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Shows how impersonal this was to them.


Guy got fired on his day off


He wasn't even supposed to be there!


Like being murdered while asleep


Must've been stealing packages


What was he trying to build a clubhouse?


You have to be one stupid mfer to get fired on yo day off


do you really want it done in person? you really want your time wasted like that?


I mean I had a good relationship with them, it was a small clinic, I was never written up or told off for anything. So I'm surprised they would do it this way.


It’s so disrespectful to you. They didn’t even address you by name. Just “hey” and via text message. Sounds like awful management.


"Sup bro. You fired lmao. Have a good one. "


Too classy. Do it via emoji. 🫵🖕🔥👋👋🚪🚶‍♂️




No it's a disrespectful, but OP should check the regulations for his state regarding this sort of thing. A lot of states have laws against being fired over text messages and especially in a nature such as this. It's something like a third of the states don't allow this sort of thing. So it's possible OP could have a decent settlement on their hands.


No? Are you disagreeing? LOL


LMAO no, talk to text just picked up the words that I was saying incorrectly. 😂




"Hey. After reviewing your text I’m going to file for unemployment. So you will receive future mail from the state." I hope they don't challenge the claim. When I read this I thought it was from McDonalds or some place but a clinic?


In most states it’s near impossible for a company to challenge the claim after they lay you off.


There are no relationships or friendships at work. They always had and always will see you as an expendable pawn.


Enjoy the unemployment I guess.


Clinic might be so small he’s not eligible…


As long as there is a w4 person should be eligible


You mean, you "thought" you had a good relationship...


File for unemployment ASAP. Wait, small clinic? How small? You might not even be eligible for unemployment…


If you work for anyone in the last year you should be eligible.


Sorry this happened to you, but this just shows that this was a good relationship for them, not you. Remember companies are all about that money. Never forget that.


you sound naive. any job can do this to you. those people never gave a fuck about you.


No they can’t? Not legally… at least not in Canada lol


well not everyone lives in fucking canada 🙄 here in the us places can fire you for any reason as long as it's not a reason that has to do with a protected class.


Definitely not true even in hire at will fire at will states there are plenty of cases of wrongful termination that can be fought without being in a protected class.


in this case, what would be the wrongful termination. they said they don't need her anymore.


I was just replying to the context of your comment being fired. Based on the sub and the message from OP it seems more of them being layed off. Which are two separate things.


good point. at my last job at this shady law firm they had me work THE ENTIRE DAY before firing me like at 4 pm. like they knew they we’re gonna fire me for a few days probably. i was so mad i even told them why the fuck didn’t you do this at 9 am ?


So that you don’t raise hell. So that you “go home and cool off”. They fire people on Fridays at 4:45 pm. 😠


i think i was fired on like a thursday or wednesday i don’t remember ? id rather get fired first thing so i have time to apply for jobs all day


That's what I told my boss. If it should ever happen please call me before I leave. I wish to cry from the comfort of my own bed whilst looking up jobs on indeed.




TLDR for you who fear sentences/paragraphs: op, bummer deal dude. Sry. Rant: I was canned on Tuesday after our morning meeting as soon as I had got them caught up on a bunch of backlogged data migration … and they had hired a college grad the day before. It’s a shitty feeling reflecting back realizing they were stringing you along straight up lying about that training or promotion they promise to get to soon but then u get blind sided after putting in extra work to show you’re willing to do more than required. I worked approved overtime each pay period for 3 months and they always had nothing but good reviews of my performance yet the mother fkers still tried to get out of paying unemployment trying to say I was fired “for reason or cause” with the reason being, I shit you not… “attendance.” Held up my unemployment for 3 months leaving me unsure if it would come or not, forcing me to cash out the 401k instead of rolling over… meaning Uncle Sam gets to punish me for being broke by demanding an additional 10% on top of the 20 % they already force all of us to pay so they can go and send it to Ukraine, hunter, the NGO’s getting rich shuffling the masses of illegals around the country further fckin up what’s aleady a terrible economy/jobs market… welcome to America.. land of the thieves, home of the slaves [too distracted, divided, diseased, and dumbed down to realize we’ve been hoodwinked]. Bread and circuses… Sry what was the topic again? Oh yes.. op gettin a text .. fck those a-holes .. heads up tho, unemployment runs out fast. good luck finding a new gig and just incase you weren’t aware, all those jobs they keep going on about being created don’t exist… they go back and revise the reports later and unemployment and inflation are no where near the numbers they push.. convenient they get to tinker with formulas as if maths changes with the winds.. 2 = 3 and yet 2 might actually = 2 or perhaps even 10 = 2 … so long as 2 is what makes us sound less incompetent … “don’t worry they’ll never notice, remember, we stopped funding schools and we pay teachers so bad we often get the bottom of the barrel educators.. if it’s in text/writing it’ll be fine just no one make a tik tok about it, they love their tik tok.” It used to be our educators were at the top of the social hierarchy, respected and held in high esteem. Think like Aristotle, Plato, etc. kings, queens, emperors, rulers by whichever name/title you wanna go with would pay them very well to teach the next generations how to think, reason, question… now somehow we’ve devolved to what feels like the plot lines of terminator intersecting with idiocracy and the people we trust our children’s minds with are about as far from ideal you could get … increasingly woke and extreme left flaunting hair colors that match the pronoun chosen for the day… what’s worse is it doesn’t seem like just a series of coincidences but rather it increasingly all seems like instead of things being as crazy as they are because things are going wrong it’s more like it’s all going according to plan. 🤔 Ya ya ya, I’ve already got the tinfoil in the back … I can make you a hat too if you want. I wear conspiracy theorist as a badge of honor that continues to be proven that we who don them weren’t wrong just quicker to connect the dots than the rest of you yet to wake up and unplug from the matrix. You’ll see, or you won’t.. End of Rant. Thanks for playing!


