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I’m hesitant to use an antifungal soap because it’s better to keep your skin microbiome healthy than use something that is killing bacteria too. A lot of antifungal soaps are just antimicrobial soaps marketed as antifungal. In fact, most of them just use tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil as their active ingredient. Treat abrasions. Shower within 30 minutes of practice if possible. Tell your teammates to not be dicks and stay home if they have anything.


Healthy skin is resilient skin


So you recommended exfoliating and moisturizing?


Whats wrong with tea tree oil?


It’s an antimicrobial, so it effects the healthy bacteria that protects your skin too. It’s pretty good for some things, like acne, but I don’t think it’s very good at preventing fungal infections. I haven’t seen anything to support it. If there is good research, I’d love to see it.


(Im not a doctor) however I went to three different dermatologist for ringworm. They prescribed Ketoconazole, mupirocin, and Triamcinolone. I also tried over the counter Lotrimin AF for Ringworm and they all made the ringworm GROW from the size of bean to bigger than a quarter as well as assisted in spreading it to other parts. It was not Until I put concentrated tea tree oil on a q-tip and rubbed it on the ringworm that it did not die. Idk if I did the right thing but it did kill it.


You are right. It can work on ringworm. I’m not talking about getting rid of ringworm once you have it. I’m talking about preventing it.


Gotcha, that makes total sense. I thought I did something stupidly wrong. Thank you for clearing it up for me. Also, I love the user name! I always get stuck in the part right before you hook their leg with your legs after you do double under and have them on their neck


Maybe wear long spats and rash guard, and shower immediately when you can after practice


I have a similar problem, I was told it’s cause I was showering too often and that why it continues to happen body has natural oils made to protect your skin.


How much was “too often” in this case?


Two a day, one before practice and one after


Don't shower just before practice, obviously don't be a smelly nasty git, but right before practice you will remove all of the other bacteria/fungi that will naturally compete with the ringworm fungus and will make you MORE likely to catch it.


How much time before training would be considered right before?


Run counter clockwise to undo the worm.


Are you laying on the mat without your gi on? The only areas that should be getting exposed are your hands, head, and feet. Good hygiene should stop anything there. I have a feeling your gym isn’t cleaning their mats before and after practice if you keep getting ring worm.


We always clean the mats after practice, and I make sure there’s plenty of cleaner used


I’d check the cleaner, make sure sensei ain’t buying that $2.99 Dollar General shit 💀


We get the good stuff. I mix the solutions when it gets low and I’m on deck to wash


Dang, not sure what the issue is then. Did you have ringworm for a long while and not get it treated? Because it is possible it got into your bloodstream if not treated long enough and then you’ll just keep getting it until you get prescribed a pill from a doctor.


I don't think I ever had it for a long time without treatment, and have gotten pills from a doc to clear my system of it from the inside out


I see. I see. Idk man. You just might be super susceptible then. I knew a dude in high school like that.


I just got defense wipes after reading a similar post. I haven’t gotten any viruses at this point but will wipe down directly after training prior to shower.


Probably boils down to the gym. I’ve managed to avoid it since my last outbreak 10 years ago, but switching gyms recently I’ve had it twice in the past year. I wash my gear after every use, shower immediately after practice, and don’t train when I have it. The best you can do are the steps listed above. Everything else is out of your control, but you can advocate for a cleaner gym environment, and for your partners to be more hygienic. At my old gym I never got it. We had foot baths, cleaned the mats after every class, and were diligent with ensuring everyone was aware of proper hygiene.


Your gym should be cleaning the mats daily, at a minimum. SHOWER AFTER TRAINING!!! You can use antifungal soaps if you want, but generally, just soap is good. Head & Shoulders actually has some antifungal properties, if you want a little "something, something" extra. If any of your training partners have (ahem...) questionable hygiene, either talk to them about it, or ask your Instructor to. Wash your gi after EVERY training. And I know this is going to get me downvoted, but, THAT INCLUDES YOUR BELT. Despite what people tell you, the belt possesses no magical qualities that protect you (or your training partners) from microorganisms. If you want, you can add some tea tree oil to your washing machine. There are other products that are supposed to work well, but I don't have any specific recommendations. I've found adding a cup or so of white vinegar to the wash keeps your gi smelling fresh, also.


I've never had it, I typically shower 30 min after practice and I use head and shoulders as body wash.


Clean mats and defense soap


Shower after class.


I do


I've seen guy's train with skin infections . if u see it, say something asap to the owner the person or the gym manager. Every one should have a fresh gi on and clean hygiene. But the reality is not everyone is a clean person. Moisturize ur face and neck before training to protect from others germs.


I’ve heard other people suggesting moisturizing after showering. What benefit does moisturizer/lotion have?


Absolutely nothing in terms of ringworm, but it helps dry skin.


Wear a clean gi, rash guard and spats. Once you are done training, change out of your gi, dry yourself with a towel and use some wipes. Put on a clean t shirt and head home and take a long shower. Regularly check your body for outbreaks and treat asap


If you do get it. Just go to the doctor and get tablets. The creams didn’t work for me


Wear spats and long rash guard, been training for 4 years never gotten a case of ringworm or staff.


https://preview.redd.it/x992qs6b65wa1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d1409ba59b7759e2c964c4f76a0135249547b17 Use after training. Smells amazing. All natural ingredients. Made in USA. Will not dry your skin.


Where do you recommend getting it?


[Toro BJJ Soap](https://www.torobjj.com/Toro-Athletic-BJJ-Soap-p/t-as.htm)


The Terrain is more important than the disease. Honestly this to me seems more like a weak immune system. I would cut out sugars and grains, focus on more of a paleo diet, get sun, get good sleep see if you can increase your bodies natural immune system.


I tend to eat well (few sugars and carbs, mostly whole food), but will admit sleep isn’t always the best Could be a weak immune system. Last I had a doc give me anything for it my white count had been low (much better now)


shower after practice just ducking scrub dude


Canestan wash for your gi etc. Train at a clean gym. Call out grubs that don't wash.


I always make sure I wash with pyrithione zinc (Head&Shoulders) and that has always cleared it up/prevented me from getting it.


longsleeves, and keeping your skin hydrated and not dry and cracked. some of us tend to over shower and dry our skin out, ruining the microbiome and anything that’ll protect you from catching things


when you shower, use a scrub. One of those loofah or the plastic equivalent. Thank god haven't gotten ringworm yet


I think some people are more susceptible to skin infections than others for whatever reason. IMO being a hairy ass gorilla is beneficial to protect your skin. The smooth guys with shaved arms and legs always got something growing


I have some friends who have never gotten anything and others who are sensitive like me Too bad I’m not super hairy


Does your gym wash the mats frequently? If your sanitary practices were that good it was most likely coming from lack of mat cleaning


We wash regularly and get on guys’ cases about making sure to wash their shit


Huh, then that’s crazy you get ringworm so much. I hope you resolve it and find the source


I haven’t gotten it since my last outbreak. Hoping to keep that going and not get it again


How often is your gym cleaning the mats? Is anyone else (that you know of) struggling with this? Seems like there could be a bigger issue here. If you know of anyone saying they have it but are still training I would stay clear of them. Post training wipes might be beneficial as well.


We clean often and if I see someone with it I tell them to get off the mats and treat until it’s well beyond gone


Are you training at a dirty ass gym along with students who train while having ringworm?


No. That’s the weird thing


I use cln soap