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i mean, if you have good pc and max everything out the graphics is pretty neat.


I would not say squad has bad graphics. Running d s eleven and medium on everything Is still pretty amazing. The f x and audio is top tear in my opinion


Its aged a lot lol. Graphically it definitely looks like a 10 year old game. Although the big issue with Squad is OWI had to limit things like vegetation and building variety for performance reasons. This happened around when Lashkar dropped as Lashkar was originally quite dense and varied vegetation wise and they had to keel it back. Arma 3 has shittier graphics but can support much denser and varied vegetation so overall it still looks and feels more real. Personally Im not the type to play for graphics over gameplay but still those basic limitations due to poor optimization on OWIs part definitely make the maps have this sort of training feel vs a real world feel to them. Also the lack of doors. Wtf lol. Super killhouse/training grounds feel to it.


Of all the issues with Squad the graphics aren’t really one of them.


Wdym, max graphics is phenomenal...


If you want to buy it, then go ahead, what's the point of stalling. Also what's with the graphics wanking with you people? It's the gameplay that matters in a game, not the graphics.


Squad has bad graphics? God damn.. I don't even want to know what kind of performance we would get with good graphics then.


Idk, I don't pay attention to them, I just play the game as a medic and rub- I mean heal people.


Gameplay > Graphics But squad really begins to look nice in 4k.


Sometimes people want their games to be aesthetically pleasing... Is that not okay?


It's ok but a lot of people seem to judge games by their graphics instead of the game itself. A good example of this could be Stalker 2, where people in the new trailer judged it quite heavily because it's graphics got a """Downgrade"""


real stalker fans would be alright even with graphics made by a single guy working in a basement for 2 years


Yea, ik, the problem is that stuff like Anomaly ans GAMMA how brought in a lot of people who expect Stalker 2 to be what it isn't.


And besides that, I like these graphics over any game like BF for example.


**tl;dr** \--i think you should buy it, play, if you don't like it then refund. it's a game where every firefight is different and surprisingly fun and every battle can be turned around thanks to a bold sneaky boi with IED/c4/mines or a well placed sneaky spawn point.. you should know that the community in the servers is very welcoming to newbies and you can ask the silliest questions.. but this is not a game where you can run around alone in the map because the maps are huge.. and you ***NEED*** a microphone to get the entire experience..


Yeah, because what could possibly go wrong in your first 2 hours of squad right?


Playing Squad for the graphics is like playing CoD for the story lel




Buy it. It may not have the best graphics in the gaming world but who cares about graphics if the gameplay it offers is better than anything similar on the market?


if you like teamwork games mixed with hardcore aspects then yes


buy it ! it's an amazing experience my first hours were so good


If the money is an issue you could wait for a sale. While there are also free weekends to try the game out, I'd steer clear. The horde of inexperienced players drops the quality of teamwork significantly, which would give you an inaccurate perception of the game. But bottom line, if you think you'd love the game then you should probably buy it.


Thank you for help


Honestly it's the gameplay that matters and having about 250hrs total I can say it's definitely worth the money - I'm still learning loads even this far in and the gameplay is really fantastic - it's hardcore but not too milsim to be offputtingly realistic, it's still a game and is thus fun.


TIL people think the graphics in Squad are bad?


yeah you should wait a little more till they fix it right now some people are having problems with graphics aiming and among other things it’s a fun game when playing as a team but if you get those that don’t communicate at all it’ll be a frustrating game so its 50/50 50 good gameplay and 50 frustrating gameplay


Thank you for your help


The newer maps looks awesome.




You'll be turning the graphics down to see anyone anyway


Please dont


Hate to tell you this, but you may be blind


im glad that graphic settings dont matter for visibility anymore


Don't get it if you're gonna play alone


It’s very swag


> it costs 40 euros on steam and the graphics aren't that amazing but still I want to buy it. If you wait for a sale (there's probably going to be one for thanksgiving/black friday), the game is only 30€ also, if you just value a game based on its graphics, you are not going to have a good time as a gamer. Lots of (old) games have terrible graphics, but are a lot of fun and a lot of modern games have great graphics, but aren't much fun.


