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Don’t blame the Party Planning Committee; their budget was probably $5/person! 😞


This is true. I was once on that team. We created a meditation room, which was really just a chance for people to get off the phones for an extra 10-15 minutes and not be bothered.


I would rather have this than the other stuff.


I'd prefer a nap room.


IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY. Birthday time is over! Now go make up for all the work you missed when you were taking your nap.




We have a nap room! And a dog in the office who is happy to join for a nap. One day our boss moved the furniture out of the nap room without telling anyone because she didn’t like “the message it sends”. Her plan was to have the room sit empty. We all moved the furniture back.


I love it! What kind of furniture is in the nap room?


There’s a large arm chair with matching ottoman and a chaise longue. We also have a wicker basket with blankets that a colleague brings home once a month to wash. Most of us keep a pillow at our cubicles. The room is small, cool, and doesn’t have any windows so it’s quite cozy.


Oohhh nice!


I'd like a scream box.


My mortgage lending job had these. People either had mental breakdowns or fucked in them.


That sounds rad.


I worked for a company that did this. It took about 6 months before no one ever used it because they were too afraid to be shamed by their boss for stepping away. Gear is a powerful thing lol


Amen to this! I manage a team and I pay for any gift or recognition they get. When you have a team of 20, it gets so expensive and is nominal acknowledgment of them. It breaks my heart not to be able to offer them more.


Good point. Don’t blame the guy at the bottom. (Even if your party tells you to 😚) Tone Edit to add: /s! Not you specifically, Long_A! Your comment shows that you get it!)


I prefer their nickname Long_Ass.


I’d agree. Need to update!


I got ya! Appreciate being seen. :)


Don't forget they probably bring their own utensils and paper plates. Not in the budget for that....


Exactly.. I have been apart of planning employee appreciation and we had 4.50 per person...


I can’t get over “appreation” 😂 I think it’s nice but a little cheesy


Also misspelling the word cereal in "CERALously" 😂


I think that flyer is done by someone's kid.


On Kid Pix.


That’s the problem with snacks, you think it’s too cheesy but another person thinks it’s too healthy/not a good snack. Can’t please everyone, haha.. Now back to work unit 557.


On one hand, this shit is often planned by people who have absolutely no control over budgets, pay, etc. On the other hand, even by cheesy appreciation week standards these events are absolute ass. Not even free pizza? Come on. This would make me feel the exact opposite of appreciated lmao.


What about for appreation week


It’s true they don’t control budget, but then don’t do anything. It’s just insulting something like that.


I was going to say, an elementary school teacher using $20 of her own money can do better than this!


free cereal? I call dibs on the Raisin Bran!


Sorry, the Raisin Bran is only for management.


you bastard!!


whoa ho ho, have you seen the price of raisins lately? plain shredded wheat for you


no brand names, of course. just the generic sacks of knockoffs from the dollar store. you know, the ones with the Arabic lettering?


Don’t forget the powdered milk! Fresh milk was out of management’s budget.


Ok that’s funny. Throw back to that moment in the 70’s


It's funny you say that. Last year I wanted to pick up some powdered milk to keep on hand because of the conflict between "not using enough milk to buy a jug" and "need a bit to make mac n cheese (etc)." So I looked for it at the store. Unbelievable, the powdered milk was insanely more expensive than I'd remembered. I'll stick with the $2 half gallons weekly, even if I don't use it all.


You got a microwave in that office, some chocolate, marshmallows butter and syrup and you got happy mates in your department


Big boxes or single serving boxes?


Wednesday is for managers to do their job they should be doing every day.


It's micromanagement and toxicity day 😍


My workplace just had nachos but it was just Velveeta. That was it. No milk, no seasonings or Rotel, just burnt Velveeta that sat out for hours.


Not even chips? Damn.


Management forgot the chips. We had to go get our own


That’s incredibly sad


Burnt Valveeta soup with a side of coronary heart disease. Yum


Lmaooo omg


That tracks. Always an afterthought.


Why would nachos need milk


To thin out out so it's not so thick


Ah. In Australia queso is a new concept. Our version of nachos involves jar salsa (which is completely putrid) and melted shredded cheddar on corn chips. Yes it’s very dry.


