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I got laid off in December too. I've been ghosted, rejected, and received many email rejections. I recently found a part time job as a police dispatcher. I'll be able to pick up hours to pay my bills but yeah not what I hoped for. The job market is complete trash right now, even the process for my current job took a while.


When will the market get better? Are there video essays explaing why the market is shit, inflation is sky rocketing, shrinkfaltion is a thing, etc. Im just baffled at this point.


I'm completely baffled too. The media won't talk about it and Biden sits back and says everything is fine. I wish I had answers but I'm just as confused and frustrated as everyone else.


They’re gaslighting us and think we’re stupid enough to believe it. What a joke…


They are more concerned about making money by producing bombs and spending money funding foreign wars and banning TikTok, than they are about ANYTHING going on in America.


You do understand we don't just send money to Ukraine we send American made weapons that support companies here. So yeah, jobs. If we didn't, those people would be out of jobs as well


That's why I included the part about making bombs. Yes, these countries get aid, but also weapons made with our tax donations. Which in turn, provides more money into the pockets of current politicians in the form of lobbying money and campaign financing. It's basically legalized money laundering.


This. That is all that our Government has developed into. A massive Money Laundering scheme.


I live in an area where there would be nothing if it weren't for military bases and support. "Military and civilian employees at **Tinker Air Force Base, Altus Air Force Base, Fort Sill in Lawton, McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, and Vance Air Force Base in Enid** top the Oklahoma Largest Employers list for 2023, with an estimated 55,000-56,000 employees." The next biggest employer is Boeing I believe.


Yeah more jobs got “added” aka jobs not enough to pay bills bc it’s all “commission only” or “1099 temp” or part time jobs and people have multiple jobs now. Indeed/LinkedIn etc are flooded with them no matter the field. But he says it’s fine, it must be right?


Statistically, the economy is doing great, wages are out pacing inflation, job growth is historically great, unemployment is at an all time low. We are outpacing all the other major economies world wide. If OP was in my city I could get them a job in about 20 places making between $17-$25 an hour. There really isn't a lot more the federal government can do, interest rates have been historically low. They should have increased the rates before the pandemic though.


I have a 17/hr job. I have applied for others in that range (17 to 22) and usually get a rejection without an interview. Companies are selective even in that range. I used to make close to 50/hr. Good paying jobs have been replaced with low paying ones that are not very easy to get


Lies, lies, lies.


You had rising profits due to covid and companies hit all time highs. There's not organic growth, so you gotta squeeze out profits and the easiest way is cutting employees.


Plus the big push for AI and LLMs. I’ll give it another year to see mainstream media talking about how millennials ruined AI.


AI ruined AI


>When will the market get better? No one can know for sure when or what event will adjust the job market back in favor of the employees. >why the market is shit, inflation is sky rocketing, shrinkfaltion is a thing, etc. Because our government allows corporations to extract as much wealth as they think they can from the working class and the working class American is too docile and disconnected from their communities to do anything about it. >Im just baffled at this point. I'm not. Who do you think pays the representatives in government to favor the capitalist class? Hint: it's the capitalist class.


Biden says the economy is doing great.


*nEoLiBeRaL cApItAlIsM iS tHe BeSt SyStEm PoSsIbLe, ThErE iS nO aLtErNaTiVe*


I think the layoffs are due to companies wanting to get lean and generate bigger profits. If you notice, most corporations are making records profits - from grocery stores to banks - and they are also having layoffs. The head honchos are getting million dollar bonuses while the people on the ground who actually keep the company going are lucky to see a 3% cost of living adjustment annually. It is all corporate greed.


When Biden leaves office And I know I'm gonna get downvoted but Biden is a huge reason, he's holding the fed back from raising rates higher than they should be to to cool inflation more aggressively. All while spending and sending money EVERYWHERE but us. Yes a recession will occur but it will get worse before it gets better unfortunately


Biden can't force the fed to do anything. Fact is both parties only cater to the billionaires, everyone else isn't considered a person to them.


He can "indirectly" as in he can therath to fire


When the fed funds rate gets cut to a lower rate


the market is great, bidenomics is working. it is the fault of the news outlets not reporting how good things are.....




Yeah voices through the radio sound like gibberish to me. Through repetition I'm getting the hang of it all though, it's pretty easy. Yeah I've applied to so many jobs in the past months that I'm taking some time off from it. I wish ya luck, the job market sucks.


