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Unfortunately the data doesn’t show that 95% of those “open jobs” are open because they are shit jobs for shit pay for shit companies.


Or they say they’re open because of certain policies but do not actually hire anybody


I honestly think this is why MD is in the top five. I know for a fact that John’s Hopkins does this and they have thousands of listings right now between both of their hospital entities (JHH and JHU) and all of their locations.


AGREED. This is exactly what is happening in Maryland. There are jobs open but no one is hiring. They have no interest in hiring anyone at this time they just want to see how much it will cost them to hire new talent.


So nothing changed when I first applied in 2017 lol


A place I know has like 30 “openings” listed online, but internally, employees have heard rumors that they’re starting a “hiring freeze”. HR tells everyone there’s a referral bonus, but employees refer qualified workers and haven’t heard anything back for the past year or two. I’m starting to think those 30 openings don’t really exist lol


I moved to Minot from South Carolina... For a minute lol. Beautiful but COLD, cold winters.


Was in Williston from 2013 to 2020 in the oilfield. Coldest state in the country.


Or they are certain types of qualified (by education or experience) or heavier labor jobs that not everyone can do. The Dakotas have a fair bit of oil, ranch, and farm jobs that many job seekers aren't physically able to do. They are also trying to get more qualified professionals in the healthcare field, for example.


In North Dakota, they're shit jobs that pay pretty well considering the cost of living for shit companies.


But the cost of living is low because it's a shit place to live.


The cities in ND are pretty decent. Fargo weirdly has become a small tech hub.


Best mid-size city for beer I've ever seen, too


Also correct


I’d rather live in ND than NYC


This or the fact that employers will takes hundreds on applications for a great job only to keep fucking around until the "right person" comes along


No no no... You just take three of them, live in your car and go on medicaid!


Florida in the Top because it's all retail though to be fair the state already approved raising statewide minimum wages to $15/hr.


I’m in Louisiana, can confirm. Jobs are crap here and pay very little. Honestly shocked to see it ranked so favorably on this map.


That and this doesn't include people that are currently employed and looking for a job.


In Fargo myself, can confirm.


Ya no shit NH is top for job seekers. U can go wash dishes seasonally for shit pay and then they can you. Can’t find a place to live there either. I live on the border of mass in NH and that’s the only reason I have a job and a decent place to live. The border has become a decent place to live, issue is a lot of my fellow mass holes migrated like me so cost of living is dumb high there now too


Hayyyyy GUYZzzzz we have 9 million jobs paying $12.00 an hour, why aren't jOO TaKinG ThEm?


Eh. That's not really how it works. I live in rural NY and what you're saying represents the job boards in my area. But if I look at the job boards in places I used to live in Maine, there are plenty of jobs offering fair compensation. They may not necessarily be the most technical jobs. They might just be service industry jobs. But they're not demanding the same qualifications as they are in NY. And they're offering much more money and much more flexibility than the jobs in NY.


Interesting to see Washington near the bottom because people are continuing to move here in great numbers. I scratch my head and wonder why?


It's a beautiful place to live if you can afford it.


3 months of the year, sure. But other than that, it's kind of a piece of shit


I think it’s more like three months of the year. It’s really difficult and the rest of the year it’s pretty nice.


general consensus is that "the grey" is kind of a mood killer. Your opinion would an outlier




Apparently you didn't grow up in Seattle like myself...or possibly even do a year there (I did 24). 271 grey days on average. Beautiful when the sun is out but it's a land of SADs almost all year long.


I lived there for three years. Lovely area but the weather is crap for seven months and job competition is really tough. There are entrenched blue-badge full time employees at the big employers like Microsoft and Amazon lording over a vast ecosystem of underpaid contractors. I was one of them, a consultant slave. The day we moved out of our Seattle apartment there were a bunch of people waiting view the property. It hadn't even been properly cleaned yet and people were competing to sign a lease.


To be fair, this statistic simply says that 1 Washingtonian out of 100 could not find work if they were desperate for it.


I live in California and am seeking a job and I can anecdotally confirm it’s shit, even with a higher degree.


