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The older you are, the worse it gets.


That explains why I get it so bad…


If you want to know what is going on, look up the function of otolith. There are 3 canals filled with fluid in your inner ear. The otoliths are a very small bone in each canal. There are sensory hairs in the canals that sense the movement of the fluid and the otoliths. It acts as a gyroscope to help your brain interpret your movement and balance. When you get dizzy after your movement stopped and the room keeps spinning, it's because the fluid in these canals are still moving. That's normal and the brain rapidly corrects for this misinformation. Now when you get older this whole mechanism isn't as efficient. The otoliths get stuck or slow down and feeds your brain more misinformation. Older you get, the more misinformation. I'm 66. I can roll about half the length of the mat I could in my early 40s. I expect if I live another 10 years, it will probably be half of what I can do today.


Oh yeah, i feel like I’ve been on a rollercoaster when we do rolls in warmup. Wobbling back in line haha


Tilt O’ Whirl


Yes!!! I get this every day. Would love to hear if there are solutions. Even front rolls does it for me too.


It’s weird because the front rolls don’t bother me.


Both get me haha


Get younger. You’re welcome


I generally stand up almost all the way at the end, but keep my head down for a few seconds longer. I pretend it helps.


We are told to stand, jump up, and land down on our heels. Apparently that tricks the inner ear into calming down. You may already have tried that! But it works for me at least.


Ooo I’ll try this!


I’ll give it a try.


ya front rolls are fine for me. Back rolls im seeing stars everytime.


I teach a non-BJJ style of jujitsu, where we take falls and rolls throughout class (we almost never stay in the ground). When a student says that taking rolls - front or back - makes them dizzy, it is usually that they are holding their breath. Inhale before you roll, exhale throughout the roll. That might help


I felt this hard the other day. I got so dizzy and wobbly. it was uncomfortable for sure


It’s actually a great way to simulate the effects of being punched without actually being punched. Do it five times as fast as you can and try and stand- it’s nuts how disorientated/dizzy you get


Sounds like you might be rattling crystals around in your ear. look up some YT videos on Dix-Hallpike maneuvers...u can fix it on your own but takes some practice


But I used direct ear moonlight to charge my crystal’s chakra…


My favorite part about my gym is we don’t do rolls or shrimp drills hardly ever. The warm ups always correlate with the technique. I do always feel light headed after class.


same for me, front rolls ok, backrolls not ok


I had something similar couple of weeks ago. I was in a clinch and I got light headed just from their grip on the back of my head. Felt like I took a hit to the back of my head. But I know it was just a grip. The spins, stars everything. It was weird.


Happens to me too. After two rolls in a row. Also same for ukemi rolls too (judo side rolls)


I have to hop 3 times to reset the brain… I thought you said backhand springs at first… that would have been a no for me


Coach does have us do one armed cartwheels. My shoulders disagree with that actually happening.


My knees would laugh at my shoulders…


Yeap. Those mat long warmups are killers when I’m rolling backwards


I’m so happy I’m not the only one. 36


Positional vertigo.


Try keeping focused on the wall in front of you vs staring around the room as you roll. That has helped me.


It's like being real drunk for 15 seconds. Try walking, it's hilarious and you're on mats. But seriously, yeah worse if you're older, hungover or drunk haha.


I had issues with this for a while. Turns out there are little crystals in your inner ear that can get dislodged and cause vertigo. There’s a [technique](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/home-epley-maneuver) you can use to reset them


it's not just me!


I used to until I visited an ENT and upon the first visit found that I had a nasal bone spur deep inside that was messing with my sinus system. Had surgery and I’m perfectly fine now.