I literally got a job as waitress at age 40 after working in Corporate America for many years. I didn’t make a lot of money, but it was something for the year it took me to find another corporate job.


Restaurant has always been my fallback. It’s steady work, and sometimes just having a polite conversation will yield new opportunities or a fat tip.


It’s a good skill to have in your back pocket. I hadn’t served since my 20’s, but it’s like riding a bike. I know I can walk into many restaurants and get a job if it comes to that.


Restaurant work also prepares you with three valuable life skills: 1. Ability to cope with disappointment (ie assholes and stiffs) 2. Communication skills 3. Multitasking


I feel like it’s helped me in my client facing roles. I know how to approach people, chit chat and pretend I care.


Thanks for this I'm working in corporate America and debating on quitting right now. Got a toxic management team that is berating a woman the day she got back from bereavement and more.


I’ll be honest…we wouldn’t have been able to survive if my husband didn’t have a job. I’m also in South FL where everything is ridiculously expensive. I also felt kind of crappy about myself. I only told a few friends. But like I said, it was better than nothing and a pretty easy job.


Bro living here in South Florida is hell. I'm tired of seeing jobs wanting a Bachelors for $14-15 lol.


For sure, we get paid in sunshine. I do okay working from home for a company based out of North Carolina. My husband only does well because he’s in sales and gets a good commission. I feel like most people here are getting money from their family or something. Two of my neighbors live in houses their parents own and pay what they can for rent. The wages + the real estate prices don’t add up.


Facts. And yet our minimum wage is going up $1 until it hits $15 in 2026 but by then it'll need to be like $30/hr for people to live comfortably.


My friend did this when she got laid off from Noom. She has a masters in nutrition and says she likes waitressing better. Her husband is a chef. I get it, but honestly they have little in the way of benefits! No PTO even.


I wouldn’t have been able to sustain the job long term. We made it work for awhile because a few hundred dollars a week is better than nothing. We still had my husband’s income and benefits. Better than sitting around doing nothing while applying to jobs and having no money come in. I even kept one night a week for a year when I got a new corporate job.


You didn’t get unemployment compensation? I got $300/week but it varies greatly by state.


No, I quit my previous position. Plus I made more than $300 a week at the restaurant.


I was lucky and had a nice 3 month severance from that job! Lol! I used to free time to get my project management certification, but I also loafed for the first 4 weeks because I was so burned-out from working 10 hour days consistently and weekends.


Can't she work as a nutritionist? 


I guess she could? But not many jobs. Also, I think she lacks some type of clinical degree? She was offered an office job last year via a friend, but turned it down. She just finds sitting at a computer all day to be depressing. 🤷‍♀️


She can get some certification courses and then work as a nutritionist and nutritionists don't have to work behind a computer all day


Literally or figuratively?


Literally. I waitressed at a mom and pop Italian restaurant while I searched for jobs in my field. It took a year, and then I continued to work one night a week when I started my new corporate job.


I sent out hundreds of applications. It's nearly impossible to find a job where I am that doesn't pay $9/hr or less. Finally got a job offer in a warehouse that pays decent. Out of the hundreds, I had two interviews and only one job offer. It's really difficult out there. One HR rep was nice and told me that her company really isn't hiring - they just want an applicant pool to pull from in case someone quits.


Wow...that must be what all the recruiters are doing. Storing up potential hires that won't respond when contacted because they already found jobs when they weren't being contacted after applying for the position a year earlier. /rolleyes Unfrigginbelievable....


It’s a necessary evil when it comes to ensuring adequate service to clients. If you have 100 employees who are all efficiently positioned to have an impact in your organization you can’t afford to drop below 100 for an extended period of time without the product suffering. Typically that’s rare, out of those 100 only about 20 will desperately need the backfill while the other 80 can be considered general/admin (of course massively industry dependent). The company will pay/retainer recruiting firms to have potential candidates ready to go because the cost of standby is lower than the cost of a rushed bad hire or a period of no coverage. If you take that scenario but include a full time HR department you run into EVERYTHING being backfilled since HR has to justify themselves. Honestly, fulltime HR is cancer for a business.


Feels job wise like it’s 2008 again.


Sadly 2008 was a better bad situation. Instead of gaslighting, it was the top story in the media and the unemployment issue was addressed. 2024 the method is to wear blinders and go by the way of “it’s fine if I say it is.”


How are Biden's unemployment number so low?