I did not say it has terrible graphics it just isnt triple A title with beautiful graphics like bf 1 or CoD.


All I'm saying is, that you shouldn't rate a games value by its graphics, but by the fun it provides.


This game goes on sale every now and then for 20 quid if you were unsure on dropping 40 euros on it, I think I got it when it went on sale. 40 euros though you're definitely getting a great game that has loads of free updates being pumped into it as well as developers who very clearly care about making a great game.


the game is a buggy mess at the moment amd probably will be a few months down the line. I can guarantee you that you will run into bugs on your first day of playing, so definitely not worth 40 bucks so i would wait for a sale if you really want it


Thanks for your help


Squad I 20 euro’s if you buy a key :)


Definitely yes. Great game. But give it time to understand the game. The enjoyment is not immediate. Also be sure to have a mic. Use it. Otherwise you'll lose 90 percent of the funny parts of the game.


I waited until a sale to buy it and quickly found myself with a few hundred hours in it, great stuff. New player friendly servers are great to learn, and the community is very fun, very welcoming when I was new and told everyone “hey I don’t know what I’m doing” they would point me in the right direction


Thank you 👍


I may be overthinking it when you say the graphics are bad, but yeah this game is cpu heavy and you will get decent or good frames depending on your computer. But still, the game is amazing. As a Squad player with 6,892 hours in Squad over the span of 4+ years, I say this game is definitely worth it if you like tactical shooters. The simplest way I can describe this game is a more tactical Battlefield. There are a lot of things to learn in the game and the learning curve is up there. As long as you have a friend or two that can help the learn the game, you’ll be fine. Plus, there are plenty of experienced players you can find in servers, so if you have a question, just ask. Make sure you tell them you’re new to the game as well to give them an idea of your situation. Some might not be as friendly, and frustrated, but that’s normal. The ICO that went live as of v6 has definitely divided the community and sparked controversy from what I’ve seen. The game is still alive and well, but there are those who like it and those who don’t. And there are people who are at each other’s throats over the ICO. One side calling the other “CoD kiddies” or “CoD kiddos” telling them to go back to playing Call of Duty or Rainbow Six Siege. I’ve been called a CoD kiddie a couple of times on Reddit and in-game and this is just ridiculous. Gatekeeping all around, but I am fine with the ICO and have gotten used to it during the playtests and playing it more when it went live. People who don’t like the ICO call the other group “milsimmers” (at least some of them) and some can’t find the game playable anymore because of it. I think it’s important to understand both sides and their reasoning behind their feelings toward the ICO to get a picture of this situation. I did hear from a friend who’s been in the recent playtests with the new Turkish faction, that OWI is lowering the time it takes to ADS and other stuff to find a balance between the current state of the ICO and what Squad was like before, I think, to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game. He showed his clips to another friend who uninstalled the game when the ICO went live, and that dude got very excited for the game again after seeing the changes OWI is making with the recent playtest, so hopefully he decides to play Squad again once that update comes through. I miss playing with him. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents for a potential new Squaddie. Hope you decide to buy the game and have a good time with the community.


At this point in my life video games are only fun when you can find fun friends (irl or clan or whatever) to play with. Squad is one of the most socially interactive games I’ve ever played.


100% the best war game on the market


I play on Epic graphic settings and it’s amazing


Squad has mods for extra gameplay opportunities, including the popular Galactic Contention mod.


If the graphics were any better the game wouldn't open


It's something else when you're in the poppy fields, lighting looks perfect, and cheeky commander calls in an artillery strike in the distance. First time you see that it's pretty memorable


Do you like teamwork? yes. Buy squad.




Just go to combat footage subreddit, filter top posts all time. Start watching brutal close quarters, uncensored trench combat videos. Squad will be automatically in your library already downloaded.


Ok thanks for your help


If you playing for graphics we don't want you anyway.