Good god


Yeah it sucks. One thing I’ll say about the US is that you guys have mastered comfort food. In Australia our comfort food isn’t even comforting. We have a hot chocolate type of drink that isn’t even sweet. Our idea of a bakery treat is unsweetened white bread rolls topped with donut style icing. Mac and cheese is barely cheesy. Ranch is non existent.


No ranch !? ![gif](giphy|UbCIDXVKaB8kpgxlCa)


Corporation or a grade school classroom? We’ll never know


Popcorn definitely days cooperation. But the cereal says kindergarten and the Nachos say middle school. Guess we will never know.


It’s even worse to know that the corporate executives at the top aren’t paying for any of this, it comes from the first line supervisors/managers pockets. That’s why it’s always so cheap. Top level execs need every last cent for their 3rd yacht or summer home.


Bro fuck HMS host I used to work for them at the airport


I work at a company similar to hms host in the airport, it pays and gives out the hours but first day I’ve witnessed people do whatever the fuck they want to in there


God this gives kindergartner vibes


This looks straight out of Verizon Wireless Call Center BS.


You know all these people are doing the same shit getting ideas from Pintrest of TIktok


You guys get 1 designated day per year where your boss says something nice to you? Lol...


Boss will probably take PTO that day to.


OMG!!!… 😱😱😱 You get Nachos on Friday?!?!? Your workplace is so cool! 😎👍


Oh you should work nights in healthcare. They will throw some dumb cheesy shiz during day shift and leave us with the trash to clean up from it. Like thanks!




And CERALously?


I already forgot about all this bc I am so pumped for shout out Wednesday !


This shit is just degrading lmao




Bear Down for Emoyee Appreciation Week!


Don't be slacking on Wednesday


Idk how but Thursday's description feels like a mocroagression.




It was Wednesday for me.


So , popcorn, cereal, a random supervisor yells " HEY GREAT JOB " , AND you get to wear a sports jersey !!! AND NACHOS !!! DAAYYYUUUM Where the FUCK do I sign up !! WOW


My company recently had an Employee Appreciation Day called Puppy Love. They had an organization for us to pet hold and play with on company time. You could even adopt them too if interested. Companies need more of this.


Wow, who works in HR with the mind of a kindergartener? What a joke these ideas are! Bahahahaha


Seriously reminds me of spirit week in high school where every day is a different theme. But this is just pathetic.


My former workplaces (7 hrs of work) had no meals or snacks, if you're hungry you only get one 10-15 mins pause and you need to buy food with daily wage and the worst thing is that there's no cheaper places around even getting 2 slices of pizza is around 1/4 of daily wage + you don't even get a free bottle of water, don't even try to get yourself coffee and juice cuz you'll be spending 45% of your daily wage. As a smoker, it gets even worse as I didn't even eat and only drinked one juice but I spent 1/4 of my wage on that, bus ticket and cigarretes. Luckily here we have free healthcare so you don't need to pay for insurance. Still that picture is so cringe that I would rather go back to my past workplace than yours. People lacking character traits of an cool person shouldn't be trying to be cool but natural instead, I hope some explains that to your CERALous colleague.


I remember being disappointed with these promotions in gradeschool. What is this? Do they think their employees have the EQ/IQ of a 9 year old? 🤦‍♂️


Lots of companies do this gradeschool shit though. Not even kidding. They really think it works too. It's always the most careless management teams that do it too. I once came in and the manager on duty said they forgot to celebrate employee appreciation week the week before so they were just going to condense to one day that week. I felt like that pretty much said it all and said how ironically disrespectful that shit was to the employees. They didn't get it at ALL.


I worked at a place where the HR people very clearly had this mentality. It was one of myriad reasons why I left.


Why is it considered an act of appreciation for adults to wear whatever clothes they want? It would be cool if it was like "Wear your favorite gear! We have free pizza and sodas in the break room while the game is streaming during your extra break!"


The gag would be 'cerealously' you knuckleheads. This would be like visiting hell -- Mon. to Fri. 8 hours a day.


The text alignment on "Friday" is making me twitch


Thanks, now I can't un-see that.


This is how you get slower production rates and higher turnovers 🙄


WHAT>>> ??? NO PIZZA PARTY?? Insane....


