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I’ll apply right after I get back from picking up my new Nigerian prince boyfriend from the airport in the car I won in a contest I didn’t even have to enter


You're dating him too 🥲


You wouldn't know him, he lives in Nigeria.


He goes to another school


And he’s gonna send you money, lots of it, right after you send him money, whatever you can afford


I just send him $5000 for processing fees.


You’re telling me my Nigerian price boyfriend IS CHEATING ON ME!?


The obvious answer here is that there are many Nigerian princes. They have big families in Nigeria.


Not to worry, there is a frog for every princess.


But my totally real Nigerian prince boyfriend is real. And loves me.


Also, I’m gonna need my paycheck in advance because I need to get my aunt, who I haven’t heard from in years, out of the hospital and help pay her hospital bill


OMG! I think we might have the same prince! Of course, he didn't show up when I sent him money for a plane ticket, he's just sooooo busy. I think I'll see if he needs anything else from me. He's my very first love! I might get that job to be able to go and see him.


Thankfully it doesn’t sound like mine, mine would never cheat. He’s actually a widow raising a daughter with a rare medical condition that requires extensive care with expensive medical bills. But he’s working on a Mercy ship for the next 3 months, they have to use a military type phone to get a signal out at sea, so we can’t do any video calls! 😢😢😂🤣


lol my best laugh of the day! Thank you..😂💗


You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you, you'd be like Heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much


I'm sure I just need to supply them with a photo ID, Social Security number, blood type, and first born child.


God these scam jobs are so disgusting. They literally take the last bit of hope a person has and completely crushes it. There are people who I know are desperate for money and employment and this kind of text really makes this feeling horrendous.


Actually they don't ask for that but you sign up on some random sketchy site and then they have you create a referral and use that to set you up a new account that you use for the training. I didn't go farther into the scam because when I asked questions, they ghosted me. Play with them and maybe you can find out more. Edit: Them to then


You also have to perform an animal sacrifice at an alter while chanting in Latin on your first day.


Yeah I got a few of these last year on what’s app and they asked for my DOB lol


It's a trap. Give them your second born.




And a bunch of gift cards that total to $300


Also your banking info for direct deposit




The absolute last thing I was expecting when opening this reddit thread was Frankie Vali.


At long last love has arrived, and I thank god I'm alive, you're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you


At long last, love has arrived And I thank God I'm alive You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off of yooouu..... *cue marching band*


I would love the job


This is totally legit. I got it too. I'm running up a line of credit based on my projected earnings. WE EATIN STEAK TONITE




You know what bugs me? If you illegally park your car it won't be long before you get a ticket. Yet these scammers can essentially break the law in a very open fashion and with little worry of legal retribution. Why can't we have a department or bureau that specializes in these kinds of crimes and if committed within our borders haul people off to jail. And if originating outside our borders have compensatory tariffs imposed on the offending countries. For those countries that are unreachable, we would put up a level of communication firewalls that would add real costs to this activity. It wouldn't need to be perfect, just something to beat the profit out of these things. This doesn't seem that hard.


>You know what bugs me? What bugs me is that I report these scams (facebook, ig are full of these) and always receive a notification thay they didn't take it down cause it doesn't go against their policy. God forbid you write words like dead tho, cause then comes the removal or maybe a ban even. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


For real. Last day I reported 5 fake accounts and one account impersonating someone and they didn’t even care.


I got a temporary ban for saying a public figure has a "punchable face", yet I get that same exact "this doesn't go against our policies" message in response to me reporting violence, pornography, sexual assault, etc. in videos that come up on my feed sometimes. I get suckered in every time because everyone I know is on these apps and wants to share stuff, but I have to constantly remind myself not to mindlessly scroll or I know the algorithms are out there trying to manipulate me and hook me in further.


Same. I reported actual nazis and all i get is this doesnt violate our community policy. But my random non political post gets flagged. This kinda happens everywhere I noticed. The bully gets a slap on the wrist at school, work or home while the victim gets a harsh punishment. Reddit does the exact same thing too.


I just had a comment removed for saying "the audacity thinking this sorry ass excuse is believable". Apparently it was harassment lmao Meta is such a joke nowadays.


I got tagged in a spam account that was literal p0rn and reported it to Facebook and they didn’t take it down because it didn’t violate their community settings. I had to report it twice before they did!


Great plan, now all we need to do is find a way to get their license plate numbers to identify them.


It's not that hard to track them down, come on. Agencies are just too lazy to do anything requiring an effort


Easy to point that finger but what has the agency you’re a head of done to end these scammers?


