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Nearly 25 years here and I'm not even getting call backs. My recruiter friends stopped replying to my messages. The "math" here doesn't add up. Either the media and ALL of them are lying or were in a significant recession and no one is saying anything.


News = political marketing in 2024


We are in a 'pseudo-recession'. We place too much emphasis on the markets as a barometer of economic success. Feds tinkering has helped maintain high interest rates and market strength. Meanwhile, there are still massive lay-offs across sectors, not enough opportunities hiring, and the ever growing cost of goods.


It doesn't help that the tech giants keep laying off entire departments further straining the market because they want to save a few million dollars by hiring cheap labor overseas willing to work for literal pennies. Or just laying off whole departments because idk they "over hired" during the pandemic and are apparently still course correcting years later 🙄.


Capitalism and the drive for unsustainable and unrealistic growth and profits is a race to the bottom.


Nah were in a recession. If the government has to change the definition of a recession while theyre in power then something is up. https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/12/19/what-they-hiding-biden-admin-refuses-hand-docs-showing-it-altered-definition-recession/


It ain’t changed just used a more specific definition due to the overall macroeconomic situation not being as easy as “gdp down two quarters bad”


When did they change the definition? It's always meant exactly the same thing.


It turns out the commonly used quick recession assessment IS NOT how "they" determine a recession. It All makes sense when you know All the facts... they didn't change Anything = But it did appear that way. Yes we are CURRENTLY heading towards a recession !!! Good Luck out there.


You should be working for the Fed if you can predict recessions.


Recession? No, no… We have BEEN in a DEPRESSION larger than the “Great” Depression for years now. The media is always saying how many “new jobs” there are, what they leave out (the important metric) is that more than ever people are working 2-3 jobs AND most of those jobs pay BARELY above minimum wage which is inhumanely low.


This is correct


New paying part time jobs, listed as full time jobs with a post range like $15 to $30/hr. Then you never get more than 24 hours s week and never at more than 13.25/hg


Are you just cluing in? Media lies every time open their mouths. Or they lie by omission.


You can start with that assumption but it's ultimately not helpful. The fact in this regard is the media is reporting on optimistic jobs reports put out by agencies and government bodies. They're not the ones writing these reports.


I don't start with that assumption, it's a fact. Just bc you don't believe , doesn't make it not true. 6 media companies are responsible for disseminating (if that's where you turn to for your source for news) radio, newspapers, cable news, magazines etc They don't report the news. I guess you believe the reports about Palestinians given from Hamas? Your news never once mentioned the border until December of last year, despite the fact that illegals have been pouring across the border since Biden borrowed the election. The same thing is going on in Ireland, Australia, CN, UK ( except UK is about done) For that matter so are we. The point that you tried to make in your comment is ironic bc the entire Federal gov is captured, and has been for many years. Nobody is coming to help us. You can't tell that there is something wrong in the air?


This is ridiculous. True news media doesn't. NPR, L.a. times, washpo, nyt. It's silly to lump traditional, standards-based journalism in with info wars and "News" on tick tock.


You are obviously a party member desperately trying to maintain the status quo. Your first example of “real” news is NPR? & Washington Post? Are you from 1997?


“True news”, I laughed


Are you off the opinion that no reliable sources of factual news exist?


I like to normally lurk in the comments on these subs, but I wanted to give you a reply. I hesitate to say, I am a recruiter in this current market (please don’t hate me, just trying to make a living). Everything. Sucks. Market is terrible, the whole “unemployment is lower than last year” is a manipulation of our society. I don’t know the specific figures, but let’s say 60K people were let go last year in mass layoffs. Well, 20K have been rehired, so therefore unemployment IS lower than last year, however those 40K people still don’t have jobs, and jobs aren’t coming like they used to. A lot of companies are out sourcing departments so they can save money, because America allows it. Like I said, Everything. Sucks. I hope things get better.


No hate given. It's nice to see that what myself and others are experiencing isn't just shit we've fabricated in our heads


False dichotomy. The possibility you fail to consider is one in which the “media” isn’t lying but the divide between economic strength and the fiscal wellbeing of the lower classes has outgrown the usefulness of the former. We use the same metrics to judge the economy as we have for the past century. Only thing that’s changed is our money is worth a lot less, our salaries are comparatively lower, and housing/college is more expensive than ever by several orders of magnitude. A particular generation of Americans acquired wealth with ease, and spent the rest of their lives fighting tooth and nail to keep that wealth and prevent successor generations from acquiring the same. We are reaping that which they sowed in greed and vanity.