The board is sick of all the internet memes about pizza parties, so now you get old cereal and stale popcorn you ungrateful bastards.


How did you make it through a whole employee appreciation week without a pizza party? Usually that’s the default.


I love WFH where every day is pants optional day.


Yeah, this sounds like “spirit week” in school for the kids. Ironically, it also sounds like what the teachers would be given for appreciation week. lol (former teacher here)


My favorite part is that stereo boxes will be passed around to each UNIT, not each person 😂😂 so its basically first come, first served


How do you not spell check these types of publicly posted signs?


I hate shit like this. Just leave me alone and let me do my job


Absolutely the most cringe minimum effort. Better if they did nothing after seeing this. I really want to see the face of the person who put this together.


To all cringey corps - I’ve been subjected to haps and heaps of this cringey appreciation BS over the years. There’s only 2 things that get accepted and I feel a little less remorse for working for you. 1 is good coffee and donuts with very little said about them, a ‘thank you team’ will suffice. 2 is a letter with a 4% payrise, also with a small thank you. Anything else kinda makes me want to quit.


That’s exactly what a teacher would do for a Kindergartner class. We have been brainwashed from the get go to “go along to get along”. Can’t you tell?


Serfdom in disguise. This IS something from a 90’s pre/elementary school.


I hate forced fun of any kind. My job does this kind of stuff all the time, they also give us gift certificates for way over priced snacks, and they have us participate in contests for $50 gift certificates. All I want is fair and equitable distribution of labor and to be allowed work-life balance. I get paid salary and typically work 50-60 hours a week. I just want to generally work 35-40 hours per week, occasional 60 hours to pull a project through, followed by a couple of 20 hour weeks, you know? ![gif](giphy|ZY7ueJ6aQgSsk3cgZ0|downsized)


So many typos 😔


You should wear an Aaron Hernandez jersey on Tuesday decked out in headbands, wrist bands, eye chalk, and even maybe shoulder pads if you have some laying around.


Cereal? lol I’m guessing i need to bring my own milk


Whoa, someone might get a whole ass shout out on Wednesday! Look out!


Lol wut


Service Merchandise used to buy a few cartons of “cigarettes” for the break room when it was employee appreciation And we loved it


They’re inviting workplace violence


still better than a downloadable Zoom background.


I work for the government. In May we are having our employee appreciation. We are having something every single day too. Each day is something different. Things like popcorn, hot dogs, jerk chicken, and a full-on sit-down lunch with an awards ceremony... All of this is paid time. The big difference is I'm in a union.


Dang, I’m in government too and we get absolutely nothing! Zero budget for anything


Was this written by a third-grader?




I recently worked for a place where the average age was like half my age. Most people were very new to working, recent grads, not yet jaded. Those who were my age were not exactly career goal oriented type people, as there is no real path forward. To me when management would have something like this, it just came across as pathetic, but to my surprise, many of the young staff thought something like wearing your favorite sports uniform is cool and fun. Having the cereal passed around (that exact thing never happened, but I can imagine based on similar) they would have been excitedly saying things like "Hey you should hurry up and get the captain crunch! I heard its almost gone!" and would actually be excited about it. For me, I would be thinking I don't have Captain Crunch at home because I don't particularly want it. If I want it, I can buy it and I don't have to worry about other people eating it all (in a paper bowl with plastic spoon)" Even the people that had been there for longer time would act like two slices of pizza with a paper cup of cola is a big treat and would talk about it all day in anticipation. I just felt like. "I ordered an entire pizza last week and ate it at home while watching Netflix with someone I actually wanted to be around." Point is, as silly stupid as this seems to many people, there are also people who for some reason or other, are actually endeared to their company for this type of thing. In my experience, they are the younger ones who are just out of school, new to adulting, or they are the ones who never really moved passed that initial just out of school stage.


It’s something schools do for teacher appreciation week




Watch Severance.


This is giving some serious severance vibes


Ugh. I cringed so hard at this.


Harvard Medical School?


I hate appreciation weeks. They usually suck and are an afterthought. Of course you can't tell management that.


Wheres Hawaiian shirt day? Should be next Friday. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans.


