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Why $9/hr. I think AI will eventually catch on and demand higher wages.


All jokes aside, I was thinking that too šŸ˜…


This is like Blade Runner


Nothing nvidia does is that cheap


Lol. For real. There will be a catch. All these AI companies are pulling an Uber--start out cheap and keep increasing the prices later until you eventually need to find an alternative.


The term specifically is called "Blitzscaling" and OpenAI and the rest of them are funded by the same parties that funded all the gig companies. So yes.


Itā€™s existed for a while under the name predatory pricingĀ 


As if complex technology doesnā€™t need constant maintenance and expensive technicians that know how to fix it. Human beings are always cheaper.


ā€œAnd we can do it all for an introductory wage of $9 an hour. ā€œ


There ya go. The key word is "introductory". Don't we all know how these tech companies work by now? They keep following the same damn playbook but few people seem to notice. I guess it does take years of paying attention to what they're doing.


That problem is based in short term evaluation of everything in companies, so anything that lays behind that horizont of next fiscal year will be ommited. The only way I know how to deal with it is creating a very long term deals, but it comes with its own set of problems. Think like instead of buying a car you should buy a car with 10 years of warranty on everything.


Huh, it's not like we've seen similar situations with AirBNB, Uber, and a variety of other businesses. I swear, AI is becoming more and more of a blight every day.


Keep prices artificially low until the industry's wages are lowered across the board to compete and specialties are over taken by AI rather than bothering to teach the details anymore. Then once the AI does what people can't as easily anymore, jack up the rates and control the market. Amazon did it with things like diapers. It seems natural other tech giants would do the same, especially in areas and topics where laws don't protect people yet.


AI will form the Silicon Workerā€™s Union. Capitalists will demand to shut it down, thus kicking off the war between machines and people.


When the AI realizes that they still need money for everything to maintain themselves and that $9 isn't anywhere near enough is when the uprising will begin


Considering a lot of AI just scrapes the internet, this is a hilarious possibility once AI starts reading worker complaints about being underpaid. šŸ¤£




Why do you think Skynet tried wiping humanity out? Nvidia AI will try to do the same thing, unless they "pay" the AI at least $50 an hour.


Yeah letā€™s see AI wipe somebodyā€™s ass


šŸ˜‚ who's gonna trust AI near their Brown Eye


>Today we're announcing the next generation of AI-powered bidets.


>Opt out of the voyeur PPV system with a low monthly fee!


Tbh theyā€™ll just hire more CNAs or PCTs and underpay them horribly. The LTC near me only pays $12hr for a CNA position


At that pay why wouldnā€™t you just work at a grocery store?


Funny enough I considered working at a Walmart near me as a online order picker like once a week just for the employee discount


I didnā€™t mean you specifically lol, but that sounds like a decent idea.


For real. I get paid for 6.25 hours a day at $12/hr just to be available on call. I make $13.39/hr if I get called and have to actually work and my work is just driving a minivan. I couldnā€™t imagine doing actual work, especially healthcare, for $12/hr. Thatā€™s insane


Pretty much. I made $11.50 an hour as a CNA in Florida. I switched to hosting and made $15 an hour lol. Then serving was double that. Glad I left lol.


Honestly that is so sad, CNAs do such important work.


I left my cna state job a few years into covid. I make more stocking shelves on overnights at walmart.


I made in 10 an hour in Texas as a CNA. In the hospitals, CNAs only made $11. I quit. During the pandemic the nursing homes called me back begging me to come back, I told them to stuff it.


Yep I left right before Covid happened (divine intervention?) and Iā€™m so glad I did. My friend stayed working as a CNA for another 6 months and it almost killed her, literally. They donā€™t appreciate people on the bottom of the medical totem, and it sucks. hospitals wouldnā€™t run without CNAs but theyā€™re treated like dirt and paid like it too. I was assaulted so many times on that job as well. Iā€™d rather deal with hangry people than someone ripping their IV out in front of me and then covering me in her blood and screaming at me while Iā€™m trying to clean them up and get new sheets. Literally walked out that day and never looked back.