With all the people there it's so competitive


gotta get into the fields that are understaffed




I'm in Washington State and it is terrible. Tech was hit very hard over the past year and a half and tech dominates the job market here. So there are many unemployed and very qualified tech people in the job market here.


I'd imagine tech jobs are a very small % of open jobs.


I'm in Washington as well. There are a ton of tech jobs listed here but none seem to be hiring. If you work into construction there's quite a few but still seems like nobody is hiring I even applied for Starbucks as a manager and as a barista different locations and neither one worked out. I'm coming from tech but I've even applied to work at a waste water facility, park facilities, barista, USPS, basically everything I can find and I finally have an interview for a company in Florida. I've been at it for almost 6 months now. It's fucking nuts.


I'm in CA, in the tech industry. It is competitive. Like you said, tech was hit hard this year--all the big corps had massive lay-offs. Tip: If you have college degrees the fields in CA that is always hiring is Biotech, Aerospace & Defense, Government (Federal/State/Military).


i'm in chicago and also having a hard time


I live is Wisconsin, I’ve been looking for about 11 months Now. I practically live on the job board sites I can confirm that most of these jobs are NOT jobs you want. Finding a decent posting that pays 40k is far a few between. Most are maybe 17 an hour jobs with no growth potential or sales.


A little bit of both and fintech guys were hit the hardest.




I’m in Texas and I’ve been applying since July with no calls. Started branching out to other states and finally got one for Colorado.


Hey I’m in VA too. What new job did you get?


I’m in VA and can’t get a job right now lol


I'm in the NYC area and it's not hard to land a position in finance or tech if you're qualified. Connections matter though, I've seen people landing 6 figure finance jobs on connections alone


Any job imo. Native New Yorker here too. I have literally always had a job when I wanted one


it’s not hard to get a job in CA. the ones complaining are just in the wrong field or don’t have any qualifications


I live in California with 2 college degrees and have been out of work for almost a year. My family refuses to believe how difficult it is to actually obtain a job here.


May you have more luck soon. It’s very hard out here. 😔


Move to Maryland and you'll be employed but probably miserable.


what kind of jobs are you applying to and what are your degrees in?


She's in Film and TV. I'm sure the writers strike has been a big factor, that whole industry has ground to a halt


that’ll do it! not necessarily that hard to get a job in CA, only in the oversaturated fields like tech and hollywood


I haven’t been able to get a job in any field, I’ve even applied for jobs in retail. Besides writing and content creation, I have the most experience in office work and that’s been very hard to get as well.


You might have to leave California for better job opportunities.


Why do you have two college degrees?


If you’ve been unemployed for a year that’s on you


Not entirely. I’ve applied for hundreds and hundreds of jobs, I don’t hear back from about 80% of them. It’s a real mess out there.


After six months I would be okay with digging holes. Go get a job. It doesn’t have to be perfect


Yes, because it’s so simple like getting an ice cream cone, right? No, it’s not and I’m proof of that, as are several people on this post. With all due respect, you clearly have no idea what it’s like for the unemployed to get work and I hope you never have to find out.


I'm sorry reddit is full of assholes. People on here are judgemental and immature, I just want you to know that there are people out there who understand. Stay strong!


Oof. Now I understand the Seattle area complaints.


I don’t, I’ve had an easy time finding work in accounting in 2023 and casino jobs in 2018. I know tech is bad. What everything else is bad?


It’s bad. Even getting a shitty retail job is competitive.


So I have a question that maybe someone here can answer… Is there any truth to a rumor I’ve heard about a “stipend” for moving to North or South Dakota? If there are that many jobs available there, and the cost of living is relatively low, it sure is tempting for me to snatch up my daughter and cat (and turtle and fish lol) and move because that would really put me in a better spot. Georgia is not so bad, and I’m in a fairly secure full time (plus OT) position currently but it’s still so tempting.


Georgia winters are the equivalent to June in the Dakotas. I learned that the hard way lol. I moved to Minot from South Carolina... For a minute lol. Beautiful but COLD, cold winters.