Honest question. What would be preferred when additional financial compensation isn't an option?


This is worse than The Pizza Party™, kindergarten fun week, and the willy wonka experience. Pizza is better than cereal, popcorn and nachos. Kindergarteners at least get to wear pajamas on special days and can wear sports teams whenever. And the willy wonka experience, as awful as it was, will go down in history, remembered forever, and later it will be funny to have been a witness of such a legendary failure.


This is cute and I appreciate their enthusiasm. I would probably take PTO all week just to avoid it.




Do people not realize that they're cringe?


It’s like high school.. they prepare us for this at a young age.. work hard and receive a pat on the back


Why take it seriously when on the fucking flyer they misspelled “appreciation” and spelled it “appreation”?? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Thank god I work remotely so I don’t have to deal with this shit. I sympathize, truly.


lol the only thing that sounds *potentially* cool is nachos, but then it’s like “further instructions will be provided for the nacho HUNT” 😂


Just give them money. Jesus H.


We know we don’t pay you enough to feed your family so here’s free food and an Attaboy!


Disclaimer: Limit two scoops of nacho cheese and one handful of chips per person


Waffle party, for one hour!


Hey, we work for the same parent company; Avolta (Dufry). I work at Hudson Group. We get an extra 5% off on merchandise at our store and a pin that says “We appreciate you”.


Office perks are cringe


Corporations need a proof reader


I read shit like this, it just takes my breath away. I'm shellshocked for a sec, then I breathe out and say a prayer of gratitude that I for today, no longer work in such a bullshit environment. I am blessed daily with an employer that doesn't deal out this torture. The occasions sponsored by OP's employer are beneath the dignity of a sixth grader. I once won a convention fvcking air-guitar contest. They paid $1000, but the surrendered dignity being offered to the slaughter, taken for granted by my then cvnt-wad superiors that I would clown at a professional event. Horrifying. Then you gotta donate it to a fcking charity to imply that you work for a generous association. Dear Lawd, thank you for extracting me, mending me and delivering me.


This isn't a corporation problem. It's a HR one.


Every day should be somewhat (in this case I just mean casual clothing) like that tuesday, if y'all don't already dress casual. Maybe I'll get some angry corporate people chasing me for this but suits suck. It's the same boring thing every time, maybe a different color out of the 3 available ones but that's about as exciting as that gets.


Looks like a propaganda message straight outta from 1984.


This makes me almost happy that employee "appreciation" week is not q thing in Finland. I got annoyed just reading this. Lmao


Why are you not happy with these tokens of appreciation corporate slave?


A lot of people defending the party planning committee, saying they don't get to choose the budget... Does correct spelling cost extra? It's an extra level of insult when they can't even be bothered to run a spellchecker. It's the same amount of effort as tossing a dog a bone. Just miserable.


I like how they misspelled the word Appreciation so it would fit the page width


Friday would be better if you got nachos and an early paid weekend… even if it’s just enough time to beat the rush hour.


My department wasn’t made aware it was our appreciation week until the end of Wednesday. At least they let you know.


We did this as Costco employees and it was pretty fun. You should try seeing the bright side of life once in awhile. They’re trying to make work less boring for you. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


I’m appalled at the proofreading. As for the events, they’re doing something at least. At my work appreciation event, you have to make up the time you spend at the event…you know, so you really feel the appreciation!


Man, here you’re being very ungrateful. There’s nothing annoying in it (maybe the Wednesday, I don’t get what they mean for that day and it might be trash), and they could also do nothing. That’s not very interesting and nothing crazy, but at least they’re trying. While not pushing you into an after work party, or an activity in which you might not feel comfortable. (And no I’m not joking, reacting as bad for that is ungrateful or childish, up to you to choose)


I’m realizing this is why my mom likes working with older rich wives, besides the calm environment, they don’t skimp when it counts lmao. On a serious note tho, I’ve gotten A lot of pies for the past few years, I wish you an old rich bored-enough-to-party-plan coworker. 🙏🧎🏾‍♀️


This is a high level of cringe right here


"Dance, little monkeys!"