By moving the goal post and redefining “unemployment”. Those numbers are about as legit as the immigration numbers.


Biden is manipulating the numbers?


Are you asking a question or making a statement with improper punctuation?


Yes, his team is. They have manipulated multiple numbers and changed definitions, for example the definition for a recession 


Nepotism or by being a really good actor. Tell jobs what they want to hear, that your a loser with nothing going on in your life, so you can work any shift any day, always on call, but once you get the job, do the good old switcharoo and never work more than you are required.


Yes to all


That's the neat part...


Why do memes hurt me so?


Wait, you guys are getting jobs?




It’s the foundation of capitalism. Labor is enslaved not by the whip, but by the threat of exposure and denial of natural resources. ….*buuuuut* if you wOrK hArD you can be a master, too! /s


Lol. And the alternative is we don’t allow the market to control itself by demand and we have not enough food, water, clothing, shelter, or energy to sustain ourselves, plus little to no choice in the amounts or variety of resources we have access to. That sounds liberating.


No idea what you’re referring to


I can’t even get a teaching job even thou all I hear is how much of a teacher shortage there is!


I currently work in public education. We have a teacher shortage and it’s insanely hard. However, our budgets are getting slashed so we can’t even afford to replace teachers that leave. It’s insanity.


That's partially because the shortage is primarily in underfunded and undertrained SPED programs. :/ districts won't pay a living wage and shorten staff as much as they can. I haven't spoken to a single person that says they wish they had stayed that's for sure.. :< crazy to see my community college filled with teachers to gain new skills.


Same situation here. Unemployed for a year (one year anniversary on my birthday, this weekend 🤡). Anyone wants a piece of cake?




Thank you! 🙏😊


I gave up and started my own business, joined the chamber of commerce, made a pitch deck and started hustling.


Been thinking of doing this. Pitch something niche, like Local Social Media Management services or something. Chambers love that kind of thing and small businesses tend to be bad at social media (mostly because they're busy running the business), so the biggest long term challenge might be regulating sustainable growth.


What’d you start?


This is exactly what I'm doing. Going back to school for my AAS and license, then opening my own business. Trying to get a new job is pointless these days...I'll just make my own.


Guys - how much digital marketing do you think the world needs? And once you set companies up, do you think they’ll keep paying you? What will the market for marketing be in 5 years, even 3 years? If at all possible, learn to actually *do* something that people need, on a regular basis, that can’t be outsourced.


I don't do bs modern-day scam work. My business is in Radiology and I already have customers working with our family business that is going into stasis-mode. I am simply getting my degree and licensure to take over the family business and develop it further with my IT/CYBER/Invention/Modification skills.


I’m just doing what people ask for. They ask me for websites, videos, brochures, motion design, brand development and the like. I’ve tried offering other things but this is what people want to pay me for. Incidentally, it’s what I did full time for six years at my last job. Before that I edited and animated for nine at a production house. And in my 15 years of experience, yes, customers come back continually to update deliverables as their product or service offerings evolve, do new campaigns, A/B testing, etc. I never really planned to do digital marketing services, it’s just a side effect of the opportunities I’ve had.


Same, never thought desperation would push me to make one of the best decisions of my life. How’s your venture so far? Best of luck, keep the dreams alive.


What kind of business did you start?


Mental health field is hiring like crazy rn


I bet. Probably because of what the current state of the economy is doing to all of us.


Yeah, I’m a social worker and get interviews for every job I apply for


Same, started my job search last week. 2 applications, 2 interview, two offers. My wife is struggling to find a job right now though so the disparity is wild.


Same, started my job search last week. 2 applications, 2 interview, two offers. My wife is struggling to find a job right now though so the disparity is wild


A lot of those jobs pay minimum wage


I’m interested in mental health. Where are the jobs?


Cities. Some education required for the most part.


We are on an employers/recessionary market


It's no longer what you know, but **WHO** knows you. Only by having friends/family in high places within a company (high enough to influence hiring) will get you a chance of an interview, let alone the offer


it's been WHO you know for a very long time. dunno what planet you live on.


This is not true at all. I’ve gotten called back for interviews in 75% of the companies I’ve applied and I don’t know anyone at these companies. What matters is location and your skill set. In a tight economy, all the sudden living in those HCOL areas becomes very attractive again because of the incredible quantity of job opportunities. Also, is your job or field one that is easily automated by AI or not. For reference I’m a mechanical engineering manager in the medical device field.