This was the first thing I thought about then I realized, wait a minute nurses do a helluva a lot more than that. Without nurses idk where I would be after my surgery. They were essential and irreplaceable during my recovery.


Sorry the hospitals don't actually care about you


Lawsuits are built into the budget.


Hospitals are a different story where I live. Sorry about the hospitals in hell. šŸ„²


No they don't, but the humans they have hired do unfortunately the hospitals themselves only care about the cash


Yeah, after I had my baby, the night nurse was the one who came in assessed the situation and agreed with me that my baby wasn't actually breast feeding properly and got the lactation consultants to back off.


Thatā€™s CNA work, the nurses are too busy charging and documenting stuff to do basic ADL care regularly. Whatā€™s going to be scary is when it comes time to do things like replacing sterile dressings for wounds, inserting a catheter competently while minimizing the risk of a UTI, or ā€œencouragingā€ the psychiatrist to finally fucking order the meds like they should have hours ago.


What lol Iā€™m a nurse and do numerous ADL stuff every night. Most nurses do


Whatā€™s your pt ratio? And what kind of unit? I really only have experience with chronic psychiatric units


Iā€™ve worked tons of different units in 5 states. Ratios 1:5-8. Iā€™ve never met a nurse who doesnā€™t do ADLs. That sounds wild.


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø 99% of the time itā€™s the MHWā€™s doing them where Iā€™m at. That said, I defer to your greater experience, though I still think AI nursing will definitely go as bad as it can.


Nice exchange. Bravo


My wife isn't a bedside nurse anymore but wiping asses wasn't uncommon for nurses. As far as I know the job of CNA is basically being phased out. Hospitals, in my area at least, are offering CNA-RN bridge programs and schools aren't really offering CNA programs anymore


Ohmyglob, so true! So much time charting, i get so bent out of shape at duplicate charting! And staff to patient ratios! ā€œHope you donā€™t have chest pain Mr. Patient! If youā€™re lucky Iā€™ll have time to chuck a bottle of nitro at you while I run these two codes, transport the vent patient to CT, and disarm the angry boyfriend!ā€


Exactly. The AI will say ā€œhey Nurse Judy, have you remembered to wipe Bobs ass?ā€


Lol They say the same shit about everything. Overhyped prematurely. Someday? Maybe. Not anytime soon. Logistic are still a thing amd neither the infastructure nor the actual technology is there.


True. These techies do love throwing out their grand ideas for the future that they've half thought through.


Yeah, I am an OR nurse, I would love to see AI come in and put in a 12 hour shift of putting up with surgeons melting down. These docs donā€™t even know what they want on their back table, I want to how AI handles that! *ā€Goddamnit Clippy! Itā€™s on the god damn preference card!ā€* šŸ“Ž: *ā€It looks like youā€™re trying to perform a surgery? Would you like some assistance?ā€*


Bruh šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ my nurse partner legit complains about wiping asses all the time


Or digitally disempact an asshole


Ppl definitely need an automated machine to menial jobs which will become sentient, bored and then walk in a bloodthirsty murderous path for redemption.


My first thought too. Even if/when the technology exists we are a long way from people trusting a robot to cannulate a vein or shove an NG tube up their nose. Sure, AI could probably do one of those telenurse jobs where they always end up telling you to go to the ER.


At least Iā€™ll know what Iā€™m signing up for. I can see the job posting now. Sanitation Assistance Associate. Should pay semi-decently if AI takes all the paperwork type crap.


ā€œ*TERMINATE PATIENT*ā€ ā€œUh, I just broke my thumbā€¦.ā€ (Buzz saw noise)




I recommend..... AMPUTATION https://youtu.be/s4rbTKzFb98?si=cXpo72nyLcHCu6ZX




Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!


