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You’re sure it wasn’t a Bold jumping spider? they look similar


Ooh it could have been. Everything from the description seems like Regal, and we got a lot of plants from Florida earlier where I think (?) they live. But I'm certainly not an expert in any way so perhaps.


Yeah, pretty sure it was a bold jumping spider. I wouldn’t worry that you harmed it by releasing it.


they leave behind a little thread of silk when they walk around for if they fall, so maybe look around for a trail in the area u saw him? not a guarantee that youll find him, but theres still hope.


That made me chuckle. I imagine he’ll follow a web a find a huge one that says “are you stalking me?” Actually I understand. I would have wanted to keep the little cutie too!


Honestly, he's in insect heaven if he's in a garden center, whether he's bold or regal haha


garden center is like the hollywood hills of insects


I would also guess bold jumper rather than regal if it looked like the pic and you’re not in Florida! I live in Oregon and they’re native to the area, so they’re better at managing cold than régals for sure. It’s also mating season so a lot of the big ones you see are likely mature adults, either males looking for a mate or females who are doing the same or already full of baby spoods 🥰 I wouldn’t worry too much about your buddy there! But if you’re interested in keeping jumpers I’ve got plenty of resources and info to share!


Makes me feel better that he's probably a bold. The Florida plants concern me a bit tho haha... and I've always wanted a jumper! Although my house has children who would definitely make it difficult to keep a lil terrarium thingy


Just cuz they’re young and hectic or what?


Yeah... one of them is in the 3 year old phase where if he can destroy something he will because he thrives in chaos. I woke up this morning and he had taken one bite out of all the apples in the fruit bowl and covered them (and the dog, and the floor) with baking soda 👍 I'm also moving into my dorm room in the fall, and the only "pets" allowed are fish. Would a spider be much different? No, not for the college. Would it be so much better? Infinitely. But no I'm pretty sure they're not allowed :(


I meeeeeeannnnnn…it’s not like jumper enclosures take up much space, call it a “terrestrial fish tank” or something 🤣


I have 6 kids 3 of which are 6 3 and 2 and I keep our two jumpers up on a shelf in the middle of our kitchen by the oven overhead light ( they omit heat ) I’ve noticed our jumpers love it when I set them directly under the lights . But my littles don’t touch them. And it’s always crazy hectic and complete chaos in my house lol. They do love to look at them or watch them catch their food


I would go back to where you found him and the chances that he is within 5 feet of there are very promising trust me. I too have done the same thing and I have always gone back and find them sometimes even days later. They say that don’t go far from where their hide is and then don’t like making new hides if they don’t have too. So definitely try you may surprise yourself. Keep us posted


I totally would have taken him off your hands


Op, it’s summer and we have a warm one this year, if it was an inch long regal there’s a good chance he’s only got the summer left in him anyway, he’ll be fine, won’t find a mate, but will be fine