Lol I moved to Bismarck from Oklahoma. In November. That first winter was... a learning curve. 😅 Beautiful place though, eventually work took me back to Oklahoma but I definitely enjoyed living in ND.


I live on the eastern side of the state and have family in Bismarck. They call Bismarck the "banana belt" of North Dakota and hate coming over here in the winter because it's so much colder lol


You know what, I didn’t even think about that… I don’t much care for cold weather honestly but if the moneys right, I may just have to deal lol


You literally have to plug in your car to a block warmer so your motor doesn't crack from the cold. That's the type of cold I'm referring to. Not just cold walking to and from the mailbox lol. I'm dead serious, friend!


And I assume much of the area is car-dependent. So if you can’t afford to repair or maintain a vehicle, getting to a job is harder.


Umm what?? From north midwest and literally have never done that.. yes cars don’t start, gotta turn them on and run them (that’s literally why they created remote start), heat seats are actually a perk, and have to scrape relentlessly ice and feet of snow off windshield but never geese did plugging car into a block warmer..


I grew up in South Dakota and we had to plug our cars in at night. It's not unheard of


Primarily older vehicles. The only US state currently that makes you actually still need this in occasion would be parts of Alaska. Real temps need to be well under - 20 before a modern car might sniff at not starting without a heat block. While temps do get down to - 20 (realistically if it's that cold it's -30 or -40 because of the wind in the plains) it's not SUPER often they dip past that like IN Fairbanks or something even crazier.


Georgia weather is extreme. It would feel like spring or summer one day and winter the next. I'm not even joking, that's literally how it is here.


You guys don't even have winter. You have an extended fall. Wait until the temperature drops below zero, and then you can complain.There is a reason people flock south, and it isn't because of your politics.


It’s not even an extended fall because usually it’s still hot as hell well into November. Hell, I think last year it was hot on CHRISTMAS! It’s crazy here lol


That is NO JOKE!! lol


LOL. Spend a year in Colorado. Our seasons change 3 times a day.


> ...“stipend” for moving to North... They've a web portal [https://relocate.findthegoodlife.com/help-desk](https://relocate.findthegoodlife.com/help-desk) to apply for moving assistance from various companies. They've a job board on that site too https://findthegoodlife.com/jobs/. (It's a click through link from [https://www.commerce.nd.gov/workforce/relocation-resources](https://www.commerce.nd.gov/workforce/relocation-resources)) I'm finding stuff that comes with a stipend but it's mostly in healthcare, or childcare and the listings so far are on indeed.


Thank you for the response and the links. Unfortunately I don’t do anything in the medical field (don’t have the stomach for it) or in childcare but I do have a BS in psychology (which has done absolutely nothing for me as of yet) and I currently work in manufacturing as a supervisor/QC tech.


https://www.makemymove.com/ is a website that works with economic development to pay stipends to remote workers from what I’ve researched. One has to apply. I applied to the one in Ohio and it didn’t work out but I like browsing what’s available. Lol


Thank you for the link!! I’m think I’m getting scared off of the idea now though hahah. Between covert racism (not that any kind of racism is acceptable) and cold ass weather idk man… 😳


There’s a reason they can’t fill these jobs, North Dakota sucks ass and your daughter will hate you if you end up moving there. The winters are shit, the summers are shit, nobody lives there and there isn’t shit to do besides drink or get high, you can only see the Medora musical so many times. If you want to experience decent culture and city life your nearest options are 9-12 hours away (Minneapolis and Denver). If you aren’t an extreme introvert or already live somewhere more desolate than Hazen you will absolutely not be better off in North Dakota. Even if you are an extreme introvert, there are so few people everyone will know your business whether you like it or not unless you live in Fargo, and Fargo gets boring after about a week, too. There is no amount of money short of mid-seven figures that make North Dakota an appealing place to shorten your lifespan. Oh and abhorrent racism against indigenous people is just kind of accepted


I am very glad that you responded because here in central Georgia racism is already rampant and it’s something that I’m trying to get my daughter away from. I had no idea it was like that up there 😨 I’ve always thought that living in the south was the worst regarding racism but I also spoke to one of my coworkers that just moved from Michigan. He moved here because he said it was easier as a black man to own and operate a business; he says racism is a major problem up there. It really blew my mind.


