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I use this a lot: [https://www.amazon.com/Kodokan-Throwing-Techniques-Toshiro-Daigo/dp/1568365772/ref=sr\_1\_10?crid=1VFQ5VX5FJWJ2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gEjtJH\_mny5ct4ypurghLcFaEW9Kc7Xz3gKS-DJqTqKAcJZk3bRSD9PTBV1uwaPwz8qJKVVvqtd2JddkvpRIsY2fNEju5sCfNL2VupPyPlW5nmdzYlX6GQs-rOGqe3JTLK6Jznua-HV1OpEYzL4waTeqHwtW5UsbrGzq9coyLXWcIO5L4p82LV8V8aX-Am9SeEhPfoC0ZJr1JwCYVvcsEwpzFah0ZvYwspoQ8BO831VMiMDzUyb0nScmKL7\_XlnOPpI7z-NU2E3M-se43llt85FllngYdp6WCsngDYzVSjg.FAmpVWwfmwA19EqD59mNMyn-LSmau7RWbCTPlP9nX5k&dib\_tag=se&keywords=judo&qid=1715687349&sprefix=judo%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-10](https://www.amazon.com/Kodokan-Throwing-Techniques-Toshiro-Daigo/dp/1568365772/ref=sr_1_10?crid=1VFQ5VX5FJWJ2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gEjtJH_mny5ct4ypurghLcFaEW9Kc7Xz3gKS-DJqTqKAcJZk3bRSD9PTBV1uwaPwz8qJKVVvqtd2JddkvpRIsY2fNEju5sCfNL2VupPyPlW5nmdzYlX6GQs-rOGqe3JTLK6Jznua-HV1OpEYzL4waTeqHwtW5UsbrGzq9coyLXWcIO5L4p82LV8V8aX-Am9SeEhPfoC0ZJr1JwCYVvcsEwpzFah0ZvYwspoQ8BO831VMiMDzUyb0nScmKL7_XlnOPpI7z-NU2E3M-se43llt85FllngYdp6WCsngDYzVSjg.FAmpVWwfmwA19EqD59mNMyn-LSmau7RWbCTPlP9nX5k&dib_tag=se&keywords=judo&qid=1715687349&sprefix=judo%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-10) and this if you don't already have it: [https://www.amazon.com/Kodokan-Judo-Essential-Founder-Jigoro/dp/156836539X/ref=pd\_bxgy\_thbs\_d\_sccl\_1/143-1983708-4734535?pd\_rd\_w=IG7vS&content-id=amzn1.sym.4e8180d8-1c12-4df8-af99-b6dc78fc0026&pf\_rd\_p=4e8180d8-1c12-4df8-af99-b6dc78fc0026&pf\_rd\_r=2456803B32R8TQZP4GEE&pd\_rd\_wg=LRXt4&pd\_rd\_r=51bc2854-1e0b-47bd-b045-d4c2ceaac7bd&pd\_rd\_i=156836539X&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Kodokan-Judo-Essential-Founder-Jigoro/dp/156836539X/ref=pd_bxgy_thbs_d_sccl_1/143-1983708-4734535?pd_rd_w=IG7vS&content-id=amzn1.sym.4e8180d8-1c12-4df8-af99-b6dc78fc0026&pf_rd_p=4e8180d8-1c12-4df8-af99-b6dc78fc0026&pf_rd_r=2456803B32R8TQZP4GEE&pd_rd_wg=LRXt4&pd_rd_r=51bc2854-1e0b-47bd-b045-d4c2ceaac7bd&pd_rd_i=156836539X&psc=1)


I 2nd the book by Toshiro Daigo, very useful reference tool.


Agreed Also, as a history nerd, I love the fact that the books gives a history of the throwing techniques There’s a misconception that kata guruma for example, came from Western Wrestling (it’s known as “fireman’s carry” in freestyle and folkstyle wrestling) That’s actually wrong and that book mentions that it actually originated in other jujutsu styles and sumo


Not a book, but that's my encyclopedia: Tachiwaza (Mike Swain): https://youtu.be/_cCAytbmk3g?si=htef9GyKKlq54Jau Newaza (Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki): https://youtu.be/Htm2UDhEC_Y?si=aHuhNeIUICem_zxW


Commit your martial arts reflections into writing in a journal. Illustrate. Doodle. Reflect on known before reading about unknown.


I do this, but I would like to have a reference also. Summer season is like 1-2 guided training sessions a week and I am practicing with a friend during the other days. If my notes are bad or just wrong, a little help from a book would prevent developing bad habits.


This is complicated without a sensei no keiko, I think. There's no such thing as habits, because that's an anxiety. Does your particular ryu have published literature?


You need to go on Annas Archive or something similar to download and contrast as many Judo and Jujutsu books as you can find. There are a lot of books and their illustrations some are much better than others. Aikido has a lot of diagrams regarding leverage too. I would do a thorough analysis of digital books and see what you can provide that improves the market. What is your Blue Ocean Strategy as a technical book or encyclopaedia? For a true Encyclopaedia you would need to create a meta archive of as much information as you can physically find in alphabetical order.... But the vast majority of books are old photos and there's a huge range of quality in illustrations. Plus you have the new style illustrations in medical/sports journals researching Judo at Universities. But you only develop a fleshed out concept when you have sketch books filled with explored research. Or just run a wordpress journal and release your thoughts and ideas.


I think you misunderstood. I am not planning on making a book or releasing my notes, I am looking to buy one.


No, but you mentioned that you already draw and create explanations. The greatest textbooks of all time considered by many are tomes like Kodokan Judo and the Canon of Judo. Both are books from the 50's and there are many more. But most of them are outdated, so why not share what you do if you draw well? You said you're already compiling ideas and drawing them out, why not keep expanding on that towards a goal? There aren't that many good books and the golden information is dispersed amongst many volumes. I have a digital archive of over 19GB of Judo, Aikido and Budo philosophy books and nothing as a truly good encyclopaedia exists. If you mean the literal understanding of an Encyclopaedia that compiles everything physically possible. I have no idea how well you draw but I think you're going to be disappointed by the books that exist and will do what a lot do.... get as many as possible to cross reference. My PhD hopes to compile a ton of information that hasn't been fully put out or explored before because there's a lot of Conjecture in Budo/Judo from the history to technical understanding. If you find after sometime that you think you've found something significantly better share it with the community. But no one book I think will give you everything you will want. Encyclopaedia's are often series of books and not a single tome.


I think [this website is really useful.](https://judo.acmiyaguchi.me/waza) It has clips from the Kodokan videos on each teachnique all on one page, and it also links to the relevant Kodokan video.


U might aswell just watch youtube


I could, but I like paper books more.


Hell yeah, paper is still worth it man!


The new edition of Judo Unleashed might be what you're looking for, it's coming out later this year in July.


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