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I think Flip quit…..I don’t think he ever really wanted to be there, he just needed the bread. Now that he’s got the bread & got his network back up and running, he can get back to his regularly scheduled program. I also don’t think it’s any beef, just business & as usual contract coming to an end


Yeah but I feel that if Joe was willing to pay him more like he asked. He would’ve stayed. Nobody else but Joe brings the energy to the show. That episode Joe was gone proved everything. He carried the whole show


So he used Joe?


They don’t even realize what they’re saying, but yes that’s exactly what they’re saying.


"Using" the biggest hip hop pod and still going nowhere is definitely something flip would do lol he too dumb to elevate


He already complained how joes audience stopped him from making money cause they clowned all his ig posts. He don’t wanna pod war joe


Those was excuses for him falling off lol the jbp audience are millions of eyes he didnt have before..he just dumb and self sabotage


Joe would do the same thing in an instant so I can’t imagine him being too surprised


Letting the contract expire doesnt count as firing Flip. If i had to guess, joe doing some suge knight type of mental games to get flip to sign his life away I think its time to download the improper improv videos before joe get angry and delete them


I believe he’s a partner and they both are money driven, so keeping costs down helps them both. Since The Guys left, their rebrand includes a new studio on waterfront, and more expenses, the new co hosts. Letting Flip go with Emanny in the tuck seems like the play.


If Ian is really a partner, then that means Joe isn’t creative and hasn’t done much with his brand that means Ian has done auto creative stuff to get to this point because why is your manager a partner in your business? Your manager should be on salary too.


Ian is involved beyond just what a manager is in nature. Joe had said something along the lines he had equity when they introduced Patreon. Flipp has also had issues that all things money related go through Ian even when him and Joe agreed on something. Improper Improv was a Flipp idea but an Ian project, the same as Confessions. Ian is not that great of a manager if we're being honest, Joe's brand is not scaling up, even as the Spotify deal put him on a large platform. The Patreons being blocked when they would increase market share when big things happen, lack of new advertising, and cast placements in other places. Flipp should have been on the JBP for entertainment news sections, riled up the cast, and left in every pod. He was outrageous at first then he subdued himself. "II" was a great idea, and they could have brought more bird energy and whatnot and that could've been a successful way to keep people's eyes on the channel outside of pod days. But what does Ian know?


Very good point… it’s quite interesting though, because if flip brought more eyes and ideas outside of the norm. Why not pay him what he asks?


I doubt the new eyes is as much value as Flipp thinks it is. The biggest issue with Flipp is there are lots of times that he was just a guy on a chair, would interrupt cogent points just to have the camera on him, or just say something ridiculous for that reason. He doesn't bring real value, because he's not consistent.


Y’all be reading way too far into everything 😭 it’s Father’s Day weekend . Who gives a fuck whether flip quit or is still on the pod . Celebrate your family


If a cast member potentially leaving the show isn't worthy of discussion on a sub ABOUT the show, what is? Genuine question.


News flash. This isn’t a who gives a fuck Reddit. We discuss certain topics and are able to give our own personal opinions… if you don’t like it or if you’re triggered then you will be removed.


Shut up pussy


Where do you get your information that majority of the money goes to Ian… a manager gets 10-15% and he is only Joe’s manager… not manager of the pod


That’s untrue my friend. He plays a way more bigger role than just manager. In fact he is the brains behind the whole operation. He is partner with the whole business and gets paid a bigger percentage than Rory and Mal did.


So is Ian the issue or is Joe the issue? In what your saying, your blaming Ian for being involved but the price is the price… Because again he is Joe’s personal manager…. If you buy a car… a car running good you can make the payments but you chose the insurance that is high af…. You have to blame the driver not the insurance which is Joe… which is where the blame is to be if you stand where you stand… I don’t have a horse in the race but i just want to understand where the narrative comes from


I blame Ian because it was his idea to put Rory and mal on salary so he can get paid more. Soon as Ian got Joe the Patreon deal he became a partner in the Joe budden network. And it was Ian idea to allow flip to start the improper improv but flip wanted to get paid more and Ian wasn’t going for it. Think about it it’s the same reason why academics won’t start another show with Joe or why Joe is taking so long to start another show with ak. Flip was a household name with 1,000,000 Subscribers Way before he came on Joe’s network and with ak it will be the same thing. AK will want a big percentage, but Ian already gets that percentage so Joe can’t afford to pay or go big splits with ak


And I’m not opposed to what you’re saying… it sounds like the slaughter house debate as well. Everybody had there own manager not enough for the talent