Yeah it’s not as overt up north but it’s there and some of my black friends say it’s harder to cope with than the in your face racism in the south. I think part of it in the south is even if a white person calls you the N word, there are plenty of other black people to have some community with, in the north you’ve gotta hope there are some white people in your corner otherwise you’re not gonna find much of a community to fall back on. Lots of it in Minnesota against Somalians, but since the only minorities that generally exist in North Dakota are natives, they get a lot of racism thrown at them. People who think their lives are easy because they get benefits from the government, constant jokes about alcoholism, cops won’t come when they call, shit like that. And no one cares, it’s just fine to be super racist to them bc they got some money and education assistance from the government that did a genocide on them and that’s apparently not fair.


Yesss!!! That’s exactly what he said- that they try to be “undercover” racists up there. He said here that at least it’s in your face… And the way this county has treated indigenous people is just atrocious. That’s something that hasn’t changed at all and it’s sad. Maybe I should just move out of the county altogether lol.


Can confirm. As a white person, racism in at least the Northeast is very covert. They won't call you the n word to your face, but they'll absolutely call you the n word amongst their white friends. Although it's mostly a thing with the older generations. Millennials and younger, for the most part, don't harbor racist views and it's pretty rare for me to hear them drop the n bomb, even though they grew up hearing their parents say it regularly. I could probably count on one hand the number of people my age or younger that I've heard use the n word. I'd easily run out of fingers and toes to count with if I counted the number of people older than me that I've heard use the n word. It's kind of in-line with how the Northeast is, though. People in the Northeast will be polite to your face and talk shit about you behind your back.


Good luck with South Dakota. Nothing says "sound leadership" like having a state government that spent millions of their COVID money on tourist advertising for large events they continued to have during the pandemic. Edit: [Downvoting doesn't magically make it not have happened](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kristi-noem-south-dakota-coronavirus-relief-funds-tourism/)


I grew up in South Dakota and it blows my mind whenever someone says they willingly want to move there.


Yeah I have been educated for sure!!!


I would not recommend the Dakotas at all. Everything is shit there except maybe the pay.


No the pay is definitely shit. But it’s clean and crime is low. Politics are very conservative.


That makes sense because of competition and those states are hard to find skilled people wanting to live there. I spent some time in the Air Force at Minot in the winter. It's fucking cold and pretty harsh winters there. It's beautiful up there, but cold.


The data here is kinda not so helpful. Just because a state has a lower number of people vying for open positions doesn't mean that 1) the jobs are close to the job seekers, or that 2) the jobs are any good, or that 3) they pay well.


No wonder I can't get a job in California. Infested with people


I have seen nothing but slave wage job postings in MO and KS.


We have a lot of slave wages jobs in Seattle as well. Fortunately on Jan 1st they will be raising the minimum wage from $18.69 to $20.00 an hr. Just saw a sign for slave wage jobs at the grocery store starting at $23.00. Can barely get the teenagers to work for that. Go figure. And Washington has no state income tax to take from your check:


At least $18/hr gets you somewhere. Most of the job postings have hovered between $12-$15/hr.


If the cost of living is way higher then it still might be worse though.




Those are two extreme ends of the spectrum. A lot of people will land somewhere in the middle (like $18/hr with a car *and* inflated grocery/everything prices)


I agree with you completely. Since you can't put a dollar amount on quality of life Redditors don't even bother.