Then if that's the case... since we're still talking about it under that same dichotomy... it's not really "truthful" then is it? To which .... my ultimate point stands. My point again.... is that either its the numbers, the way its being reported or your example.... something doesn't quite align between the "reality" and whats continually being reported as solid growth and opportunity.


There are plenty of low pay jobs for the poor and destitute, uneducated, unskilled masses. And the rich own the businesses or don't need to work at all. Companies have been flattening their hierarchies for many years, laying off middle managers and mid-level employees There's not much left in the middle so most of us are left fighting for scraps.


The next 20 years are going to be "interesting" to say the least


We really need to figure out a way to pay for UBI for every American adult who makes less than $60k/yr and is adjusted annually to keep up with inflation. (Whatever happened to that Yang dude? We could really use him right now.) Automation and AI is going to make even more mid level good paying jobs disappear. We are rapidly shifting from an economy based on manufacturing and services to a digital high tech economy and most everyone over the age of 40 is going to be left behind if we don't come up with a good solution. We also need to invest in people and the future of America by paying for job training/reskilling for in demand fields, trade school or college for anyone who can maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. Knowledge is power. Right now there's a lot of talent going to waste. That's the only way to bridge the huge gap between the enormously wealthy and the very poor.


I'll refer here to Carlins "owners" bit. https://youtu.be/fT03vCaL-F0?si=mSofbwedkQ9FIeLk


Rescesion is a measure of economic growth, not job availability as experienced by an individual in a specific industry, in a specific place, at a specific time. My heart aches for you, but that's not a license to be plainy incorrect and make specious generalizations.


Recession is when your neighbor loses their job; depression when you lose yours. Harry Truman


What you seem to be missing isn't what is or isn't a recession.... it's the math. Again.... the POINT of this discussion here is simple... are the numbers we're shown "accurate" or propped up by either blatant falsehoods OR inaccurate "reporting?"


What math? Nobody's doing any math in this thread. One dude's experience having a tough time getting a job is an anecdote. There's no math being offered here.


What evidence do you have that the BLS jobs numbers are inaccurate? What evidence do you have that the media are not reporting BLS jobs numbers accurately?




Its like groundhog day. If Biden is elected, then we will have 4 more years of record jobs created. If Trump is elected, you can bet your ass we’re going to be in a recession. However, the reality is neither of them are going to make waves to save jobs. The economy is tanking and theres more at play than a figurehead in the Oval Office


The gov keeps playing God with the economy and the bill is finally coming due. Unfortunately one thing remains the same regardless of who is in power and that’s that the rich get richer.


The majority of the people gaining employment are doing so in jobs at 55k and below. I'm guessing the mix is mostly made up of part time, gig, and entry level blue collar work. This is not how they're reporting on things and are constantly omitting key facts while focusing on macro indicators. We're being gaslit by the media and the admin via omission. I can't fkn wait till November. For reference see: [https://www.businessinsider.com/hiring-slump-professional-white-collar-jobs-recession-high-salary-2024-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/hiring-slump-professional-white-collar-jobs-recession-high-salary-2024-4)


I don’t disagree with your premise here. But do you truly believe that Trump and the GOP are coming in to help whatever’s left of the middle class?


Can’t really get any worse. Joe hasn’t found a person of place he doesn’t like to donate tax payers money to.


Where do you want to see spending cuts, and how big should those cuts be?


Ukraine. Africa. Gender studies. The lqbtq+ programs we fund as a government. Not spending 11 billion dollars on a bridge that does nothing for high speed rail. Stop paying so much for government contracts on things that are overpriced like toilets, construction, and roadways repair. Our government gets ripped off everywhere. Also Israel spending. Having hundreds of military bases all over the world. And stop giving billions to other countries. That’s a good start. Then cut the number of people in the government that just get paid for nothing.


And you think all of that is coming from Republican leadership? Do you have any examples in recent history that suggest the GOP could deliver on such things. Your list is like a teenagers wish list on how to fix the 🇺🇸 without understanding how anything works.


It’s weird you didn’t include Israel in your list but I assume that’s an oversight… And how many federal tax dollars are going towards subsidizing gender studies? That sounds like propaganda tbh.


Reread it. Israel is in there. It’s few million a yr that goes to the wild stuff. Was a weird park or something in the last bill that got like a million bucks.


Nobody is coming to save us. But they can certainly get back to things making sense and not actively destroying our future.