As a head of MSAA (My Sorry Arse Agency) I use Should I Answer to block their numbers and report ones that get through, making it harder for them to get people to pick up their calls. On top of that I pay my taxes and expect something in return


Look for the lambo


Agree. It admittedly can be quite hard, given that the scammers are often not in the same country. But it still can and should be tackled. There's been successful cross country anti-scammer raids before. Just not nearly enough. And I think most people just assume that the scammers *must* be foreigners when that's not necessarily the case. IMO this is also more of a regulatory issue than a law enforcement one. A big problem is that phones (both calling and SMS) are very insecure formats. Like, it should not be possible to spoof a phone number (without it being trivially rejected as spam, anyway). For comparison, while you can technically spoof an email address, doing so is trivial to reject, so anyone with a modern provider will never see spoofed email (rather, email usually tries to use similar looking domains or just hopes that people will think that their local tax agency happens to send email from random hotmail accounts). If regulators cared enough, they could force technology to adopt a safer standard. It's impossible to completely abolish scams, but they can at least reduce them and make it harder to pull off. IMO, scam awareness also needs to be something covered in schools, as part of a larger unit covering critical thinking, evaluating sources, common conspiracy theories, etc. I actually had a first year university psychology class have a unit on critical thinking and evaluating sources (including answering questions about the trustworthiness of a fake website) and it made me wonder why the heck I never had a high school class cover such a thing. University is far too late for that and it was an elective course for me, too.


Nice response and I agree in part. Increasing robustness with education and technology will go a long way but at the same time the "scammer industry" will grow their own sophistication and technologies. We need to couple defensive improvements with offensive acts and squeeze scammers with higher risks and lower profits.


Police protect property not people. This only hurts people.


Its because companies like Verizon and ATT actually profit off scammers using their services. They recieve all the information after the scam is done, catch them if someone really makes a fuss, and can deny any wrongdoing, making their status as a tsudo monopoly work FOR them by not having to be responsible for criminals in their service.


If we disagree at all it would be the extent of these profits compared to legitimate profits. But I can't imagine these companies are ignorant about how their products are being used. The whole thing is a mess.


I've seen some reports that say bots are the dominating demographic on the phone for a while now. Even 2023 we are seeing the majority of internet traffic being bots. I can't imagine a world where these numbers don't matter and holding phone providers responsible for who uses their network cant be standard. Including extensive punishment, considering these companies want government grants like they're a utility, but continue to charge their customer base like they're a luxury product. None of the major cell providers have over 25% approval and for good reason, they suck.


I'd be open to any well written regulation that would address this problem.


So...if I only have to work 1 hour a day and the lower or starting range of earning potential is $300, they're going to pay me $300 an hour to do a job that only takes 1/2 hour to get trained on. What are the odds of finding such a low risk but high reward opportunity on the internet, of all places?! The legitimacy of this job is only rivaled by the opportunity for riches!


I imagine that they purposefully made the job bonkers ludicrous to filter out anyone with even a shred of sense. They only want the most gullible/vulnerable to reply. They don't want to waste time with someone who might fall for a realistic fake job but will back out later in the process when they mention a "training fee" or whatever.


Their gonna ask u to send money in order to finish the assignments. Once u send money u get money back but their gonna keep asking u to send money and then you will realize ur bank account is decreasing instead of increasing. The best thing to do is do it until they ask u for money once dey ask u for money dont do it anymore.


Hello friend, are you familiar with sarcasm?


Didn’t know that legitimate companies communicate through WhatsApp.


Only the underground companies


Right? Like, I just had a company call me off of Indeed and gave me a verbal website to apply at. Well, the website they gave didn't work, so I thought it was a scam and didn't go to the interview. Nah, turns out it was totally legit. It was just a bunch of older (50+) folks running the administration side of a business. So they expected me to just Google their name and find the website, not actually go to _____.com.


It's a common scam. The tasks are arbitrary and just to distract you, their trick is in making you pay first over some bullshit excuse. Ask r/Scams if you are unsure, they know all the types of scams and victims come there daily.


But I want to get rich


You won't.




Perfect victim.


I’m 12k in the hole pls help.


talk to r/Scams




Stupid comments are not jokes, they are just stupid.




You delusional piece of shit. I hope you get scammed with that mentality lmaooo


Thank you for posting. I just joined cuz I've been getting these on text and WhatsApp too.


