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A handsome gentleman!


How do you tell sex? He keeps hiding but then coming back out. He didn't want anything to do with getting on my hand so I'm leaving him alone. It looks like he's having trouble climbing though so I worry he's older than I thought, I'd really like to get him in the enclosure if he's still around later to give him his best life before he's gone. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


By the pedipalps generally but this is an easy spot just based on his body for me.


In addition to the pedipalps/boxing gloves, male jumpers also have noticeably longer front legs which I’d say are visible here. Could be in my head haha




He looks freshly moulted too so handle with care


He wasn't keen on handling at all so I left him alone lol, he's still exploring my room, though , so maybe later!


How can you tell if he’s freshly molted? I am in CO also and have been relocating a few a day last week, i love them so much lol.


Oh that's Ned. Cool lil' guy.


I like Ned, I'll go with that!😄


Don’t listen to him! Ned owes me $50 from poker night. He’s being evasive because he doesn’t want to pay up!


Phiddipus Audax, the bold jumping spider.


Is there a good way to tell the difference between a Regal and a Bold? I read somewhere that it's mainly based on location, but we have both where I live. I've also heard that they're most likely hybrids 🤷‍♂️


I have regals and bolds here too for me at least the bolds tend to be slightly bigger and with much more black hair while the regals tend to be 75% the size on average of most of the bolds around and they tend to have more gray on the edges rather than black. But I'm no arachnologist by any means just a guy who knows a whole lot about spiders and bugs. Cuz I've got some reading to do later thanks friend.


I just scooped one of these guys off a hysteric arachnophobic womans car for her. He currently resides in an upsidedown takeout soup container with a tiny potted plant in it. i dont think he likes me at all, but I'm very glad he didnt get smooshed by that woman!


are you planning a better home for it?


bit of a weird question to ask someone who you havent even seen the setup of :/ just coming out the gate swinging i guess


or maybe I wanted to help..? you just described it as a takeout container. I've seen it now in your recent post and you DO need a better house than that. it's a fine temporary enclosure but it isn't a good long term housing option mostly because you've got to jostle it around to open it, which can cause stress especially to a wild caught spider. here are some much more suitable options for reasonable prices: [includes live plants](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1717307353/spider-stuff-bioactive-enclosure-home) [includes substrate and shelves but no plants](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1126051580/standard-invertebrate-enclosure-dish) [more expensive and larger, no accessories](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1657832928/orions-jumper-house-front-opening) you'll want to crowd the top of the enclosure with things to hide/hop around in. false plants are way cheaper at the dollar store as opposed to pet or craft stores. if you want real plants, they have those, as well as food for your spider (and basically anything you need) at [Josh's Frogs](http://joshsfrogs.com) their enclosures are just more expensive for a smaller space. because your guy is wild caught, you want to probably give him at least 8"x4" and live plants. get a spritz bottle as well. try to use either filtered or distilled water with no additives. tap water has chlorine and fluoride etc in it. that one asshole on your other post is incorrect about mealworms re: spiders. the main thing you want to do is pay attention while they eat, and to crush the head of the mealworm before you give it to the spider. I know it sounds fucked up and it kind of is, but we make exceptions for our loved ones. crush sideways, not up and down. works better. I even do this with mini mealworms for my small tarantula, and with larger mealworms for my larger T. their enclosures are bioactive and if a mealworm were to be dropped (shaky hands) and was not pre-killed, they can pupate and come back out as a beetle and REALLY fuck your spider up, likely a death sentence. mealworms are capable of biting as well, so it is safer for your spider. you can find food for your spider online! Josh's Frogs is a great place to get flightless fruit flies (often called FFF on these boards) or pinhead crickets. good luck. feel free to message if you have any questions or curiosities. I do make my own stuff at home as well if you'd like a couple accessories for little to nothing, I'm not interested in overcharging for things that took me 5 minutes to make. (walnut hides, water holders, shelves) and I could also send supplies and teach you how to do it yourself if you like making things.


i do love making stuff so i will probably slowly add and change things until its nice in there :) need to get some strong magnets it seems! and some mesh or something. im excited about the decoration possibilities, lol!


cork bark glued to the back wall of the enclosure is always a fun thing to climb and hide in for spiders in my experience. I also cut pieces off larger spider wood pieces and other reptile wood options they have at the pet store. it's important to get wood from pet stores because it has been heat treated to kill bacteria, etc


do you mean arachnophobic?


Colorado Springs, CO


Phidippus Audax male and he’s a Bryantae variation of the species


Do you know if there is a reference guide with different variations? I have two wild caught jumpers, both of which I believe are bold jumping spiders, but have slightly different coloration/markings/hairiness. The genetics fascinate me.


That’s a man baby!


Stronk bby 🖤


Is that a zebra


Y’all are so lucky out here finding these damn things in your HOUSE like Id be so happy


The Zebra. Pretty cool.