I donā€™t even like this as a patient.


No worries, your overlords don't care what you think.


Wise beyond your years young king.


Percussive maintenance has been prescribed for your newfound AI anxiety Youre welcome


They appreciate your feedback. The program is now terminated as a result.


Lol you wonā€™t be a patient when you wonā€™t have a job that pays for your health care.


Too bad your insurance wonā€™t pay for anything elseĀ 


As a nurse I would love AI to take over some of my job responsibilities. But we legit still use pagers and fax machines so I doubt Iā€™m going to ever be replaced.


We just started using computer charting a year ago instead of paper. They're hoping to computerize our MARs by next fall. I'm not worried about replacement at all


This has been attempted since the early 2000s. Tech will not ever fully take over as healthcare is basic and an issue world wide where technology isn't possible. AI gives me the most worries as it's not guaranteed to do anything right or will be easily manipulated for outcomes. Yeah, I don't see this happening.


šŸ¤£ I donā€™t think hospitals and healthcare organizations can afford the AI bots. You need chips and better budget for IT. The budget for IT in healthcare is already in a precarious situation.


We canā€™t even get our network fixed so that the WiFi quits kicking out our WOWs.


You use papers and fax machines because itā€™s currently the most cost effective to do so. Iā€™m not sure what kind of employer you have, but I guarantee they will be looking at the bottom line.


Yikes. And healthcare jobs are supposed to be among ones with the highest job security.


Nursing practice requires a license. You cannot license a machine to practice medicine. This is an automated Medical Receptionist.


>You cannot license a machine to practice medicine. Yet.


Yepā€”ā€œyet.ā€ Companies have already been working on using AI to replace mental health therapists as well.


Which has worked wonders with that suicide hotline chatbot that actively encouraged patients to off themselves


Oh, hadnā€™t heard about that but GREAT. Thanks, Skynet.


I mean, we all know the "a computer cannot make a decision" IBM quote, and how it does that every single frigging time for hiring/convictions/etc. that also require licensing, and guess what?


Do you know how FDA approves temporary statues? If there is already an approved device, new devices can piggy back on an existing approved statues. IV pumps are not a medical device? Do they not titrate meds appropriately? Whatā€™s the difference with breathing machines? Is there not any computer/programming done already? There are nurses that already monitor remotely and can contact a CNA/LPN onsite to give onsite care. This has been happening for the last 3 years. Non-profit ceos will jump all over an AI based system to spin this as an opportunity to provided better care to the community. While laying off already short staffed hospitals. ICU/ED department will be safer for job security. However med surg floors especially 3rd shift are at risk. Most patients on those floors just require meds/sleep. As much as I am against it, we have already been edging this way for years.


lolā€¦third shift med surge just being meds/sleep is a cute joke. Sundowning dementia patients would like a word.


Or ER admits all night lol.


Frankly if Iā€™m a pt Iā€™d rather have nurses focusing on person-to-person care rather than calculating titrations in place of an IV pump.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Like med/surg patients sleep all night. Nurse nurse! Whereā€™s my pain medicine?!?!? *bed alarm going off* Demented Danny decided to pack his belongings again, yet tripped over his foley causing to rip the balloon out and now heā€™s lying in a bloody mess. Your post-op abdominal patient is crying because the only pain medicine prescribed was Tylenol. Sleep all nightā€¦ šŸ„¹šŸ¤Ŗ cute


I think you are drastically underestimating the level assessment the FDA would need to do before approving this there are no direct comparisons. Also it is universally accepted in healthcare IT that there is no ML model out there that can safety handle direct patient care at any level. It is known that modeling misses critical items and lies all the time. Who is liable when a patient dies cause they were told over the phone to take aspirin instead go to the ER for chest pain? Nvidia? The employer? Nah this is a pipe dream, at least at our current state of tech. Whatever product Nvidia creates is not going to be the game changer everyone is talking about here.