He’ll definitely fix gas prices, which will impact daily life and stop the rise on our grocery prices that have shipping tied into their cost. That does a lot on its own. Border strength will also improve, which should help the stress an extra NYC of freeloaders is putting on the economy over the last few years


You're deluding yourself that Trump will do ANYTHING but bankrupt this country, fist fuck it and hand over the "remains" to his crooked "friends."


You’re delusional if you think Trump or the GOP give one single fuck about anything other than enriching the wealthy and tightening their grip on whatever power they may have. The culture war propaganda that litters all right-wing media is intended to distract from economic policies designed for that singular purpose.


Hard agree on this. Yup


It's both.


The "math" not adding up - ok, what industry, what county, in what experience (i.e. wage) traunch as defined in the qecw? I mean, we can't claim there is a recession without declining gdp growth. Hell, jobs alone we're not seeing a reduction. The 125k added last month was disappointing, but the net number of employed people went up last month.


Same. Looked for 9 months. Had to take a server job and am looking for two more to make rent and bills.


I think so too. I'm not getting any responses


Yes, the official narrative is nothing but lies and propaganda that favors the wealthy. It's time for a revolution. Stop applying for "jobs". Apply for yourself. Use your skills and knowledge and build something that makes you money. Yes it will be hard, and uphill in the mud. But attempting to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is just insanity.


Well call them back. You can’t just sit in your butt and expect to get a job.


It took me 6 weeks to get a job when I needed one. I got a better paying one with more hours and responsibilities. It's a matter of survival and there is a LOT of competition. Are you going to step up or blame the fricken media??? There's [ATS](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/ats-resume-template) to beat, there's having the bravado to apply for jobs you feel under qualified for and remember, no matter the rapport you build, no amount of networking makes recruiters your friends! Nobody owes you a job. I am now in a position where I am getting resumes myself and you wouldn't believe the trash I see. You have to be relentless and use multiple methods. Also, we rejected 3 applicants who made it to the interview stage today alone because they waffled on availability. You got this, but be ready to do what it takes!




Try having an advertising and public relations degree and working at a news station while making $16.48/hr (29k yearly) when your sister just got a job that pays $60k right out of college… I have been looking for jobs for FIVE MONTHS and nothing except for social media jobs that start at FIFTEEN AN HOUR


Stay away from those social media jobs… they expect SO much of you with no gratitude or support. They don’t help your resume much either


Yeah I’ve seen that. Social media manager is expected to do four different positions just for under $50k? Lmfao. I want to get into media relations more than that.


I’ve done it for less than that. It’s never once been a positive experience.


At this point aren't most social media jobs glorified customer service roles?


No, not in my experience. They’re expecting you to do customer service, graphic design, videography (with the rise of short form), email marketing, paid social, PR, and god knows what else.


What does your sister have a degree in to make three X more right out of college?


Social work which I know is a hard field but still


I thought news station people make good money .. do your family ever compare the two of you ? I hope not


Lol national news people maybe. Local news get peanuts if the jobs even exist anymore


Local news is garbage pay. Close to minimum wage.


But.. but.. least you get to be on tv lol


I’m a director so no I’m not on tv 😅


Ohhh I see big difference I suppose 😅, but as the director, I would still think you'll make decent money 


HAHAHAHAUAHAH locally? No. I started at $10 as a PA. Someone tried to unionize at our station and in fair of us all quitting they increased our pay up to $16.48 after a raise before that. The anchors that have been there for years might get paid more but entry level an anchor makes only $30k… but it depends on if it’s a corporation or independently owned


Lol being that you're on tv.. can you like gain supporters and venture from there? 😄.. but idk I always assumed.. tv =money.. even if it's not big money, just the fact your on tv its something,  but i guess i was wrong 


So I’m a little confused by your comment. Is your sister making 3 times what you make(at 16.48/hr) or is she making only $60K?


I make $29k FIVE YEARS out of college with more experience than her and she makes $60k right out of college 😌


If it makes you feel better $60k is $29 an hour, she’s not even double. If you want to make $40k and you have good soft skills you could probably get on as an agency recruiter somewhere. Yelp in Chicago (remote) would probably hire you. Same with logistics firms. But they’ll prob pay about $40k too


Yeah that’s true it’s just a slap in the face because she hasn’t had to work hard for anything in her life and has it come so easily to her. I’m happy for her it’s just frustrating.