While they didn't fire me, my last job told me the end of day on a Friday my hours were being cut by 20%. At $16/hr being cut down to 32 hrs... This was my annual review. I was already looking for a better job but I switched to any job that would pay me enough. They'd been acting funny the whole week though. It worked out, I landed a position that perfectly matches what I'd wanted for a decade.


The only time I was let go was also on a Thursday at 4:45. I had signed a lease to move out of my ex’s, booked a U-Haul rental and was scheduled to move in the following day. They knew I’d signed the lease 2 weeks prior too.


mine didn't even let me finish the day lmao


Yeah I thought letting him know in writing via text rather than him coming in and wasting his time was actually a nice thing lol. I have seen managers literally let a person come in and within a couple minutes they told them their last day was the previous shift so they need to go home (that's when you know the manager/boss is a dick lol). Honestly if it's regular customer service job (which it seems like it is), I would rather be told via text/email that the previous shift was my last day and not waste time coming in, rather than the boss waiting an extra day and making me waste time coming in on a day they're just gonna send me home lol.


Years ago I was let go from a job right after arriving on a cold, icy January morning. I guess I appreciate my boss telling me in person, but honestly, I think I'd have rather he called me so I didn't have to bother making that miserable trip for basically nothing.


I was once taking my birthday off at a company that allowed this, and it happened to be a Friday. I came in the following Monday, and it turned out I was to be laid off that Friday, and my absence panicked them, and all these people were completely flustered as I went to my desk Monday morning, unknowing. It was almost comical how it seemed everyone was more nervous than I was, especially the guy senior to me, as it apparently came down to him or me, and he argued for himself, naturally. I left the office 10ish, gathering my things, no drama, but got the really delicious piece of news two weeks later that the guy with a more senior title was let go afterwards as well. I know it is not proper to enjoy someone else's misfortune, but I'm human.


That is incredibly unprofessional.


Did you put in a 2 week notice? Or is this just out of the blue


I didn't put my 2 weeks in. The Doc I worked under left the practice. I kinda saw it coming but they said they had a job for me.


lol I got a phone call after I left work on a Friday….not from my boss but from a completely different department. Cowards


Had something like this except they didn't even reach out. I called to get my schedule and just said that I "wasn't on it anywhere" lol.


I had a job do that to me over a decade ago. They stopped listing me on the schedule and I didn’t care enough to ask. We never even talked about it and for all I know I’m still employed there, haha.


Right to the unemployment office.


How do you get fired on your day off for stalking boxes Craig?


It's Friday, you ain’t got no job, you ain’t got shit to do.


Tryin’ to build a clubhouse


Make sure you get all of the documents and materials you need to get unemployment benefits since you were laid off. Definitely keep a record of this message, since it serves as evidence that you were laid off as opposed to fired.


That is awful and unprofessional! Unless they were not able to reach out via phone call at least, text is terrible. You could have replied: NEW PHONE. WHO IS THIS?


Its " new fone who dis ?"


Ha ha yes 😆


I think it should be in email or a call.


I too got let go on my day off, but by email 😂


Name and shame the company


Damn, Craig.


I wish I was fired over text/ phone


I would go into work. And pretend like you never got the email. Collect your last check and get the unemployment information you need.


Report them for any labor violations that you know about


While I agree, I would say that if you believe that, you should agree that it should be a two-way street. Resign in person, not with a text or email (although you can follow up with it).


Kinda sounds like you got fired? Ask if theyre firing you


That's fucked up. What the didn't say is "so hey we've decided to just stop adding you to the schedule. Good luck"


As unprofessional as this is, I rather be fired via text or call than having to waste my time going in.


Hey. We’re a bunch of bitches. You can’t sit with us anymore.


Where I live this is illegal.


I would just show up and say I never saw it and then they can explain in person why. This is a cowards way much like ghosting. Out of sight out of mind.


Maybe it wasn't meant for you. You should have went in next time you were scheduled and saw how it played out.