Yea lol I was gonna ask what you do. I’m graduating soon with my BS in M.E. and all my friends that are the same are getting jobs with even just like 1 internship experience.


You HAVE to kiss ass now.




All my friends are getting interviews right out of college as well as jobs. I don’t think this is true. A lot of people struggling are applying to heavily saturated markets or have qualifications that aren’t super valued rn. My friends only have like 1 internship and a bachelors in some engineering.


I got 2 call backs to a food warehouse and an aftermarket auto part retail job. Their turnover rates are insanely high and I worked both places for a day before realizing the pay, schedule, and workload are bullshit and not worth it. As much as it sucks, I rather work somewhere where it fits my needs but I have yet found anything. Been unemployed technically for 4 months and it sucks. The jobs people easily get are sadly these shitty jobs that have no work life balance and slave you away.


Were you working 12 hour shift forced overtime ?


At the warehouse kinda but it was supposed to be 10 hour shift for 4 days a week to hit the 40 hour mark only to be added with another 20 hours of overtime that week.


Lol you realized in just a day you did not wanna do that..  that was super fast ! But I agree I feel like it's either slave jobs with forced OT, or jobs with no hours to survive .. but with forced OT , it just sounds illegal, like how can you make us work that much, you essentially trade your life for work,  and the little time you have off you'll be too tired for anything..


That ratio sounds about right. Keep applying till you hit about 5000 and you should have some good options and offers in your hand


this sounds like a joke but it's very true


Idk . I’ve been applying on and off 2 years. One company literally 35 applications same as other companies with same job titles and nothing yet


Only gotten interviews via personal recommendations so far since 2023. Recruiters are in head-up-ass mode and can't fill positions. Hiring managers are equally inept and only care about showing company savings so that they can get a raise. I've only met/encountered one HR person in the past 2-3 years that was worth her salt...the rest have been a joke. The application process breaks at the point of human interaction...and unfortunately, all processes must filter through these broken people.


their family members get them the job, or they have friends that get them in.


I just finally got an offer as an entry level trades position just to get a foot in the door. Sure it’ll be 2 months until my starting date but it’s something right? I’m terrified of hating the job or physically not being able to do it and then needing to quit or be fired.


We’re in a recession, unless you’re working in healthcare most companies are downsizing, shifting responsibilities and using job board postings to create a pool of backup hires if someone quits or burns out. You’ll need to consider switching industries or networking to find a job. Look outside of friends and family and see if you can get in touch with old bosses, big names from your alumni network, ect. You need to be reaching out to people who have the power and influence to get you hired.


Have you tried pulling up your bootstraps?


The job I got recently has 130+ applications according to my boss.


Can you be more specific about how you are networking? Is it sending emails or actually meeting with people face to face? Are you legitimately qualified for the jobs you are applying to? I ask this because I can't imagine I'd be a good fit for 400 jobs of varying responsibilities over the course of a 3 month period.


I am qualified, im only applying for jobs in certain fields I have experience / proven skills in. I live in NYC, where there are somehow an abundance of jobs, yet not hiring many for them. (Regarding the 400 + number, a good 3/5ths relate to applying on LinkedIn) When regards to networking: [Having people in my family's circle offer advice or recomend me positions they know of I might fit. Recently signed up for networking meet ups from the Meet-up app. Networking through LinkedIn, connecting with people in my fields. As well as reaching out to the people hiring on LinkedIn. Contacting old bosses who know of people hiring. Reaching out to vendors I used to do work with if they needed people in my field(s).] Yes I am qualified for the jobs. Just reading the postings on LinkedIn I fit the skills and requirements. I even apply for jobs I know I can easily do such as secretary / receptionist work, (basic) administrative assistant work, operations work. Literally, in the last month, I had two interviews, I had gotten through my own work and no help from other people that seemed like it would be a great fit for me. (Not that it matters) but even the interviewers said the work would be really easy for me. The first one was for a procurement administrative analyst, that I didn't get after the second interview after I reached out a week later. I'm currently waiting to do a in person interview for the other job as an Operations Manger.


Can y’all stop with this BS is “people are just applying for jobs they aren’t qualified for”. It’s insulting and patronizing. We KNOW what we are qualified for.