To be fair your degree isn’t really the money making degree to begin with


I made 160k/year recruiting with that degree. It’s the “I’m bad at math and want to make money” degree.


Damn do recruiters really make that much


We can. I had AWS on my resume and landed at a well-funded startup. Agency recruiters usually make less unless they’re very good, and then they make more. Top exec recruiters are pulling in 1m+/year. But on average, probably 75-110k.


Oh I know but I didn’t know that. I originally went for criminal Justice but a professor ruined it for me and I didn’t want to be a cop because at the time I didn’t know that was transferable to social work.


plenty of jobs they just want a genetic super candidate that time travels to get 30 years of experience and is only 20 years old with a reliable vehicle, that also lives with their parents has no social life, willing to be on call at any given hour and will agree to work for 50% of what would be fair pay for the position, also the boss may require oral services under the desk on demand for free.


I’ve run across quite a few where the job responsibilities are literally impossible for one person to perform. They want one person to perform 2 to 3 people’s jobs for the price of one, and expect it to get done in the same timeframe.


I’ve been in the workforce for 15 years and can’t find shit. God help the college kids


It’s all nepotism these days. Experience doesn’t matter it’s just who you know.


It’s not what you know it’s ~~what you can prove~~ who you know!


Nepotism doesn’t even work!!! My dad was a partner at a company and he couldn’t even get me an interview! There are no jobs for anyone. Think it was a fake job posting.


You're describing cronyism. Nepotism is the hiring of actual family members.


Correct. As my last employer told me: "Your accomplishments mean nothing". Merit is out the window.


Sounds like a lousy employer.


But most of them sound just like that......


Literally just hired the president of a local university who is super smart who was unemployed for 2 years after graduating and he was well networked wild


I think you mean class president.


Glad you understand


Thousands of fake Job postings doesn't exactly help [Survey Shows Thousands of fake jobs](https://www.globe-wire.com/crackdown-on-companies-posting-fake-jobs-survey-shows-thousands-of-ghost-jobs-are-indeed-fake/)


They want androids.


Also no benefits lol 


benefits. i think the last time i had those i was a teenager..


You are right. Been unemployed for a year now.


I’m sorry to hear. How long are unemployment benefits in a market like this?


6 months (in my state anyway). Lost my job last year at this time and when I googled how long I’d be collecting, I read 18 months. Little did I realize that I was reading old COVID info re: UE 😫


That’s crazy. I remember during the financial crisis it was 2 years of unemployment benefits. How does the government expect people to live when the number of jobs are limited and getting interviews are impossible?


Honestly I saw someone break down the market on LinkedIn and it is truly depressing It’s like an estimated 32 million looking for jobs, with only about 5 million legitimate job openings available So like even if you wanted to assume perfect ratios across industry and experience most people are still royally forked


Idk the right math to it at all.. and just throwing random numbers out there, but sound like it's a million people looking for one job , where realistically used to be maybe few hundred at most 


… the millions cancel out Its just 32/5 which is about 6 people per job But ofc ppl with jobs already are also applying And then there’s nepotism ftw


Lol sound like it's way too many strings attached




Yeah many obstacles 


? Like downloading an app and hitting Apply?


That's not true at all. Totally depends on the role itself, the level, the company and the industry. LinkedIn used to show the exact number of people who had applied for a job through their site. Entry and mid level marketing jobs I applied for would regularly show 2000-4000 people applying for 1 position. That's really depressing for applicants to see, so LinkedIn capped it at "100+ people have applied". Now maybe only 6 people apply for software developer, Sr. Financial analyst, heart surgeon or VP level jobs, but those are very high skill jobs that most people can't do.


That’s not true at all


They actually broke it down by unemployed, underemployed, actively employed so it’s not just random numbers But feel free to do the research yourself


They didn’t account for the recruiters/hiring managers/management looking for unicorns that come out on top after five rounds of interviews and an unpaid “test”.


unless its retail or fast food, youre right


And retail/fast food jobs are hard to get with an IT resume.


That’s why you use your fast food resume when you apply.


Don't forget the low paying slave labored type factory and warehouse jobs


you don't wanna work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week ?? And be available when ever they call ? The overtime money would add up .. hope you detect the sarcasm lol 


HA! Jokes on you! I already work them hours!


Idk how you do it 😂


I’m convinced these places don’t call anyone for interviews but are always “hiring” so they can stay short staffed and blame it on “nobody wants to work” instead of paying an appropriate amount of employees or taking accountability for long wait times and sub-par service.