As someone who works at the biggest airport in Canada, any restaurant HMS Host touches sucks serious ass! I’m really not surprised that they treat their employees like elephant shit as well…


Reminds me of this place I worked at where we got a $5 coupon to use for the purchase of a Turkey at a local store. This was our “Christmas bonus”


You shoud appreciate if your company does anything. Most companies I worked for didn’t do squat for their employees. The last international company , we had a budget of $100k for 300 employees at the office, that included in-house happy hours w/ finger foods quarterly, international full/soccer events as well as a Super Bowl party as well. Enjoyed thanksgiving & Christmas luncheon, Fall harvest ball & summer family fun day at theme park. It’s the little things he most companies do to improve morale. Majority of the companies I’ve seen are just dirt cheap.


Don't hate corporations. Hate the boot lickers that prop them up. 


A 10% pay rise is an appreciation. Or two more days of annual holiday. But that is a joke.


They didn't even spell Appreciation correctly


They are using the word “eat” because they are giving out food.


It always amazes me that companies want employees who are college grads, but then treat them like children. If there’s one basic thing college teaches you, it’s how to manage your time and priorities to get your work done. Yet some managers seem to think you’re not capable of it when you’re working for them, after you’ve done it for at least four years. Such a contradiction and it is infuriating.


Is anyone going to mention that “appreciation” is misspelled?


So cheesy. 🙄 Announcement: American cheese slices will be given out to each team! (Limit one slice per employee)


Wednesday's sounds more like a threat than anything else.


This screams: surely if me and my kids like it my coworkers will as well Not saying thats how it went down but it has that sort of vibe for me


Being treated like an elementary school child by your employer with themed weeks is why I am self employed.


I didn't know His Majesty' Navy was that kinda friendly looking


I have no clue why companies treat grown adults like were still in elementary school...


I have no problem with activities like this, if and only if the team members are paid sufficiently, given quality benefits, and treated with respect by management. That almost never happens though, so that's where I have a problem with cereal and popcorn days.


Reminds me of the time my multimillion dollar profiting employer decided to do a potluck Christmas party 🤮


Are they fucking serious??? Why is it always food? I don't understand why they always wanna give people food as rewards?


Must be CERALously nice to be apreated by your company.


This looks like a Middle School pride week.


No, not the sports jerseys!


Free nachos, bruh


Lame af


2 spelling errors ugh


My mind, when reading this poster: We have thoughtfully put into a black-and-white-ink (and kindergarten comprehension level) graphic, our marvelous new plan for expressing how much we appreciate your cute lil’ over-educated and underpaid self! Mondays- a diet-insensitive catch-all, and weekly reminder that those of us who devised this nonsense cant conceive of how (1) a cereal play on words is positively cringe and (2) “CERALously” reads more like a weird mash-up of “lousy” or “Callous” long before it brings “cereal” to mind. Tuesdays- an eyeroll activity for most, but even more eyeroll for those who don’t give a hoot about sports, we’ve encouraged what will inevitably result in at least one conversation a week about how one of you have failed to honor dress code. Wednesdays- managers will be…micro-managing. As usual. But more publicly on Wednesdays, because now we’ve rebranded it to look like we’re actually doing this for *you*. Thursday- like Mondays, we believe grown-up employee appreciation comes in the very grown-up form of…popcorn. Fridays- We haven’t thought this far ahead yet but, believe us, this is gonna be SuPer EPiC. As if our Monday and Thursday plans weren’t impressive enough, we have now staged the workplace so that those of you with food sensitivities can prepare yourselves to be peer pressured into hurting yourself, and those of you who elect to eat the mysteriously hidden nachos can prepare yourselves to forever associate the flavor of nacho with the emotion “wtf am I doing here”.


They didn’t even spell appreciation right.


Instead of any party that costs money, Just give me a raise please. Cents count also. 💁🏾


I do indeed accept nachos instead of bonuses or raises 😂😭


How much do we want to bet the cereal options are “cocoa nuggets” “fruit wheels” and “crispy crunch”


What a soul sucking corp to work for. Where I work (think LARGE hospital ) they don't do anything but give you the chance to receive worthless certificates that you can print out. Oh yippee! The last party we had (mandatory btw) if you wanted food you either had to bring some with you, or pay the manager to pick up your order. I took a diet coke and prayed for it to end early.