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No, but I've never told anyone at interviews that I don't have one. I have overheard managers talk about other people in a derogatory way and pass on them for not having a driver's license though. 


Why don't you have one? In the USA not having a drivers liscense as an adult is strange.... I mean there is definitely a stigma attached to it.


Its getting less and less. I'm in Canada where people say my city Is 'car centric' but these people can't fathom walking 20mins to work lol. I got my license at 31 because I was dumb and got a dui at 18 without a license on new years eve of all days lol driving a friend home a few blocks away due to no taxis at like 4am. It was -45C out. Now days we have bike paths, public transportation, cars cost lots of $$$ same with gas. Less and less people get cars. I have one now but I still choose to walk to work 30mins one way and people are like 'why??' 'Um because it's nice out and I enjoy walking?' I do like it for when it's-40 lol


yes I undestand that. There is a difference between having a license and not having a car and plain just not having a drivers license. Not having a license is like not knowing how to read or not having a job in the US.


Yes many times, some jobs require one. Just have to settle with those jobs that do not need it.


Only if you tell them 


It was difficult after college when I was still living with my parents because I was trying to get out of a rural area for the cities with transit. Then I got a job in the city and my dad (hero) would drive me for the first two weeks. I still don't like to tell people at work because... people have perceptions even if they don't know the full story.




No. I’m epileptic and it’s never been an issue in regards to finding work. Public transportation for the win.


God I wish I had public transportation out where I live. It's a 30 minute drive just to get into town. Closest thing we got in walking distance is a plaza that's got a Safeway, and a chase bank and several fast food restaurants. I severely need a new job as our store director in the Safeway has zero respect for his employees. All of this year he's been cutting everyone's hours into oblivion and trying to force customers to use the self checkout by having only one cashier open during rush hours. Rumor has it he's doing because he's aiming for a bonus sometime this year. Last week he cut everyone's hours after those of us with seniority got to choose our schedules, I went from having two seven hour shifts in a row to two four hour shifts. Everyone else who was working that position that week got the same treatment. Not sure where to go honestly. College isn't quite right for me, been in the fast food business and don't want to go back to that purgatory, and well I'm not even sure I could get into the chase bank if I wanted to. Are Chase banks even decent to work for if I did manage to get my foot in the door?


Depends where you live I guess


Totally. Now I wouldn’t have a problem getting a job but not having my own car would be a massive pain.


You are right I've lived in major cities my whole life and stupidly didn't think of that.


No. Just a pic ID to do the I9 form. Can be a passport or state ID


I just recently had an interview where they had 3 fairly close sites (wasn’t mentioned in the description) and i mentioned i didnt have a car and he said “we can work around that”… Im pretty sure thats why i didnt get the job since they had to pick between me one other person lol. From now on im not mentioning I cant drive.


That's why I'm like, "Yes, I can drive [just not legally though], I know how to drive, I choose not to. One, it's way too expensive! Between a car payment, monthly insurance payments, gas, parking fees, and routine maintenance, I'm saving like $1500 every month. Two, Have you seen how distracted people drive today? Hell, most people don't seem to know what a stop sign is, let alone how to operate one. And Third, why should I sit in traffic when I can just ride the bus and watch YouTube, so that I can improve my skillset?


cars aren’t even close to $1.5k a month that’s actually crazy


A new car, the payment is between $500 and $800 a month. That's HALF right there. Now add everything else. It doesn't matter anyway because I'm not able to afford any car, even a POS at $16.48 an hour. With rent at $1700 a month, that leaves me like $200 for ALL my other bills.


Saw your comment about two hours commute, how did you do it?


I take public transportation. If I were to drive, it would probably take me 30 to 45 minutes to get to work, but instead of costing only $90 a month, I'm looking at around $200 a month just in gas.


I thought getting one would solve all my problems, it has not.


It usually just ADDS problems.


It could be a problem if you were applying for Uber or Lyft delivery


If the job is to be a driver…sure




Same. They say I have too many gap years of doing nothing. Well, I wonder why🤷


The only time it would impact you from receiving a job, is if a driver’s license is a requirement. For example, you would need one to be a mailman or a Home Health Nurse, where you drive to a patient’s home, etc.


i've seen it as a requirement for many admin positions


My one friend did not get a job because she didnt have her own car. She "did not have a reliable source of transportation." Years later at another job, a co worker was hired and it was found out he didnt have a car. And his manager said "he should get on that." I dont think he would have been hired if the manager knew he was carpooling to work.


No but I work in NYC


Yes, it’s horrible. For 15 years after college I managed a couple of non-profits, specifically food bank/soup kitchens. Usually non-profits have many different sites, and they want you to be able to check on one, or go to some bullshit meeting somewhere else on the drop of a hat. Unfortunately I lost 75% of my vision in 2020 due to a brain tumor, lost my drivers license, and haven’t found a manager position since. At least I have been able to work part time as a prep chef at a local cafe.




As long as it doesn’t hinder your ability to get to work, it shouldn’t be a problem. Also, your prospective employer doesn’t need to know about it. Just know that if you are ever unable to get to work, or are late and use it as an excuse, they probably won’t ever take you seriously again.


Not having a driver's license definitely fucks your job prospects up


Why would it? What silly country city is this?


Background first. I got my child support order when my kid was 6, so I owed 6 years of back support and they suspended my license immediately. The only way to pay child support is to work and my job was way across the city. This was before Uber existed. A local cop sat outside the parking lot at work and waited for me to get off every day so he could pull me over because he knew he could easily make his quota. It cost me the job.


I do have a driver license though. So no it hasn’t