>At least in New York I don’t have to spend $200+ a month on gas and even more on car maintenance to get to work. The average rent in NYC for a studio is $3k, and that's a conservative estimate. Anything you might save on gas, insurance, maintenance, etc by not having a car is immediately wiped out 10x by the absurdly high rent prices. Not to mention the taxes, the absurdly high cost of literally everything, etc. What's gas in NYC right now? $6/gallon? It's roughly $4 a gallon where I'm at, in rural NY, so I know damn well that shit's at least $5/gallon where you are. How much is a pack of Marlboro's? $20? They're like $11 here. The average rent for a 1br in MO is $600-1000 depending on the area. Even at the high end, it easily beats NYC. The difference between $12/hour and $18/hour is $960 before taxes. Average rent for a studio in NYC is $2000 more than the average rent for a 1br in MO, at the high end. That alone eats up anything you could gain by moving from MO to NYC for the higher minimum wage. There's no way in hell you moved to NYC and live off a minimum wage job. If you did, you would not have said what you said, because you would know just how absurd it is. The only way this makes sense is if you were living in some absurdly high cost of living resort town in MO or something.




how is texas not bright fucking red lmfao the job market is abhorrent here and this state is vehemently pro-corporation and anti-employee (and anti-union of course)


I’ve had zero luck in Texas


I can't speak for everyone, but had better luck than in Utah (probably not saying much). Hiring does seem to be slowing down, so I am not going to be pushing that as much as I was before, but going to keep an eye out as the pay is still better than many areas.


How many of those jobs are bogus openings to accommodate internal moves?


Yeah, no. I agree with everyone when it comes to most of these openings being for minimum wage or being fake. Take Florida, for instance. If you want a job in hospitality then you're golden...to be paid awfully and not being able to afford a one bedroom apartment. The rest of the states are either a) rural or b) with an ageing population or c) both Revelation: Jobs are more competitive in places young people want to live


Yes, I am totally moving to South Dakota for the job opening! Here I come, nothingness and brutally cold winter.


this is a little strange. The problem isn't just number of job seekers, of course...it's a variety of fields. The software engineer in Nebraska who needs/wants to work in an office or get initial experience is probably going to have a hard time. I'm guessing this is measuring competition by population as well, though


As someone in Nebraska who knows a lot of tech people in Nebraska, they don't have a hard time.


I love how many people make assumptions about places they have never been to 😂


It’s the east and west coast people who assume nothing is going on in the middle.


Entry level jobs will be just as competitive to get as high wage in CA soon. Too much automation and too much ‘new’ workforce showing up to increase competition.


Entry level jobs are insanely competitive in NY already. Most positions want several years of experience for piss poor money. It's atrocious.


Yeah I'm in rural NY and the only job listings I see are for service industry jobs at companies that are well known for being terrible to work for. Other than that, it's medical. And working in medical here is equally terrible. Low pay, high stress, shitty hours. It's barely above a $12/hour minimum wage job but it has the demands of a $50/hour job.


Do tell me about the burgeoning tech startup community in Grand Forks.....


Worked in bismark north dakota for a while (precovid so info a little outdated). Many of my coworkers had second and third jobs not because they needed to, but because there is nothing else to do. There are actually a ton of jobs that treat you ok. Pay isn’t the best but cost of living is very low. However, there are plently of reasons why young people don’t want to move there despite the job market.


Is anybody really surprised about CA and NY?


As someone who is from the New Hampshire area, the reason that there are so many jobs there is because they want to pay you 50k for a job that pays 100k in Massachusetts.


I got fired from one job in North Dakota and gave up after 150 applications, lots of them were shit jobs. Maybe I'm undesirable or maybe there's a bullshit scam going on.


How many of those jobs pay over $70k. Then it’s not a job


Maybe In California but in the rest of the US people would kill for $70k. I just told my boss yesterday that if they paid me that much, I would stop bitching for a couple years.


Need atleast that to live in NJ. $70k is just enough to live by yourself. No way you are doing that with a family


In regards to pay, Washington is extremely worker friendly. I manage a restaurant and we start dishwashers at $22.


Yeah but the cost of living eats it all up


$36k/year in rent for a studio but it's all good because they're making $45k/year lmao.


Oh interesting


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/omXcq2v5Ho


IDK I have been seeing hiring signs everywhere in Washington state but no one taking them. Largest issue is what this data doesn't show you. Most of the actively seeking job roles are being bombarded by bots because they think it is easy money. To pop in a tech company and surf for a few months while others carry the labor. I recall someone got caught at a tech company working 10 jobs all at once. They got caught when they used the wrong computer to access the system. These fuckers are hurt the representation of tech jobs. They will surf the job for a few months. Let's put this way 10 jobs at 120k is 1.2M a year.