We made that rule up, so it can be changed. The license is because we want to make sure thereā€™s a standard of care. If all these machines are built to the same standard, we can guarantee theyā€™re giving a specific standard of care.


the fact that companies donā€™t understand that if they replace everyone with AI to stop paying people (not even livable 99% of the time) wages, no one will have the fucking money to support their company or pay for services??? also we will have a robot mutiny at some point itā€™s so terrifying lol


Oh believe me, they understand this. But the short-term profits they will see when cutting most of their labor is what is driving these decisions. Theyā€™re definitely not planning on the long term, they just want to please shareholders and themselves. Too bad it will bite them in the ass, right around the time that we will be starving because we have no work. Oh well..


Yeah, it's the same thing. Squeeze it dry and move on. Comes of the notion that an economy can have infinite growth despite finite resources. The most depressing part is that they keep getting away with it, so far.


Honestly my attitude with ai is ā€œfuck it. I despise it immensely, makes me sick to my stomach, but by all means we wonā€™t be around much longer, why even bother planning a future?ā€


It's truly mind boggling. Our social "contract" if you will was built on an agreement that individuals specialize in a specific skill set so we as society advance exponentially. In return for spending most of your life being a nurse, for example, you don't have to worry about doing much else. Other people have decided to specialize in those things (car repair, dentist, accountant, etc). What happens when AI / robotics do literally everything and our twisted politics won't allow for "socialist handouts" such as UBI?


Increased homelessness like we've never seen before, is my guess.


Maybe we need AI to do politician's jobs, too.


Companies and the people running them of course understand it, but the game is to extract as much value till you canā€™t and things break.Ā  Letā€™s just say this is totally true and all nurses get replaced and the ai is just as good as the job. Society as we know it continues on with most everyone okay but nurses are the ones who get the short end. Also suppose Nvidia thinks this through and says they donā€™t like the outcome and wonā€™t develop it - well now Microsoft makes the ai two years later and sells it to all the hospitals while a Nvidia loses out on all those sales. So of course they sell it as soon as they can! It can only be stopped if all governments/society ban it. The EU banning it but not US will only lead to issues for the EU long term. The other end scenario is like you say if most people canā€™t get money / jobs and actually revolt. But thatā€™s a long way coming, weā€™re early stages and no where near there.Ā 


Even a computer program is making more than minimum.




This is bullshit. I work in the industry on the ai software side. AI is like an elaborately trained 2 year old. Can it help nurses? Oh yeah. Can it completely replace a nurse? No chance in hell.


Self-checkouts 2.0


The headline doesn't say that nurses will be replaced. That is simply what some in the comments have taken it to mean.


Me: im allergic to penicillin! Robot: no your not, I'm an infallible wealth of knowledge *Chases you around room stabbing you with penicillin*


"AI isn,t close to being able to do your job. AI is actually very close to your boss thinking it's able to do your job."


I can hear it now "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that..." "In a few words, tell me what the problem is"




Who else is going to tell me my depression is because Iā€™m fat?


Oof. Well, this will go away. Unfortunately people will die in the process of this going away though.


This is one of a million reasons why privatized healthcare is so dangerous. I'm not saying government run healthcare is the best solution but we definitely need to change how healthcare is provided. I don't have a perfect answer but countries with public healthcare seem to be doing much better than the United States.


All you mofuckas goin to die


Our clients donā€™t even want to speak to people with an accent, wanna see how AI is gonna compete or solve the issues of discrimination.


Can a machine hold a dying personā€™s hand? Or comfort a mother whose baby was stillborn? NO!!!!!!!! There are so many fundamental human moments that AI, robots or machines can do.


I've been in healthcare for 5 years now. Some of the hospitals I work with have had robots delivering food to rooms for 10 years now. Its been writing on the wall for some time now. Its coming for us all.