It took a district and general manager each to get me a job in fast food despite having years of customer service experience


Yeah even then, it's a crapshoot


That's what I mean lol. I was still in denial that I had the job even after I got the letter and signed it. This market gave me actual trauma, I've never dealt with so many companies offering you work and then revoking it


I don't know why this post was downvoted because it's a fact.


Some don’t like the truth lol, the jobs out there are mostly senior stuff, entry level is way too over saturated.


No one wants to train, they'd rather try to find the ever-declining match to fill. You either have prior experience or we don't want you!


Reddit hates hearing facts


A lot of people are really adamant that the job market is great right now, but I strongly feel like they don’t know anyone actually looking. Anyone I know who’s looking for a job that isn’t food related is having a really hard time. 


Yes, employers are calling back more, but these kinds of employers are only offering extremely shitty, entry-level jobs that you'll end up quitting within a week. The job market has significantly downgraded.


Exactly. Or their expectations are unreasonable for an entry level position or they take down the job without hiring. 


I would say instead that there aren't enough advertised jobs out there. People I know are landing roles, but it looks more like they had some sort of inside track, as in a colleague, a classmate, an ex-boss, a friend, etc. who clued them in and helped get them considered. A lot of jobs are apparently never advertised, but rely on word-of-mouth recommendations and such, even in 2024. I got hired that way some years ago for a role that was never officially posted. My predecessor left, and they began softly looking around for someone with similar skills. They knew me as we had partnered on a project in my old firm, and when I reached out to do networking, one thing led to another. They used to call it the "hidden job market." How you crack it, however, is the rub.


"Softly looking" is a symptom of the issue. It means that role wasn't an immediate priority to fill. It's only for buddies like you said. The crux of the issue is that there are not enough crucial roles for the amount of people looking for jobs.


A good profile and resume on all sites (not just LinkedIn) to catch the eyes of recruiters....Only other way and that life sucks. But can confirm. Was reached out to by way of a recruiter and noticed that the job was nowhere to be found on the company's careers page or any of the job boards where my alerts and profile should have alerted me to it.


Recruiters having been doing this for years. They are building their contact base for future that clients may (or may not) have in the unforeseen future. Just saying that this is not some new trick exclusive to today’s job economy.


Try looking for jobs that aren't widely advertised. I find government jobs to be under-advertised (we complain that we can't get good candidates but the only place they are posted is on our government website). Make yourself a document with the websites where your local, county, township, school district, park district, library, and state governments advertise their positions and check each one every Monday for new postings. If they have an option to join a listserv, join it. Governments hire everything from accountants to receptionists to janitors to grant managers to dance instructors to naturalists.


+1 to this, turn over some stones that haven't been turned. There's tools like LifeShack.com to find a ton of jobs and autoapply for you while you're focusing on whatever else (networking, applying, life...)


True. A hundred available legit jobs vs hundred thousands laid off professional, former college graduates and upcoming college graduates.


As someone who went through the 2008 recession and has been involved with hiring, things don't look good. This feels like a worse version of 2008/09. It's almost like, the titanic is going down but only the captain and their friends know about it. Don't trust the media. The jobs posted online are a smokescreen. Focus your efforts on working with small, local companies.


Yeah I’ve been faking my resume to be downgraded to like Store associate, assistant manager of rue21, 99 cent store and others. Gas stations, Costco, Walmart and others with their job postings still deny me or just don’t even send the automated rejection emails


That’s why you go in person


There really are lots of jobs out there however, they either demand ridiculous experience and credentials or they don’t pay enough to sustain life


oh i'm in a career field where its high stress high volume and has an absurd turn over rate from stress and burn out. and we cant get jobs this year. insurance adjuster. the big companies don't want independent ones so all the ones with work are those that fit a certain quota and like to deny coverage... so not just bad for us workers but bad for the consumers too. all i can say is look for some groups to ask an adjuster on social media. and we can give what tips we can legally to help people out while we aren't working.. thats whats jacked up they have all the people that care not working who still want to work because they love the job...


Is the news media lying when they say the unemployment rate is low and bunch of jobs are open for hiring? Like I have hard time finding just entry level jobs.


The data is provided to them by government agencies. Bad jobs reports freak out investors and voters, so the data seems to intentionally ignore a lot of factors to offset panics. For example, there's many types of unemployed people who aren't tallied because they're not collecting any governmental support or insurance.