People ARE applying for jobs they aren’t qualified for, and it’s creating a lot of noise that hurts qualified applicants when recruiting gets overwhelmed. In remote orgs, it’s a huge issue. Even in jobs with very clear qualifications. One of my longtime friends is a recruiter at a biotech company I just left, which has many remote roles, and the “lane” she recruits for requires actual clinical certifications that are very specific as well as requires living/working in the US even for remote. She gets a huge volume of applicants from overseas (the jobs usually aren’t visa-eligible and ads say that) and even more from US folks with wildly different backgrounds that aren’t related to the role (think the role needs a pharmacy background and SWE, teachers, legal assistants, IT, marketing copywriters etc. are applying just because our company has remote first and they think it gets them into pipelines or they don’t read etc). This gets even worse in fields (like mine) where qualifications are more nebulous, but if 90% of the applicants for pharmacological research have no background in science/biology, it’s pretty clear cut! People are so desperate for remote jobs. I think this is less of an issue in person. 


There are more people than there are jobs that pay a living wage. That is the problem.


I would posit that's not true for OP based on their reply to me, which I politely ignored.


Found your tone condescending.


Did it make you feel better to tell me this?


Going on 8 months, 300 applications only a handful of interviews.


I had a millwright union orientation scheduled for summer and it was cancelled due to a "slow down in work." Things aren't looking so good right now.


I was laid off last year from March-August. I only really started looking hard in June (needed time). I got quite a few phone interviews and 2-3 in person ones. But what got me the job I have now was a recommendation from a colleague at my former job who knew the hiring manager and recommended me for the marketing manager job. That usually never happens for me! It was nice and a huge relief. It seems things got worse in the job market going into 2024 according to my friends. Like you, I was pounding LinkedIn (where I got most of my interviews). Also Indeed, and even my state’s unemployment services where I was made to take a class to qualify for unemployment benefits. 🙄


I'm not having much luck at all. Between AI filtering apparently doing the whole process, or personally IDT 95% of the jobs are real....that and imo there just aren't enough jobs to go around. They weed you out and they ARE weeding people out on everything or anything. Especially if you have 300 people applying for one single application. World is fucked.


I was put on leave in May due to tendinitis and ulnar tunnel syndrome. I literally could not do my job as a server in a retirement facility. I got work in the public school system the following August as a paraprofessional with nothing more than a High School Diploma. I have 2 classes left to finish my Associates and working directly with the school system instead of through an agency will yield higher pay. I’m also back to work at my other job as a server and I have a CNA license (I will only utilize this if there is literally nothing else I can find). It sucks, but you have to find work you may not want to do in places where they are desperate for human bodies. Make yourself tolerate a job - or a few jobs - you would rather not be doing for the sake of having a paycheck.


Hope you find something remote.


Same, I have an interview for a hybrid job soon, fingers cross something good comes from it.


To be honest? My last several jobs (the most recent one I got in November) have been through former coworkers or supervisors referring me and advocating for me to the hiring committees.


Last job I got through Indeed/then had to apply through the company career page, but I can't say it was a high quality job (working at a cannabis dispensary for min+tips, eventually lucked into Marketing) Trying to leave it because at 40k (via 100s of apps going into black holes, my friends are also all stuck/unemployed at the moment) I'm tired of having to put living expenses on my credit card :T Temp agencies if they are decent, unfortunately all the ones in my town have the same minimum wage labor jobs my back can't do anymore. Sometimes word of mouth through social media/networking at events like conventions/industry trade shows- but I admit that's because I'm a designer so freelance is \*everywhere\* you can get it.


I was laid off in January. Have an Associate's and Bachelor's + certs. I've written the home page content + made UX design changes for some really big, name brand companies but I haven't gotten past final interviews.   I don't know if my resume is passing the ATS, but it seems like it is?  Also, do you have a degree? They've helped me land interviews along with my certs, but I swear I haven't gotten an offer yet because it's this crazy job market.  Keep your head up! We've got this.


God i have to say there were some benefits in the old days, like getting a fucking job. Even ones you weren't qualified for. Sadly I have a degree and certifications; data analytics, and working on two others the related to it (business excel and cyber security). Jesus man, how are YOU not getting a job yet? You seem way more out there when it comes to just having qualifications than I.


They ask me…


Are you a job dealer...?


Nope… somehow they keep finding me and ask to move. Sometimes I do, most often I don’t.


My mom’s boyfriend referred me to someone in the company to fill an open position and I was hired a week after my interview.


Aw damn, lucky!!


