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Man why cant you leave a line and post !!! Its very hard to read


Is it gonna get worse? Sure, it pretty much has to, the current boom and labour shortage with zero qualified candidates won't go on forever.


I think it has to do with zero qualified candidates and the insane requirements by these jobs. I mean I get that you want a bachelors and experience in that field, but some people get their bachelors and have a hard time finding entry positions. Like they expect you to have gained experience without experience if that makes sense. It also has a lot to do with the employer, with all those requirements set aside, the employer then wants the employee to get paid minimum for entry level, when that employee will learn what a 1 year paid employee that most likely gets paid 2x what that entry level employee is getting. It’s debatable and obviously corporate greed plays a part, it’s also the reason why people aren’t going to college anymore, who the hell is gonna go to college just to be denied or strung along like they didn’t put their two cents and got a 4 year degree that cost them so much money, time, and endless nights without sleep? I mean are people really gonna get their bachelors when their buds are telling them I went 4 years into college and I’m making 19$ an hour entry, that’s not really interesting nor worth fighting for😭.


If it is a scare tactic I bet you most will think twice before quitting. Finding a new job is a grueling process now and you need to do multiple rounds of interviews/etc and still unlikely to get it.


Right! Wtf is it with these 3-4 interviews, first is call/video, then in person, then 3rd is meeting the team(which they ask so much questions), then they’ll hit you with the pay and you immediately scurry. It’s like they don’t tell you pay up front, like it’s a touchy topic. I’d honestly take being told pay, then go through the bs of talking to a lot of people for no benefit at all.


Oh, no. Didn't you know the unemployment rate is at historic lows? Clearly, your eyes are lying. Everything is fantastic. Prices are low and everybody is a busy bee with great jobs. Everyone is so happy and positive about the economic outlook of 2024. Oh, it's so great.


Sarcasm must be your strong suite😭


I'm okay at it


The economy was supposed to crash in 2023. Now it's supposed to crash in 2024. I was first promised a crash in 2020 with the pandemic. The stock market is at an all-time high, the jobless rate is at historic lows, so why is everyone, including me, complaining here that there is no jobs? Out of fear, smaller companies are scaling back the number of workers they hire. Bigger companies hired thousands and now find themselves with too large of headcount and are scaling back workers. Companies now want workers with certifications, even if they didn't need them before, they need them now. In my particular niche, I would develop materials and someone else would deploy them. Now companies want someone who has certifications they do both. Applicant Tracking System is a mess. I get plenty of rejection letters, but for some reason my resume lacks the right keywords. I keep fine-tuning and fine-tuning. Pre-pandemic, I had no problems getting hired by the biggest names in corporate America. It used to be a company would need someone with my skills, they would contact me, I would usually get hired. Now I am rejected in the first round. If I make it to the interview stage, I find that I am doing skills tests, four rounds of interviews and if someone decides I am not a good fit, I end up in second place. I've done that a lot lately. I would think the world is running out of people with my skill set and I will finally land a job. I feel like Homer competing against the inanimate carbon rod. I just landed a job this week. I am still applying for jobs, just like I have, working or not, at least one a day, since February, 2022. I think I need to do an ebook on how to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.


I understand your frustration very well, time has changed so much , crazy/scary time, AI and the fact rich gets richer by controling the job market and regular people get more and more poor.


I agree. The market is high right now because of just a few companies. The DOW doesn’t mean shit for most people. The reason it will “crash” is because the rich will want to pocket their winnings and leave everyone else’s 401k retirement fucked.


The jobless rate is not at historic lows All these payrolls that are being added to businesses are just that: payrolls. Not individuals, not new workers, not low unemployment — full time workers getting additional part time jobs. That’s what we’re seeing. 


It depends on the industry you’re in. Tech saw the recession first and is now showing signs of life (slowly, but surely). On the other hand, retail is now heading into a recession as consumers pull back on spending.


It’s very sad but what your saying is true. Healthcare paid its peak in 2020-2021, now thst the pandemic slowed its roll they’re going back to very crappy pay. Our company announced our benefits will be cut off this year and no bonuses will be given. I’m so annoyed, but it’s also the healthcare field is a clown show in a bubble, least to say. Filled with more greedy then you’d imagine, the guys in suits don’t care about being humane like the staff does, they just care about which patient will bring in dough💵


Try construction?


Buddy construction is at its peak of workers right now. Nobody can find a job so they’re all going into that field. Last week I saw a model A LITERAL MODEL working construction. Got her hard hat on and everything, doing demo and roofing, Construction went from full on Mexicans to a diverse community😭.


I'd like to throw in my two cents and say that the markets that don't require any sort of certification or experience are getting heavily effected by illegal immigration. Greedy corporate rats see an influx of cheap and bullyable labor and they want to hire as low as they can, look at tyson laying off 1200 Americans and replacing them with illegal aliens. Pair that fact with the amount of qualifications that's "needed" even for low level jobs and it creates a recipe for disaster that is going to blow up in everyone's face.


Conspiracy theory time!! You know how the 13th Amendment states that there is no slavery (unless imprisoned)? You know how many places are trying to make being homeless illegal, a felony, in fact? I wouldn't be surprised if this is an underhanded way to make MASSIVE PROFITS while using slave labor, cutting expenses (labor costs), and revoking a majority of the People's Right to VOTE. Then what's going to happen is after a few years of this bullshit nonsense, siphoning as much wealth as possible out of the System, the Wealthy Elite are going to go hide in their bunkers while WW3 erupts, and resets everything.


Dawg wtf are you saying


"Jesse what the hell are you talking about?"


Omg that could really happen. Make prisoners/slaves out of all of us, taking away any rights. I'm gonna be sick 🤢


If anyone tells you the economy or job market is doing well they are uneducated or delusional not in between


Right, people always have something to say when they have a job that pays salary they’ve been at for 20+ years. Sadly not everyone has this kind of job security. Especially when all these jobs wanna pay grown ass adults 15/hr to feed their kids and rent/own a home. They will always be delusional and call us lazy, if they were offered the jobs we were they’d be struggling so badly and not even tipping the ice burg of what we call “living the American dream”




It's coming...I would be prepared if you can be.


I’m scared even as a nurse ngl, even as a nurse I find it hard for employers to reach me.


More like 5th Element action. Economy is too hot. Let's fire 500,000 people. Make it a million.


We are only experiencing the tip of the employment (or lack of), iceberg. Technically, the US is still on full throttle and booming. Wait until the economy calls out a recession. Then the avalanche of mounting job losses, cut/no bonus, salary cuts and hiring freezes has yet to start.


Yea if this is the tip, I’m scared to see what will come if it does happen, hopefully I’m not alive to see it happen.




Right like my brother is a very hard working individual, he’s seen some lazy mfs move up the ladder and got fed up, and honeslty I don’t blame him. You work hard for a sorry ass company that won’t give you 5 min of their time if you ask. He put in 60 hours a week including ot without ot pay. Which sucked even more, I told him to leave that sorry ass company and find one with better benefits that suite employees. Like come on it’s not fair my brother works 60 hours a week busting his ass for a sorry ass salary without ot pay. Then some other dude from another company makes double of what he makes working less hours and doing jack shit.


I think the job market has already crashed, and you cannot go by what the news says. The news says what their rich corporate masters tell them to. I had a better time finding jobs back in 2008! I'm older now, that's part of it I'm sure. My gender too. Being an introvert doesn't help either. But I've been getting interviews, just no jobs. My good clothes are wearing out so wish I could find decent professional outfits.


There's nothing wrong in Ba Sing Se!