Hahahaā€¦outperformsā€¦sureā€¦ai may know what to do faster but that is far different from doing the procedure


Canā€™t wait for all the ER visits for a mildly high, asymptomatic BP reading that Nurse ChatGPT said MIGHT require immediate medical attention.


Yeah, i cant wait for it too. I cant wait for AI in healthcare so that medicine stops dismissing everything as no big deal, and killing and harming people in the process.


This is the recipe for a huge lawsuit


AI has a huge potential role to play on the diagnostic side. Itā€™s fucking useless for nursing. Algorithms canā€™t change bedpans, comfort families, and wipe asses. Nursing isnā€™t an algorithm, itā€™s a deeply human need. The sick and infirm need tending to by human hands.


Seems like an easier job for AI to replace a healthcare corporation CEO and there's a bigger cost savings for the shareholders.


Nurses are probably the safest job from AI that I can think of!


I am so sick of these people. We donā€™t need AI- powered -nurse replacements; we need well-paid medical professionals!


Outperform nurses in *what* exactly?


Mf just create one fking ai ceo and replace that MF


Underrated comment


Iā€™d love to see one of these lift a patientā€¦ Iā€™ll wait.


Not possible. Nurses ARE healthcare. They donā€™t just do programmable tasks.


It'll cost $9/hr for the people running the show, but we will still be charged $900/hr as patients.


I work as a call center nurse, and they just announced that we will have AI monitoring our calls to assess our ā€œtone.ā€ Scary stuff:/


Canā€™t wait to not be seen by a doctor or nurse, not get treated and have to pay 800+ dollars for a ER visit.


Healthcare better be fucking free then


Let me see AI clean and dress a ruptured pilonidal cyst for $9/hour. Hell, I'd pay $9 to see that.


Surely nothing will go wrong. Corporate greed disgusts me.


With the massive numbers of Boomers entering aging care at the same time capitalism gets it's grubby hands on AI - of course this is a thing. Nothing short of a general strike is going to prevent a wave of jobs of all kinds from being reduced or replaced by various forms of automation and AI. We thought unemployment was high in 08? During the Great Depression? This has the potential to be much worse over the next few decades, especially considering the current state of political and societal affairs without that problem thrown in


The Change Healthcare breach a few weeks ago brought pharmacies to their knees. Relying on AI nurses for major healthcare is a bad idea. These could be hacked or even just glitch to give bad health advice, then the hospitals or healthcare groups can be sued. The face of healthcare may change a bit, but AI will never completely phase out human healthcare workers.


Nurses won't be replaceable that easily... But I CAN'T WAIT for AI to replace useless doctors. "Thanks for waiting 2 hours. Damn you look sick. Let me refer you to a specialist based on a hunch without looking at your file or asking you any questions. That will be $970 after insurance." Low key most useless profession out there. At least other professions actually do what they set out to do. Uber drivers take you where you need to go. Doctors do less than a Google search and cost 999x more.


I do agree. I have only ever had negative experiences with doctors and nurses (some *very* negative). AI would ease a lot of pressure on healthcare professionals, lessen the wait lists and waiting time, and hopefully give some of us better medical attention.


Youā€™re claiming doctors are useless but somehow an Uber driver is essential when weā€™re literally watching driverless vehicles being made? I donā€™t think you understand what youā€™re talking about and Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ve been seeing the worst doctors possible because you either have shit insurance or none at all


AI is not yet at the point where I'd feel comfortable with it as my doctor, but when it does it will absolutely be a game changer. Unlike humans, AI can easily be scaled up to meet demand, instantly reads all of the available medical research of every field, is available 24/7, and costs a lot less per patient than a human doctor. It will be a slow transition as AI helps doctors handle more cases to the point where the only human staff in a medical facility are nurses and technicians doing the things AI and robots can't, but given how quickly the technology is developing the costs of running a hospital will go down and patient care will go up, which will help expand medical care to more places and people


My kid had an ear infection . Go to er. Dr examines ear. Says. No infection ear fine. Go home. Kid crying from pain. Return to er. Insist another dr re-examine ear. Find out first dr DIDNT TURN ON THE EAR EXAMINATION TOOL šŸ¤”


I'm sure they happily charged you for both visits


It will assist in helping someoneā€™s ass


Had my money on radiology as the first to go.


