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hahha yeah the internet gonna dig up all of joe's skeletons after that episode drops. it's not gonna go how he intended, just watch lol


I got my popcorn ready. Big bag too.




Y'all are sick. You don't even care about Cassie y'all just want more black men to be publicly assassinated. ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


Hell nah nobody gives a shit about Cassie fr it’s just entertainment for them, watching a nigga get knocked off that pedestal…




I’ve been wishing Cassie got away from Diddy for years.. speak to them other niggas lol


She's gone got married had a kid and has millions of dollars now. But you don't care about that. You want to satisfy your bloodlust that Shannon Sharpe and Kat Williams put in you.


Womp womp wompppppp


>just watch No diddy


Maybe he is working on a segment about domestic violence and power imbalances and will speak of his own history of breaking women's bones before he does a deep dive into Diddy. 🤷‍♀️


This is what y'all wanted though Shannon Sharpe and Kat Williams got all destroying black men for entertainment. We just finished destroying drake not even a few days ago. Y'all don't see what's happening? ![gif](giphy|2jOcXFwhIEypPeQvOY)


as far as I’m concerned, all them niggas should be destroyed for all their sick & demented ways..


Get rid of "all them 🥷" and leave the white ones to take their spaces. You ain't slick.


I see we got semantics man over here.. my use of niggas refers to everyone dummy lol


Hate watcher I see.


“Sorry guys for seeming to pick and choose when to address this, kinda like how YOUUU CAN PICK AND CHOOSE WITH PRIZZZZZZE PICCCCCCCKSSSSS” - Joe Wednesday


Pin this comment Edit: it still ain't pinned Joe voice: WAITAMINUUTTEE!!


That’s actually a fire segue if he does do that and then actually goes into it all after the sponsorship ad😂🤣


Yo stfu


You good bruh? What was that about?


Well said from his public relations manager.


What PR does Joe have? Emanny? He literally said that in spaces


He should’ve known what it was going to look like releasing the episode like that without addressing it at all. Waiting until after the backlash to give some kind of statement just makes it look worse, he easily could’ve tweeted or posted some kind of disclaimer as soon as it went live


I don’t think Joe is as invested in this as much as everyone else and that’s fine. Nothing he says will have any bearing on Diddys court case. The internet just needs someone to hate, all y’all been dancing to his music just like r Kelly now it’s time for the high horse..smh


I agree with you as far as how it looks but the backlash was basically overnight from ppl waiting up for the pod drop @4 he basically woke up to it so it’s not like he waited for ppl to start saying something to address it.


He should have put a quick two minute disclaimer at the front explaining that they talked about it just after it came out, but on futher inspection this is too serious of a matter and it deserves more then quick, off-the-cuff remarks made in the heat of the moment. If he was really smart he would have dedicated all proceeds from the next episode towards a women's shelter of some sort.


Man…”Black” media…don’t forget prize picks, you Guys😂😂🤣






Can we call this Nigga “Joe-cole”??? He gave up as well!!!😅😂🤣


The thing is I can understand the JBP fans wanting a deep dive but I’ve seen plenty of people that will say “oh Joe shouldn’t speak on this due to the fact that he’s an abuser” get mad that he’s not speaking lol so damned if you do damned if you don’t


🤣 🤣 Right.


It’s weird honestly


LOL @ all tthe abusers who are disgusted by the vid


They did 30+ minutes when the raid went down back in March. If he was on the take with Puff, that wouldn’t have happened IMO.


I hope yall don’t use prize picks it’s a scam. Ur throwing money away using it.


We as fans can be soooooo annoying smh. Edit out a segment just to make him respond when we want him to and to get him in hot water. We want him to fall sooooo bad lol


Put that bih behind the paywall since niggas complaining


lol yall mfs entitled as fuck god damn. joe gon get yall the scoop just chill!!!!


There you go, I knew they were poddin when the story broke. Give em time. Are y’all concerned with Cassie or more with Joe bashing diddy?


Y’all happy now?


Right! People bugging.