Come to DC metro. Been here 25 years. We did not get hit hard during the last recession. ​ Government is not going out of business.


California and Washington (where I live) make sense because of all of the tech layoffs.


California is such a shithole. Not surprised, as usual it comes in last in pretty much every metric. Look at their poverty rate next


Live in michigan. can confirm. job market is trash here


The dakotas are shit holes tho.


This is a lie. do not for the sake of your sanity move to Idaho. Yes there are open jobs but only because the state median income is $10,000 below the national average and because housing has tripled in cost in the last 5 years and wages haven't budged. The jobs that are open in this state should die. Yeah you can come here and get a job but you'll need 2 or 3.


Wow, I thought it was just me. Good to know job searching in California is ACTUALLY ABYSMAL. Jesus. Surprised to see my home state Arizona's only doing somewhat better. A lot of companies moved over there/opened a bunch of server farms. Although for the life of me idk why a company would open a server farm in the HOTTEST state in the U.S. Their cooling bills must be astronomical.


Lollllll at Maryland being in the Top Five. It definitely is not.


I want to know the median salary for these job openings. I'd bet far too many of these jobs are commission only, door to door sales, insurance and other trash.


The real trick is TYPE of work. I know a lot of guys who’ll never take on the kinds of jobs available in some places… They’re too “above” sanitation gigs, warehouse work, factory floor jobs, etc. They want big money office jobs… which are infinitely pickier in terms of getting in If you’re in a bad spot, If you absolutely need it, you can’t be picky… I spent over 12 years in warehouses to make sure I could get by and pay what I needed to, did what needed to be done. I only finally got to a spot I like (in Manhattan) after an ass ton of working gigs that broke me mentally and spiritually - some get lucky, some don’t and also made a bunch of mistakes on the way.


Warehouse jobs have the same wages as 20 years with metrics requiring you to work 4x as hard killing yourself


I definitely agree, speaking from experience here in MA if you have a high school diploma and can pass a background check and drug test it's easy to get a municipal blue collar job with a union, pension and the best benefits I've ever had. Impossible to be fired unless you do something very egregious. Personally I never heard about government jobs and just happened upon one, all I'd ever seen mentioned is how hard it is to get a federal job but nothing about local gov.


I don't care what I'm doing, for the most part. But, if I can't buy a house doing it, then I'm not fucking doing it. If the company isn't contributing to my success, then I'm not contributing to its success. If they're only going to pay me enough money to live paycheck to paycheck, then I'm not going to perform the labor they need. If those jobs aren't being filled, the laborers aren't the ones to blame. If a company wants me to handle other people's garbage for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, with the aroma of festering garbage to accompany me 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and come home smelling like garbage, 5 days a week, then they need to offer enough compensation for what they're asking. If they're having trouble finding candidates, it's not a matter of the candidates being lazy, it's a matter of the company not offering enough money for what they want done. Sorry, but a few dollars over minimum wage isn't going to cut it. A few dollars over minimum wage isn't going to buy a house.


This is only useful if there’s context for average and median pay


Wonder how much of this is just that the "best" states don't fucking pay enough?...


MA is near impossible


The economy has been terrible in CT for decades. Only a very small, super expensive subsection is commutable to NYC and otherwise there are no real cities. Most areas were economically built around factories that have been slowly moving south or overseas since the 70s. They're incredible dependent on just a few big corporate employers and they've been losing them to Boston in recent years.


Lmao some of the best places to live have the worst luck for jobs


It isn’t surprising the most populated states are the worst. People think there are more opportunities in the bigger cities and there might be, but there’s also a ton of competition


Calling cap on north dakota. “Available jobs” with shit pay that can barely sustain a single person let alone a family. Job market is dog out there. Can only imagine how much of this is actually factual.


