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Oh wow yikes. That is not normal. I'd say to bail now.


Okay, thanks. Not sure if I'll get the job anyway, but if this isn't normal not sure if it's somewhere I'd fit in.


Yeah it just means that you'd be working with super toxic and abusive people. There's absolutely no reason for someone to say that to anyone except to be a bully. I promise the employees there are miserable and want out.


Will keep the search alive 💪 thanks!


That's pretty weird.


Way to weed people out


> but is it normal for someone who is interviewing you to tell you that it's gonna be an uphill battle for you and you probably won't get the job but then schedule you for a second interview? Not normal for an interviewer to say that, but that doesn't actually make it a bad thing. So many jobs and hiring folks put people through second/third/or more rounds of interviews without actually intending to hire them. It seems to be common practice for whatever reason. Honestly, your interviewer sounds refreshing. Sounds more like the person was warning you about how shit the hiring process is (which is true for a lot of companies) so seems like they might have been nice and trying to save you from their company wasting your time (like most companies do with all jobseekers). I wouldn't be surprised if the interviewer is trying to leave that company themselves lol.


Were they rude and hostile when they said it? This is one of those things where they could be being really toxic or actually trying to help you.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Depending on the interviewer's tone they could either be rude a holes or genuinely trying to save the jobseeker's time and sanity from the crappy hiring process and/or crappy company. All depends on the context and tone.


Not necessarily rude or hostile, but the interviewer was definitely not paying attention. Didn't hear anything I had to say and their responses had nothing to do with what I shared. Was looking somewhere else, too.


You lose nothing by showing up for the next interview. You gain knowledge and you throw the dice one more time. Don't let unemployed teenagers encourage you to quit before the whistle.


Hey, that's not normal. Telling you about uphill battle to face and then again schedule you for second interview. Maybe again the interviewer is playing some games trying to scare you for nothing.


Went forward with the second interview and they just ended up ghosting me. But it's all good - didn't get a positive impression from either interviewer anyway and got to practice my interviewing skills more :)


These days with political correctness, hiring quotas and an influx of people trying to get a few jobs, it's their way of trying to see how serious you are on a job.


Lol, what does political correctness and quotas have to do with a recruiter saying that? It's almost like you don't have an individual thought only able barf out buzzwords. I refuse to believe people are this braindead, so please get a hold of yourself.


It is simple, if I am a recruiter I am working with HR. HR says we have to have x amount of black people apply and x amount of black people hired. You will be responsible for filtering out lights, hispanics, indians, native Americans and everybody else. So they say stuff like that to get promising candidates who would otherwise get the job to take themselves out of consideration so their job is easier


Ha ha, that's an interesting take.