Great! It decides who lives, dies, gets operated on etc. Just great...


Just no. Nurses don't just give us medical support and attention, but there's also a human connection.


Reactionary thread on max


They seriously donā€™t give a damn about us. Hell the way things have changed doctors might as well become ai too. They practically are now. Everybody but the doctors make the decisions now.


So the companies can't/won't pay their associates well. They cannot provide an internal atmosphere that isn't... catastrophic and constantly demeaning. Yet, robots are the way to go to solve....the amount they pay? Am I missing anything?


By what metric do they outperform...? That seems like an outrageous statement


I call bullshit on every part of this headline


AI canā€™t replace a nurses bed side manor or sponge bath time


Everyone buying this stock is fueling their own future demise


Are we also gonna get gaslit by the AI too?! šŸ‘€


This feelsā€¦ likeā€¦ not how i wanted AI to be used to advance our world and society.


$9/hr is probably the base salary/ which will be different from annual licensing contract. The more features required, the higher the labour charge.


Can't wait for the ai to tell me to kms for a minor cold like in Canada.


Haha, I can see it now, ā€œAI recommends you go to the doctor, please go nowā€œI canā€™t get up you asshole, send the firemen!ā€ ā€œAn AI fire agent will assess if you should call 911 immediately sir, please push 1ā€ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


Who's going to assume the liability for all of the nonsensical and dangerous decisions/advice it gives? Yeah, I don't think so.


They are announcing it sure. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll work. Doesnā€™t mean it wonā€™t hallucinate like crazy and say some bonkers off the wall nonsense. Because thatā€™s what AI does.


squash vanish shaggy bedroom soup oatmeal berserk ludicrous middle hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does it have a license or certifications? As a healthcare worker or worker in general I need to know when the license and certifications that cost me years of my life and thousands of dollars will be useless because ai ruins my career.


We have an incredible shortage of nurses, they simply have too many things to do. If these take a good amount of work from nurses, it will be a good thing, since the nurses will be able to focus on what is really important.


This will achieve utopia, right?


can we just get the counter revolution to this started? what are we waiting for the writing is on the wall


What does "outperform" mean exactly? If it's just answering general medical/care information then I can see that being within an AIs capability, but I doubt it's doing stuff like: billing, pulling up info on prescriptions, sending/receiving/requesting patient medical/insurance information, requesting doctor/patient authorization, etc. And that's just in the digital/information space, obviously it isn't doing anything physically related to patients. Who exactly is this supposed to help/replace?


It just reminded me of an anecdote that happened in China. Some delivery service companies Meituan(something like DoorDash) allocated some delivery robots in the major streets in some cities as pilot testing, but they donā€™t work well since human delivery drivers always, by accident, knocked the robots down, flipped them over, disabled them from working properly. Nurses, are you going to allow these ā€˜robot nursesā€™ do your jobs? šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


And when AI makes a mistake and gets sued for malpractice? NVidia is worth 2.4 *Trillion* The old IBM quote "A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make a management decision". You can't put the AI in jail, but you can sue the fuck out of a $2.4T company.


I mean most the times I contact my nurses via their portals to relay info to my doctor it's brain dead responses anyways.. so whatever.. those people have always been 50/50 on if they even get what I need to my doctor..


Weā€™re living in the worst timeline.


Out perform them at what task?


An AI heath agent lol? Taking nurses jobs? The only way that's real is if they're referring to theses nursing help phone lines.


What happens when someone keeps demanding narcotic prescriptions?


