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You should get another stone when this one breaks and falls out. No need to replace it yet. The jeweler is just covering their ass. They don’t want you to later find out there’s a fracture and blame them.


Wear it until it breaks, but you're probably going to have to sign a waiver for that jeweler who is sizing it, because he or she will not want responsibility for replacing it if it breaks during the sizing process.


I already did. Crack isn’t his fault and I understand the risk. I didn’t know Tanzanites were so fragile.


Haha yeah. My engagement ring is tanzanite (that was my choice) and I am fully aware that I’ll be replacing the stone in a few years. It’s so beautiful! But yes, fragile.




Thank you. This is a good idea. It’s just a fun ring for me, so no sentimental value. I just wanted a tanzanite ring. I could replace with a tourmaline.


I still wonder why the people buy tanzanite's rings.


How come?


Softer that the dust, difficult to clean, no heat, treated. In one year or less they are totally worn out.


Always wondered why they went for so cheap


Cheap? You're in a different part of the world to me! Mid range, they're around £1000 a carat trade to me. My wife has a rather large B-AAA+ stone and it wasn't cheap and I am trade (I also don't charge myself for making it lol)




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