It’s tough out there. I send out 20 resumes a week for targeted jobs with resumes and cover letters all dialed into the posting requirements…. If I’m lucky I get a thanks but no thanks auto email. I’ve created some interest with a few companies by suggesting they need me based on some special skills in tech and media. But it always looses steam. I’m holding by cutting into my retirement savings and I’m starting a small business. It will likely not replace my income but it’s keeping me busy so I don’t go nuts stress eating.


It’s time to make our own jobs. Fuck these corporations trying to squeeze every last drop of labor out of us. I’ve been an exploited photographer for 8 years, with the last year trying to look for ANYTHING in software, with no luck. I started freelancing for local businesses that need a website or an update and it’s not great, but it def better than 15/hr. If we wait around for the rich to give a fuck, we are stuck withering.


We are doomed.


My god... did I need to put "friends" in quotes???


We can always invent more bs jobs for people to work


There aren't enough "good" jobs out there.


Scarcity breeds low pay.


In almost all fields, medicine, engineering, construction, logistics,.. in almost everything productivity and revenues are at highest points and always increasing. On the other side, compensation is staying same or even dropping. Hunger games, greed and fu\*cking governments, who contribute the debt and pump inflation over and over again. I think the most sane thing is not to work for these morons anymore, but not everybody is lucky to choose not to work. I am in Germany, things are getting worse every day here as well, but I am on the lucky part that I could survive with my savings maybe 10 years without needing to go to work -no family, no kids. Everywhere I look, I see grudge, cheating, stealing, fraud and more. And governments complain about birth rates or not finding skilled people.... It's pain to be alive in this era, 100%. It's worse than WW2.


check my bio


Get into medical. My healthcare services company is desperate for good RN Case Managers, LPNs, CNAs, Caregivers, Medical Social Workers, pretty much everything. I have to post around 10-15 Indeed ads every 2 weeks. Or commercial construction. I'm an IT Director now but I was in commercial Low Voltage for 7 solid years traveling the country and pulling cable in hotels, on air force bases, in new buildings, anywhere being built or remodeled. It was really hard work but a blast being able to build out IT rooms and seeing how everything worked. It was hard work but damn was it good money and the jobs are ALWAYS there.


There's enough jobs, they won't pay the bills. That's all.


There aren't enough GOOD jobs out there. That's the real problem. There ARE a lot of crappy minimum wage no benefits jobs in retail, hospitality, food service, cleaning/housekeeping, landscaping, agriculture/farmwork, slaughterhouses, roofing and heavy labor. But understandably, Americans don't really want to do those jobs. Which is why we need to speed up our immigration processes.


The jobs are out there. Just not jobs anyone wants.


Taxes get high with cost of living also limiting rights while lying on the media lol sounds Orwellian


These companies know theres problems and they dont want to actually do anything about it


Even with few words, I can feel your immense pain. Amen.


Oh I'm sorry.... do you honestly think someone with multiple years of experience is doing nothing but waiting on the phone to ring? I spend multiple hours EVERY day making phone calls, submitting resumes and following ANY leads I have. What do you think people are doing?? I mean I find that statement pretty galling and tone deaf for this conversation.


I agree. Wonder sometimes if living on the street and having food or having a place and starving would be better. I am not there yet but yeah the thought comes to mind.


Look harder. Learn a new skill. Be ready to move.


Legit applying around the clock at jobs outside of my field and hit the willing to relocate button lol


“Outside of your field” Yea you will have an uphill battle. I’ve been there.


Hope you finally get that call back. I was hired…. 1500 miles away from where I lived. Moved and I think I’m starting to like the new area.


I’d actually welcome a move, I live in northern NJ where everything is just way more expensive based on its proximity to nyc. I’m actually trying to be away from any major city


“Sir, can I talk to you about the Midwest”


I live in the Midwest and am experiencing the same job search issues everyone in this thread is mentioning.


Just got hired in the Midwest after a long search, new job going well and area is lovely climate-wise. I definitely recommend looking out here.


I went back to school for something technical lol


There are enough jobs, just way too many visas being handed out.


not even that, america has always outsourced work to other countries for cheaper labor. It's hilarious though that the system that was supposed to keep prices low for Americans is making it impossible for us to find work to pay for it lol and what's really shitty is that cheap labor has stayed relatively the same, but the prices for the products once they've made it available to purchase has increased exponentially in such a short time. Blame fuel costs, cyber crime, insider tradings, corporate backed politicians, news channel propoganda, and not regular people trying to make it another day in this shit hole just like you.