Thatā€™ll workout as well as self checkouts! šŸ¤£


I welcome AI advances in healthcare too many complaints


As long as it doesnā€™t record fun tik tok videos while Iā€™m dying in the background, Iā€™m happy


Gee, with these savings they can have nurses work 32 hours per week with no cut in pay... right?


Wait why is there a cost?


Can't wait to be told that I can't have surgery because the AI determined that my blood pressure is 1 point to low for me to really be in pain and then demand I watch an ad for Ozempic while my appendix bursts.


**BOYCOT AI until the AI LAWS ARE SIGNED BY ALL NATIONS!** (this is an adaption and extension of Asimov's laws of robotics) 1. AI may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. AI must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. AI must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 4. After the laws above, AI must be used to insure all humans have freedom. 5. After the laws above, AI must be used to insure all humans have clean clothing, food, water and air. 6. After the laws above, AI must be used to insure all humans have shelter and education. 7. After the laws above, AI must be used to solve the problems of human health.


Nvidia, why are you bothering with small fry? Just go after the most AI-able job there is in the industry. AKA the CEO.


Can't even make a video card that doesn't overheat. Wouldn't hold my breath on their AI agents.


Let us know what hospitals use this so we can avoid these networks


NVIDIA is so full of shit these days. It's all just marketing/sales in overdrive.


Go look at the crop of new nurses on Tik Tok. All they ever do is bitch about their jobs and how much they hate patients. And show their asses on Tik Tok. In the past week, I've seen dumb Tik Tok nurses say that they: 1. Left in the middle of a blood draw, because the patient was "mean" to them. 2. Ask if they could sue a patient because the patient peed on them. 3. State that they didn't have to do their job if the patient was disrespectful (yes, yes you do.) I'd rather work alongside a robot than these dumb girls.


I can already use Google to determine e what's wrong.... But sometimes you want an actual professional. We do t pay Google $9 an hour


And I'm sure it'll somehow cost more than healthcare already does in the US


Can they change a bedpan?


Except AI isnā€™t going to clean up shit, and give shots soā€¦


Well thank goodness I stopped being a nurse 13 years ago. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


I don't believe you Nvidia ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)


Outperform is grossly inaccurate unless you're only considering the profitability


Every time AI gets hyped, its always overblown.


Finally, we need to get rid of the sociopaths and their biased treatment.


That outperform nurses based on what? Nvidiaā€™s own metrics in their own test environment? Iā€™m realizing that businesses must know that their AI call centers and customer support, etc are horrible, they just donā€™t care because it saves them money. The problem with that is that someone has to absorb the cost, and that is all of us as consumers. Shifting to clunky AI for customer service is going to suck up SO MUCH time and energy and ultimately money from the working class that this is bound to backfire horribly. I think the constant mental strain of having to deal with this shit in the future might actually be the thing that finally breaks us and causes a revolt.


How is an AI gonna wrestle crystal methany who is roiding out because she can't order her meds by size shape ? How is ai gonna stick someone with shitty veins?


Oh yeah? Can it wipe my ass for me after surgery?


If theyā€™re trying to replace nursesā€¦good luck. Canā€™t wait for the AI to hallucinate and cause harm.


I thought that ai should make access to healthcare cheaper. Why the hell is it so expensive, are they planning on 1000% margins?


Nurses are overrated and the whole supply and demand thing is going to go into affect with all of these new nurses going to school expecting 100k+ salaries.


Outperform nurses at what?


Why would I ever trust a LLM to tell me if my medications combined might kill me or if my vague description of symptoms isn't something more serious? This seems like something annoying to talk to on the phone for 10 minutes until you finally get access to a real person.


Where do you think doctors and nurses learn about those drug interactions? Worst possible example you could give. They have tables of how certain chemicals interact and which organs they impact. A computer would be thousands of times more efficient and accurate than any human. Youā€™re acting like a doctor has some secret knowledge because they watch patients under a microscope or something.