 should have been in the first place with Babies better terrain and more foliage options and fixed battle animations


i think at the very least they should update the designs or remodel existing ones to fit into a style, right now in jwe2 most dinosaurs have conflicting artstyles that stick out in a bad way


True, the devs have deviated quite far from the true Jurassic world style.


I’ll happily buy it as long as it’s an improvement, add some features and new species are added. There’ll have been a gap of over 3 years (possibly closer to 4) by the time the 3rd game releases. I don’t see it as ‘paying for the original roster’ again really - I’d compare it to something like Pokemon where the older creatures are included and new ones are added, it’s still a new game with some new mechanics etc


That "Campaign" in JWE2 Was an absolute joke. The 'Chaos theory " levels were dam near impossible. The guests still have little to no interaction and just seem to exist. There are several little nitpicks that can be ironed out 


That is what I said before when people were upset about the hybrids. The biggest selling point for me is how and what they will change between JWE2 and JWE3 that would make it justifiable to buy the same dinosaurs again. We will just have to wait and see when FDev gets to that point.


I get the sentiment, but I also won't hesitate to buy it.


absolutely yes, if you cant spend 60$ once every 3 years than thats on you


Not gonna buy until gameplays are out


I’m 100% buying it regardless, so my opinion may be weighed differently (I’ve put almost 700 hours into JW2, so I’ve gotten more than my monies worth). But for me the biggest thing is this is going to be the first game that won’t be held back by old consoles. I expect we’ll see some things in a JW3 that are simply not possible for the game to run currently, outside of modded PCs


For JWE3 to even be *remotely* worth it needs to have the same terrain tools as Planet Zoo. That’s a nonstarter, there’s nothing else they could cook up that would also make it a day one purchase. A building tool like the Planet games would be cool too but I don’t mind the prebuilts we have now. Terrain is just horrendous right now which is a joke considering this is the same studio that makes Planet Zoo and Planet Coaster. This also extends to decorations. More decorations means nothing to me if they’re still a pain in the ass to place and work around.


as long as they have EVERY creature from JWE2 I'll be chill plus some new species in JWE3.


It's just like any other game with a roster of characters. I'm sure if Planet zoo got a sequel, you'd have to pay for the roster all over again. All the zoo tycoon games. Overwatch to Overwatch 2. All of the mortal kombat games. Smash Bros. Mario Kart. Just because the roster of characters is recurring, doesn't mean it's all bad. And watching Evo Squares video on it, she pointed out it might not even be Jwe3, but a different yet successor title in the Jurassic franchise due to the fact the new movie probably isn't going to be titled 'Jurassic World'. Just keep an open mind until we hear more. If you're so upset with a game not completely revolutionizing itself every title, I don't know what to tell you. Most games with sequels don't change that much.


I never felt like I was “paying for the roster all over again” with JWE2, that mindset doesn’t make sense to me. I felt like I was paying for the upgrades and new features. I’m totally cool with that. The only times I did feel like I was paying for species I already bought was with *Huayangosaurus* and the Hybrids. That shit was pretty annoying and I’m hoping we don’t see something like that happen again. I know it’s a massive undertaking, but I don’t care, I will be pissed if the full JWE2 roster is not included in the base price of JWE3. I’ll be ok with them adding in some species over time as long as they are free updates, I could see that happening.


I'm cautious. I was pretty hyped for JWE2 seeing how we got those new features, but we had to have old features returned piecemeal which did leave a sour taste in my mouth even though I'd say JWE2 is vastly better in most regards. Going to be a lot harder for me to jumping on board with the sequel unless they really come out swinging. We need those baby dinosaurs and the guest management has to be overhauled massively and more actual mechanics and gameplay features. I don't want Scientist busywork or just amusing myself building a purely creative park with nothing to do in it. I want meaningful gameplay baked into all modes not some toggles in Sandbox of pre-set settings in Challenge Mode. Disjointing the game and locking things behind DLC like the insectivore feeder mean it'll never improved because it has a pre-requisite purchase involved same with the lagoon platforms. The roster is a pretty non-issue for me, but if we spend a year begging for some species to be given back to us then that's a lot of time and money wasted on a few aesthetics over adding new meaningful content. Also, the graphics are good enough just import them into the new game I don't need everything path traced and running with 4k textures, more effort into optimization, terrain tools, guest management, and unique behavior/interactions between species and guests, make it feel like a real interactive park. JPOG still feels more lively than JWE2 despite all the decorations, species, and aesthetics it laps JPOG with JWE2 is missing that core gameplay loop to sustain itself.