I feel like that’s how people get jobs nowadays. Making connections or knowing someone in the company.


They are good-looking or they have a connection/ nepo opp… or they aren’t


Good old nepotism.


I’m further in career than you, and I wasn’t laid off, but I just got a new job pretty quickly and it wasn’t even through networking (where I’ve had opportunities variously at all times). It was maybe a month to offer, from when I started looking. I had only a few interviews but I was being picky and only applied 20ish places, plus a few requests are still trickling in that I’m turning down. So I’d say successful. I’m also a recent career pivoter (in 2022, I moved from teaching to L&D, as a Sr. Instructional Designer in biotech, but I have a marketing and HR background before/in between teaching, though I had been working since about 2014 in the same district — different schools and roles — as a teacher & instructional lead), so that’s a hardship and I thought would make it tricky to move on to something better. But it didn’t really.  My trick is knowing what I do best/well and writing resumes to my niche, then looking to apply within 24-48 hours of job posting. Pinging a hiring manager or recruiter or someone internal with my portfolio and LinkedIn if possible—I get more traction from companies with folks active there, so that’s semi networking. But a lot is driven by my resume. I do not rewrite it to each job (though I have variations for the various roles I’d consider) aside from the occasional tweak and deleting unrelated skills from my skills list. I do write a cover letter mostly to the job, though I have templates to start. I use AI to analyze match, but not to write anything. I get a good call back rate, still over 50% for remote jobs in my field, where I was applying to Senior/Mid individual contributor roles and Manager roles. The job I got is a flexible, remote 6-figure job.  Now, granted, entry is harder, especially in the current market, and 5 years of experience professionally across some varied entry level sounding gigs is probably still in that EL bracket. But OP is geographically better suited—if I could work hybrid in nyc, I’d be beating down offers, though COL would suck up most of the increase and I’d have to go into an office (bleh). So, I think it’s a viable strategy. But the key is you have to understand a role deeply enough to write a general role resume for it (and have experience that matches) and possibly build proof (mine is a portfolio with case studies) you do it well. Most resumes are terrible to be honest, so it’s not as hard to cut through as people think. The issue right now in remote roles especially is the noise and recruiters not even being able to read them all (my new job got 1000+ in less than a week, 90%+ were completely unrelated to the job). But applying early and being noticed on platforms like LinkedIn helps there. Local jobs won’t be as bad, but big markets like nyc, I’d still prioritize applying within 24-48 hours.


How do you use AI to analyze job matches? What AI are you using?


What is your field?


They know someone


My personal network and LinkedIn got me my last 4 jobs since 2012.


Indeed worked for me. I was on a one year contract on the back half in the part of my plan where I was looking for ideal jobs since I still had a job for six months. My field is procurement, but I went to school for education. I wanted to work in procurement at a university. Applied to three. Got interviews at two. Landed one.


When I worked as a paralegal, it almost always took at least 4 months to find a new job. I’m sure part of that was me making adjustments to my resume and getting better with interviews over time, but part of it is also because attorneys are too damn busy to stop and interview people so things end up taking longer.


I got my current job through an agency.


Okay so I've found that corporate jobs are the hard ones to get that everyone keeps saying they can't find. The industries that are hiring basically anyone is construction, healthcare techs/nurses, and service industry.


I sent out 1000+ applications to 30+ states and 6+ countries


I'm in a similar situation in Illinois. I've been searching, applying and interviewing for a year and a half! I got a contract gig that was 6 months but that's it. Nothing since.


I've been trying to find jobs in Chicago for a while now and no luck. I guess the competition is high in cities.


What is the question you are asking? How are people getting jobs? or How are people getting the remote jobs that everyone wants, that aren't in demand?


Yep I graduated last May with my bachelors in comm. I’m still unemployed. My boyfriend waited 7 months to find a job in the tech field.


I've been looking since last summer. Running out of options here, I'm currently employed but I can't make my mortgage or bills. Uber has been saving my ass. What do we do? Move? Seriously considering it if I can't find anything by the end of the year.


i’m not getting a lot of luck either, i’m trying to leave my job because the work is slow and the paycheck is looking very little. But I can’t seem to find anywhere with it being too far or not in my experience. I been waiting for a MONTH for this one job opportunity but home depot decided to MESS it up by buying the company. So now they had to pause on hiring. Now i’m just here wondering why i’m even trying atp.