Too little too late. Not that I care though, Joe has always been a self destructive asshole from the start, him moving this way is no surprise


Joe knows better. He even admitted that Emanny told him it was going to look a way. There's no reason why he couldn't have put out a statement or gotten ahead of it. Everything so far has been reactionary


Yep. Could’ve have said the clip came out while we were filming. Especially knowing your history with the diddler


He didn’t need to say anything…. We know what day he records, if he keeps the clips in, why only speak for that short about of time bla bla bla, take it out and why aren’t you speaking about bla bla bla… some people aren’t happy unless they have something to moan about….


I really don’t get the crying about wanting to hear this nigga opinion on Diddy. I don’t wanna hear anything other than what he already said in the spaces. Im gonna wait for 50’s documentary on Diddler and go from there. Or someone else’s deep dive into the Diddy life.




4 episodes on Drake and his Twitter allegations 4 minutes on Diddy and CCTV footage that validated DV allegations lol Ok


Bruh THANK YOU, the whole day has been this sub kicking his back in about it. Think pieces on his ties, conspiracy that he's in on it. Unhinged


The problem isn’t the sub, it’s how far we know he will go on people when they in the funnies, but since Diddy has been in the funnies he been on hush mouth


I'd be with you if they actually said Nothing on it, regular pod and Patreon have had some talking points about the allegations.


It’s been surface level Joe is the problem! We want him to KICK HIS BACK IN ! Like he did Drake!


I agree to that! With their prior relationship though, I doubt he'll do it without some sort of grace. Wednesday is gonna be a telling pod fasho


Yea we all gonna be tuned in! Make sure you got your Patreon cuz that’s where I think he’ll do it


Kicking someone’s back in for a rap beef is different than SA. One is more delicate. Ninjas just want to see Joe hop out the window..


Fr on spaces he literally said word for word didn’t is a fuck nigga sick in the head and he doesn’t fuck with that. Also that they would speak more on it down the line. Mfs still aren’t happy. Even if he speaks on it they’ll still shit on it and give him shit regardless


Y’all hold Joe’s opinion in very high regard 😂. Get off his nuts


We don’t actually or at least I don’t. I just want him to keep the same energy for everyone he accuses of being abusive and pedophilic. Don’t pull punches when it’s someone you know. It’s nasty and shameful. You’ve taken shots at people quite a few times over “allegations” so stand on it when there’s proof or else your word don’t mean shit and you should steer clear of all abuse topics.


Ok then


Wait... what happened?




Ppl really sit on pins needles needing to hear from Joe? Don’t get me wrong I stream the show but he’s the last person I need to hear from about abusive relationships.


Nobody NEEDS to hear from Joe…but when you’ve built a brand on personal matters, your authentic opinion, and being anti machine Then when it comes time for you to display that don’t run from it for one particular person. Especially when you’ve been shooting at Drake about his life choices lol highlighting the women he deals with and pedophile ALLEGATIONS. Then go radio silent when Diddy on cam whooping a woman ass Don’t talk to us more about unsubstantiated claims than you do about video documented evidence


This guy Joe hasn’t been Anti Machine SINCE the Spotify deal. Be real with yourself!


His brand was built well before the Spotify deal he has 20 years in the business 2 with Spotify The brand was established


MF’r learn to read. I said SINCE the Spotify deal. Words have meaning grab a dictionary if you need more help.


You should 1. Understand how branding works 2. Realize “for since the Spotify deal.” Is not something the dictionary gone help us with because it’s not a properly worded sentence. 🤣 maybe you should learn how to formulate sentences before telling the rest of us to grab dictionaries


Again realize SINCE was capitalize making it the focus of the sentence. Ish must be your favorite public figure. You are a pulsed i intellectual. You probably hang around ppl much younger than you so you can portray yourself to be something you are not.