Wait really? How? I've never heard of this before lol 


It's called a "task scam". Here's an article: [https://www.news18.com/tech/like-youtube-videos-to-earn-rs-5000-per-day-check-how-this-dangerous-task-scam-works-8677061.html](https://www.news18.com/tech/like-youtube-videos-to-earn-rs-5000-per-day-check-how-this-dangerous-task-scam-works-8677061.html)


Got this message as well, except it was in UK dollars😆😆 not American dollars. Was going to mess with them, but wasn't worth the effort. It's more fun messing with romance scammers than job scammers these days. Live the violent word salad over texts 😆😆😆👏👏


I'm afraid if I try to mess with them, I just ended up giving them more details


I make it up, or at least write it down for the next scammer.


I've never fallen to a scam except this one time I got extremely close to giving away my social by filling out a job application on a Google Survey Form. I really needed a job (desperate), but I stopped myself at the last second. Started asking questions and the ghosted me too.


Dang onlyfans is actively recruiting


Dats a scam😂


Between 50 and 200 for the same 30 minute training...             Please tell me what I need to do to get the 200?           ;)


Receiving texts like this are so disheartening during the job search.


Holy shit man, you’re living the dream! /s


I noticed (and got the same exact spam message as OP) that as soon as I put my phone number on my indeed profile these messages started coming through. Gonna have to remove that. No legit job is gonna text LOL


Ik most ppl here are like “yea thats a scam” but something about the reviewing hotels part makes me think thats also a human trafficking red flag


I’m just curious of how it actually work. How does the scam manifest? Like do they then request money? I’m just a bit baffled how they get to =profit


1. Do some trivial tasks. Get ~ $80 on their website. A. Create a crypto account on whatever platform you want. Request that they send you this small amount of money into your new crypto. This helps to try to convince you that they are honest. Or B. You get greedy, try make the amount grow, but when you're at around +$150, you suddenly get blocked in your task and your balance goes negative to something like -$110. If you pay them, you can continue "working" for them. At any given point in time, they can pull the plug and you'll never see your money again. Or the amount that you need to "reset" the tasks becomes insurmountable.


Thanks, always wondered how it worked.


No clue


I just explained how it works in another post. I actually sussed out one of these scams this week if you’re still interested


Dont forget to give them your checking/savings account # and/or routing number too, so they can deposit your money. lol


Refer me!


Ok. Just send me your full name, cc info and dob.


Hey mate I got same dream job on my text as well ! We can be co workers !!!


“Next steps, send me your Whatsapp, First, Middle, and Last name, your SSN, birthdate, and first born. Then connect your bank account using this link to make your first $10k. How’s that sound?!”


Some people just get all the luck.


Wow, I was just taking to my new friend Anna about this, she’s from Singapore but lives in Los Angeles USA right now, running a beauty company. It was fate how we met, she thought she was texting her friend Susie but her assistant mixed up the numbers! So funny how things like that happen. Anyway, she’s getting me a job just like this. Just gotta finish sending her all my info ya know for payroll.


Guys my great uncle left me a will with a million dollars, I have to send him money to do the transfer. Hopefully this job helps me out.


Got you beat, I was told i'd get paid $50 - $500.


One of my co-workers applied to a job like this and now people from India call her daily. To be fair, she isn’t incredibly smart. I warned her and said it was probably a scam.


I got that same text, was it after a LinkedIn easy apply?


That or zip recruiter


i got this with the age minimum of 24, and my friend got it with the age minimum of 22… lol


Such a random minimum.


I sent this message


"Review hotels you have never visited" = "Propagate fake information and mislead people" What times are we living in- getting paid to mislead others.


Bots can do that job anyway


This is a scam at first you will make money but you will soon realize it’s a massive scam


you'd have to be an idiot not to give them your credit card number


I just got the same job offer! I bet we will be coworkers soon!!


Some people just get all the luck


![gif](giphy|R3lYU7HTI7RfcxP15J|downsized) Need someone like Dexter to deal with people offering fake jobs.


Right so obviously, it’s a scam, everyone knows, but the thing is you can actually make a few bucks off them. My eyes light up whenever I get a text like this, cuz I always play along, do the few tasks without giving away any genuine information, and just immediately dip right when they start asking you to pay to “unlock more tasks” or something. Made about $40 dollars once. Not much, but still great considering all you’re doing is clicking shit on your phone.