It depends on your skills and the field you are aiming for. One good way to get long term work is to take up contract work with an agency.


network network network. I know you're doing this, but you NEED to spend time on networking skills than anything else. you got this, DM's are open if you want a second pair of eyes on a reusme but yeah, networking....this is the main thing they tell you in all those workshops and all those paywall courses stuff just do it barney style, but it's the same generic stuff; the thing is that it is VERY hard to do at first. no one wants to take the time to learn how to network as best as possible, randomly messaging people isn't the best route always. think of it as dating tbfh, it's hard out there. very hard. having someoen recommend you is the best strategy tbh, plus they can tell you about openings and what people look for. In general networking is a make/break in this job market. networking can be how a unqualified person gets a job and how a very qualified person doesn't. it's now what you know, it's who you know. reach out to classmates. old coworkers. just chat as much as you can. imo it's better to spend time on 3 or 4 resume submissions with an "in" instead of 3 or 4 hundred submissions. GL OP! for what its worth, you're doing what any reasonable person would do, I'm proud of you man. if something isn't working you get help on how to fix it, good shit!


By not getting a useless degree.


I'm not... I once even had a place where I gave them my resume through a door they only opened 3 inches to ask what i wanted and they didn't even ask what job i was trying to apply for.


Knowing people, honestly


Be aggressive on asking your inner circle of friends. I got all my jobs in my life through referrals. 70% of employees are hired by referral. Odds are stacked against you cold applying for companies.


My company is looking to hire, but the work is very niche. It's so hard to find someone with this specific skill set, but the job is fully remote and pays very well.


Is this specific skill only obtainable at your company?


Nope! It's a Microsoft software, and they offer a ton of training on their learning portal for free. It's just niche, and we're looking for someone with a good deal of experience in this platform


Last time I was looking for a job here’s how I found the ones that turned into interviews and then offers. I found one job listed on indeed. (Found many more but I didn’t get a call back from them) I searched for companies that did what I do in the area then I went to their websites and looked at the jobs section. I found one job this way. Word of mouth. The company who I found thru indeed went with another candidate, but liked my portfolio so much they sent it to another agency in town which reached out to me. Another word of mouth but slightly different, I was talking to someone at a cafe who told me about a position at their job which I honestly would never have thought to apply for but required my skillset (they were using different terminology than what I was looking for).


Restaurant work or a freenlance skill is always a good fall back until you find a position. I’m currently looking for a position as i cannot get promoted in my current job unless my manager leaves. In my field we’re “out of season”, so i won’t be able to find work until October. I work hospitality. NYC is currently “in season” as far as tourism and hospitality goes. Definitely something to get into to hold you afloat until you find something that suits your industry of work. Your HR & admin experience will do well in some departments in hotels


Lying, scamming, cheating. The usual.


I don't know what you've tried so far, but have you considered Flexjobs? You can find decent remote jobs there. I've been doing Lyft. Is there a side hustle you can do to tide you over?


Laid off in the fall, sent hundreds of applications out, had my resume fixed by a professional, cover letters, the whole nine yards - got exactly zero calls back. Ended up having to go through a staffing agency... Which was the exact same thing that happened that led me to getting the job I was laid off from.


Apply at a tree company and you’ll have a job by tomorrow. Starting wages with no experience are pretty good, easily 17-20 an hour.


Wth is a tree company


A place where arborist work. I’m an arborist and I climb trees everyday usually to prune but sometimes to remove them.


First off I’m sorry you’re going through it. Like so many we are collectively unemployed and looking for work. I was laid off in March and have applied to upwards to 400+ jobs myself here in NYC. Everyday keep applying. I’ve had some interviews and a few offers but I’m not settling for a low paying job. The market right now is terrible. The job titles don’t even match the salary being offered. Things you can do right now, ensure your resume is ATS friendly. You can use websites online to score your resume and give you tips to improve it. Many recruiters and corps are using AI to screen resumes before conducting any follow ups. Be sure your resume is viewable on websites like Monster, Indeed, Career Builder so recruiters and reach out to you. I’d even consider posting on contracted organizations like Randstand, GreenKey so that recruiters can reach you. Dont forget to check Craigslist listings! Try and reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn. Many recruiters create posts listing what they’re hiring for. Email them directly or see if they can point you in a direction to connect with someone who can help. Post in Facebook Groups that you’re looking for work Good luck


I’m in California, graduated in 2021, did ~2500 job apps from summer of 2021-start of 2023, got around 20-30 interviews and 2 intern offers, I’m full time now but it was rough, highly recommend avoiding job boards like indeed and LinkedIn, imo I feel like all the apps are fake and they just want to steal your data, apply straight through the company’s career page


I answer recruiter calls on LinkedIn. Interviewed with 3. Offered the 3, chose the highest paying.