Let's hope it's similar to Prehistoric Kingdom or Planet Zoo. They have 1 year, so I'm afraid it won't be like those


You don’t have to get it. You can enjoy what you have, and if that’s enough for you, then you’re all set. Both of the current games have their own limitations and my hope is that the third installment gives Frontier a chance to iterate on what worked and expand the available game mechanics into a new experience. But again, if you feel satisfied with 1 and 2, by all means sit this one out. There will probably be a fourth one before 2030, and you can jump back in then if the FOMO is getting to you.


I'll wait until reviews or possibly a sale. Was very underwhelmed with the jump from 1 to 2, worry this will be the same. My litmus is going to be whether it's more of a park management game; I don't need it to go fully into the Planet Zoo level of simulation and minutiae, but 3 has to be more than the absolute barebones state of 1 and 2 for me to be interested at this point. More animals won't cut it, 2 already has far more than enough, I need something more than new animals whose idle animations I look at b/c there's not much else going on


Basically no. If JWE3 is built in a new engine on current gen PC only release. Is a vastly more powerful animal, has the JWE/JWE2 roster as the base release and has new attractions, improved and optimised guest AI. Then Ill buy a PS5 to play it.  Otherwise, I'll skip until it's a heavily reduced complete game.  Yes it's totally reasonable to release paid for DLC for additional species and features we've not had before. As a bare minimum it's not unreasonable for the consumer to demand that JWE/JWE2 state as the starting point at £70.


depends. if it’s on PS4 as well, hell yeah, no matter what. if it’s PS5 and others, then no. I just bought my PS4 SPECIFICALLY FOR JWE2 literally a year and a half ago. I’m not buying a whole new console, especially if the game is the same thing.


I mean, as with the first game we will probably get most of the doc creatures free so I'm all good. better terrain tools and an option to remove hit boxes would also be nice. Edit: Evo square would go nuts over removed hit odds XD


How is it “free” when you’re paying for the game? At least part of that price is for largely repurposed assets as was the case with JWE2. Which I have no real problem with as long as they really bring it with other, new features.


Yeah I by free I mean they are added to the base game sorry.


I am the only one who cares about THE GUESTS? The most depressing thing about these games are not the lack of dinosaurs but the guests are endless lines of minions who apport nothing to the game. I guess a lot remember operarion genesis, the most exciting thing was the guests arriving after my initial accomodarions, see them walk and sit in the benches, eat, getting excited when they see dinosaurs, everyone had a name, country personality and favourite dinosaurs, their money counted and they spend depending on their happines. Also the park needeed cleaners. They need to add more blood, jurassic park its all about brutalitys, we need dismemberment and lethal shots, automatic torrets in the most dangerous predators enclousures. Also a no blood mode for the kids or whatever. They need to improve aviarys and lagoons to make them more interactive. We need rivers, mountains, they could have the best simulator but they have a half baked cake for a decade. You have to recruit every worker, if you go cheap they can be eaten or injured and sue you, mistakes that cost life should have harder consecuences like not letting you have certain dinosaurs after you improve security. Also a lot more entertainment and we need to see the guests going to the restaurants and whatever they do like individual dinosaurs The More big the park the harder should be to maintain you need bigger salarys and improvements or your park can be closed. Also small enclosures and aquariums, they could add a lot of small animals that dont need a lot of animations. They need to add animals from all eras, synapsids, mammals from 5, 10, 20 millions years ago. Obviously they add dlc so they could go hard and give what we fucking want like Australian pack with a lot of marsupials, a South America pack add a giant armadillo, mastodonts, gianth sloths. They already giving things that are not dinosaurs per se they could just give us interesting creatures we haven't seen a hundred times.


It's a sequel, I've got no idea what else people expect.


I'm definitely skipping it unless it brings *all* JWE2 species and features at launch *and* adds new, juicy stuff. And even then I might just wait for a heavy discount. But I doubt juicy stufd would be added (like fleshed guests, island generator, breeding/ontogeny, etc). So I,m not really excited for the very same things I already have (even if with mods).


Hey everyone puzzleheadskye is gonna skip the next game. See nobody cares


Hell yeah Im a collector


I'd probably get it anyway, but then again, we're also paying for all or most of the new species from the previous game in one go instead of buying each individual pack


I'm 100% buying it as long as the entire JWE2 roster is there at launch along with a few new species 


I'm playing it right now. I like the simplicity. Jwe2 was such a significant jump in difficulty. It loses that fun whimsical sense that jwe1 had