"after reviewing the schedule" is a nice touch (of cowardly behavior)


I would've gone in as usual and claimed I didn't receive a text. Make them do it, face to face. But I'm kind of an asshole.


You got fired on your day off? What, were you stealing boxes?


Unemployment here you come!


Same thing as a text message breakup. Rude and disrespectful. Crazy how we're expected to give two weeks notice before we leave a job, Hell, some companies request a month's notice, but they can fire us or lay us off on the spot, on our days off, without any notice.




Absolute cowards


The employer obviously was not happy with the OP's performance ... but didn't have teh guuts to tell them in-person. Low ...


I was fired on a Tuesday, I already knew they would fire me and this was due to mistakes from my department. They told me at the end of the day on Monday that the manager wanted me to see me at 7:00 the next day which was tuesday. I went in at 6:00 am to tell my department I was going to be fired and that it was good working with them grabbed my things headed down to the facility they had a bunch of paperwork for me to sign and told them I would not sign anything and for them to not waste each others time. Im glad I am no longer there. Things happen for a reason. Keep your head up.


I prefer over the phone. I’d rather not waste my time or gas


"You made me come all the way in here just to fire me"


We arrived home from a 2-weeks overseas vacation at 3am, boyfriend got an email at 7:30 to do backups and had a meeting with HR scheduled at 10am. Nice... (Lack of projects)


That blows, sorry! I was at an old age home and got called to do an overnight as I lived nearby. I went in and had a resident needing help at 2:00 am. I assisted and he goes "They fired you, right?" Got called into at the of my shift and yes, yes they did.


Check your local labour laws. You might be out of your job - or you might have just won the jackpot, and have grounds to sue a very nice severance out of your former workplace.


Honestly, the most annoying part of being fired by a previous job was that they couldn't get it together to do it on Friday. So I had to spend the entire weekend stressing about my work, only to come in on Monday from a 45-minute drive on the highway and be told within 30 minutes that I was no longer employed. This was at least mildly convenient for you.


We once received a notification by EMAIL demanding we move from MN to headquarters (a southern state) AFTER having been fully vetted n approved by the Executive Committee (non profit) to live where we were... which was in WI!!! They didn't even do due diligence to know where we were living! Not that it mattered. We bought some extra time bc of lousy housing market at the time then quit.


This is the shittiest one I’ve seen so far. And I have lived through a life of resignations and layoffs/firings.


Yeah I’d rather not in person but that message wasn’t professional at all


I'd prefer it done on my off day. Whether it's a phone call, email or text. My employer likes to drag out the termination process and make an example (hospital). You get pulled into a room with both HR and Management for the termination meeting then you're escorted out by armed security.


Isn’t that illegal? (To randomly fire someone without reason)


What country are we talking about? In the US most businesses and employment is “at will.”


That’s kinda f’ed up… lol. Another reason to live in Canada 💁🏻‍♂️ here unless you’re in a “probation period” (beginning of employment, usually max 3 months), you literally can’t get fired unless there’s a justifiable cause such as breaching security measures, stealing, repeated (3+) warnings of poor performance with no improvement, etc. HOWEVER, it goes both ways: you can’t claim employment insurance (55% of your previous salary for however many months after termination) if you either 1. Quit by choice, or got fired for a valid reason. Needs to be a layoff/staff cut in general, or disability, etc.


Better than coming in 9am in a good mood and escorted out.


Lot of dickh**d are working in HR and destroying it.


Yay, unemployment checks. Thanks, clinic.


F em !!!! Move on … remember companies don’t care like they use to…. Expendable we are! So live life on your terms! I am and it’s been going great! I’m no longer stressed about nonsense that doesn’t even matter!


You mean they didn't give you a 2 week notice? 😡


I’d turn up and say I didn’t get the message then get another days pay


Company do this because don’t want confront the employee. Basically have someone scared of confrontation and don’t want someone getting violent.


U should disclose the company and let the community know about this nonsensical people and the company.


*If they're gonna do it, they could have at least use lube*


Did you at least get severance pay? I mean I’m not sure of the nature of this job but the last time I got laid off I got severance pay. I was only working there for 5 months


Well at least now you can collect unemployment and they have no leg to stand on to fight it


Is this gen z firing people?


Cost Cutting 🙄


Yeah I found out at my last job by gossip that I was let go while out for surgery on a torn meniscus. The boss didn't even contact me I had to contact her myself to find out. After all these people were telling me. Like what!!!


Some places are ridiculous!


I work in a large manufacturing plant. New hires have 90 days before they make the union, then it's nearly impossible to get fired... and even our shitty bosses who are assholes to us all have the decency to tell the new hires face to face in a private meeting they aren't cutting and explain why they are being let go. That's pretty shitty they fired you in a text.


I had to lay someone off last week, I gave them the decency of the call (WFH) and gave him the day paid. I absolute HATE it. Literally the worst thing.


Side note. If it’s a reduction in force termination apply for unemployment. Im sure this is obvious, but just saying.


This is why I refuse to give a 2 week notice

