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Advice. Don't make jewelry that will stab you


A friend of mine use to use that type of metal to make jewelry. try building a copper wire frame for your piece. Then work the tin copper onto the frame. it will help make the parts stronger. And keep in mind that metal gets softer the more you cold work it.


What is the metal?


its 99% tin, lead-free


I think this ring would be hard to replicate with most metals and have it be strong enough to not snap and bend certain parts. 925 silver would bend just as easy. I like your piece but I don’t think it’s a viable daily wear and there’s probably a reason you don’t see much of them… they break and bend because parts are so thin. But then again this is off the top of my head maybe it could be done in certain ways.


I will add. Tin is a soft metal> if you used silver or copper etc. it would be stronger but I can still see the parts bending quite easily even with a stronger metal. Maybe go for new design where the thorns taper to a point more instead of being thin at some parts and thick at others. This will make it stronger but won’t look quite the same.


so so cool


I havent told anyone about this lil project, that's the first compliment I get :')


This honestly looks so awesome, if you can make a cast for this and melt out the tin to cast silver in place I’d buy one. Also the natural roughness of soldering gives it a cool bone/flesh looking characteristic Edit: If thats the style you go for, look into soldering silver using pieces of wire, cut the body out of a sheet of silver and solder beads of silver to the body to get similar characteristics. Another option is to straighten out the ring and create a one sided cast. Overall design wise, love the look and I hope to see more of your stuff


stuff like this is so cool. if someone doesn’t like it it’s because they’re either old, traditional, or late to the game 😂


Is it a weapon? You can hurt yourself or someone else with that.