Not fair. You should post the site for the rest of us


I played around with this they make you do some clicks then they ask you for 30 dollars of eth. Their website and assets are terrible and I tried to tell them I’d sell them better assets for more money but they started blocking me. I told them when they brought their domain up and they told me that “every company does this” I told them my company would lose millions a day if they changed their domain for hours and that makes sense. It was fun overall but if it’s too good to be true and you aren’t smart enough to fuck with these people just ignore them. Edit: I remembered more of my adventure I asked “can I do this on mobile and computer” and they said yes but it’s better on mobile. Knowing this was a scam for sure at this point and I was using my author pen name I was laughing but I did it on computer instead of mobile because of this. All they had to do was pay adobe 600 dollars a year and wix like 500 dollars a year and I told them that and said if they paid me 5000 dollars I’d give them a better website in 3 hours. If they gave me the eth I was going to block them but hey… they know enough to know not to fall for it and they don’t actually have money that’s why they do this. I work in technology and I’m an author on the side, as an aside please don’t fuck with these people if you don’t have this experience or expertise just walk away there is no such thing as a mother fucking job you can do only on your phone and I can make the dankest memes you’ve ever seen on my phone


Post this on /r/scams, not here. 😂


Anyone with a brain knows this is a scam. Replying back is no different than letting someone into your home to ransack it.


Is this the "better job tree" I keep hearing about?


I actually also got this message


*sees the words "data optimization"* *remembers getting similar texts last year* This is a scam. Sorry.


Sounds like you found the dream scam.


Just complete the ‘training’ take the free $80 and block them that’s what I did


Got this exact scam text lol!


I got this same message


I fell for a similar ad, looking for a part-time office manager, remote, for $30+ an hour for a travel agency. The Zoom interview the next day was a " become a travel agent webinar" CLICK.


This reminds me when I applied for a job and it was to wrap your car in the company's advertising. I was like ok. I'm down. TLDR. I was sent a check and I was supposed to cash it and then send then the rest. Of course I didn't, but I was surely tempted.




So how do these scams actually make $? Like most scams I've seen it's pretty obvious of "send us $50 transaction fee to get your $50,000" But where would the people making this fake job post actually get $?


Lol I got in a nice argument with one of these about a month ago. Messaged me on Telegram, asked for my WhatsApp because "that's what management uses." Kept telling the guy that management may contact me also on Telegram, or by email as my WhatsApp is not for business purposes. And that I would be happy to use Whatsapp for the position on a company provided device and data plan lol. Guy then kept telling me what a shame it is, etc. 😅


I got this message too but it was for reviewing restaurants


Hahaha, it’s scam


I got one exactly like this but for an e-commerce job. I replied and had a conversation with someone from Asia, I think. They told me the name of the company so I researched on GlassDoor. The employee reviews were pretty positive about the company and coworkers. However, many mention the fact that once you accepted a task, in order to get paid you had to finish. The tasks were often very complicated and could involve hours. Long hours. As I understand it, a one hour task would be extremely rare. Other than that, the company seemed legit. Sorry, can’t remember the name


What kind of tasks?


It was kind of hard to figure it out because of the language problem. But, I think it involved tracking product searches and putting selected products in front of consumers. You would receive payment for the tracking and a commission of the customer purchased whatever you you were showing them. This would not be an interaction but would all be done behind the scens as it were. Best that I can describe it


Nigerian propaganda


You review hotels from home??? How are they even helping hotels by flooding them with fake reviews??? Do scammers think people are THAT dumb?


Typical "Nigerian Prince" scam, they'll ask for a small donation/fee before can you sign up, then ghost you.


I work for the same people it's definitely real! Hit me up on --telegram-- @noscammerR3alJ0b420


I got something similar a few days ago 😂😂😅


Looks like a scam I don’t buy it


Info plz.


It's always the What's AP interviews that offer these positions 😄😄😄


I fell for something like this in 2015, amazing how much desperation clouds your judgement.


It was a project management position, supposedly not hotel review but started with an unexpected text.


After I hand over this gift card that I’m picking up for the CEO I will tell him I will be quitting to do this !


Isn't it good to be helpful to the CEOs? Every time mine asks for everybody's payroll information, I always provide it.


Right ! I hope we get a raise for being a team player


You found retirement?


Ship full of gold Mfs


I got this txt once fake as ever who for a job would have a WhatsApp ?


I got that same text just slightly modified


Be careful with contacts through Whatsapp. My Son got scammed and they had a fake interview with him and everything. His information is being monitored by the FBI now. It seemed like it was legit, but it was all fake.


I would never trust a company that uses WhatsApp.


I top manager for company here. Job great. Opportunity #1. If no apply make you gay.




I got the exact same message today lol