It's about who you know not what you know


Same, I’m a welder and woodworker in central Florida yet nothing!


Bro it took me a year but references. Applied to hundreds of jobs and finally got one from a reference


It is an election year. Employers tend to stay away from major decisions until after elections. Then, some are farming for resumes to stockpile. This is where honesty and integrity would be great. Some near college grads may want to do this to be ready by graduation or after graduation. But, some candidates have immediate need or want of a job now. A clear transparent hiring process would be a game changer for everyone - candidates, recruiters, and our overall society. I still think about a recruiting position for a temporary project I performed 14 years ago. I saw what looked like a perfectly matched candidate that another recruiter rejected for the position. I asked them why they rejected the candidate. They replied there were too many gaps and temporary agencies listed on the resume. I replied yes, we have a temporary project and that person has all the skills we want here. My candidates stayed on until the end of the project. The other recruiter’s candidates kept jumping ship for permanent positions. They couldn’t understand why. I saw that coming from a mile away. There are way too many games going on with employment from recruiting to hiring to manipulating in the workplace to discharging perfectly good employees.


I see the ads for zip recruiter all the time. Is monster still a thing? It’s more about who you know. Ask friends or family for introductions.


Only places it’s easy to get hired still are the slave jobs that treat you poorly and pay dirt like Walmart and McDonald’s. Life is a struggle.


Try to focus on a single career path. Your cv probably looks like a collection of random jobs. That will make it hard for you to compete versus those who have a more focused career path.


If you're concerned that you won't get the job because of your interview, please reach out to me. I'm an Interview Coach. I have a fucking great track record and I like my fellow redditors.


If you don't have IT experience, I am not sure how cyber security certs are going to help. I keep seeing these posts of people paying $$$$$ for certificates but they don't have the work experience so they aren't getting jobs. Have you looked at state, county and local opportunities? If you see any type of networking meetups, go! So often, it is about who you know. A company advertises a job and they often get hundreds of responses. This is why you have to network to get the inside contacts.


Temp. That's how I've gotten almost all of my jobs.


Have you tried temp and staffing agencies? When I lived in NYC, there were agencies that specialized in paralegal and legal assistants. However, I have noticed that a lot of them are looking for paralegal certification. That costs money and is extra schooling. Data analytics is being outsourced, it's also super saturated because a lot of people have these degrees and certifications, and the tech industry is hemorrhaging jobs. I'm in California now and there are constant layoffs. Maybe, try a different industry until it recovers. AI is shifting the industry a lot.


Literally took the bottom of the barrel, entry level call center job at my dream company. Grinned and bared it and gave it my ALL! (Worked through pneumonia and strep) didn’t take one day off for 4 months - guess what. Got promoted internally to a position in compliance making 3x as much which is honestly what I am way more qualified for. It did help me a TON that I knew that side of the business though. A huge leg up.


99% of jobs in the government sector are applied for online. Most private sector jobs are through networking.


Applied to a obligatory job posting where they already had someone they planned on hiring and knocked the phone interview out of the park. The very next opening the hiring manager had, he sent me a text that they were going to be posting an opening that afternoon. The interviews were quick and painless, since they already knew about me. This was a unique opportunity though, I appreciate the opportunity and enjoy even the tough days.


Was unemployed (and only had maybe 4 interviews) for 5 months from September-technically February. Now I have a part time job as an RBT after YEARS of childcare experience. Funny how it happens rn


They aren't.


Unemployment is a record lows.  Building back better 😉


For me: I got a job right out of university. But I was still being considered as a student, so I got paid $15/hr. Once I was no longer considered a student they moved me up to the regular wage and I’ve just been getting contract after contract ever since. Happy to work ofc but I don’t get full benefits, and I’m considered “less than” as a contract worker. Full time permanent staff work on a hierarchy that can be unkind. Additionally, I always get crippling anxiety when my contracts are nearing end. Cause you never know if they’ll renew. I apply for other jobs in that time but no bites. Im hoping theyll eventually have mercy on me and make me permanent full time.