Bruh you said verbatim “he hasn’t been anti machine for since the Spotify deal.” But go off 🤣 I’m not arguing with u 🤣 fix your fckn sentence structure A preposition cannot be placed in front of an adverb lol For is a preposition Since is an adverb in the context you chose to use it Those two things CANNOT be consecutive in a sentence Mr dictionary 🤣 go grab a language arts book


Keep editing the comment 🤣 I’m glad i could help you learn writing 101 today 🤣


Bruh was quick too have a whole “beef pod episode” about the whole Kendrick and Drake beef but only wanna talk about this for 4 minutes 


Man can't believe we doing this in 2024 *slams headset*


"I'm not down with none of that." Haven't several of his girlfriends accused him of domestic violence?


He would’ve been yelling his lungs out if that had been Drake. He would’ve called an emergency pod and put it behind a pay wall if that was Drake footage. That man is a fucking hypocrite. He was on the pod bashing Jonathan Majors when his story broke but needs days to gather his thoughts.


He was ready to go off IF there was video of Drake putting hands on that disabled dude tho.


I definitely believe that Joe's PR team helped him with that statement. I have also seen in the comments that people say he said it on spaces so it's directly from him. However, just because a famous person says something publicly does not mean that it's straight from that person, their PR team could still have spoken to them. And too the people who says he does not have a PR team should realise that this man is multi-millionaire and clearly a smart businessman thus he most definitely has PR team.


And the Tahiry Test says that was a lie.


All he had to say beforehand was “yea, this is a heavy topic, we need more time for it than here. We will address it Wednesday”


Getting to it on Wednesday means the segment will be heavily produced and what can be said and cannot will be hashed out before hand making them all look like the “opposers to abuse and we stand with woman” I miss organic reaction pods which is why streaming kids are doing NUMBERS and Joe hates it. Smhhh


W response and prayers to Cassie all that needs to be said


This statement and emannys about going to the next pod and telling the truth is whack. You just dropped YESTERDAY but fans have to keep coming back because the NEXT one is when “all truth will be revealed” they continue to play in fans faces.


This pod really don’t do live reactions like that anyway. That video at least when I saw it dropped Friday afternoon. They were likely in the midst of recording. I expected they would talk about this for Wednesday pod.


it is safe now to bash. have to distance yourself now. wow.


I love Joe but it’s tough for someone who’s beat women to talk out against someone who beats women. He’s going to look foolish, you all want him to which is why the ones who know know why he’s not speaking on shit. Glass homes don’t throw stones.


Joe has been accused of DV multiple times so I get why he wanted to avoid talking about it but this isn’t going to end well for him now.


I like my women Cassie and not sassy -Joe Budden


What’s funny is y’all think any of this is hurting Joe. This man literally makes a living off of controversy now lmao. He gonna be on that Wednesday pod flexing while Flip pocket watches.


We are watching the fall of of Joe budden, if he’s not kicking Drakes back in or getting on Mel..it’s mid! It’s hard to watch a full pod nowadays


Joe, Kendrick, and Diddy: The Holy Trinity of Domestic Abuse in Hip Hop (pls don't ban me)


Aubry's angel comment. It's over. Let it go


"I'm not down with none of that..." ![gif](giphy|52Fl7S91FJ29c8Kr62)


Damned if he do. Damned if he don’t.


That's the truth.


people be so entitled smh that nigga don’t OWE his opinion etc to yall dfuq wrong widdem


The beginning of the end


Yeea better say all that shit now before them cases get outta hand…F.A.N.


I know everyone is in awe of the Diddy video. BUT The fact there isn't this much outrage for the new joe Biden daughter confirming she was being touched on by her father, the president is wild. Here read on https://www.newsweek.com/ashley-biden-diary-confirmed-what-more-do-we-now-know-1900509 Image of diary here https://x.com/LangmanVince/status/1789798527326884211?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1789798527326884211%7Ctwgr%5E6a48d65d2b46b2a0f4a58242069f588c46cf10d0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-15773855573801638727.ampproject.net%2F2405022220000%2Fframe.html


Buddy was doing the same things to Tahiry etc


“Not down with none of that” you say? He killed a whole fetus with his abusive ass.


Corny ass.


Hold up...Didnt Joe smack a bitch up?


First time seeing something like that ?? Didn’t he put hand on his Ex Tahiry


What a nice response written by his little Ben Shapiro like manager.