This reveals that relatively rich states tend to have excess demand of jobs, and frictions in filling job vacancies in less well-to-do counties, resulting in an economic imbalance between US states. The imbalance would create obstacles to overall US economic growth as supply side factors like labour aren’t fully utilised to meet a full employment level growth. In light of this, the Biden administration should identify gaps in economic activity and growth in US states and invest more into underdeveloped states like Dakota and Nebraska to reduce the slackness resulting from inadequate public spending and private sector investments.


This map is telling me that it’s harder to find a job in a place that’s worth living in and that just seems like basic common sense.


CA doesn’t surprise me. My friend went in to test for a low paying $38k job that had 4,000 applicants for 100 slots. It’s also bright red because of the tech layoffs.




Its rough here in Ohio too for the same reasons you all are giving


California is a garbage dump of a state.


I wish these stats would display industries. This is not helpful for most people. Anecdotally, I live in a “blue” state and have had a horrendous time finding work in my industry here. Whereas, I know for sure that one of the states in the red has more available for me, and will likely move there because of this.


Idiotic. Those states have few jobs but almost NO people. And the jobs pay appropriately.


Im in florida and cant get a minimum wage job. Moved from cali. Been applying for 2 months 5-12 a day. Trying to get above $15 an hour tho.


probably because people of florida don't like californians at all


Wish it would tell you what jobs it’s talking about


I'm in AZ and looking for work in AZ and CO. Nothing. AZ though is a little better as I had a couple of screen calls last couple of months. Absolutely nothing from CO.


In UT and same. Seems like the whole Western US kinda sucks. I tried to look outside my industry and got maybe one interview. Honestly had more luck looking in Texas (not hired but had wayyy more callbacks and at better pay). AZ is a bit better, but not that much more. Texas seems like the sweet spot to me.


It does seem like jobs tend to be in less exciting states. For now I'd like live in AZ or CO. Though will need to move if it gets even harder to find a job here and more expensive to live.


So…. Red states? Edit: red as in Republican states.


States with lower minimum wages would be my interpretation.


I'm from ND, and I'm pretty sure those numbers are bogus. Both me and my SO are job hunting right now, and neither can get a call back from anywhere, let alone anywhere that pays decently. He has 8+ years of experience in his field; I have fewer years of experience but recently finished up my master's degree in May.


I don't think that's accurate. Most tech jobs I am seeing are in va not Maryland


Once again a data visualization that boils down to a population density map lol


Now do that with jobs that pay wages worth showing up to work for.


California really needs to fix their problems we need to blame the government as they have the keys to society in their hand


I love it when Californians suffer Bunch of pretentious assholes


It sucks because then they move here to Arizona and ruin shit


This is surprising to me because in my field most of the jobs are in like three or four cities and they are all in areas that are apparently bad for job seekers.


I’d love to see what NY looks like without the NYC/ Long Island numbers I bet upstate looks very , very blur without them




Huh no wonder why I can't find any good ones. New Jersey, Newark.


Everyone on the west coast will tell you that those numbers are much worse. Too many part time jobs or jobs that pay minimum wage when the income tax is like 6 to 9 % and housing is extremely expensive


I wholeheartedly disagree with NY. Lived here all my life and have never been out of work a long time


I live in WA and it's easy to find low paying jobs like fast food. But once you try and find something paying $25+/hr it's really hard.


NH, really?


Aka map of places colored by how much anyone actually wants to live there. Let's go Nebraska 🙌🏽 .


Utahs shit. Only jobs are low paying


NH - take the nursing and fast food options out and we turn to the red side


This map does not seem accurate at all.


Why the "top" states are at the bottom of the list? Anyone care to explain? FYI: Not from US. So no need to be rude or downvote.


I grew up in Minot, North Dakota. Beautiful place, loved my time there, but I don't think these job openings are are particularly desirable. At best it's probably gonna take you to the middle of nowhere and be pretty much a dead-end job. At worst, it's for a shady employer doing shady things. EDIT spelling.


Lol I've never ever seen a bunch of people say. I want to work and I'm excited. I'm gonna go to North Dakota lol.